CHARMED 7X12: EXTREME MAKEOVER: WORLD EDITION ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 01/23/2005 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by: CAMERON LITVACK Directed by: LEVAR BURTON Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-LV HDTV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: In a last ditch effort to stop the Avatars from transforming the world into Utopia, Kyle aligns himself with Zankou to use a paranoia crystal on the Charmed Ones. Kyle gets close enough to the Avatars and successfully kills Beta with his Avatar vanquishing potion, but not before he gets killed himself. With their powers diminished, the Avatars quickly change plans and against Leo's reservations, cast the spell to include the Charmed Ones in Utopia. ========================== CHARMED 7X12: EXTREME MAKEOVER: WORLD EDITION ========================== FADE IN: [Scene from 7X11: Ordinary Witches] [INT. MANOR - FOYER / MAIN HALL - DAY] (Kyle Brody steps out from the sitting room into the Main Hall) KYLE BRODY: You son of a bitch! (Leo turns around.) [SLOW MOTION] (Kyle throws the potions bottle at Leo.) ROSE MCGOWAN (NARRATOR): (v.o.) Previously on "Charmed" ... [Scene from 7X11: Ordinary Witches] (Piper is unfrozen. She turns around to stop the vial from hitting Leo.) PIPER: Watch out! (Leo turns and looks at Piper.) (Cut to: Alpha and Beta are there.) ALPHA: This vial contains an ancient potion that kills Avatars, Piper. Which means that someone must have told Agent Brody that Leo is one of us now. LEO: Paige. ALPHA: Agent Brody is not the only problem that we face. [Scene from 7X10: Witchness Protection] [INT. UNDERWORLD - CAVERN] (Demonic particles swirl around and converge into Zankou.) ALPHA: (v.o.) Even as we speak, the demon Zankou is mobilizing the underworld ... [Scene from 7X11: Ordinary Witches] [INT. MANOR - FOYER / MAIN HALL - DAY] ALPHA: ... to try and stop us as well. [Scene from 7X10: Witchness Protection] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY] (Zankou stands in the middle of the attic.) ZANKOU: It's good to be back. TRIQUETRA FLASH TO: [INT. MANOR - PAIGE'S BEDROOM - DAY] (Paige talks with Piper.) PAIGE: The Seer told us something about the Avatars? PIPER: According to Phoebe, it was good. [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM - DAY] (Phoebe smiles as she sees her vision.) [EXT. SCHOOL FRONT - DAY - PHOEBE'S VISION] (An older, long-haired Phoebe stands in front of the school.) (Cut to: Phoebe kneels down in front of a young girl.) (VISION) PHOEBE: What did I tell you about the demons? They don't exist anymore. Not since the Avatars. (End of Vision.) (With her eyes closed, Phoebe smiles.) [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM -- DAY] (Phoebe talks with Leo, Piper and the Seer.) PHOEBE: Kyle wants to destroy something that could potentially be really great. [Scene from 1X09: There's Something About Leo] [EXT. ROOFTOP - NIGHT] (After a romantic dinner, Paige and Kyle Brody kiss.) FADE OUT END OF PREVIOUSLY ON FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Paige is standing in front of the Book of Shadows copying something down. Camera pans past the potions table filled with various bowls and ingredients.) (There's a knock on the door.) KYLE BRODY: (o.s.) Hey. (Paige looks up and sees Kyle walking into the attic.) KYLE BRODY: I, uh, let myself in if that's okay. (Paige walks over to him.) PAIGE: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Sure. Of course. Hey. (She kisses him.) KYLE BRODY: Hey. PAIGE: How are you? (She turns and walks back to the potions table. The potions pot in the center of the table is frothing with white smoke. Paige is in the middle of making a potion.) (Kyle turns and notes that Paige is busy.) KYLE BRODY: So, uh, what's goin' on here? PAIGE: Just scrambling. We've been, uh, on quite a roll knocking off these demons thanks to the Avatars. (Paige mixes the potion in the pot and continues to add more ingredients to it.) KYLE BRODY: (not impressed) The Avatars? PAIGE: Yeah. They're been great helping us to find these demons. We can't pick 'em off fast enough. KYLE BRODY: I guess that's why you haven't returned any of my phone calls. PAIGE: I'm sorry. I just assumed that you knew. KYLE BRODY: Knew what? PAIGE: Well, that I'm helping them. KYLE BRODY: Create Utopia. Right. PAIGE: Is that a bad thing? Look, I thought when we figured out that they didn't kill your parents ... KYLE BRODY: Look, it doesn't mean that they're still not a threat, Paige. PAIGE: Come on. KYLE BRODY: It doesn't change the ten years I spent learning who they really are or why people fought them off for thousands of years before us. PAIGE: Haven't we been over this? KYLE BRODY: Obviously not enough. PAIGE: Actually, you know what, Kyle? I think we have. I am sorry that you don't or won't understand. But my sisters and I, we actually do ... (Kyle sighs.) ... everything. Everything the Avatars have said or done has been totally legit. They didn't force this on us. It's something we really want for everybody. KYLE BRODY: All right. All right. So how's this gonna happen, the change, I mean? (Paige heads back to the Book of Shadows.) PAIGE: Well, they, uh ... they're gonna help us write a spell. KYLE BRODY: What kind of spell? PAIGE: I don't know yet. KYLE BRODY: You don't know. They're getting you to remake the freaking world and you don't know? PAIGE: I've been a little busy. KYLE BRODY: It's kind of a fundamental question to ask, don't you think? PAIGE: I think it's more important to get rid of as many demons as possible. KYLE BRODY: Well, did you at least check with the Elders? PAIGE: No. I don't think they would understand. (She kisses him.) PAIGE: If you'll excuse me, I have one more demon to go after. Okay? (Paige orbs out leaving Kyle alone in the attic. He looks around making sure that he's alone. He walks over to the Book of Shadows and flips through it.) KYLE BRODY: (mutters under his breath) Come on. Elders, Elders, Elders. (He finds the page on THE ELDERS. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, concentrating.) KYLE BRODY: I beg you, if you can hear me, I can help you stop the Avatars. I still have a vanquishing potion. (He takes a deep breath.) (Suddenly, the floor under his feet opens up and pulls him down into its depths.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE -- CONTINUOUS] (Kyle falls through the ceiling of Zankou's cave. Zankou walks up to Kyle.) KYLE BRODY: Are you an Elder? ZANKOU: (scoffs) Hmph. Hardly. FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE] (Kyle stands in Zankou's cave as he talks with him. Laygan and the other demons are with him. Zankou approaches Kyle. Kyle backs away from him.) ZANKOU: You said something about a vanquishing potion? KYLE BRODY: How did you know about that? ZANKOU: Same way I knew to bring you down here. LAYGAN: We intercepted your little cry for help. (Zankou turns around and looks pointedly at Laygan.) LAYGAN: Sorry ... Zankou. ZANKOU: About the potion ... KYLE BRODY: Uh ... yeah. It won't kill you ... not unless you're an Avatar. ZANKOU: Which is exactly why I want it. See, you and I have a lot in common. We both wish to stop what they're trying to do. We both desire to keep things as they are, yes? In order to do that, we're going to have to work together. With the Avatar's help, The Charmed Ones are decimating our ranks. We must stop them before they find us, too. KYLE BRODY: I'm not helping you hurt the sisters. ZANKOU: I don't want to harm them. LAYGAN: (interrupts) At least not yet. (he glances at Zankou) I mean, uh, we need them to help stop the Avatars, right? (Zankou walks over to Laygan and gently rubs his bald head.) ZANKOU: Remind me why I tolerate you again. LAYGAN: Because you're running low on demons? KYLE BRODY: Look, I don't know what you guys are getting at, but I think you've got the wrong idea here. I'm not gonna help you. I can't. I won't. I mean, you're demons. ZANKOU: Yes ... yes, we are ... which makes us for better or worse fundamental to the grand design. It keeps things in balance. It gives the necessary contrast to all that you covet ... to all that is good ... and therein lies our mutual problem. You see, without the one, there can't be the other. Without evil, there can be no good ... and that is why I think you want to stop the Avatars just as much as I do. KYLE BRODY: Okay ... How? ZANKOU: Your potion can kill one of them which might just weaken the rest enough for us to kill them. The problem is the Avatars have insulated themselves now. Only the sisters can get to them and only you can reach the sisters. KYLE BRODY: I'm not going after Leo again. Paige will kill me. ZANKOU: He's not the only Avatar. KYLE BRODY: Still, they're never gonna let me use the potion on anyone. LAYGAN: Well, we can help that. ZANKOU: If we work together. (Still, Kyle is hesitant.) KYLE BRODY: I can't. (Laygan chuckles. The other demons start fidgeting. Zankou walks up to Kyle and stops right in front of him.) ZANKOU: You will. (Zankou flames out. Startled, Kyle ducks at the sudden burst of flames as Zankou vanishes out of the cave.) CUT TO: [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - STUDY - DAY] (Alpha and Gamma are in the study. Paige is sitting at the table writing out the spell. Gamma carries a book over to Paige.) GAMMA: The problem is his powers go beyond the physical. Zankou has the gift of prescience as well. He anticipates where we'll be looking for him next. PAIGE: Yeah, but on the other hand, we've already gotten most of the high-level demons. Isn't that enough? ALPHA: No. We shouldn't go through with this until we can find him. GAMMA: Although we might not have a choice. The planetary alignment is correct for the change. The longer we wait - ALPHA: We still have time. We must keep looking. PAIGE: Why? You said yourself, "we're not going to be able to knock off all of the demons beforehand, there will be others." ALPHA: But Zankou poses a unique threat, one that could bring enough conflict into Utopia to undermine it, and he's determined to do everything in his power to stop us. PAIGE: (sighs) He's not the only one. (Paige stands up.) Um, just out of curiosity, the spell that we're gonna cast, what exactly does it do? Unless you don't want us to know. GAMMA: We have nothing to hide, Paige. PAIGE: Then I'm all ears. ALPHA: The spell will put everyone to sleep, but only for a few hours ... just long enough to erase the mind-set of duality, of good and evil. GAMMA: To allow the original design, that which every human being has imprinted in their hearts to take hold. ALPHA: Utopia. PAIGE: So we go to sleep, too? CUE SOUND: (o.s.) ORBING (Before they can answer, they hear orbing sounds coming from the next room.) PHOEBE: (o.s.) Hello?! Anybody home?! (Paige heads for the door. Gamma and Alpha follow.) [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - HALLWAY / GREAT HALL - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Paige steps out of the study and heads for the Great Hall. Piper, Leo and Phoebe have just arrived.) PAIGE: Yeah? It's about time. (Piper and Phoebe both have hand towels with them. They wipe off the guck on their hands and clothes.) PHOEBE: We weren't gone that long. Besides, we must have vanquished, what, like six or seven upper level demons? PIPER: And a bunch of other disgusting things. LEO: Grimlock eggs. PIPER: Disgusting! PHOEBE: Doesn't matter, 'cause after tomorrow, we won't have to do this anymore. We're done. ALPHA: We still have to find Zankou first. LEO: What if we can't? PAIGE: Then we, unlike the rest of the world, will not be taking a catnap. PIPER: Catnap? What do you mean? PAIGE: A little something they neglected to tell us. ALPHA: It's just the mechanics of how the spell works, to put people to sleep so that the transformation can occur. PAIGE: Well, I, for one, am damn well not going to be taking a nap. PHOEBE: Paige, what's going on? PAIGE: I want to make sure we've really thought this out. PIPER: Well, we've had this conversation about a dozen times. I mean, there's only so much we can know and the rest is a leap of faith, one I thought we were all ready for. ALPHA: If it helps, Paige, we never intended that you or your sisters would join the others until much later. PAIGE: Why? LEO: Because there'll still be straggler demons, the ones that live and walk among us. GAMMA: Ones you'll nevertheless need to vanquish though, so that conflict doesn't seep back in. PHOEBE: So we still have to fight demons? GAMMA: They will be easier to spot while the others are asleep because they won't be. ALPHA: But it shouldn't take long and then it will be up to you to decide when you're ready to make the change. (Phoebe looks at Paige.) PHOEBE: You okay with that? (Paige looks from the sisters over to the Avatars.) PAIGE: (gruffly) Yeah. Yeah. I guess so. (Paige walks away.) LEO: What about Zankou? PIPER: I think I know how to find him. (Piper walks past the Avatars toward the study.) (Phoebe hooks her hand around Leo's arm.) PHOEBE: Will you give me a lift? I want to make sure I get my last column in. PAIGE: "Last column"? PHOEBE: Well, yeah. How much advice can a world with no conflict need? I may be out of a job. PAIGE: You okay with that? PHOEBE: (smiles and nods) I've got better things to look forward to. (Leo and Phoebe orb out.) (Paige is left with the Avatars.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE] (Three Celerity demons appear in the cave.) KAZL: What are we doing here? (Over on the far wall, Kyle turns and sees them. He recognizes the instantly as the three demons who murdered his parents in 7X08: Charmed Noir.) KYLE BRODY: You murderers! (He rushes toward them. One of the demons standing on the side, restrains him.) KYLE BRODY: Gah! Let go of me! Let go! ZYKE (CELERITY DEMON 2) : What is this? ZANKOU (AS CELERITY DEMON 3): This is his revenge. (Celerity Demon 3 morphs back into Zankou. Zankou steps away from them and turns around so they can see who he really is.) KAZL: Zankou? (Zankou hurls two energy balls at them, destroying the two Celerity demons. They disappear in a plume of fire and smoke.) (Kyle appears shocked. Zankou turns and looks at Kyle.) ZANKOU: They were the ones who killed your parents, weren't they, the ones who really did it? You owe me for doing something you could never have done without me ... and you will repay me by doing something I can't do without you. (Kyle stares at Zankou knowing he's going to help them. After meeting his gaze, Zankou steps away from Kyle.) CUT TO: [EXT. THE BAY MIRROR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - PHOEBE'S OFFICE - DAY] (Phoebe is standing behind her desk clearing out her in-box, throwing things in the trash bin.) (Elise walks into Phoebe's office and stops as she sees Phoebe clearing up.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Are you leaving us? PHOEBE: I'm sorry? (Elise taps Phoebe's column in her hand.) ELISE ROTHMAN: "The grass is greener." Kind of a good-bye column, isn't it? PHOEBE: (chuckles) No, not necessarily. (To cover, Phoebe goes back to clearing her desk.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Phoebe, I've been doing this a long time. I know how to read between the lines. (Phoebe looks at Elise.) Come on, talk to me. PHOEBE: Okay. Uh, it's just that things change. You know what I mean? Life changes. ELISE ROTHMAN: Don't you like your job anymore? PHOEBE: Of course I do, Elise. I love my job, you know that. ELISE ROTHMAN: But ... PHOEBE: But like I said, things change ... for the better, though. You'll see. ELISE ROTHMAN: No, I don't understand. PHOEBE: Um, okay. Have you ever gone through a period in your life where all you can think about, all you want to do is just get away from it? ELISE ROTHMAN: When I was married to my ex. James L. Connors. What a shmuck. PHOEBE: Okay, and you were able to move on from him, right? Rebuild your life, even though at the time, you probably thought you couldn't. ELISE ROTHMAN: Yeah ... PHOEBE: Okay, well, it's the same thing. That's what I'm talking about. One door closes and another one opens. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith. ELISE ROTHMAN: Phoebe, I don't -- PHOEBE: I promise you, Elise, this is gonna be great for everyone. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing it. ELISE ROTHMAN: Do what? (Phoebe puts the papers in her hands into the trash. She smiles at Elise.) PHOEBE: I gotta go. (Phoebe walks around the desk toward Elise.) ELISE ROTHMAN: No. Wait. But you -- (Phoebe grabs Elise and hugs her enthusiastically.) PHOEBE: Thank you, Elise. Thank you for everything you've done for me. (Phoebe lets her go and heads out of her office into the bullpen.) [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - BULLPEN - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Phoebe steps out of her office.) PHOEBE: Good-bye, all of my dear, beautiful friends. I will see tomorrow when a bright, new sunshiny day begins! (She walks over to her assistant and gives her a hug. Elise watches, completely taken aback by Phoebe's odd behavior.) PHOEBE: Michelle, you are the best. (Phoebe turns and hugs Donald.) PHOEBE: Donald. Donald, I gotta tell you, you ... you are the man! (Donald chuckles as Phoebe rushes over to Craig.) PHOEBE: Craig, I've ... well, we never really liked each other, did we? (Craig shakes his head.) Oh, well, that'll all change. (As Phoebe heads for the door, she bids a fond adieu to the bullpen.) PHOEBE: Until tomorrow, everyone! VOICE: (o.s.) What's going on? (Phoebe leaves the office.) PHOEBE: Ta-ta! (The office door swings shut behind her.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Piper is standing in front of the Book of Shadows, a notebook and pen in her hand. A distance behind her, Paige is reclining on the chair staring out of the attic window.) PIPER: We used to find The Source, it might work on Zankou, considering they were working so closely. (Piper waits for a response. Paige says nothing.) PIPER: Paige? Are you listening? PAIGE: (distracted) Yeah, that sounds great. PIPER: Well, it would if you were listening to me. (Paige stands up and heads over to Piper.) PAIGE: Sorry. It's just a big change. PIPER: I know, and you know what? It's okay to be scared. I'm a little antsy, Phoebe's nostalgic, and you're scared. That's how we do things. PAIGE: No, I'm not scared. Fine, maybe a little. PIPER: Okay, why? PAIGE: Well, because Kyle still thinks the Avatars are a threat, (She shrugs.) ... and he's asking some pretty damn good questions ... (Paige starts pacing.) PIPER: And you trust him, so you trust those questions. PAIGE: Exactly. PIPER: Okay, I admit it. I have asked myself those same questions about a hundred times, but we have the answers now. We're not going in blind. PAIGE: What are we going into? PIPER: Apparently, what we've always wanted for the past seven years. We've been saving the world, being told that it's our destiny. Maybe this is part of our destiny. PAIGE: (scoffs) Bringing in Utopia? PIPER: Putting an end to all this Good vs. Evil crap. I, for one, am tired of sleeping with one eye open wondering which demon is gonna finally get me or one of my sons. PAIGE: I've wondered the same thing. PIPER: Well, you shouldn't have to and neither should Phoebe. PAIGE: It's just Kyle. He has good evidence, and his hunches, they've been right so far. PIPER: Okay, but all of these hunches are based on a myopic point of view. He's been trying to get even with these people his entire life. The fact that they're innocent is besides the point as far as he's concerned. PAIGE: I know. PIPER: We deserve this opportunity, Paige. We've earned it. Now let's go find Zankou. (Piper heads out of the attic. Paige turns and follows her.) ZANKOU: (v.o.) You must be very careful with this. CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE] (Zankou picks up a small box.) ZANKOU: Use it only exactly as I say. KYLE BRODY: What is it? (Zankou holds up a small black-colored crystal.) ZANKOU: Put simply, paranoia. A sorcerer once brought down an entire empire with this, just by touching a little witch. It spread of course, as paranoia is wont to do ... and I'm betting it will do the same to the sisters. KYLE BRODY: I told you, I won't harm them. ZANKOU: I'm not asking you to. I just want you to make them a little scared, uncertain. LAYGAN: (enthusiastic) Delusional. (Kyle and Zankou turns and looks at Laygan. He stops smiling and quiets down again. Kyle turns back to Zankou.) ZANKOU: Only long enough for the Avatars to be concerned that something is not right, draw them out into the open. KYLE BRODY: So I can use the potion. ZANKOU: Precisely. Don't worry. You'll be immune to its effects since you're not a witch. KYLE BRODY: How do I know that you're not gonna try and harm them anyway? (Just outside the lair entrance, they hear demons scream. Zankou, Kyle and the other demons turn and see the flames of a demon vanquish.) (Piper and Paige clear the entrance and see several demons inside the lair. They both throw the potions, vanquishing the demons in their sight.) (A demon standing nearby throws a fireball at them. Paige holds her hand up and deflects the fireball.) PAIGE: Fireball! (The fireball hurls back toward the demon, vanquishing him.) (Several more demons appear in their sights. Paige throws the potions at them, vanquishing them.) (Zankou waves to Laygan and the other demons.) ZANKOU: Go! (Laygan and the demons leave. Zankou holds the crystal out for Kyle.) ZANKOU: Take it. It's our last hope. (Kyle hesitates. In the background, they hear the sounds of more demons being vanquished.) ZANKOU: Hurry! (Kyle grabs the crystal. He warily backs away from Zankou.) KYLE BRODY: How do I reverse its effects? (Zankou follows Kyle.) ZANKOU: I'll be in touch. (Zankou backhands Kyle across the face sending him flying across the distance. Kyle hits the far wall and falls to the floor with a thud.) (Kyle gasps and glances down at his bleeding shoulder.) ZANKOU: You're gonna need an alibi. (Zankou turns and walks away just as Piper and Paige enter the lair. Zankou flames out.) PIPER: Damn! KYLE BRODY: (groans) Ohh ... PAIGE: Kyle ... (Paige heads over to Kyle and helps him up.) KYLE BRODY: I'm okay. I'm all right. PIPER: Great. Then maybe you can start explaining what you're doing down here. (Camera holds on Kyle.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Kyle is sitting back on the sofa while Leo heals his shoulder injury. Piper and Paige wait.) PAIGE: What's taking so long? LOU: He's resisting. KYLE BRODY: Can you blame me? PIPER: He's not the one we just found in a demon cave. KYLE BRODY: You think I wanted to be there? PIPER: I think you want to stop the Avatars and Zankou wants to stop the Avatars ... so you see the connection there? PAIGE: (scoffs) Piper, you can't be serious. PIPER: I'm just saying I'd like to know. KYLE BRODY: He kidnapped me. LEO: Why? KYLE BRODY: Because he thinks I can help kill you, that's why. PIPER: Don't you mean kill an Avatar? KYLE BRODY: Same difference. PAIGE: Okay, what I don't understand is why he would think that you still had a potion? (Paige walks over to him and sits next to him on the sofa.) KYLE BRODY: I don't know. You should ask him. PAIGE: All right, I will. PIPER: Well, Zankou's not gonna still be there. He's on the run. PAIGE: So? We found him once before. I can do it again. I'm not just gonna sit around and wait for him to attack Kyle. LEO: You want to protect him? Help the Avatars bring in Utopia so Zankou can't stop it. PIPER: He's right, you know. KYLE BRODY: You don't have to do that. Just use me as bait. Wait till he attacks again. PAIGE: No, what if we're too late next time? (Kyle stands up.) KYLE BRODY: Well, so you are? You don't have to change the whole world just to save me. PAIGE: Don't we? Look, every demon that tries to stop this makes me just want to get through it faster. Let's just do this. KYLE BRODY: Paige, look, I don't -- PAIGE: (interrupts) No. My mind is made up. Besides, I think it's for the best. PIPER: (to Leo) Tell them we're ready. (Leo orbs out.) PIPER: Uh ... I'll go see where Phoebe is. (Piper heads out of the attic.) (As soon as she's out of hearing, Kyle tries again with Paige.) KYLE BRODY: I can't let you do this. PAIGE: You don't have a choice, honey. Besides, how bad can a place called Utopia be? (Paige turns to head out of the attic. Kyle grabs her arm and stops her.) KYLE BRODY: Wait. (As she waits for him, Kyle takes out the black crystal and holds it in his hand. The crystal glows red.) (He leans down to kiss her.) KYLE BRODY: I'm sorry. (He kisses her.) (There's a spark that passes from Kyle to Paige. It shocks Paige. She takes a step back and touches her lips gingerly with her fingertips.) PAIGE: What was that? KYLE BRODY: What? PAIGE: You didn't feel that? KYLE BRODY: No. It must have been static electricity. Don't be so paranoid. PAIGE: Okay. (Paige turns and leaves the attic. Kyle glances down at the crystal in the palm of his hand. He turns to follow her.) CUT TO: [EXT. BRODY'S APARTMENT BUILDING (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. BRODY'S APARTMENT - DAY] (Kyle walks into the apartment. He puts his keys down and heads into the kitchen to get himself a drink. He opens the refrigerator door and takes out a bottle.) (When he closes the door, he's startled to find Zankou hiding in the shadows.) KYLE BRODY: Oh! God. ZANKOU: So? How did it go? KYLE BRODY: This better work. ZANKOU: I agree, for both our sakes. I see the Avatar's healed your wound .. (Kyle glances at his shoulder) ... too bad you didn't use the potion on him right there and then. None of this would've been necessary. KYLE BRODY: How do I reverse the paranoia? ZANKOU: Patience. All in good time. KYLE BRODY: Look, I held up my end of the deal. ZANKOU: As have I. You know, the problem with you humans is your conscience. You're all always so conflicted. Demons, on the other hand, don't have such ... weakness. KYLE BRODY: It's not weakness. It's how we stay honest. It's what helps us choose between good and ... you. ZANKOU: (chuckles) It also messes with your head, as it is clearly doing right now. Working with evil ... To preserve good? You give me a headache. KYLE BRODY: What do you want, huh? What are you doing here? ZANKOU: I want the potion. KYLE BRODY: Well, I'm not giving it to you. I'm not gonna use it, either. Not until I know the sisters are safe. ZANKOU: (nods) Hmm. Which won't be for a while, I'm afraid. Not until the full effects of the paranoia take hold. To that end, I suggest you come with me. KYLE BRODY: Why? ZANKOU: Well, we wouldn't want you falling asleep with everyone else, now would we? (Zankou grabs ahold of Kyle.) ZANKOU: No, you are going to be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. (Kyle swallows. Zankou flames both him and Kyle out of the apartment.) CUT TO: [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - STUDY - DAY] (Paige is back in her study at Magic School standing in front of the book shelf, rearranging the many, many books. She's taken them down and has them in piles on the tables. She's putting them back on the shelf when Piper walks in.) PIPER: Uh, hello? What're you doing? PAIGE: Oh, you know, just trying to organize some books, just in case. PIPER: Now? Everybody's waiting for you. PAIGE: Well, yeah, but I might not have a chance to do this afterwards. PIPER: Uh, to do what? PAIGE: Well, these are books on demons. We might not need them if there are no demons. (She winks at Piper, amused by her own cleverness. But, another thought occurs to her.) Oh, what if they come back? Then we'll have to have them again. I better put them all back. (Paige puts the book that she's carrying down on the table and starts removing the books from the shelf again.) PIPER: Uh, sweetie, you don't really seem like yourself. PAIGE: I don't? Who am I? PIPER: No, I mean you're stalling. And you know what? It's okay. We know what we're doing. We're ready for this. PAIGE: You sure? What if something goes wrong? PIPER: Well, then we'll fix it like we always do. Come on. (Piper reaches out and grabs Paige's arm. A shock of electricity passes from Paige's arm to Piper's hand.) PIPER: Aah! What was that? PAIGE: What was what? PIPER: That! PAIGE: Well, I don't know. Why don't you tell me? PIPER: Come on, everybody's waiting. PAIGE: Yeah, everybody. (Paige and Piper head out of the study.) [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Piper and Paige walk into the Great Hall. Phoebe walks over to them. They all head over to Leo. Alpha and Gamma are both at the back of the room.) PHOEBE: Hey, I was just looking for you guys. PIPER: Why? What's wrong? PHOEBE: Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to know what happened. PAIGE: Well, nothing happened. I think that's the problem, though. PHOEBE: What? Are you feeling okay? (Phoebe reaches out to feel Paige's forehead. A shock of electricity passes from Paige's forehead to Phoebe's hand.) PHOEBE: Ow! What was that? (Paige looks at Piper.) PAIGE: See? (Paranoid, Piper turns around and glances behind her.) PIPER: See what? LEO: (to the avatars) Uh, guys? Do you mind? (He motions them over.) ALPHA: Are you ready? PHOEBE: Yeah, I think so. PAIGE: Is there something that we should know, that we don't know?! You know? (Piper looks confusedly at Paige.) ALPHA: Uh, no, Paige. PIPER: (gasps) Wait, we forgot about Zankou! What if he attacks? PHOEBE: That's true. What if he does attack? PAIGE: O-o-oh, maybe we shouldn't do this. LEO: Okay, what is wrong with you guys? We discussed this. GAMMA: You'll still have your powers afterwards. If Zankou attacks, you'll be prepared. ALPHA: In fact, he'll be more exposed than ever. Especially as you continue to thin out the demonic ranks. PHOEBE: How do we know you're not lying to us? LEO: Okay, let's ... let's do this. ALPHA: Very well. (Alpha motions with his hand. Beta appears in the Great hall. Her presence startles Piper.) PIPER: Whoa! Where'd you come from? LEO: They're a little nervous. BETA: I understand. (Beta holds out a metal ring.) BETA: Place your hands on the cartouche. It's okay. (Piper, Phoebe and Paige grab ahold of the cartouche. Beta takes a step back.) (With the Charmed Ones in the center and the Avatars around them, they close their eyes and concentrate.) (From the center of the cartouche, a bright, white light of power appears and sends power straight up.) [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (A beam of light shoots up from the ground, spreads out and moves rapidly across the city.) [EXT. LONDON (UK) - EVENING - CONTINUOUS] (The moving light passes through London.) [EXT. MOSCOW (RUSSIA) - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (The moving light passes through Russia.) [EXT. TOKYO (JAPAN) - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (The moving lights pass through Japan.) [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The moving lights have circumnavigated the world and are back in San Francisco.) (The lights pass over the people walking on the busy sidewalks. As the lights leave, the people on the sidewalks gently sit down on the ground into a slumber.) [EXT. SIDEWALK CAFÉ - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (A man and a woman sitting at a sidewalk café table, each with their cups of coffee, gently fall asleep where they sit, as do the other people around them.) (The man knocks over his cup of coffee, the liquid spilling onto the woman's skirt. The woman's cup of coffee also is knocked over.) [EXT. BUSY STREET CORNER - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The cars in the street slowly come to a halt where they are.) (A van bumps into the blue car in front of it as drivers fall asleep behind their wheels. All over the city, people fall asleep where they stand.) (The camera pans back to show that the city has fallen asleep.) [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL - DAY] (Finally, the bright light retreats back into the cartouche. As it ends, The Charmed Ones and The Avatars open their eyes.) ALPHA: It has begun. (Alpha smiles.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - CITY STREET -- DAY] (Phoebe, Piper, Paige, Leo and Beta walk down the street. All around them, everything has come to a stand still. They walk among cars stopped in the middle of the street along with the various people asleep on the roadway.) PHOEBE: I mean, is everybody okay? You sure nobody's hurt? BETA: The effect was gradual. They all fell asleep gently and safely. PIPER: How do you know that for sure? BETA: Do you see anybody who's been harmed in any way? PIPER: Well, that doesn't rule out internal injuries. LEO: Piper. PIPER: What? PAIGE: So everybody's like this everywhere, all around the world? BETA: All around the world. (Phoebe turns and looks at Beta.) PHOEBE: What about the airplanes and the helicopters? How do we know they landed safely? LEO: Look, I'm sure the Avatars took care of all that. Relax. What's gotten into you guys? PHOEBE: Well, I think we have a little right to be jumpy with everything that's going on, don't you think? BETA: Perhaps it would help to focus on the straggler demons. They hide amongst your kind, which means if there are any nearby, they're only pretending to be asleep. (Phoebe digs into her bag and takes out a potions bottle.) PHOEBE: (mutters) I should've known. PIPER: Why don't they just leave? BETA: Because they've got no place else left to go. PAIGE: (gasps) Ah. Over there. He moved. (Piper and Phoebe both turn around.) PIPER: Well, where? Which one? PAIGE: (points) That one, in the bad suit. (Phoebe pulls her arm back to throw the potion. Beta grabs her arm and stops her.) BETA: You must be certain. (Phoebe motions to Piper and Paige.) PHOEBE: Okay. Go be certain. (Paige rushes over to the man in the bad suit lying on the street. She taps him on the shoulder.) (He doesn't move. Paige heads back to the group. The man in the bad suit wakes up and scrambles to his feet.) LEO: Paige, look out! (The demon powers up a fireball and hurls it at Paige. Paige trips.) (Piper motions with her hands and blasts the demon. He explodes. The fireball hits a nearby building instead. The demon is vanquished.) (Paige rushes back to them and sighs, relieved.) PAIGE: Well, at least I know I'm not paranoid. LEO: All right, so how long until the transformation's complete? BETA: Two hours, which means we should get back until it's safe. LEO: Well, I'm not leaving them here alone. (Beta looks at Leo.) Don't worry, Beta. I'll be fine. (Beta leaves.) ) LEO: All right, let's split up. We'll find more demons that way. Piper and Paige, Phoebe and me. Any sign of trouble, orb back to the manor. Got it? PAIGE: Got it. (Leo and Phoebe turn and head down the street. Piper turns and looks at Paige.) PIER: Why do you think he didn't wanna go with me? Do you think he's seeing someone else? (Paige rolls her eyes.) PAIGE: Come on. (Paige grabs Piper and pulls her in the opposite direction.) PIPER: What? WHITE FLASH TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE] (Zankou stands in front of the fire, his arms stretched out, palms up and his eyes closed. Kyle waits along with the other demons.) KYLE BRODY: I don't understand, what are we waiting for? DEMON IN THE BAD SUIT: Aah! (Suddenly the demon in the bad suit, just vanquished up on the surface, shimmers into the lair.) (Zankou holds out his hand and freezes the demon mid-scream.) ZANKOU: That is what we're waiting for. (Zankou walks over to the demon frozen in flames.) Your death will not have been in vain, my friend. I promise you. (Zankou motions and the demon vanishes in a wall of fire and smoke, his screams echoing in the cold cave.) KYLE BRODY: What the hell was that all about? ZANKOU: He saw what I needed to see. Now I know which Avatar we'll be flushing out and you'll be killing. KYLE BRODY: What? How? (Zankou turns and looks at Laygan.) ZANKOU: I'm gonna need a volunteer. LAYGAN: Well, does it have to be me? ZANKOU: No. LAYGAN: Oh, good. I'll get right on it. (Laygan turns and confers with the other demons.) KYLE BRODY: Look, I don't like this. I don't like being kept in the dark about what's going on. ZANKOU: What are you going to do? KYLE BRODY: Not kill an Avatar, for one. ZANKOU: Then you'll die. KYLE BRODY: Yeah, well, better me than the sisters, right? ZANKOU: How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not after them. KYLE BRODY: Then why won't you tell me what the hell I'm doing down here? ZANKOU: Well, that's what you get when you make a deal with the devil, so to speak. KYLE BRODY: I'm not doing anything until I know the sisters are all right. ZANKOU: They're still alive, if that's what you mean. Their paranoia, growing. KYLE BRODY: What are we waiting for? ZANKOU: The opportune time to show yourself ... (Zankou claps his hand on Kyle's shoulder and flames both of them out of the lair.) [INT. BRODY'S APARTMENT - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Zankou and Kyle appear in Brody's apartment bedroom.) ZANKOU: ... which nears. KYLE BRODY: When? (Kyle heads for the door.) ZANKOU: When I send one of the sisters to you here. The one you care so much about. (Kyle steps out into the hallway.) [INT. BRODY'S APARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY - CONTINUOUS] KYLE BRODY: How does that flush out the Avatars? (Zankou steps out of the bedroom and into the hallway. They head over to the living room.) ZANKOU: I'll just say they wanted you to stay awake, tell her it was the female Avatar, Beta. Your girlfriend will get so paranoid, she'll demand an explanation. When the Avatar shows up to give her one, that's when you strike with the potion. Don't miss. You won't get a second chance. KYLE BRODY: First, how do I reverse the paranoia? ZANKOU: (chuckles) You are persistent, aren't you? Very well. You break the crystal. The sisters will revert immediately. KYLE BRODY: That's it? ZANKOU: That's it. KYLE BRODY: So why didn't you tell me this before? ZANKOU: Same reason you didn't tell me where the potion was. Leverage. Remember ... don't miss. (Zankou heads for the door and flames out.) (Alone in the apartment, Kyle turns and looks over at the desk at the snow globe his parents gave him. He walks over to the snow globe and picks it up. He shakes it and watches the pieces of glitter fall in the water.) CUT TO: [EXT. MOVIE THEATRE - SIDEWALK -- DAY] (Leo and Phoebe walk along the front of the movie theater looking for demons. All around them are the bodies of the people sleeping on the sidewalk.) LEO: Phoebe, are you sure you're all right? PHOEBE: Yeah. I'm fine. I just -- I have a bad feeling about this. LEO: Well, you've had a bad feeling about everything lately. PHOEBE: Yeah, but I have a really bad feeling about this. Are you sure we're not being set up? LEO: Phoebe, not this again. PHOEBE: No. I'm serious! What if the Avatars are like the Trojan Horse? Remember the Trojan Horse? LEO: Phoebe -- PHOEBE: They come into your lives pretending to be the gift, but what they really wanna do is kill you. LEO: Phoebe, this really isn't like you. PHOEBE: Leo, listen to me, okay? It's the ultimate conspiracy. Think about it for -- CUE SOUND: Exhaling (Phoebe hears it and whirls around.) PHOEBE: What was that? (On the ground near her are two people, a man and a woman, their eyes closed.) LEO: It was nothing. Look, you need to calm down. PHOEBE: I'm very calm, okay? I just can't help what I'm feeling, and what I'm feeling right now is -- (She turns, sees something and squeals.) PHOEBE: Aah, demons! (Phoebe runs as both the man and the woman get up. They both power up energy balls and hurl them at Leo.) (Leo blasts one of the energy balls and the other hits Leo, but doesn't affect him.) (The two demons shimmer out.) (Phoebe, meanwhile, has hidden herself under a nearby counter. Once everything is in the clear, she steps out to join Leo.) PHOEBE: I'm sorry. I'm sorry again. LEO: Why did you run? PHOEBE: I don't know. LEO: Something's wrong. I'm getting you out of here. (Leo orbs them out.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - PROJECTS (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - ALLEYWAY -- DAY] (Piper and Paige walk into an alleyway. Several people are asleep on the ground.) PAIGE: Haven't seen any demons for a while. PIPER: Do you think that means something? PAIGE: I don't know. Do you? PIPER: I don't know. (Piper and Paige stop walking. Paige gets paranoid.) PAIGE: Why are you stopping? What do you see? PIPER: Nothing. Shh. Relax. PAIGE: What if they get us? PIPER: Who is they? PAIGE: They! They as in them. The ones who are always trying to get us. PIPER: Shh! You're making me crazy. PAIGE: You're making me crazy. PIPER: What is wrong with us? ("Beta" appears in front of them startling Piper so much that she jumps and blasts Beta backward. She falls to the ground and slides across the alleyway.) (She gets up.) PIPER: Oh, sorry. PAIGE: Are you okay? "BETA": Yes. But I'm afraid that your friend may not be. Kyle? PAIGE: What's wrong with him? "BETA": We don't know. All we know is he didn't fall asleep like everyone else did. PIPER: What does that mean? "BETA": That means that Zankou must've gotten to him again, shielded him from us. PIPER: But why? PAIGE: Because he thinks he still has the potion. Damn it. I should've never left him alone. (Paige orbs out.) PIPER: Hey! You can't leave me here alone! (With Piper's back to her, "Beta" turns her hand and a demon shimmers into the alley.) "BETA": Demon! PIPER: (startled) Wh-what? Where? ("Beta" points. The demon turns and runs out of the alleyway.) "BETA": Go! Get him! (Piper turns and chases after him.) ("Beta" smiles and morphs into Zankou.) CUT TO: [INT. BRODY'S APARTMENT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (Paige orbs into Kyle's apartment.) PAIGE: Kyle? Are you here? (Kyle steps out of the bedroom.) KYLE BRODY: Yeah. I'm right here. (Paige puts her bag down.) PAIGE: Are you okay? Did he hurt you? KYLE BRODY: Did who hurt me? PAIGE: Zankou. Come on, we have to get you out of here. KYLE BRODY: Wait, wait, wait. Why? PAIGE: Because he thinks you still have the potion. He'll kill you. KYLE BRODY: Yeah. Don't you think he would've killed me by now? PAIGE: Well, that's why he's keeping you awake because he thinks you still have it. KYLE BRODY: He's not the one keeping me awake, Paige. It's the Avatars. It's Beta. PAIGE: (confused) Okay. But she said Zankou did it. KYLE BRODY: (nervous) Maybe you ought to call her here. PAIGE: Beta? BETA: What's the matter? (Kyle and Paige walk into the living room.) BETA: Why isn't he asleep? PAIGE: You told me Zankou did it. BETA: I did not. PAIGE: Yes, you did. What the hell is going on? (Kyle raises his hand and smashes the black crystal on the ground. It bursts as it smashes.) (Paige's face glows as the paranoia wears off.) PAIGE: What was that? (Kyle takes out the potions bottle.) KYLE BRODY: I wanted to make sure you were back to normal before I -- PAIGE: Before what? (Beta throws a bolt of electricity at Kyle. Kyle drops the potions bottle as he's thrown across the room. He smashes against the counter and falls to the floor with a thud.) (The potion bottle smashes on the floor and breaks. Black smoke is released and immediately finds Beta.) (It enters her through her nose and she falls to the floor, dead.) (Paige rushes over to Kyle to check on him. She rolls him over and he coughs a little.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. BRODY'S APARTMENT -- DAY] (Kyle is on the floor dying. Paige kneels over him crying.) KYLE BRODY: Please don't hate me. PAIGE: I don't hate you. Of course I don't hate you. KYLE BRODY: I didn't want it to end like this. PAIGE: It's not gonna end this way. I promise. I'm gonna call for help. Okay -- KYLE BRODY: No. You can't call for Leo. PAIGE: Why? KYLE BRODY: Because he's vulnerable. They all are. Zankou will kill him. PAIGE: Why did you do this? KYLE BRODY: To stop them. PAIGE: Leo! (There's a sound off camera.) ALPHA: (o.s.) He can't hear you, Paige. (Paige looks up and finds Alpha and Gamma both in the living room.) ALPHA: He's been affected by what's happened. We all have. (Alpha and Gamma both turn and kneel down to look at Beta.) PAIGE: (crying) Can't you just rewind time? Go back and just fix it? ALPHA: I'm sorry, Paige. We've come too far to go back now. PAIGE: But he's dying. ALPHA: Yes. And he's weakened the collective, risked losing all we've worked to create. GAMMA: The demon will try to take advantage of this to stop us. ALPHA: But he won't be able to if we consolidate power, complete the transformation. (Kyle coughs.) PAIGE: What the hell are you talking about? What about him? ALPHA: The needs of the one ... must be sacrificed for the good of the many. You'll understand soon. (Paige stands up to face Alpha.) PAIGE: I did not sign up for this experiment so you could play God! So you fix this right now! GAMMA: He's dead. (Paige kneels down next to Kyle and holds him.) PAIGE: (crying) Please don't go. (Gamma turns and looks at Alpha.) GAMMA: We must move quickly. We can't fight both them and the demon. ALPHA: What about Leo? GAMMA: He's one of us now. He'll understand. (Alpha nods at Gamma. He turns and looks over at Paige. Alpha's eyes glow as does Gamma's.) (Paige is crying over Kyle and doesn't notice Alpha and Gamma.) PAIGE: Please ... (Suddenly, she glows and is soon fast asleep.) (Alpha and Gamma's eyes stop glowing.) PHOEBE: (v.o.) I don't get it. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY] (Phoebe and Leo are safely back in the attic.) PHOEBE: I don't know what happened. I mean, one minute I feel like everyone's after me, and the next minute, I feel perfectly fine. (Phoebe sits down in the chair.) LEO: Yeah? I don't. PHOEBE: What's the matter? What are you feeling? LEO: I don't know. All of a sudden, I just feel weaker. (Phoebe stands up.) PHOEBE: Oh, maybe you should sit ... (A golden glow washes over Phoebe.) PHOEBE: ... down. (Phoebe falls asleep on her feet. She collapses backward onto the chair behind her.) LEO: (alarmed) Phoebe. Phoebe? (Leo steps forward to check on Phoebe. He tries to wake her up, but finds that he can't.) LEO: Phoebe. Phoebe, can you hear me? Wake up. (Suddenly, an even more frightening thought occurs to him.) LEO: Piper. [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - ALLEY - DAY] (Leo orbs into the alleyway and immediately calls out for Piper.) LEO: Piper. (He sees her on the ground.) LEO: Piper! (He rushes over to her and kneels down to check on her.) LEO: Piper. (Alpha and Gamma appear in the alley.) ALPHA: She's just sleeping, Leo. She'll be fine. They'll all be fine. LEO: What have you done to her? ALPHA: The same thing that's been done to everyone else. LEO: But they weren't supposed to turn yet, not until they were ready. GAMMA: We had no choice. LEO: What do you mean you didn't have a choice? (Leo stands up.) LEO: You can't do this. GAMMA: Beta's dead, Leo. LEO: What? ALPHA: It's why you feel less powerful. Why we all do. LEO: But how did - ALPHA: It seems that Agent Brody had another potion after all. One that both he and Zankou hoped to bring down Utopia with before it even began. GAMMA: But we can't let that happen. The sooner we complete the transformation, the less chance he has of succeeding. ALPHA: Which is why we need the power of The Charmed Ones with us, now more than ever. I'm sure you understand. LEO: But we were supposed to talk to them first. ALPHA: Ideally, yes. But Paige ... was inconsolable. Agent Brody is dead as well. We must press on, Leo, now ... or Zankou will win. All that we've done will have been for naught. We can still give them the world they've always wanted, Leo. The happiness they've never known. The happiness you've never known. But we must move quickly. And as one. (Alpha looks at Gamma. Gamma nods in agreement.) LEO: I just -- I don't see how Paige is gonna be happy after what happened. GAMMA: She'll understand. ALPHA: Everyone will understand that those who bring conflict into the world cannot be tolerated. CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - CITY STREET - DAY] (The time is up. The people on the city sidewalks stir from their sleep. They stand up and greet each other with smiles and familiarity.) WOMAN: Hi! [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - SIDEWALK CAFÉ - DAY] (The man and woman asleep on the table both stir. They find their coffee spilled. The man immediately apologizes and starts wiping up the coffee.) MAN: Oh, hey, I'm sorry. This is my fault. WOMAN: Forget it. It's no big deal. MAN: Are you sure? WOMAN: Absolutely. MAN: I'm so embarrassed. [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO - CAR - DAY] (The man sitting behind the driver's wheel gets up. The man in the van behind the car that bumped into him also wakes up. They both get out of the car and realize that they've been in a small fender bender accident.) DRIVER 2 (VAN): I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. DRIVER 1 (CAR): You got insurance? DRIVER 2 (VAN): Yeah. DRIVER 1 (CAR): Then don't worry about it. (They shake hands.) DRIVER 2 (VAN): Thanks. (And they smile at each other.) (Everywhere, people wake up and continue on with the day, happier and friendlier than before. They greet each other with smiles and hugs, strangers in the streets.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - ZANKOU'S CAVE] (Laygan leans tiredly against a rock. He looks up at Zankou who is standing in front of the fire, his arms outstretched, eyes closed.) LAYGAN: Well? ZANKOU: Utopia has begun. LAYGAN: What's that mean? We're screwed? ZANKOU: The Avatars have turned the witches sooner than I anticipated. We can't change things back without their help. LAYGAN: Well, then, we've got to get out of here. They'll be coming for us, too. (Laygan starts to move, collecting his things.) ZANKOU: No. We have time. (Laygan stops and turns around.) LAYGAN: How do you figure? It's over, Zankou. We don't stand a chance in this new world. ZANKOU: Still, we planted a seed. Let's see if it sprouts. CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL / STAIRS - DAY] (Leo and Piper orb into the main hall.) PIPER: I don't know what you're so worried about. It's all good as far as I'm concern. LEO: Yeah, but they were supposed to wait until you were ready. PIPER: Well, as you know, I've been more than ready for this for a long time. (Phoebe rushes down the stairs to join them.) PHOEBE: Hey! I feel great. Don't you guys feel great? PIPER: Yeah. Pretty amazing. PHOEBE: I mean it's so weird. I remember the old way, you know, the demon battling and everything, but I'm just not stressed about it anymore. PIPER: Yeah, well, that's because we don't have to worry about demons anymore, which leaves us a little time to ... live a little. Where are the boys? LEO: Magic school. Are you sure you're okay with this? PHOEBE: Leo, of course. Are you kidding? How could we not be? (Paige orbs into the dining room.) PAIGE: Hi. PIPER: Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. PHOEBE: Me, too. (Piper and Phoebe head over to Paige. Leo watches them.) PHOEBE: How're you doing? You hanging in there? PAIGE: Yeah. Yeah. I'm holding up. It's, um ... pretty damn sad ... but he's going on to a better place, right? I'm gonna go upstairs and rest. (Paige heads upstairs. Phoebe and Piper follow.) (Leo watches them and knows that whatever has happened has gone very, very wrong.) (Camera holds on Leo.) FADE TO BLACK ========================== TO BE CONTINUED ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 7X12: EXTREME MAKEOVER: WORLD EDITION ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 01/23/2005 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring ODED FEHR as Zankou MAX PERLICH JOEL SWETOW as Alpha (Avatar) PATRICE FISHER IAN ANTHONY DALE REBECCA BALDING as Elise Rothman and KERR SMITH as (Agent) Kyle Brody Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Co-Producer: DEBRA J. FISHER Co-Producer: ERICA MESSER Co-Producer: JEANNINE RENSHAW Producer: ROB WRIGHT Producer: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Supervising Producer: MARK WILDING Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by: CAMERON LITVACK Directed by: LEVAR BURTON ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Tonight's Charmed featured music by: * Seal, best 1991-2004, promotional consideration furnished by Warner Bros. Records Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Story Editor: CAMERON LITVACK Co Starring: KARLAN MCCRALEY as Kazl MICHAEL MAIZE as JOHN HILLARD as Celerity Demon #1 GINO *** as Van Driver Co-Starring JORDAN MURPHY as Patron #1 IMARA KELLY as Patron #2 *** as Car Driver Music By: J. PETER ROBINSON Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: PAUL FONTAINE Unit Production Manager: JON PARE First Assistant Director: TOMAZ REMEC Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-up artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: MARTIN COBLENZ Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: SUSAN SLATTERY First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Special Effects Shop Coordinator: VINNIE BORGESE Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: KIMBERLY LENAE FOSTER Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: ANDREA CONWAY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Technical Advisor: JOHN RICHARD TODD Assistant Editor: ERIC LEA Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2005 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. Dated:02/27/2005~lky