CHARMED 7X01: A CALL TO ARMS ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 09/12/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by BRAD KERN Directed by JAMES L. CONWAY Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-V ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: In an attempt to re-direct Leo's attention from his obsessive hunt to find Barbas, Phoebe and Paige get Piper and Leo to attend their friend's Hindu wedding where they are both possessed by the spirits of Shakti and Shiva. They are once again consumed by their love for each other - a love that can't be consummated or the entire universe will be undone. Meanwhile, a new unknown evil works to manipulate Leo into doing the unthinkable. ========================== CHARMED 7X01: A CALL TO ARMS ========================== FADE IN: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - MORNING] CUE SOUND: (PRELAP) A baby cries. [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN - MORNING] (Two-month old Baby Chris cries on his changing pad as Paige tries to change his diaper. Sitting in his high chair, Wyatt bangs his plastic spoon on his tray table. Paige glances back at him trying to keep him in her sight while changing Chris at the same time.) (Baby Chris' cries seem longer and louder with every passing moment. Wyatt flings the food and banana peel on his table off onto the floor. Unable to do anything because she's stuck at the changing table, Paige looks to the ceiling and cries out.) PAIGE: Help! Somebody help! Please? PIPER: (o.s.) All right, all right, relax. I'm back. (Piper walks into the kitchen. She walks over to Wyatt and his mess.) PIPER: What is this? (Piper glances back at Paige.) PIPER: How's his rash? Does he need ointment? PAIGE: I don't know. I've been kind of procrastinating on that one. It's not my favorite thing to check. (Piper picks up the banana peel off the floor and puts it back on Wyatt's tray table.) PIPER: Why? You don't have a problem checking Wyatt. PAIGE: Yeah. That's 'cause I don't flash forward to Wyatt being twenty-two like I do with Chris. PIPER: Oh. (thinks about it) Yeah. (beat) Eww. PAIGE: Exactly. (Paige holds out the diaper away from her.) PAIGE: Stinky diaper! (The diaper orbs out of her hand and over into the dispenser in the corner of the kitchen. Wide-eyed, Piper catches her.) PIPER: Hey, hey! Are you using magic? PAIGE: Yeah. Wait till you see how I put the ointment on. PIPER: Hi! Personal gain. Do you want to lose your powers like Phoebe did? What if a demon attacks? PAIGE: (mutters) Could liven things up around here. PIPER: Excuse me? PAIGE: I'm just kidding. Sort of. Look, I love being a stay-at-home auntie. I really, really do. I just ... (She takes a deep breath and sighs.) I'm going crazy. I have to get out. You know, it wouldn't hurt you to get out a little bit, too. I mean, you've been cooped up in here ever since ... (Piper looks away.) PAIGE: You know, it's okay to talk about it, Piper. Won't hurt you. It could even help. PIPER: Talk about what? Gideon's gone. Chris and Wyatt are safe. It all worked out. (Phoebe walks into the kitchen. She's still in her night clothes.) PHOEBE: (groans) Oh, coffee, coffee, coffee. I cannot believe how late for work I am, again. PAIGE: Morning to you, too. (Phoebe pours herself a cup of coffee.) PHOEBE: And if you guys could be dressed for the wedding, then when I come back, I'll just honk and you guys can meet me outside, ok? (Phoebe heads out of the kitchen. Piper suddenly realizes what Phoebe said. She turns around from staring at the refrigerator.) PIPER: Wait! What?! (Piper chases after Phoebe.) [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM - MORNING - CONTINUOUS] (Phoebe stops.) PIPER: Wait! What wedding? Wedding? PHOEBE: Christy's. Piper, don't tell me you forgot. PIPER: Christy's wedding. That's today? Hmm, well I can't go. (Thinking of an excuse.) The kids ... (Paige appears in the kitchen doorway holding Chris.) PAIGE: Actually, the kids were invited, too, so you can go. I think it would be good for them. I think it would be good for all of us. PIPER: No. I can't go. The baby - PHOEBE: ... Needs to be exposed to a germ or two. Get out of the house, you know, build up his immune system. PIPER: He's too young. PHOEBE: Piper, he's two months old. PIPER: I know how old he is, thank you. PHOEBE: Look, you can't protect them from the big, bad world forever. They are going to have to leave the house at some point. By the way, how's Leo doing? PIPER: Well, considering who betrayed him, he's doing as well as can be expected. (Piper turns and heads back into the kitchen. Phoebe looks at Paige.) CUT TO: [EXT. ALLEYWAY - MORNING] (Leo orbs into the center of the alleyway. He's scruffy and his clothes are dirty. He appears to be on the edge.) LEO: I know you're here, Barbas. (Turns and looks around the alleyway.) You can't keep running from me. (Barbas appears in his invisible form just behind Leo - taunting him.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): You're afraid that vanquishing me won't ease your pain. (Sensing something, Leo gasps and turns around. Barbas blinks out and re- appears in his invisible form behind Leo again.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): (taunting) Because it wasn't a demon, it was an Elder. Your very mentor who tried to kill your son. LEO: (darkly) But you helped him. (eyes wild) That's why I'm going to kill you, too. (Leo turns and walks straight through Invisible Barbas as he continues his search through the alley.) LEO: (shouts) Barbas! (Invisible Barbas disappears ... [EXT. OUTSIDE WIRE FENCE - MORNING -- CONTINUOUS] ( ... and re-enters his body just outside the wire fence near the alleyway. He touches the bleeding wound in his shoulder. Sensing Leo near, he looks up and flames out.) (Leo runs over to the exact spot where Barbas was just moments before. He swishes his hand in the empty air space.) (Angry, Leo orbs out.) CUT TO: [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - TOWER - DAY] (Zola, an Elder, meditates up on the tower, his eyes closed as he tries to contact Leo. Barbas flames into the space behind Zola without his knowing. Barbas looks around desperately, then flames out.) (Leo orbs into the space where Barbas just was. It's as if Leo can sense Barbas' presence.) LEO: Zola? (Zola turns around and sees Leo.) ZOLA: Leo. Good. I've been calling for you. LEO: What do you mean? Where's Barbas? ZOLA: Who? (Barbas appears in his invisible form just behind Leo, whispering into his ear.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): He's covering up for me. Oh, you know he is. You tracked me here. ZOLA: (concerned) What's -- what's the matter? Are you all right? BARBAS (INVISIBLE): One of your greatest fears. You know, the good guys, bad guys - psst -- they're all the same now. Hey. That makes him just like Gideon. (Already on the edge, Leo's anger takes over and he blasts Zola with streams of electricity shooting out from both his hands.) LEO: Aah! (He turns and the streaming electricity pushes Zola up against the read steel beams of the Bridge Tower. Zola struggles.) ZOLA: (shouting) Leo, what are you doing?! (Invisible Barbas smiles and laughs with glee.) LEO: Where is he?! Where's Barbas?! Tell me! ZOLA: I don't know! I don't know! For god's sake, stop! (Leo lets Zola go. Zola falls to the ground with a thud. He looks at Leo.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): Damn. So close! (Invisible Barbas disappears.) FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL/SITTING ROOM - DAY] (Dressed for work, Phoebe walks down the stairs. She spies Paige on the couch, her legs up on the armrest and a Bay Mirror newspaper covering her face. She's trying to get some rest. There's a basket of clothes on the coffee table next to her.) PHOEBE: Hey, have you seen Piper? (Without getting up, Paige waves her hand around in little circles indicating upstairs somewhere.) PAIGE: (yawns) Up in Wyatt's room. (Phoebe puts her things down on the couch.) PHOEBE: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. Were you sleeping? (Paige removes the newspaper off her face.) PAIGE: (sighs) Why start now? (She sits up.) No, I was actually just trying to take a little break from nanny duties. PHOEBE: Yeah, you are such a doll to help out like you've been. I wish I could help you, but I can't. I have to work. (Paige starts folding clothes.) PAIGE: (enviously) Tell me what it's like out there in the world where men don't poop or spit on you. PHOEBE: (chuckles) You really do need to get out, huh? (Paige nods and smiles. She gets an idea and looks at Phoebe.) PAIGE: You know, maybe we can just swap jobs for the day. You know, I'll -- I'll pay you. PHOEBE: Yeah? PAIGE: Uh-huh. PHOEBE: Hmm. Don't tempt me. (Phoebe gets up and grabs her purse. Paige considers Phoebe's last thought.) PAIGE: What, you're miserable, too? PHOEBE: No, I wouldn't say miserable. I just -- I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I'm like in this rut or something, you know? I just feel really disconnected. PAIGE: (nods) Yeah, I agree. PHOEBE: You agree? What do you know about my ruts? PAIGE: Well, um, I know you gave some great advice to "Lost in Los Altos" about finding new love, but, uh, you gave the same advice to "Dumped in Daly" last year. (Phoebe turns around looking very, very surprised.) PHOEBE: What? Shut up. I did not. (Paige opens the paper and shows her.) PAIGE: Uh-huh. PHOEBE: Are you kidding? (Phoebe looks at the article and remembers.) PHOEBE: (groans) Oh, my god. I did. (Paige nods. Phoebe hands the paper back to Paige.) PHOEBE: (sighs) So maybe I should stop giving advice to people on finding love until I can figure out how to find it myself. PAIGE: You'll find it. You foresaw it. PHOEBE: Yeah. That was one big tease. I think that's what's messing me up. PAIGE: No. I think what's messing you up is Gideon. I think it's the same thing that's messing us all up. He didn't just betray Leo. He betrayed all of us. CUE SOUND: ORBING ZOLA: (o.s.) And those wounds don't heal easily. (Paige and Phoebe turn around to find Zola in the ... [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (Phoebe and Paige stand up and walk toward Zola. His robes are dirty with scorch marks.) ZOLA: Forgive the intrusion. I thought it best I come to you first. PHOEBE: (flatly) Whatever it is, we're not interested. ZOLA: No, I think you'll be interested in this. Leo just tried to kill me. I didn't want the other Elders to find out. They'd think he was after us all now. PAIGE: You can hardly blame him, can you? ZOLA: Your lack of faith is understandable, given what Gideon has done, but one bad Elder doesn't make us all bad. We are on the same side here. PHOEBE: Are we? ZOLA: Leo didn't really want to kill me. I know that. Still, if he had, there would have been no redeeming him. He would have had to have been recycled. PAIGE: Recycled like what? Recycled like ... plastic? ZOLA: No, I mean, like, sent back, reborn, to start the cycle of life over again. (He sighs.) We don't want to punish him for killing Gideon, but we can't abide his harming innocents in the name of revenge. Which means if you don't stop him, we'll have to. PHOEBE: Stop him from what? ZOLA: From his obsession with vanquishing Barbas. It's blinding him to reason, driving him over the edge. And if he succeeds, it won't make his sons any safer or the betrayal any less painful. It won't heal his heart. Time is of the essence, too, not just for his sake. We believe there's a powerful threat looming on the horizon unlike any we've ever sensed before, and for that, we'll need everybody back into the fold ... and soon. (Zola orbs out. Phoebe and Paige turn and look at each other.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Leo stands in front of the pedestal and opens the Book of Shadows flipping through pages looking for something. He abandons the book and looks around the empty attic.) LEO: Barbas? (He walks around the attic.) I know you're here. Show yourself. (A large, green, translucent ghostly-looking head zooms toward Leo. He moves out of its way as it passes him, it's low, raspy voice echoes in the attic.) CREATURE: Don't let Barbas get away. (The air ripples as the creature head zooms back toward Leo and disappears.) CREATURE: Save your son. LEO: Who are you? What do you want? (Piper walks into the attic carrying Baby Chris.) PIPER: Who are you talking to? LEO: Nobody. How'd you know I was here? (Leo heads for the Book of Shadows.) PIPER: I didn't, Wyatt did. Must be that orbing thing you guys share. He looked up and said, "Da-da." LEO: Really? PIPER: Mm-hmm. He misses you. We all do. LEO: I miss him, too. I - (He looks at the Book of Shadows.) Is there anything else on Barbas in here besides the main entry? PIPER: No. Would you like to hold your child? LEO: Uh ... (He looks at Baby Chris.) I -- I can't. PIPER: Well, you need to, Leo. Chris didn't die. He's alive. You need to move on. LEO: (sadly) Not until Barbas is gone ... and they're both safe. (Leo orbs out. Piper looks down at Baby Chris.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - HEALER'S CAVE] (The Demonic Healer presses the red-hot iron against Barbas' wound, cauterizing it. The flesh sizzles and smokes as Barbas cries out painfully.) BARBAS: Ahh! Is it absolutely necessary? DEMONIC HEALER: The wound is deep. It very easily could have been fatal. I wouldn't recommend going up against an Elder again, if I were you. BARBAS: My problem is that he's the one after me, and I haven't figured out how to shake him. DEMONIC HEALER: (chuckles) In that case then, this might all be for naught. (Barbas stands up.) BARBAS: Well, thank you very much for your vote of confidence. Actually, I don't even know what it is that I did to offend him, except for that, uh, rug rat incident, and that all came out okay in the end, more or less, and it wasn't even me that was after them. (The same invisible creature head that taunted Leo, swooshes in the Healer's Cave around Barbas.) CREATURE: (v.o.) (low, raspy) But it should be now. BARBAS: (looks around) Whoa. Whoa. What was that? (The Demonic Healer sees nothing.) DEMONIC HEALER: What was what? BARBAS: You didn't see that? DEMONIC HEALER: See what? (Again, the ghostly creature head swooshes in front of Barbas.) CREATURE: Go after the baby. BARBAS: That. (The Demonic Healer looks and again sees nothing.) DEMONIC HEALER: What? CREATURE: (voice only) He'll be blinded by rage ... vulnerable. (Barbas looks around the Cave and sees nothing. The voice, however is clear and strong.) BARBAS: Are you trying to tell me you didn't hear that? DEMONIC HEALER: Maybe we should look at that wound again. BARBAS: Oh, for god's sake. (Out of patience, Barbas throws a powerball at the Demonic Healer, vanquishing him in a puff of fire.) BARBAS: (to himself) He was a rotten healer anyway. (louder) Who are you? Friend ... or foe? CREATURE: Neither ... (The creature head appears floating in mid-air, swooshing and zooming in the cave.) ... but if you want to stop the Elder ... (The creature head zooms straight for Barbas, rippling the air around him and knocking him off his feet.) CREATURE: ... go after the baby. (The Creature Head disappears. On his back on the floor, Barbas laughs.) BARBAS: (impressed) Cool. Very, very cool. CUT TO: [MOVING BUS] (A bus with an ad on the side of it passes by.) ASK PHOEBE She has all the Answers The Bay Mirror READ HER DAILY [EXT. BAY MIRROR BUILDING (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. BAY MIRROR - BULLPEN -- DAY] (Phoebe walks into the bullpen. Elise sees her.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Phoebe. There you are. PHOEBE: Elise, hi. I'm so sorry I'm late. It won't happen again. ELISE ROTHMAN: Of course it will, but, hey, if you keep getting responses like these, who cares? (impressed) Look at these e-mails. All from this morning's column. (Elise gives the stack of papers to Phoebe.) PHOEBE: Uh, yeah. About this morning's column -- ELISE ROTHMAN: It was brilliant, Phoebe. I mean it. You make us look so classy when your advice is provocative, insightful -- PHOEBE: Plagiarized? (Elise falls silent.) Don't worry. I stole from myself. ELISE ROTHMAN: (shakes her head) I don't understand. PHOEBE: Yeah. I don't understand, either, Elise, but it turns out I gave the exact same advice to someone last year, and I didn't realize it until it was too late. ELISE ROTHMAN: (sighs) So? Big deal. Columnists recycle stuff all the time. PHOEBE: Yeah, but I don't, at least I never used to, and I just ... I don't think I should write any more until I figure out why this happened. ELISE ROTHMAN: (scoffs) Don't be ridiculous. PHOEBE: No, I'm not being ridiculous. I'm just being honest, Elise. I can't give people recycled advice. It's -- it's just not right. It's not ethical. ELISE ROTHMAN: Phoebe, you can't just quit. PHOEBE: Oh, and I don't want to quit. Elise, I -- I love my job, you know? I just don't think that I can do it right now. ELISE ROTHMAN: (nods) Okay. All right. Take a sabbatical. Rest. Recharge your batteries. Couple of months enough? PHOEBE: Can I do that? ELISE ROTHMAN: Of course you can. I'm the boss, aren't I? PHOEBE: And what happens to my column? I mean, do you just pull it? ELISE ROTHMAN: And watch sales drop? Are you kidding? No. I'll hire someone to ghost write it for you. Your readers will never know you're gone. PHOEBE: Wait. What? SOPHIE: Phoebe? (Phoebe turns and looks at her assistant.) SOPHIE: Sorry. It's your sister. She says it's important. ELISE ROTHMAN: Go ahead. I'll handle this. Don't worry about anything. (loudly) Rest up. (Elise heads for her office.) (Phoebe shakes her head and groans. She heads into her office.) CUT TO: [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - PHOEBE'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.) PHOEBE: Hello? INTERCUT WITH: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM - DAY] (Paige exits the kitchen into the dining room where she starts picking up toys off the table.) PAIGE: Hey. I think I have figured out how to save Leo. If we can keep him from going after Barbas, then we can go after him ourselves. PHOEBE: Wait. What? PAIGE: It's perfect. All we have to do is guilt Leo into taking Piper to the wedding. PHOEBE: Yeah, but she doesn't even want to go. PAIGE: I know. That's why I will volunteer to take care of the kids, and that way Piper won't have any excuse not to go. Then while you guys are all at the wedding, I'll be at the Book, you know, trying to find Barbas. PHOEBE: And then what? I mean, even if we find him, how are we gonna vanquish him without my powers and Piper? PAIGE: You can still cast spells, can't you? PHOEBE: Paige -- PAIGE: I am telling you this could work. Not only could it save Leo, but it can get him and Piper back together at a wedding, no less. I mean, think about it. Maybe it could kind of reignite some sparks, you know? Do it for the children. Hell, do it for me. PHOEBE: I don't know about this. PAIGE: Do you want to get out of that rut, or don't you? CUT TO: [EXT. WEDDING COURTYARD - GAZEBO -- DAY] (In the center of the yard, the ceremonial gazebo where the wedding is in mid- ceremony. On the left under the gazebo is the priest, in the center is the couple, Christy Peters and Jeevan Amand, both in traditional dress.) PRIEST: (indian accent) We have come together on this glorious day to wed Christy and Jeevan, who are here to build the foundation of their marriage upon the earth in the presence of the sacred fire and among their family and friends. [EXT. DRIVEWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (Leo drives the SUV up the driveway. The valet opens the car doors. Phoebe groans.) PHOEBE: Oh, we are so late. Has the ceremony started? VALET: Yes, ma'am. (Leo hands the Valet the keys and receives the ticket in return.) PIPER: Oh, no. I told you to just go ahead and go. (Piper is taking Chris out of the back seat while Phoebe and Leo get the stroller out of the back of the SUV.) PHOEBE: Yeah, well, I don't understand why you couldn't leave the baby with Paige. PIPER: When you're a mother, you'll understand. (Leo shuts the trunk door closed as Phoebe struggles to open the stroller.) PHOEBE: (wryly) Yeah, that's assuming I'm gonna have any eggs left. How do you do this thing? LEO: Here. (With one hand, Leo opens the stroller with ease. Piper joins them carrying the bassinet.) PHOEBE: Oh. It's so nice to have a man around the house. LEO: Yeah. Except I think I should still be after Barbas. PHOEBE: Not until you can distinguish between a demon and an Elder. You're stuck with us. (Piper gets her cell phone out and dials.) PIPER: (to phone) Paige? Hi! (Phoebe turns and looks at Piper, shocked.) PHOEBE: What are you doing? Give me that. (Phoebe takes the cell phone from Piper.) What are you doing? PIPER: What do you mean what am I doing? I'm checking on Wyatt. (Phoebe turns the phone off.) PHOEBE: You just checked on Wyatt. Have you guys thought about seeing a shrink? PIPER: Yeah. We did that. (Phoebe grabs a couple of wedding programs off of the unattended reception table and gives one to Piper. Leo pushes the stroller onto the sidewalk toward them.) PHOEBE: Okay, look, I know you haven't been out of the house in a very, very long time, but this is Christy's wedding, so please try to have fun. (Piper looks at the illustrated couple on the program cover. Celebrate the Union of Christy Peters and Jeevan Amand ) PIPER: Is this a wedding or an orgy? PHOEBE: It's a Hindu ceremony. It's supposed to be very, very, very romantic. (Baby Chris starts crying.) PIPER: Oh. See? I knew this would happen. (In the background, we hear the car starting.) This is over-stimulation. We gotta get out of here. (Piper turns to wave to the valet as their car is driven off to be parked.) PIPER: Hey! Excuse me! Wait! PHOEBE: (interrupts) No, no. No, no. (Piper turns around.) You know what? You guys go, and I'll take care of Chris, okay? You guys go in and have a good time. Have fun. Remember what that is, fun? (She motions to Leo to give her control over the stroller.) Come on. (Piper and Leo move hesitantly toward the entrance to the wedding. Phoebe motions to Piper.) PHOEBE: Diaper bag. (Phoebe takes the diaper bag from Piper.) PHOEBE: Thank you. CUT TO: [EXT. WEDDING COURTYARD - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The wedding ceremony continues. Piper and Leo join the audience. They take a couple of seats in the back. They look at each other and smile.) PRIEST: Vignesh variaia varadaia sukhapriyaya, yakundendutusharahara dhawala, om, sahana vavatu ... esgnesh variaia varadaia sukhapriyaya, yakundendutusharahara dhawala, om, sahana vavatu ... CUT TO: [EXT. GRASSY AREA OUTSIDE WEDDING COURTYARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (Outside the wedding, Phoebe stands on the grassy area rocking the stroller back and forth trying to get Chris to stop crying.) PHOEBE: (croons) You're okay. Shh. You're okay, Chris. You're okay. INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: (o.s.) Chris, huh? (Phoebe turns around and finds Inspector Sheridan and Darryl standing on the grass behind her. They're walking toward her.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Interesting name. Same as the guy who died in your house a couple months ago, isn't it? PHOEBE: Are you following me? INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Yes, I am. Well, actually, I would have approached you sooner, but, uh, Lieutenant Morris here thought that you might need some time to mourn your loss. He's very protective of you. Seems to know you real well, which is why I asked him to be my partner on this. (Darryl doesn't say anything. Inspector Sheridan walks around Phoebe and the stroller.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: You know, you and your sisters don't seem to be getting out much lately. Why is that, I wonder? You're not hiding from me, are you? PHOEBE: We've got nothing to hide. INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Good, then you'll have no objections coming downtown to answer some questions. You've just been served. (Sheridan holds out the paper. Phoebe takes it.) PHOEBE: Questions about what? INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: About what really happened to ... the other Chris. How he mysteriously broke out of jail, how come he doesn't seem to appear in any database, how come you didn't have a funeral for him, what happened to his body ... you know, just stuff like that. Four o'clock. Don't be late. (Sheridan leaves. Phoebe turns and looks at Darryl.) PHOEBE: You know, I can almost understand you not helping us, but to help her? DARRYL: It's not like that, I swear. I don't want to be in the middle of this, but she knows I know something. She knows we got history. PHOEBE: And you think if she exposes us, she's not gonna bust you, too? (Sheridan clears her throat.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Ahem. Coming, Lieutenant? PHOEBE: You're gonna have to choose a side, Darryl. It's just the way it works. (Finished, Phoebe opens her bag and tucks the paper inside. Darryl leaves.) (As he follows Sheridan out, he glances back at Phoebe. We know that he's considering her words.) (Phoebe glances up and watches them go.) CUT TO: [EXT. WEDDING COURTYARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (The wedding ceremony continues. The couple stands facing each other.) PRIEST: And now, as the circle is the symbol of the earth and the sun and the universe, I call upon the goddess and god that created all things ... (High above up in the sky, two bands of golden orb lights appear and descend down to earth hovering over the courtyard where the wedding ceremony is taking place.) PRIEST: ... to bless this sacred union and to consecrate upon them that which has -- (Piper squints at the golden lights in the sky.) PIPER: Are you seeing what I'm seeing? LEO: Yeah. (Leo looks around at the wedding audience.) PRIEST: ... The motivating force behind the divine ... LEO: But I don't think anybody else can. PRIEST: ... The Power of Divine Desire Forever. The Power of Love. (And with that, the two golden bands of swirling orb lights zoom down to earth and head straight for Leo and Piper in the back of the courtyard. The orb lights reach them and are absorbed into Piper and Leo.) LEO: You okay? PIPER: I don't know. I feel a little woozy. (With her two hands, Piper opens her purse. And with her third hand, she reaches into her purse to take out her handkerchief.) (Leo's eyes widen.) LEO: Piper. PIPER: Hmm? (Piper dabs at her temple with the handkerchief completely unaware of her third hand ... and arm. She tucks the handkerchief back into her purse.) (Piper looks down and sees a fourth arm and hand grow out from her right side.) LEO: Uh-oh. CUT TO: [EXT. GRASSY AREA OUTSIDE WEDDING COURTYARD - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Close-up of: Baby Chris is fast asleep in his stroller as Phoebe rocks it back and forth. Off screen, we hear footsteps running frantically across the grass. Phoebe looks up and sees Piper and Leo running toward her. Piper is wearing Leo's jacket.) PHOEBE: Hey! Is the wedding over already? (Leo opens his mouth to explain, but doesn't find the words to describe it. He gapes wordlessly for a moment, then turns to Piper. She opens the jacket with both hands to show the other four tucked inside. She raises her middle two hands and waves to Phoebe.) PHOEBE: Oh, my god. (Piper nods wryly.) LEO: (urgently) Let's get outta here. (Piper shuts the jacket closed around her as Leo leads her away.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- DAY] (Paige is stunned. Phoebe, eyes wide, puts both hands flat against her cheeks. They stare off screen at something.) PAIGE: I don't understand. How could this have happened? PHOEBE: Beats the hell out of me. (Cut to: They're both staring at Piper in traditional hindu dress as she tends to both children efficiently. One hand holds the bottle for Chris as a second hand gently pulls up the blanket over him. Her third hand stirs Wyatt's food with a spoon held in her fourth hand while her fifth hand brushes his hair lightly from his forehead.) (Leo walks into the room and smiles as he gazes at Piper.) LEO: Isn't she beautiful? (Leo walks up behind Piper and he continues to watch her. With her sixth hand, Piper grabs and squeezes Leo's ass. He inhales sharply. She glances back and smiles coyly at him.) PAIGE: I can't believe what I'm seeing. PHOEBE: Tell me about it. When was the last time you saw Piper grab Leo's ass. PAIGE: That's not what I'm talking about. Uh, we need to do something ... quickly. (The phone rings. Piper answers it.) PIPER: (to phone) Hello? (pauses) Phoebe, it's for you. (Piper holds the phone out to Phoebe.) PHOEBE: (to Paige) Ok. Book of Shadows. Hindu spirits. (Paige nods and heads out of the room as Phoebe reaches for the phone.) PHOEBE: (to phone) Hello? ELISE ROTHMAN: (from phone) Is this a bad time? PHOEBE: Uh, actually, Elise, yeah. I'm kind of up to my elbows in stuff. INTERCUT WITH: [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - ELISE'S OFFICE - DAY] ELISE ROTHMAN: Well, I just wanted to give you the good news. The ghost writer that I was hoping to hire just happens to be in town and wants to do it. Isn't that terrific? PHOEBE: Wait. What? ELISE ROTHMAN: And better yet, Leslie can start right away with tomorrow's column. PHOEBE: Leslie? Okay. Who -- who's Leslie? Elise, don't you think I should have a say in this? ELISE ROTHMAN: So how soon can you get down here? Because I would really like the two of you to meet as soon as possible. (Phoebe watches as Piper suggestively rubs her hands up Leo's chest.) PHOEBE: Yeah -- no, now's not really a good time. ELISE ROTHMAN: Ok, then how about in an hour? We'll see you then. (Elise hangs up the phone, turns and looks at the man standing in her office.) ELISE ROTHMAN: She can hardly wait to meet you. LES ST. CLAIRE: (smiles and nods) Likewise. (Phoebe looks at the phone and turns it off.) PHOEBE: She hung up on me. I cannot believe she hung up on me. (Phoebe hands the phone back to Piper. Piper puts it down, turns and wraps her six arms around Leo.) PHOEBE: (sighs) Ok. I'll just leave you two to go at it. (Phoebe leaves. Leo and Piper smile at each other.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Paige reads up on Shakti and Shiva in the Book of Shadows. Phoebe walks into the attic.) PHOEBE: Bright side? At least we know that Piper and Leo still have the hots for each other. PAIGE: Yeah, well, you better be careful with that whole hots thing because it's contagious. Don't stand too close. It comes courtesy of Shakti, the hindu goddess of creation, and Shiva, her lover, the god of destruction. (The page reads: [ Shakti, the Hindu Goddess of creation, and Shiva, the God of Destruction are commonly invoked at weddings because they're reconsidered to be the Ultimate Lovers. Shakti, also called the Ultimate Mother, and Shiva, together created all things and if they consummate their love again, All Things will be obliterated and the Universe will be reborn. ] PHOEBE: Yeah, but why did this happen to Piper and Leo? I mean, any ideas? PAIGE: Why does anything happen to any of us around here? PHOEBE: Good point. (reading) "Shakti and Shiva are commonly invoked at weddings because they're considered to be the ultimate lovers." PAIGE: Well, I'm thinking it's meant to be symbolic. PHOEBE: Unless there are magical lovers to hijack? PAIGE: Read on. PHOEBE: (reading) "Shakti, also called the ultimate mother, and Shiva together created all things, and if they consummate their love again, all things will be obliterated and the universe will be reborn." PAIGE: Talk about your big bang theory. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Piper and Leo are kissing passionately completely consumed in each other.) PHOEBE: (o.s.) Oh! (Phoebe and Paige rush down the stairs to stop them.) PHOEBE: All right, stop it! You two, stop it right now! (Piper and Leo stop kissing.) PHOEBE: Stop it, stop it, stop it. (Phoebe and Paige physically pull the two apart.) PHOEBE: You go over there, you over here. (Phoebe pulls Piper aside. Piper uses her six hands to push Phoebe away from her, keeping Phoebe busy slapping at Piper's six hands.) PHOEBE: And keep your hands to yourself. PIPER: But you're interrupting us. PHOEBE: And saving life as we know it. LEO: What are you talking about? PAIGE: Look at your outfit. Does that look like something you normally wear? LEO: Well, no. PAIGE: Exactly. This is not the first time we have been hijacked by gods. So you just have to fight it. LEO: I don't want to fight it. I haven't felt this potent in years. (Leo and Piper gaze suggestively at each other.) PHOEBE: Oversharing. Any idea how to redirect his potency? PAIGE: Yeah. We should send him after Barbas. LEO: Barbas? PHOEBE: And what about the risk to the Elders? PAIGE: I think the risk to the universe is greater. I made a vanquishing potion. I'll go get it. LEO: I won't need it. (to Piper) I'll be back. PIPER: I'll be waiting. (With the crack of lightning, Leo disappears out of the room.) PHOEBE/PAIGE: Uhh. (Piper's sufficiently impressed.) PIPER: Wow, is that hot or what? (Piper walks around Phoebe, pushing her aside with half her hands.) PHOEBE: Or what. (Piper leisurely reclines on the chair, her four hands linked on her tummy as she waits for Leo to return.) PAIGE: Ok, I'm gonna go to magic school and try to find a spell to dispossess them. PHOEBE: Take the babies with you. They’ll be safer there. PIPER: (loudly) No! The baby stays with me. PHOEBE: (sighs) Okay. (Phoebe turns to leave the room. Paige stops her.) PAIGE: Where are you going? PHOEBE: I have to go to, you know, work. (Paige watches as Piper picks at her thirty fingernails.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - HEALER'S CAVE] (Several angry demons gather in the underworld cave. They're upset with Barbas.) BARBAS: (shouts) Gentlemen. Gentlemen, gentlemen! (The crowd of demons turn to look at Barbas.) BARBAS: Please. One at a time, if you please. I'm failing to see the problem here. FIERCE DEMON: You asked for help. You said we would share in the spoils. Then you tell us you're going after The Charmed Ones. Do you take us for fools? That's suicide. BARBAS: No, no, no, no. We're not going after The Charmed Ones, per se. Just their little baby. (A rumble of dissention runs through the demonic crowd. Barbas explains.) BARBAS: Ok, it's obvious that you are failing to grasp the bigger picture here. So I will explain it for you again ... for the umpteenth time. Okay. In going after the child, we are, in effect, pouring salt into the still festering wounds of the father who happens to be an Elder ... The Charmed Ones' Elder. FIERCE DEMON: So? BARBAS: So his parental instincts kick in, his vengeful little heart fills with rage, and then with just the tiniest little nudge from me, he makes a mistake, a fatal mistake. FIERCE DEMON: Leaving the witches unprotected by him. BARBAS: Exactly! And leaving you with the best chances at knocking them off anybody's had in years. Hmm. Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? FIERCE DEMON: What about that creature you told us about? How does he fit in to all this? BARBAS: See, that's a very good question, one I don't have the answer to. But he did cloak this lair so Leo couldn't track me. That makes him a friend, a very powerful friend. CUT TO: [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL -- DAY] (The teachers and students are packing away some paintings, carrying crates and packing books.) (Paige orbs into the Great Hall with Wyatt. She looks around and sees everyone packing.) PAIGE: What's going on? MRS. WINTERBOURNE: Oh, hi, Paige. We're packing up, closing down the school. PAIGE: What? Since when? MRS. WINTERBOURNE: Since Gideon died. (Paige puts Wyatt down.) Look, love him or hate him, he started this magic school, and without him, there's no one left to fight for it anymore. PAIGE: I'll fight for it. MRS. WINTERBOURNE: Against the Elders? (Paige nods.) MRS. WINTERBOURNE: You don't stand a chance. No offense, but Gideon was the only one that could stand up to them and convince them he could keep it safe from demons discovering us or mortals for that matter. PAIGE: What about the next generation? Where are they gonna learn what needs to be learned? MRS. WINTERBOURNE: I don't know. (Paige sighs as she thinks.) PAIGE: Is the nursery still open? MRS. WINTERBOURNE: Yeah, another week or so. PAIGE: Ok, stop packing those books because I'm gonna need them. (Paige leads Wyatt away.) Come on, baby. CUT TO: [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - BULLPEN / PHOEBE'S OFFICE - DAY] (Phoebe bursts into the bullpen.) PHOEBE: Elise! (Elise turns and smiles when she sees Phoebe.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Good. You're here. Come and meet your new-- PHOEBE: (interrupts) Uh, yeah. Just so we're clear, if I don't like this person, we can find someone else, right? ELISE ROTHMAN: Absolutely. It's your column. You got to be happy with him. PHOEBE: Him?! Wh -- I'm sorry, him? (Phoebe stops in the doorway to her office and sees Leslie "Les" St. Claire at her desk on the phone.) LES ST. CLAIRE: (to phone) I better call you back. (He hangs up.) Hi. I hope it's okay. I just wanted to get started. (He stands up.) PHOEBE: (to Elise) Leslie? ELISE ROTHMAN: Surprise! Hmm. LES ST. CLAIRE: Expecting a girl, weren't you? PHOEBE: Well ... LES ST. CLAIRE: So were my folks. It's how I got the name. You can call me Les. (He holds out his hand. Phoebe puts her hand in his and her world tilts as her sexual awareness of this man goes into sudden overdrive.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Now before you say "no", just hear me out. (Phoebe smiles at Les.) ELISE ROTHMAN: He had his own advice column in Philly, and it was totally hip, very hot. A perfect match for yours. (Phoebe caresses his hand.) PHOEBE: Hot, huh? Wow. (She catches herself and jerks her hand out from Les' grip. She looks up at the ceiling.) Oh! Not again. ELISE ROTHMAN: He's relocating to L.A. in a couple of months, which works out perfectly for how long you want to be away. PHOEBE: That's great, Elise, but he's a man. LES ST. CLAIRE: Is that a problem? PHOEBE: Well ... uh, most of my readers are women. LES ST. CLAIRE: And you don't think a man can give advice to women. PHOEBE: Uh, no, actually, not as well as a woman can, no. (Phoebe removes her purse and tosses it on the couch.) LES ST. CLAIRE: Well, what about Dr. Phil? PHOEBE: Dr. Phil is a doctor, right? Dr. Phil. LES ST. CLAIRE: Ah, so a man can give advice to a woman if he's a doctor. (Suddenly interested in Les' butt, Phoebe tries to get a good glimpse of it. She circles Les.) PHOEBE: That's not what I meant. (Les circles back trying to look at Phoebe to continue the conversation. Elise watches, puzzled by Phoebe's behavior.) LES ST. CLAIRE: That's what it sounded like. (puzzled) Are you feeling all right? PHOEBE: Me? Yeah. Ha! Yes, I'm feeling all right. (Phoebe reaches for an envelope from a mail crate on the counter.) I'm great. Are you kidding? LES ST. CLAIRE: 'Cause you don't look like you do. (Phoebe turns around and puts her arm on the filing cabinet.) PHOEBE: What are you, a doctor now, too? LES ST. CLAIRE: Actually, I am. Of psychology. I wrote my doctorate on women's intuit -- (Phoebe slips off the filing cabinet.) PHOEBE: Whoo! (And straight into Les' arms as he catches her.) LES ST. CLAIRE: I ... I aced it. PHOEBE: I bet you did. (They kiss. Elise's jaw drops. They're completely oblivious to her presence in the office.) ELISE ROTHMAN: (gasps) Phoebe! (Phoebe pulls away reluctantly. In a daze, she pushes Les aside and walks straight past Elise, out of the office. She stops, turns around, walks back into the office, grabs her bag off the couch, and leaves.) LES ST. CLAIRE: I guess that means I got the job. (Elise lifts her shoulders in a helpless shrug.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Ha. (They both turn and look out the open door where Phoebe just left.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM -- DAY] (Piper gently puts sleeping Chris in his bassinet.) PIPER: (whispers) Okay. (She leans over and smiles gently at her baby.) (Suddenly, two demons blur into the bedroom and attack. They each power-up and throw fireballs at the bassinet.) (Piper ducks and the fireballs miss her and Chris completely. Calmly, she waves two of her hands and blows up both demons. Her other two hands gently push the bassinet aside to safety.) (From the nursery door, another demon blurs into the room. He barely powers up an energy ball, when Piper turns around and raises two of her hands. Bolts of electricity shoot out at the demon hurling him against the crib at the far wall. He crashes into the empty crib, smashing it and is vanquished in an explosion of fire and smoke.) (Piper turns around.) (Three more demons blur into the bedroom. They each power up energy balls and hurl them at Piper. In a fabulous display, Piper utilizes all six arms throwing, deflecting and shooting back bolts of electricity at the three demons.) (She deflects the power ball and it hits the light behind her. As she fights the three demons in front of her, Barbas flames in undetected behind her dangerously near the bassinet.) (One of the three demons explodes from a bolt of electricity.) (Barbas steps closer to the bassinet and smiles down at Baby Chris.) (The second demon explodes from a bolt of electricity.) (Piper blows-up the third and final demon.) (Smiling, Piper turns around and sees Barbas stepping closer to the bassinet.) PIPER: (shouts) No! (In over-protective mode, Piper blasts Barbas with electricity from all six of her hands. He flies backwards and crashes into the far wall.) (Piper stares at Barbas.) (He gingerly touches his wound and finds his own blood on his hands.) (Barbas sighs and smiles as he flames out.) (Piper stares at Barbas and turns to look down at the bassinet when Chris starts to waken.) PIPER: No, no, it's okay, Peanut. You're okay. (She picks him up.) PIPER: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. (She holds Chris and comforts him.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL -- NIGHT] (Paige walks down the stairs with a big trash bin. Phoebe walks into the house. She's still seething from her encounter with her new ghost writer.) PHOEBE: Doctor. Doctor, my ass. I'd like to actually see proof that he's a doctor, you know? (She walks past Paige and puts her bag on the dining room table.) PAIGE: What are you muttering about? PHOEBE: Elise. She hired a man. Can you believe that? I don't know what she was thinking. PAIGE: Hired a man for what? PHOEBE: My job. That's what. Might possibly be the worst idea I've ever had. I don't know what I was thinking. PAIGE: You quit? PHOEBE: No, no. I'm just taking a sabbatical. Well, I was taking a sabbatical. I'm clearly not anymore. (Paige shrugs.) Well, don't look at me like that. You were the one that said I was in a rut. PAIGE: (sighs and tries to change the subject) Anyway, you'll never guess what happened while we were gone. (It doesn't work.) PHOEBE: I mean, it's just the most ridiculous -- have you even ever heard of a male advice columnist? I haven't. PAIGE: Try to guess. You won't be able to. (Paige taps her foot and waits for Phoebe to finish.) PHOEBE: (rambling) And I don't care what the Book says about the Divine Horniness only being rubbed off if you're attracted to someone because there's no way I'm attracted to him. Ha ha! Oh, god, I hope he's not the one from my vision. I think I'm gonna be sick. PAIGE: Barbas tried to kidnap baby Chris. (Phoebe turns around and looks at Paige.) PHOEBE: Paige, that is not funny. PAIGE: I'm not trying to be funny. It's true. PHOEBE: Oh, no. PAIGE: Oh, yes. Piper's upstairs putting him to sleep right now. He's okay. He didn't get hurt. PHOEBE: Oh, thank goodness. Leo's gonna go ballistic. PAIGE: Yes, and that is precisely why Piper does not want us to tell him anything. (Talk about timing. Leo walks into the room.) LEO: Tell me what? PHOEBE: (covering) How much she wants you. Piper. She desperately wants you. PAIGE: You're not supposed to tell him that. PHOEBE: I know. But you know me with secrets. I can't keep them. So how did it go with Barbas? LEO: It didn't. I couldn't track him. PAIGE: Really? You couldn't track him? Not even with all those powers cooped up inside of you? LEO: (smiles) I know. Strange, isn't it? (His thoughts are on Piper.) So where's Piper? Upstairs? (Without waiting for an answer, Leo heads upstairs before they can even stop him.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR -- PIPER'S BEDROOM / NURSERY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (Leo turns the corner and the smile on his face vanishes. The bedroom is a mess. The furniture is destroyed and demonic scorchmarks are evidenced on everything - the walls, the floors, the damaged furniture.) (He sees the broken crib in the nursery and rushes to the room. He looks around the room and doesn't see Piper or Chris.) (Phoebe and Paige cautiously approach the doorway.) LEO: What happened here? PAIGE: You're not gonna like it. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (The front door is forced open. Inspector Sheridan tosses the crow bar aside as she steps into the house. Darryl follows her inside. She has both hands clutched around her gun.) DARRYL: So what? You're not gonna give them a chance to cooperate with us now? Is that it, huh? SHERIDAN: (shrugs) They had their chance. They didn't show. Now we've got a warrant. DARRYL: That does not give us the right to bust in like this. SHERIDAN: Yeah, well, I want it to be a surprise. (Sheridan takes a step into the house. Darryl grabs her arm and stops her. She stops and looks at Darryl.) SHERIDAN: Well, you got something you want to say, Morris? (Darryl lets go of her arm.) SHERIDAN: One way or another, I'm gonna find out who this Chris guy really was and what they're hiding. Now you're either with me ... (She cocks her weapon.) ... or you're against me. (Sheridan heads into the house.) (Camera holds on Darryl for a beat. He reluctantly follows her.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (Leo is seething as he paces the floor.) PAIGE: You see? This is why Piper didn't want us to tell you. LEO: I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna rip the world apart until I find Barbas. PHOEBE: Yeah. That's what we're worried about. Leo, you have to calm down until we know all the facts. LEO: What facts?! He went after one of my sons again. PAIGE: Yeah, but he didn't get him. LEO: Doesn't matter. (Sheridan steps into the bedroom, her gun pointed at them.) SHERIDAN: (shouts) Police! Freeze! Hands in the air! (Both Paige and Phoebe raise their hands in surrender. Leo looks at Sheridan for a beat, then swings his arms around sending a powerful magical force at her throwing her up head first into the far wall.) SHERIDAN: Uhh! (She falls to the floor out cold. Darryl can't believe it. He glares at Leo as he walks over to help Sheridan.) DARRYL: What the hell is wrong with you? (Darryl kneels down and checks on Sheridan.) DARRYL: (to Leo) Are you out of your mind? (With bolts of lightning, Leo disappears from the bedroom startling both Paige and Phoebe.) PAIGE: Ohh ... yeah, I think he is. (Piper rushes into the room.) PIPER: Shh! I just got the baby to sleep. (She looks around and sees Darryl with Sheridan on the floor in front of him.) PIPER: What happened? Where's Leo? (Paige and Phoebe look at each other.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO BRIDGE (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - TOWER - NIGHT] (Zola stands on the tower, his eyes closed as he concentrates.) (Behind him, Barbas flames in. Zola doesn't notice him. Barbas looks around and smiles. He only needs to be there long enough for Leo to track him.) BARBAS: Ha ha. Ahh. (After a moment, Barbas flames out.) (With a bolt of lightning, Leo appears immediately after Barbas leaves. Leo stands behind Zola.) (Leo turns around looking from where he sensed Barbas back to Zola. Zola turns around and looks at Leo.) ZOLA: Leo. LEO: Barbas. Where is he? ZOLA: Barbas? (Barbas invisibly appears next to Leo taunting him, feeding him lies to his already enraged mind.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): How many times do you have to go through all this before you realize they're all working together. (Barbas disappears.) (Leo looks at Zola and raises his hands slowly. Leo's anger is visible as he glares accusingly at Zola.) ZOLA: Leo, don't do this. You know better. (Barbas appears invisibly behind Leo, pushing him to the edge.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): (taunts) He's after your boy. I'm after your boy. They're all after your boy. That's why it's your greatest fear. (Barbas disappears.) LEO: (shouts) Where is he, damn it! ZOLA: Wait! Listen to me, Leo. Don't do this! (Invisible Barbas again pops back next to Leo.) BARBAS (INVISIBLE): (urges) Kill him. Kill them all! (Barbas disappears.) (Leo raises his arms and roars his anguish as he lets out his power on Zola. Streams of electricity pulse out from his hands at Zola lifting him up into the air and against the steel bridge tower.) (Zola screams in pain. But Leo doesn't stop. He's too far gone to stop.) (Invisible Barbas stands behind Leo, smiling with glee.) (Leo doesn't let up. Finally, Zola explodes in fire and smoke.) (Leo puts his arms down and pants with exhaustion.) BARBAS: Ohh, my, my, my, my, my. What have we gone and done now? (Invisible Barbas disappears.) (Camera holds on Leo.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL -- NIGHT] (Mrs. Winterbourne leads Paige to the Nursery.) PAIGE: (to Mrs. Winterbourne) Thanks. (Paige walks over to Piper who is meditating.) PAIGE: Did you find Leo? PIPER: Where's Chris? PAIGE: He's with Wyatt in the nursery. (Piper nods.) PAIGE: What happened? (Paige and Piper turn. They find Leo sitting on the floor in a corner. He's curled in a ball, silent and dazed by what he's done. He's in a state that they've never seen him in before. It's definitely not good.) PIPER: (over her shoulder to Paige) Did you find the spell to fix us? PAIGE: Yeah, but - PIPER: (interrupts) Cast it. (Paige walks over to the desk and opens a large book. Piper turns her attention to Leo.) PAIGE: (reciting) We call upon the mortal ways And gods who guide but may not stay. We seek those of divinity To separate from and set them free. (Piper's extra four arms glow golden and disappear completely. The golden lights rise up out of her and leave her. The lights also leave Leo. It rises up into the air and vanishes through the ceiling.) PIPER: (quietly to Leo) Are you all right? (Leo silently shakes his head.) (Leo's behavior worries Paige.) PAIGE: (softly) Piper. (Piper doesn't turn around.) PIPER: Go get Phoebe and then go get Barbas. PAIGE: We still don't know how to find him. PIPER: I wounded him. You should be able to scry with his blood. (Paige orbs out of the Great Hall.) (Finally alone, Piper walks over to Leo and kneels down beside him.) LEO: I killed another Elder. PIPER: It's not your fault. You were tricked. (He doesn't know anymore.) LEO: Was I? (shakes his head) What have I become? (Piper gently gathers him into her arms and holds him close.) PIPER: (croons) Oh, it's okay. It's okay. (whispers softly to his ear) Nobody else has to know. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM - NIGHT] (The Paramedic shines the penlight into Sheridan's eyes.) PARAMEDIC: Just try to follow the light. (Sheridan's awake. Her eyes follow the penlight.) DARRYL: (whispers) I still don't think this was a good idea. PHOEBE: Well, what did you want us to do? Send her to purgatory? We had to play it safe. She's too suspicious already. DARRYL: Yeah, ok. But what if she remembers what -- what really happened? PARAMEDIC: Look to your right. (Sheridan looks to her right and sees Darryl talking with Phoebe.) PARAMEDIC: (to Sheridan) Focus. (Sheridan focuses on the light. The Paramedic turns the light off.) PARAMEDIC: (to other paramedic) Get the "C" collar and board. PARAMEDIC 2: Mm-hmm. (Paramedic 2 stands up to get the C collar.) PARAMEDIC: Do you remember what you were doing here, Inspector? SHERIDAN: Uh ... we came to search for something. PARAMEDIC: Do you remember what happened to you? PHOEBE: She slipped. We're doing a lot of redecorating, and she slipped and fell. PARAMEDIC: (to Sheridan) Well? Well, do you remember? SHERIDAN: Uh ... I ... (sighs) ... no. (The paramedic puts his stethoscope on.) PARAMEDIC: Just take a deep breath. Good. (Darryl leans closer to Phoebe.) DARRYL: She still remembers the search warrant. PHOEBE: So what? What is she gonna find? (Paige appears in the hallway.) PAIGE: What's going on? PHOEBE: Uh. Nothing. I think we have everything under control here. What's up? (Paige holds up the potions vial.) PAIGE: We've got some work to do. CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - HEALER'S CAVE -- NIGHT] (Barbas stands in the center of the cave shouting upwards trying to beckon the Creature Head to appear.) BARBAS: Hey! Why don't you come on down? Show yourself. All I want to do is thank you. It was a very good plan. I mean, it worked perfectly. So, uh ... how about we go after the witches now? PAIGE: (o.s.) Works for us. (Barbas turns around and finds both Paige and Phoebe in front of him.) BARBAS: Well, well, well, well, well. What do you know? It really is true. Just ask and ye shall receive. (thinking) Of course this lair was supposed to be cloaked. PHOEBE: Yeah. You should probably ask your invisible friend about that. BARBAS: Yeah, well, maybe I will. (Barbas sees the potion vial in Paige's hand.) BARBAS: Oh, come to vanquish me, I see. (mocks) What? Again? PAIGE: Yeah. But I just have one little question first. Why the baby? What does that even get you? BARBAS: (shakes his head) Ah, the baby. That -- that just gets me to you without the bodyguard. By the way, how is old Leo, anyway? Suffering nicely, I hope. (Paige takes a step forward to throw the vial, but Barbas raises his right hand which glows brightly. She stops.) BARBAS: Ah, ah, ah, ah. I think we should check your fears first. How charming. Your greatest fear is that your nephews won't be safe. (His hand stops glowing. He puts it down.) BARBAS: From me. How touching. Of course, such a great fear paralyzes you. Can't believe you forgot about that. PAIGE: Oh, we didn't forget. (Paige throws the vial at Barbas' feet.) PAIGE: Uhh! (The glass bottle breaks and the potion starts to work - a low whirlwind of flames light up under him.) PHOEBE: (smugly) We just knew our greatest desire would overcome our greatest fear. PAIGE: And our greatest desire is to protect our nephews from you. (Barbas is rendered immobile as the whirlwind of fire rises up around him, trapping him within its confines.) BARBAS: (laughs) Ah, you know I'll be back. (shouts) Fear always comes back! (The whirlwind rises higher and higher as it becomes more powerful, overwhelming him. Realizing that he's been tricked and used, Barbas shouts to the ceiling above him.) BARBAS: You set me up! (The whirlwind covers him completely and snaps shut. Barbas explodes. Demon dust falls lightly to the cave floor.) PHOEBE: I never get tired of seeing that. (Paige looks up at the cave ceiling.) PAIGE: I wonder who he was talking to. PHOEBE: I don't know, and I don't want to know. FADE TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - MORNING SUNRISE] [EXT SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. THE BAY MIRROR BUILDING (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. THE BAY MIRROR - PHOEBE'S OFFICE - DAY] (Phoebe walks into the office, through the bullpen and heads for her office. She lingers in the doorway.) PHOEBE: Making yourself comfortable, I see. (She finds Les St. Claire in her chair, his feet on her desk. He's reading the paper. He puts the paper away and sits up in the chair.) LES ST. CLAIRE: Sorry. Y-you know, Phoebe, you really don't have to come in here bright and early anymore. (whispering) Otherwise, it's not really a "sabbatical". PHOEBE: (whispers) Yeah, I know. (She steps into the office.) Actually, I'm gonna tell you the truth. After I met you, I wasn't so sure I wanted to take the time off. LES ST. CLAIRE: Ah, made quite an impression on you, did I? PHOEBE: No, not really. LES ST. CLAIRE: So you kiss all the new employees their first day on the job, do you? PHOEBE: (flustered) Yeah, well--ha! That was, you know, not--not--not what you think it was. LES ST. CLAIRE: Oh, really? PHOEBE: Yeah. LES ST. CLAIRE: And what do you think I think it was? PHOEBE: Well, I don't know what you think it was. But whatever you think it was, it actually wasn't. Anyway, uh, I thought I would wait until this morning and read what you wrote and see if I was still comfortable with my decision. LES ST. CLAIRE: And? PHOEBE: And I liked it. There was some good advice in there, considering you're a guy. (Phoebe heads for the door.) LES ST. CLAIRE: Well, thanks ... I think. Of course, I wouldn't want to sully your good name. (She lingers in the doorway.) PHOEBE: You'd better not. Good luck. LES ST. CLAIRE: Hey, for whatever it's worth ... you're a pretty damn good kisser, even though it didn't mean anything. (Phoebe turns and heads out of the office, a smile on her face.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN - DAY] (Paige walks into the kitchen.) PAIGE: (yawns) Oh, my god. I'm so tired. I didn't sleep at all last night, and it's not even because of Barbas. (Paige walks past Piper who is dressed to go walking, the stroller with the kids is nearby. Piper's putting the bag together.) PIPER: Pray tell. (Paige grabs the coffee pot and pours herself a cup.) PAIGE: It's the whole magic school thing, you know? It's gotten me really depressed. I don't know why the Elders are just shutting it down. PIPER: Well, they can do whatever they want. That's why they're them. (Paige gets the milk out from the fridge.) PAIGE: Yeah, well, it's not fair. (Piper takes the bag over to the stroller.) PIPER: Well, who's gonna stop them? PAIGE: (decides) I am. (Piper looks at Paige.) PIPER: What? PAIGE: Yeah. I mean, magic's the best thing that has ever happened to me, right? I mean, other than you guys. No offense, but you guys did kind of happen to me at the same time that magic happened to me. So if you really actually count it -- PIPER: Rambling. PAIGE: Right. Look, aside from Gideon, the school is a great thing, right? And I think I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get back to my magical roots. PIPER: I think that's a good idea. Um, any idea how you're gonna do it? (Paige gasps loudly.) PAIGE: Not a clue. (She looks at Piper and finally realizes where Piper's going.) Oh, my goodness. Are you going outside ... with them? PIPER: Yes, I am. Now may I go, or do you want to tease me some more about it? PAIGE: Oh, I'd really like to tease you some more, but I will wait until you get back. What changed? PIPER: Well, sharing a body with the ultimate mother, um, I got a few tips. PAIGE: Like what? PIPER: Like I can't protect them from everything or I'll probably end up making them neurotic. PAIGE: Lord knows we don't need any more of those around here. PIPER: No. So we're just gonna have to go out and brave the big, bad world. PAIGE: What about Leo? Is he gonna join? PIPER: No. He's still, um, dealing with some stuff. (Piper turns and heads out of the kitchen with the stroller.) CUT TO: [INT. UNDERWORLD - HEALER'S CAVE] (Leo kneels down in the center of the cave in front of the pile of ashes that used to be Barbas. He sifts through the ashes with his fingers. He's lost in his own dark thoughts.) (In the silence, a low, raspy voice echoes in the empty cave.) CREATURE: (v.o.) Barbas was right. (Leo looks up and sees nothing. Leo stands up and looks around the cave.) CREATURE: (v.o.) (multiple echoes) Killing him doesn't end the pain of betrayal. LEO: Who the hell are you? What do you want? CREATURE: (multiple echoes) What do we want? We want ... we want ... ? (Behind him. Leo turns around just as the translucent green floaty, ghost-like creature head shimmers into the cave and heads toward Leo.) (Light flashes and we get a glimpse of a dangerously skeletal-shaped head as it zooms straight for Leo.) CREATURE: ... We want ... YOU! (Leo flinches. He looks up. The creature head is gone.) (Leo's eyes are wide with fear.) (Camera holds on Leo.) FADE TO BLACK ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 7X01: A CALL TO ARMS ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 09/12/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DORIAN GREGORY as Darryl Morris Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring: NICK LACHEY as Leslie "Les" St. Claire BILLY DRAGO as Barbas REBECCA BALDING as Elise Rothman JENYA LANO as Insp. Sheridan JAMES AVERY as Zola HAWTHORNE JAMES as Demonic Healer BETSY RANDLE as Mrs. Winterbourne BRANSCOMBE RICHMOND as Fierce Demon EDDIE MATOS as Paramedic Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Co-Producer: DEBRA J. FISHER Co-Producer: ERICA MESSER Co-Producer: JEANNINE RENSHAW Producer: ROB WRIGHT Producer: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Supervising Producer: MARK WILDING Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by BRAD KERN Directed by JAMES L. CONWAY ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Story Editor: CAMERON LITVACK Co Starring: AMANDA SICKLER as Sophie (Phoebe's Assistant) KIRAN RAO as Priest REGGIE ROLLE as Attendant TODD TUCKER as Creature Head Demon Music By: JAY GRUSKA Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: DEREK BERLATSKY Unit Production Manager: JOHN PARE First Assistant Director: DEREK JOHANSEN Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-up artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: MARTIN CABLENZ Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: SUSAN SLATTERY First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Special Effects Shop Coordinator: VINNIE BORGESE Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: KIMBERLY LENAE FOSTER Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: ANDREA CONWAY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editor: BRIAN JONSSON Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2004 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. Dated:09/16/2004~lky