CHARMED 6X19: CRIMES AND WITCH DEMEANORS ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON CBS: 04/25/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM CBS Written by: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Directed by: JOHN KRETCHMER Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-14-LV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: When the Cleaners clean out magic to cover the Charmed Ones' vanquish, they 'clean' Darryl all they way to Death Row. The Charmed Ones appeal directly to the Tribunal and are put on Trial to save Darryl and to determine whether they'll be allowed to continue to use magic. ========================== CHARMED 6X19: CRIMES AND WITCH DEMEANORS ========================== FADE IN: [EXT. STREET -- NIGHT] (The car parks on the side of the street. The door opens; PAIGE and PHOEBE step out of the car. A second car parks close by.) PAIGE: You sure this is the right place? PHOEBE: It's just as I saw it in my premonition. PAIGE: But you kinda forced that premonition. PHOEBE: Darryl, will you hurry up. I got a date. (The second car's door opens and DARRYL MORRIS steps out of the car. He rushes toward them and the three of them head over to the alley.) DARRYL: Where's he gonna be? PHOEBE: At a restaurant downtown. DARRYL: I meant, where is the killer going to be? PHOEBE: Oh! He's going to be robbing a pawnshop in the alley. DARRYL: So exactly how will we know that he's possessed? PAIGE: When the phantasm comes out of him and tries to annihilate us. DARRYL: Wait. So, the perp's not responsible for the other killings? It's-- it's ... whatever you call it? PHOEBE: No, no, he is. The phantasm only possesses bad guys. To make them worse. (She turns toward the alley.) Ok, shall we? (PHOEBE enthusiastically heads for the alley leaving DARRYL and PAIGE behind.) DARRYL: She really wants this demon, doesn't she? PAIGE: No. She really wants her date. (PAIGE goes to follow her. DARRYL takes a moment, then follows also.) [INT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (DARRYL steps into the alley, ducks and heads for PAIGE and PHOEBE already waiting behind a crate on the side. They watch as the burglar uses a crowbar to try to break into the back entrance of the pawnshop.) (PHOEBE turns to DARRYL.) PHOEBE: (urging) Ok, go, go. (DARRYL pauses.) DARRYL: Okay, but make sure you do your thing before any "annihilating" occurs, ok? PHOEBE: Have we ever let you down? (PHOEBE turns to look back at the BURGLAR and the shop back entrance. PAIGE waves for DARRYL to go.) PHOEBE: (to DARRYL) Go. (DARRYL steps out and holds his gun on the burglar.) DARRYL: Freeze! Police! (The BURGLAR stops and turns around. He sees DARRYL and reaches for his own gun.) (PHOEBE steps out from behind the crate edging her way toward DARRYL, anticipating something.) PAIGE: Wait. Not yet. (The BURGLAR takes out his gun and points it at DARRYL. PHOEBE sees the gun and pushes DARRYL aside. The BURGLAR fires and misses DARRYL. He fire again; DARRYL fires back hitting the BURGLAR square in the chest.) (The BURGLAR falls to the ground. Carrying the wand in her hand, PAIGE steps out.) PAIGE: Throw the potion. (PHOEBE throws the potion and hits the BURGLAR. The Phantasm inside the BURGLAR arises, the ghostly apparition takes form high above the BURGLAR'S body. DARRYL'S eyes widen as he sees it.) DARRYL: Mother of god. (PHOEBE starts bouncing, urging PAIGE to hurry.) PHOEBE: Now. Now. (PAIGE holds the wand up at the phantasm and sucks the apparition into the crystal tip. The phantasm shrieks and screams as it is sucked into the wand. When done, PAIGE holds the wand out to PHOEBE.) PAIGE: Want it? PHOEBE: No. (DARRYL puts his gun away.) DARRYL: You guys saved my life. PAIGE: That's ok. We put you at risk. Again. PHOEBE: You caught a killer, and you saved an innocent -- not bad for a night's work. (rushing) I gotta go. Tell Sheila I said hi, ok? (PAIGE and PHOEBE turn and head out of the alley.) DARRYL: (to their retreating backs) Uh, yeah. I'll call it in. You guys better get out of here before -- (They're nearly out of the alley.) DARRYL: ... somebody sees you. (DARRYL turns and looks back at the BURGLAR.) [EXT. ROAD - NIGHT] (PHOEBE and PAIGE rush toward their car. PAIGE sees a different car parked on the opposite side of the street.) PAIGE: Hey, was that car there before? PHOEBE: Jeez, Paige, relax. You act like we've never done this before. (Camera pushes in toward the car. A beat later and we see that inside the car, INSPECTOR SHERIDAN holds a digital video camera. She sits up as we hear the car doors slam shut signifying PAIGE and PHOEBE completely oblivious to her presence.) (On her video camera, she replays the events in the alleyway: DARRYL has his gun on the BURGLAR, the BURGLAR takes out his gun, PHOEBE knocks DARRYL to the side as the BURGLAR fires, the bullets miss him.) (Cut forward to PAIGE sucking the phantasm into the tip of her crystal wand. The camera frame freezes on the vanquish.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: (under her breath) Gotcha. FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] (Establish.) [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN - DAY] (PHOEBE is standing in front of the stove where she mixes a large pot with a mixing spoon. She puts the spoon aside and turns around to get another ingredient from the counter. The Book of Shadows is open as she references it.) (PAIGE walks into the room. She's still in her pajamas and headed for the coffee maker.) PAIGE: Morning. How was your date? PHOEBE: Good. Other than the fact that he's not the man of my dreams. (PAIGE opens the cupboard to get a cup for her morning coffee. She looks over her shoulder.) PAIGE: You can tell that from one date? PHOEBE: I can tell that because I see nothing in the future for us besides sex, and I'm not interested in -- PAIGE: Sex? (PAIGE takes a cup down.) PHOEBE: No, wasting my time. Either you're the father of the child that I saw in my vision or not. So I'm moving on. Can you pass me the asphodel root? (PAIGE turns around and hands PHOEBE the dish full of the ingredient.) PAIGE: Yeah. What, are you demon hunting? (PHOEBE takes the dish.) PHOEBE: (embarrassed) No, lunch date. I want to make sure I get a hit off of him before the entrees come. No sense wasting those calories, right? PAIGE: Wait a second. So now you're trying to force premonitions on your dates? PHOEBE: It's the quickest way to find out who I'm looking for, right? PAIGE: Does it even matter to you that you're breaking every wiccan rule that exists? PHOEBE: I think after all these years, I know what I'm doing. Besides, with Piper in magic school, we're down a power. We could use the extra boost. PAIGE: Maybe. I just hope we don't misuse it. (CHRIS orbs into the kitchen. He spots the Book of Shadows on the counter.) CHRIS: There's the book. Do you mind? PHOEBE: No, knock yourself out. (CHRIS pulls the Book of Shadows toward him and flips the page over though he's not really reading it. He's more interested in telling them his theory. PHOEBE continues to work on the ingredients for her potion.) CHRIS: Been working some demonic connections. I think I have a new theory on who might be trying to turn Wyatt evil. PAIGE: A new theory. What's that, the third one this week? CHRIS: What? Are you keeping score now? PHOEBE: She's just grumpy 'cause she hasn't had her coffee yet. PAGIE: I am not grumpy. (PHOEBE gives her a look and PAIGE relents the point.) Ok, fine, maybe a little bit, but you have to admit you've had a lot of different theories lately, and none of them have panned out. CHRIS: That's why they call them ... "theories". PAIGE: Do we even get along in the future? (CHRIS sighs heavily. PHOEBE quickly changes the subject.) PHOEBE: How's Piper? Have you seen her? CHRIS: She's good. Uh, big. You know, I keep thinking how weird it's gonna be to see myself being born. PHOEBE: And how's Leo? CHRIS: Leo? Don't know. Haven't seen him. (Suddenly the Book of Shadows is very interesting and CHRIS starts flipping through it.) PHOEBE: That's because you're avoiding him still, aren't you? Chris, he's your father. You have to talk to him. How are you gonna change anything in the future if you don't? CHRIS: It's not the future I came back to change. Thanks. (He shuts the Book of Shadows closed and orbs out of the kitchen.) (PHOEBE turns to look at PAIGE.) PAIGE: (shrugs) Hey, don't look at me. I'm Grumpy. (The doorbell rings.) (PHOEBE rolls her eyes and her head then goes to answer the door.) [INT. MANOR - FOYER - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (PHOEBE opens the door to find SHEILA MORRIS standing on their front porch teary-eyed and distraught.) PHOEBE: Sheila. What's the matter? Come in, come in, come in. (She pulls SHEILA into the house and closes the door behind her. PAIGE walks into the foyer.) PAIGE: What's going on? SHEILA MORRIS: It's Darryl. PHOEBE: What about Darryl? Is he ok? SHEILA MORRIS: They just arrested him. For murder. (PAIGE and PHOEBE share a concerned look.) [INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - VISITING ROOM - DAY] (PHOEBE and PAIGE visit with DARRYL. They sit across the table from each other, a small partition across the table between them and a uniformed guard standing watch near the door.) DARRYL: I don't even know what happened. It's all kind of a blur. PHOEBE: What are you talking about? It was self-defense. He shot first. Several times. DARRYL: He did? PAIGE: You don't remember any of that? Did you get hit on the head or something? (to PHOEBE) Maybe when you pushed him down. PHOEBE: No, he was fine after that. Something weird is going on here. (The door opens and the PUBLIC DEFENDER, DARRYL'S LAWYER, walks into the room.) PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): Lieutenant Morris. (He glances at PHOEBE and PAIGE.) PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): I'm sorry, but we really have to prepare for your arraignment. DARRYL: It's ok. They're my friends. PHOEBE: Yeah, and there's a problem here because this man is innocent. PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): Yeah? How do you know? PHOEBE: Because I was there ... (awkward beat) ... driving around in the area. PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): Perjuring yourself isn't going to help any, lady. The prosecution's evidence is overwhelming, trust me. PAIGE: Evidence? What evidence? DARRYL: It's okay. Show them. (PUBLIC DEFENDER sets up his laptop and inserts a disk in the drive. He plays the disk.) [MONITOR: EXT - ALLEYWAY - NIGHT] (The BURGLAR backs away, arms raised as DARRYL advances, his gun on the BURGLAR.) BURGLAR: Please. Please don't kill me! No! Don't kill me! (DARRYL fires.) BURGLAR: Aaahhhh! (The BURGLAR falls to his knees.) (PAIGE shakes her head; PHOEBE looks absolutely stunned.) PHOEBE: That's not what happened. [INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN - DAY] (Camera pushes in slowly on INSPECTOR SHERIDAN sitting quietly at her desk while the rest of the bullpen rustles with activity.) PHOEBE: (o.s.) Inspector Sheridan. (She looks up and sees PHOEBE in front of her desk.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Yes. PHOEBE: We would like to talk to you. PAIGE: Easy. PHOEBE: Do you have a personal grudge against Darryl Morris? INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Morris? PHOEBE: Yeah. We know you faked the images on the tape. And we're here to let you know that we're not gonna sit around and watch you frame our friend. PAIGE: She's a little upset. INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Yes, I can see that. And you are? PHOEBE: Phoebe Halliwell. INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Halliwell. Hmm. Your name certainly pops up in his file plenty. For the record, I didn't fake anything, 'cause I was there, undercover, and I saw it go down with my own eyes. I've been Investigating Morris for a few weeks now, trying to figure out why so many of his suspects over the last five years just vanish or mysteriously wind up dead. Now I know. He takes the law into his own hands. Excuse me. (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN stands up and leaves. PAIGE and PHOEBE think about it as they lean against her desk. PAIGE crosses her arms in front of her.) PAIGE: Well ... PHOEBE: If she was lying, I couldn't sense it. PAIGE: Then how do you explain what happened? [EXT. MARKET PLACE- DAY] (The MARKET PLACE is busy as people mill about looking at the different stalls. In the center of it all, PAIGE and PHOEBE orb into the middle of the road not bothering to hide themselves.) (As soon as they materialize, those who saw them appear out of nowhere scream and run away from them in fright.) PAIGE: Sure hope this works. PHOEBE: It will. (PHOEBE points.) Coffee cart. (PAIGE waves her hand.) PAIGE: Orb away. (The large gourmet coffee cart vanishes. The vendor and the customer duck and run.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE slowly make their way through the market.) PHOEBE: (recites) Flowers that bring desire, Make them turn into fire. (The flower car bursts into flames. The crowd panics; people scream and run.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE wait. Suddenly, everyone around them freezes. They turn around and see the CLEANERS in their pristine white suits standing near the FRUITS & VEGETABLES STAND.) PHOEBE: I see you got our message. CLEANER 1: What do you think you're doing now? PHOEBE: Well, we didn't know how else to call for you. Figured you weren't listed in the yellow pages. CLEANER 1: What do you want? PHOEBE: We want to know why you framed Darryl Morris. That was your doing, wasn't it? CLEANER 1: Magic was exposed. We were forced to clean it up. CLEANER 2: Change what was. CLEANER 1: To protect you. PHOEBE: I thought we resolved this the last time you guys tried to intervene. We clean up your own magical messes. CLEANER 1: But you didn't even know about this one. You didn't realize you were being followed. Taped. PAIGE: We always manage to fix these things somehow. CLEANER 1: No, you wouldn't have. That's why we were put on the case to begin with. It was anticipated. PHOEBE: You know what? I don't care. If you don't free Darryl Morris, we're just gonna keep exposing magic -- (CLEANER 1 holds up his hand to silence her.) CLEANER 1: This will not be like our last encounter, Miss Halliwell. We're under strict orders not to negotiate with you this time. (PHOEBE turns to look at PAIGE, the same question in their minds.) PAIGE: Strict orders from whom? [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL - DAY] [CLOSE-UP: LEO] LEO: The Tribunal. (LEO explains what it means to PHOEBE and PAIGE as GIDEON listens.) LEO: It's a council made up of Elders and Demons to monitor magic, to make sure nobody ever finds out about its use. GIDEON: (adds) At whatever the cost. LEO: Which is why they created the cleaners and gave them the power to erase events, memories. PAIGE: Or in this case, to change them. LEO: It's just part of the grand design -- to allow magic to influence but not take over free will. (Behind them, PIPER turns the hallway corner and heads into the Great Hall.) GIDEON: It's the one thing both sides could agree upon. PHOEBE: Ok, so how do we find this tribunal? PIPER: Hey. What are you guys doing here? (PAIGE and PHOEBE turn around. PIPER gets a look at their faces and knows something is up.) Uh-oh. What's wrong? LEO: It's Darryl. PAIGE: Our friendly cleaners have struck again. He's in jail for murder. PIPER: What? Why? What happened? PAIGE: Someone was in a hurry. PHOEBE: Oh, wait. Are we blaming me for this? Did we or did we not catch the demon? PAIGE: Yeah, but you forced the premonition, so maybe we could've been more careful, and maybe we could've seen that somebody was watching. PHOEBE: And if I hadn't, we would've never caught the killer. LEO: All right, guys, this isn't helping. PHOEBE: I know. It isn't. There's only one thing that will. (She turns and looks at GIDEON; everyone turns and looks at GIDEON.) [EXT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE -- NIGHT] (GIDEON orbs PHOEBE, PAIGE and LEO into the Tribunal Hall on a large circular platform lit underneath by light. Up above them is nothing but a black void.) PAIGE: Where are we? (As he speaks, they look around the area.) GIDEON: Nowhere. Anywhere. You don't want to know. You should know that the tribunal is not like anything you've ever faced before. They are not a power to be trifled with. (PAIGE and PHOEBE stand in the center circle of the platform. LEO stands behind them.) PHOEBE: We understand. GIDEON: Do you? You might not like what's been happening to your friend, but be aware before you embark upon this journey that where it ends might just be worse. PHOEBE: Call them. (GIDEON raises his arms high above his head and proclaims in a loud booming voice into the void around them.) GIDEON: (loudly) Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit! (The winds stir around them. High above them in the black void, four large visions of floating heads appear: two Elders and two Demons.) CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): What reason have you to call the Tribunal? GIDEON: To challenge the actions of the cleaners on behalf ... of The Charmed Ones. THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): The Charmed Ones? But there are only two. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): The other is with child. I assume the sisters will speak for her in abstentia. PHOEBE: Yeah. In abstentia. Your ... Greatness? PAIGE: There's four of them. How do they break a tie? LEO: You don't want to know. (ARAMIS and ADAIR look at each other.) ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Your request has been granted. (Immediately, two tables appear apart from each other. One table has one chair for the prosecution; the other table has three chairs for the defense. PHOEBE and PAIGE look around at the tables.) (Behind them, flames appear as a demon materializes next to the prosecution table. Everyone turns around and looks at BARBAS, The Demon of Fear.) PHOEBE: Barbas? What the hell is he doing here? BARBAS: You missed me. PAIGE: Didn't we vanquish you? BARBAS: To the fires of hell. I've been granted a temporary leave of absence in order to act as your opposing counsel. CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): We liked his pitch. LEO: Pitch? What pitch? How did he even know about it? THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): We have the right to choose anybody we wish. PHOEBE: Gideon ... GIDEON: Your Honors, in the interests of facts - BARBAS: On that fairness issue, I submit that in order to expedite matters and to keep The Charmed Ones honest -- PAIGE: Us ... honest? BARBAS: Uh, for their own good, we graphically remind them as to what exactly is at stake here so they do not foolishly try some trickery in order to slip away like they did the last time they faced the Cleaners. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): It is done. PHOEBE: What is done? GIDEON: I'm not sure. (GIDEON walks around the center of the platform and a hologram of DARRYL and SHEILA appears. DARRYL is in his prison orange jumpsuit and they're both sitting in his cell.) PAIGE: Darryl? INTERCUT WITH: [INT. PRISON - CELL -- HOLOGRAM] (The PUBLIC DEFENDER walks up to the cell doors. DARRYL looks up at him.) PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): The governor denied the stay. LEO: What stay? What's going on? CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): We have accelerated time. But only for the execution. PAIGE: Execution? ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): You have until midnight to convince us, or his sentence will be carried out. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Magic will be protected one way or the other. (Camera holds a beat on the hologram of DARRYL and SHEILA before the hologram disappears.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE --NIGHT] (PHOEBE and PAIGE sit at the defense table while BARBAS leans casually against the prosecution's table. LEO stands behind them while GIDEON stands in front of the table as they confer.) PAIGE: We didn't know signing up for this would put Darryl on death row. GIDEON: I warned you about invoking the tribunal. PHOEBE: Yeah, well, you didn't warn us they would call upon our worst enemy. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Gideon, your case. GIDEON: Yes, your honor, in just a few more moments, if you please. THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): We don't. You're the ones who called for us. Proceed. PHOEBE: We called for justice, not the Demon of Fear. (BARBAS casually tinkers with his fingernails while waiting.) BARBAS: I don't see the problem with me being here. PHOEBE: There's a conflict of interest, and we believe that the tribunal should recognize this. (softly) I think this is a setup. LEO: (warning) Phoebe -- ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): How dare you question our integrity. PHOEBE: Not yours. (She stands up and points to BARBAS and the other two demons.) Theirs. Barbas has tried to kill us three times in the past. (PHOEBE steps into the center circle of the platform and immediately, it hums and glows blue. She immediately takes a step out of the center circle, but it's too late.) (The hologram appears.) INTERCUT WITH: [Scene from 1X13: From Fear to Eternity] [EXT. (HOLOGRAM) PROPERTY -- DAY] (PHOEBE walks around the property looking for the woman who called the office.) PHOEBE: Mrs. Joffee. It's SWA Properties. BARBAS: (o.s.) (Mrs. Joffee's voice) Hello, dear. (changes to BARBAS' voice) Thanks so much for coming out. (BARBAS turns and looks at PHOEBE. Her face registers her shock.) (Leaning up against the prosecution's table, BARBAS watches, amused by the memory.) (In the hologram, BARBAS passes his hand in front of PHOEBE'S face picking up on her fear.) PHOEBE: I know how you kill. But there are no elevators around here. BARBAS: (mocking) Elevators? That's what you think your greatest fear is? You mortals need to look deeper, down where the real truth lies. Your greatest fear is losing a sister. I get two for one. (End of hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: Ah, the good old days. PHOEBE: What the hell was that? GIDEON: The Circle of Truth, it's enchanted. It reads thoughts and shows what needs to be seen. You must be careful. PAIGE: Maybe you better just sit down. BARBAS: If I may, it is not my past evils that's in question here. What is in question here is these three witches' so-called right to be continually cleaning up after their own magical asses. PHOEBE: We have to get out of here. We have to figure out how this happened. GIDEON: You can't. If you leave, Lieutenant Morris dies. PAIGE: Does it really matter if we were set up? The point is, we were exposed. LEO: But if we can prove he orchestrated the exposure, it might. PHOEBE: Go find out what you can. Hurry. (LEO orbs out.) BARBAS: Was I boring him? GIDEON: With all due respect, if it truly is our case to present, may I? (BARBAS sweeps his hand grandly out in front of him for GIDEON to proceed. GIDEON takes the floor.) GIDEON: To better put this particular situation into its proper context, it bears reminding your honors of the long history, the long, successful history, The Charmed Ones have of shielding their magical tracks. If I may show you some examples ... [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL - DAY] (LEO and PIPER stand in the center of the Great Hall. LEO just filled PIPER in and she's putting on her sweater determined to join her sisters.) PIPER: I'm going. LEO: No, you can't. PIPER: I can't just let him hang either, Leo. LEO: Piper, if it wasn't safe for you before, it's even less safe now with Barbas there. Please? PIPER: What about Darryl? Does he even know what's happening? LEO: No, and I'm not going to tell him either. I need to concentrate on proving that Barbas set him up. PIPER: How are you gonna do that? LEO: I was hoping that you would call Chris and get him to use his demonic connections. PIPER: Why don't you ask him? (LEO rolls his eyes and sighs.) PIPER: Right. Chris? (CHRIS immediately orbs into the Great Hall behind her.) CHRIS: Yeah, mom, what do you - (He sees LEO.) -- need? PIPER: (indicating LEO, too) WE need your help. (CHRIS looks at LEO who nods at him.) [INT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE - NIGHT] (GIDEON continues talking.) GIDEON: The point being, The Charmed Ones have never once failed in their duty to keep the big secret. Witness. (GIDEON waves his hand over the Circle of Truth and another hologram of the past appears.) [Scene from 4X21: Womb Raider] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) PHOEBE & COLE'S OLD APARTMENT -- DAY] (DARRYL talks with PHOEBE, PIPER and PAIGE on what they need to do.) DARRYL MORRIS: I made an appointment for you at Missing Persons today. PAIGE: Wait. You want Phoebe to report Cole as missing? DARRYL: She has to. Otherwise, somebody else will, and she'll become the prime suspect in his disappearance. PHOEBE: So you want me to pack up his stuff so it looks like he left me? DARRYL: That's right. We cannot give the police any reason to suspect foul play. I mean, technically, you three did kill him. PAIGE: Let the object of objection become but a dream As I cause the scene to be unseen. (Immediately, the vanquishing scorch marks on the floor vanish as well as the other damaged items in the apartment suddenly repair themselves. In no time, the apartment is perfect again.) (End of hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (GIDEON steps back out onto the platform.) GIDEON: As you've just seen, Lieutenant whom the Cleaners would have die to cover magic, is here instrumental in keeping it protected. BARBAS: Could you play that hologram just a tiny bit longer? (GIDEON stares at BARBAS.) BARBAS: Humor me. CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): Do it. (The hologram picks up where it left off.) [Scene from 4X21: Womb Raider] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) PHOEBE & COLE'S OLD APARTMENT -- DAY] (PAIGE takes a step toward PHOEBE and puts her arm around her shoulders in comfort.) PAIGE: I just wish I could make the rest of your pain go away that easily. PHOEBE: So do I. You murdering witch! (PHOEBE hits PAIGE square in the face sending PAIGE backward.) (End of hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (BARBAS smiles in amusement. PHOEBE gets to her feet.) PHOEBE: That's not fair. I was under the influence of evil. BARBAS: Yes, you were, but then, it seems like you girls so often are under the influence of one thing or another. (He waves his hand and another hologram appears in the Circle of Truth.) [Scene from 4X21: Womb Raider] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) POLICE DEPARTMENT] (INSPECTOR MILES talks with PHOEBE.) INSPECTOR MILES: Your husband fits the classic profile of a deadbeat dad. (He takes a seat. While his attention is else where, a flame appears in the center of PHOEBE'S hand. LEO notices and whispers to her.) LEO: Make it go out. PHOEBE: I can't make it go out. (She looks around the room trying to find anything to extinguish the fire. Finally, she notices the trash can on the side. She throws the flame into the trash can.) (DARRYL whirls around and sees it.) DARRYL: Phoebe? I mean ... fire! (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (PHOEBE puts her head down on the table. BARBAS smiles with glee.) BARBAS: Wait. You're gonna love this one. (Another hologram starts.) [Scene from 3X13: Bride and Gloom] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) MANOR - FOYER - DAY] (PIPER opens the front door and the wedding planners, MARIE and CRAIG, are on the front porch. They walk into the house.) MARIE (WEDDING PLANNER): So glad you're home. We have some new floral sketches we'd like you to see. LEO: Now's not really a good time. PIPER: They're welcome to come in, Leo. CRAIG (WEDDING PLANNER): I've revisited the dinner menu, Piper, and you are going to be thrilled. I have some dynamic choices -- PIPER: I want pigs in blankets. (MARIE laughs thinking it's a joke. They both laugh.) MARIE (WEDDING PLANNER): It's nice to see a bride who still has a sense of humor this close to the big day. PIPER: No, I want pigs in blankets. (PIPER waves her hands and changes CRAIG, morphing him into a pig. MARIE sees the pig and screams. She drops her things.) MARIE: Aah! (Sitting at the table, PHOEBE looks around embarrassed, but with nothing to say.) (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (GIDEON surges to his feet.) GIDEON: I frankly don't see the relevance of any of this. It's wholly beside the point. BARBAS: No, no, no. That is precisely the point. The Charmed Ones are so influenced by outside forces, how can we ever expect to continue to trust them to clean up after themselves? PHOEBE: We cleaned up after each and every one of those situations. BARBAS: But how close you came to not. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Continue, Gideon. (PHOEBE leans toward PAIGE.) PHOEBE: (whispers) Where is Leo? [INT. PURGATORY - NIGHT] (PHINKS looks down, eyes wide. He takes gasping breaths of air as CHRIS holds him near the rocky edge by the back of his coat. LEO stands on another ledge watching.) CHRIS: Barbas escaped the fires of hell, and so did you. I know he helped you. PHINKS: Please, I don't want to back down there. Don't throw me back down there. LEO: (quietly) Chris, I don't think this is the best way. CHRIS: (ignores LEO) Last chance, Phinks. PHINKS: Ok, ok, ok, ok! Phantasms. We used phantasms. LEO: How? PHINKS: Uh -- Barbas buddied up to a couple of them down there. He used them to do stuff for him, you know, since they can travel back and forth and all. CHRIS: What kind of stuff? PHINKS: I don't know. I swear I don't know! But whatever it was, he said it could resurrect him somehow. It could give him new life -- permanently, too, he said, if he won something. LEO: The case. He must have used the phantasm to cut a deal with the demon members of the tribunal. We need proof. CHRIS: What do you think he is? LEO: He's a demon. They'll discredit him. CHRIS: It's better than nothing. LEO: It's a waste of time. CHRIS: It's the best we've got. Look -- LEO: Then we need to do better. (CHRIS accidentally lets go of PHINKS' coat and PHINKS falls face forward into the fires of hell.) PHINKS: Aah! (Gone forever.) CHRIS: (glares at LEO) Shoot! Now look what you made me do! [EXT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE - NIGHT] (Everyone is watching yet another hologram.) [Scene from 5X13: House Call] [EXT. (HOLOGRAM) MANOR - FRONT WALKWAY -- NIGHT] PAIGE: (o.s.) Piper, what did you do with the house? (Cut to: PIPER rushes up the front steps looking for the house that's not there.) PIPER: Oh, my god. What have I done? LEO: The spell, Piper. You need to reverse it fast. PIPER: I'm not sure I can. PAIGE: Well, then, you'd better make us disappear, because this one's gonna be tough to explain. LEO: You can do it, Piper. Come on. PIPER: Let the object of objection return So that its existence may be... reaffirmed. (All around them, from the ground up, the house reappears. Walls, floor, ceiling, furniture - everything. PIPER, LEO and PAIGE look around. They are now inside the house.) PAIGE: Nicely done. (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) GIDEON: So then, despite what Barbas would have you believe, regardless of outside influences, the sisters have always managed to protect magic, and therefore, based upon all the evidence, we ask the tribunal -- no, we demand that the cleaners be forced to reverse what they have done, that Lieutenant Morris be freed, and that The Charmed Ones be allowed to do what they have always done so well -- cover their own tracks. Respectfully. (Finished, GIDEON returns to his seat at the defense table.) (BARBAS applauds, loudly, mockingly.) BARBAS: Bravo! (BARBAS stands up and walks around the table.) BARBAS: Really very compelling stuff, counselor. In fact, I think that you've just successfully argued my case. PAIGE: Now what's he up to? BARBAS: Now obviously, this whole thing has now become much, much bigger than just a simple case of whether the good lieutenant bites the dust, because as we've just seen, the recklessness displayed by these three witches has now become of epidemic proportion. GIDEON: Objection! May I remind my counterpart that this is simply a question of simply whether or not the situation should be reversed. It is not an indictment on The Charmed Ones. BARBAS: Maybe it should be. PHOEBE: (quietly) This is what he's up to. (BARBAS walks back to the Circle of Truth and dramatically waves his arms to call up the next hologram.) BARBAS: Voila! [Scene from 5X05: Witches in Tights] [EXT. (HOLOGRAM) APARTMENT BUILDING ROOFTOP -- NIGHT] (Camera close up of EDWARD MILLER turns around one-eighty and we see that he's hanging upside down against the brick wall.) EDWARD MILLER: (panting) They don't have to move! They can stay for a year! Ten years! (Camera slowly pans upward and we see SUPER PHOEBE dangling EDWARD MILLER by his ankles off the side of his own apartment building rooftop.) PHOEBE: What about the cockroaches? Are you gonna do something about the cockroaches? EDWARD MILLER: First thing tomorrow. Just please don't drop me. Please! (COLE appears on the rooftop behind PHOEBE.) COLE: Uh, Phoebe? (PHOEBE turns around. Distracted, she lets go of EDWARD MILLER'S right ankle.) PHOEBE: Cole! EDWARD MILLER: Whoo! PHOEBE: What are you doing here? (Amused, COLE takes a couple of steps up the side of the rooftop edge while he explains.) COLE: Well, I got a call from one of the tenants saying that Wonder Woman was terrorizing the landlord. (He looks over the side and sees EDWARD MILLER hanging there.) What the hell are you doing? PHOEBE: Well, I'm teaching my buddy here how important it is to be a better person. (Cut to: COLE and PHOEBE talk.) COLE: I don't know what's going on here, but this is not you--literally. PHOEBE: Are you kidding? This is better than me. This is new and improved me. Now not only can I help my readers, but I can help the entire city. COLE: Careful. He's got ears. PHOEBE: Oh, please. Relax. The only thing he can hear right now is the blood rushing to his brain. (PHOEBE pulls EDWARD MILLER up and tosses him onto the roof where he falls and rolls. He scrambles to his feet.) PHOEBE: Ok, Cole, I gotta go, because I've got a lot of loyal readers that need my help. Ok? COLE: Ok. (PHOEBE pats COLE on his chest and takes a running super-leap onto the roof of the next building ... and onto the roof of the next building where she runs out of sight, her cries of excitement echoing behind her.) PHOEBE: Whoo! Whoo! (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: And last, but by no means least, where were The Charmed Ones to clean up this mess? (Another hologram starts up.) [Scene from 5X09: Sam I Am] [INT. SEEDY BAR -- NIGHT] (COLE nurses his drink at the bar when two THUGS walk in with automatic weapons and proceed to rob the patrons. COLE stares aimlessly at his bottle completely ignoring the ruckus behind him.) THUG 1: All your money! Hurry up! Watches, wallets--huh? (The BARTENDER reaches around the bar and aims to shoot the men, but THUG 1 sees him and fires first hitting the BARTENDER in the chest. The BARTENDER falls back and slumps against the wall.) (COLE watches all of this without batting an eye. He puts his empty glass down on the counter and reaches for the bottle for a refill.) THUG 1: Come on. Nothing's changed. Give me the money. Hurry up! (Gunfire erupts. COLE continues to sit at the bar. Being who he is, he really doesn't care about what's happening around him. All he cares about at the moment is his drink.) (THUG 1 fires his weapon in an arc around the bar, shattering glass, bottles and breaking everything. The bullets shatter his drinking glass. He looks down at this wound and at his broken glass.) (COLE'S wound heals quickly. He stares at his broken glass. He puts his glass down and slowly stands up.) (He looks over at the two THUGS. He swings his arm and THUG 1 is thrown against the back wall. He swings his arm again and THUG 2 is thrown against the side wall.) (THUG 1 regains consciousness first. He lifts his head and sees his gun. He reaches for it. COLE powers up and throws a fireball at him, turning him into dust.) (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (PHOEBE gets to her feet.) PHOEBE: That is absurd. That was Cole. We weren't responsible for that. We weren't even there. BARBAS: Ah, but you were there, Phoebe. It was your cold rejection of his love that drove him to that reckless despair. So I say that you were responsible. (PHOEBE looks at GIDEON.) BARBAS: Hexes, possession, evil influences, affairs of the heart. I say we're lucky that all the magic has not been exposed beyond repair long before now. (PHOEBE sits back down in her seat and puts her head down on her arms as BARBAS continues.) BARBAS: If we want to protect all that we are, all that this tribunal stands for, then I say we should not be just deciding the fate of some poor, pathetic mortal. No, we should be deciding the fate of these three, and whether they should ever be permitted to practice magic again. (GIDEON also sits down.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE wait. One by one, the members of the Tribunal nod their heads in agreement.) ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): So be it. FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- NIGHT] (CHRIS paces the floor and thinks out loud while LEO looks through the Book of Shadows.) CHRIS: Ok, I get the fact that Barbas used the phantasm to cut a deal so he could try the case. But that still doesn't explain how he set up the girls. LEO: To get it to possess the killer, so the sisters would get onto him. CHRIS: But that's only part of it. All right? How did he even know Darryl was under investigation in the first place? LEO: There is nothing in here about phantasms that we don't already know. CHRIS: Hey! Did you listen to a word I just said? LEO: What? CHRIS: (scoffs) Never mind. LEO: This is ridiculous. It's obvious you hate my guts, Chris. I understand. I'm a horrible father in the future, but there's nothing I can do about that right now. So can we concentrate on working together to save Darryl and save the girls, please? CHRIS: Fine. LEO: Great. All right, let's start with what we know. How about phantasms? CHRIS: Wait. That's it. Phantasms, plural. Phinks said Barbas buddied up to a couple of them, right? Well, that means there must be another one out there for us to find. LEO: See? I knew we could work together. (CHRIS rolls his eyes and backs away. He grabs the wand off of the table as he leaves.) [EXT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE - NIGHT] (GIDEON confers with PAIGE and PHOEBE.) GIDEON: Are you sure about this? PAIGE: Yeah. If they're gonna put us on trial, too, it might be the only way to save Darryl. We have to stand on our record. PHOEBE: If all the good we've done in the last six years isn't good enough, then nothing is. GIDEON: Very well. (GIDEON turns to BARBAS.) Your witness. (BARBAS stands up and moves around the table to take the floor.) BARBAS: Now, let's see. So many holograms ... so little time. THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): Barbas. BARBAS: Oh, well. I guess I should ask one of the cleaners a few quick questions. CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): As you wish. (CLEANER 1 appears on the witness chair.) BARBAS: You have been assigned to watch The Charmed Ones since they first became witches, have you not? CLEANER 1: That is correct. BARBAS: Would Lieutenant Morris be the first policeman to die in order to clean up one of their little magical messes. CLEANER 1: No. PHOEBE: Uh-oh. [Scene from 1X22: Déjà vu All Over Again] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) MANOR - FOYER/MAIN HALL - DAY] (PIPER turns to check on PHOEBE.) PIPER: You ok? PHOEBE: Yeah. (PHOEBE'S eyes are glued to the damage in the next room. PIPER turns around and sees ANDY TRUDEAU on the floor.) PHOEBE: Ohh. (PIPER and PHOEBE run to check on ANDY.) PIPER: Oh, my god. He's dead. (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: Truly tragic. That was their sister Prue's first true love. I wonder whatever happened to her. (PHOEBE surges to her feet; GIDEON puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her.) GIDEON: Don't! It's not worth it. (PHOEBE sits back down in her seat.) BARBAS: Anyone else? CLEANER 1: Yes. Inspector Reece. We had to keep a close watch on him. (BARBAS nods and turns to the Circle of Truth. He waves his hand and another hologram appears.) [Scene from 3X16: Death Takes A Halliwell] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) MANOR - FRONT DOOR] (INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON stands on the porch.) PHOEBE: Inspector. How can I help you? INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON: You can tell me where to find Cole Turner. I know he's alive, and I know he's in town. PHOEBE: Really. INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON: Yeah, really. Want to know how? Because his former landlady was found brutally murdered at his address. PHOEBE: Oh, my god. That's awful. INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON: Awful like you can't imagine. PHOEBE: I know what you're thinking. And I know what this looks like. And I am -- I am so sorry for what happened to -- INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON: You're sorry? Her eyes were frozen open in terror. Her skull was punctured in two places. By the time the police got there, most of her brain had spilled out onto the floor. Be sick, be horrified, but don't stand there lying to me and say you're sorry. I'm gonna find him, Miss Halliwell, and then I'm gonna bust his ass. And then I'm gonna bust yours. (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: And did he find him? CLEANER 1: No ... he did not. [Scene from 3X16: Death Takes A Halliwell] [INT. (HOLOGRAM) CHURCH] (The SEEKER comes up behind INSPECTOR REECE DAVIDSON and bites him on the neck. INSPECTOR DAVIDSON cries out in pain and falls to the floor.) (PHOEBE and PIPER stand on the other side of the locked gate, pounding on the bars.) PIPER: Open the gate! (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: We were lucky one of those demons came along and tied up that loose end, aren't we? (CLEANER 1 doesn't answer.) It's a rhetorical question. Never mind. CLEANER 1: There was another. An FBI agent. BARBAS: That's right. [Scene from 4X22: Witch Way Now?] [INT. MANOR (HOLOGRAM) - DINING ROOM] (He throws the thick folder on the dining room table. He slides it across the table toward them.) AGENT JACKMAN: In case you're wondering, that's just a copy. (They flip through various surveillance photos of them.) PHOEBE: Nice way to engender trust, Agent Jackman. AGENT JACKMAN: If I wanted to expose you, I could've done that six months ago when that file first crossed my desk. PAIGE: Expose us as what? AGENT JACKMAN: Witches. It's the only logical explanation for all the unsolved cases, the missing persons, the mysterious deaths. (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) PAIGE: (interrupts) That is out of context. He was a witch hunter. He tried to kill us. BARBAS: The only context I'm interested in is what happened to yet another officer of the law. Witness. (He waves his hand and another hologram appears in the Circle of Truth.) [Scene from 4X22: Witch Way Now?] [EXT. PARK (HOLOGRAM) -- NIGHT] (AGENT JACKMAN fires his gun at PHOEBE.) [SLOW MOTION] (The bullet passes COLE on its way toward PHOEBE. COLE raises his hand manipulating both time and motion. He switches PHOEBE and AGENT JACKMAN'S positions.) (The bullet hits him square in the chest. He grunts on impact and drops his gun. PHOEBE sees him fall down.) (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) BARBAS: Seems like that stream of unsolved deaths left in The Charmed Ones' wake keeps right on growing. So I guess the obvious question is how many more inspectors must die before it comes to an end? GIDEON: Another rhetorical question? BARBAS: Actually, no. In fact, that is what I think becomes the salient question because the deaths could end with Lieutenant Morris. That's what I think. What do you think? PHOEBE: Objection. Why should we care what he thinks? GIDEON: (warning) Phoebe. CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): I care. PHOEBE: Of course you care. You're a demon. ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): I care, too. PHOEBE: Oh. Well, then never mind. CLEANER 1: I think ... there will always be another Inspector Sheridan to pick up on their trail. (PAIGE gets an idea.) PAIGE: (sighs) Wait a minute. BARBAS: Unless ... (CLEANER 1 turns to look at the CHARMED ONES.) CLEANER 1: Unless it ends with Morris. PHOEBE: (whispers) What? BARBAS: No further questions, rhetorical or otherwise. (With a wave of his hand, BARBAS makes CLEANER 1 disappear. He heads back to his table, then realizes.) Oh, sorry. Did you have more questions of him? GIDEON: Yes, as a matter of fact. PAIGE: (interrupts calmly) No. We're fine. Carry on. GIDEON: Paige, what are you doing? BARBAS: Unfortunately for us, ending the stream of deaths with Morris only solves our problem of the past. It does absolutely nothing to protect us against our future problems. So how much longer can we afford to tempt the gods of fate with the recklessness of The Charmed Ones, and at what point does that day finally come when it's just simply too late to clean up after one of their little magical messes? And then all of magic is exposed to the world forever because of them, and that is the question you're going to have to answer because I rest my case. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Gideon. GIDEON: Nothing further. (BARBAS takes his seat.) CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): We will return with the verdict. (The TRIBUNAL vanishes.) PHOEBE: Ok, this better be good. (PAIGE looks around.) PAIGE: Leo. (LEO and CHRIS both orb in.) PAIGE: Hey, you guys are speaking now. CHRIS: Uh, let's not make a big deal about it, ok? PAIGE: Fine. What'd you find out? LEO: Ok, you know that phantasm you vanquished? Apparently Barbas sent it so you'd follow it. CHRIS: And apparently he gets a get out of hell free card if he wins the case. PHOEBE: I knew this was a setup. LEO: But we can't prove it, so we've been trying to find another phantasm, but we can't find -- PAIGE: If it's anywhere, it has to be inside Inspector Sheridan. It's the only way Barbas knew she'd be in the right place at the right time. (LEO stares at her. PHOEBE waves them away.) PHOEBE: Ok, go get her. Bring her back here. Hurry. (LEO and CHRIS orb out.) [INT. DEATH ROW -- PRISON CELL - NIGHT - 11:48 PM] (DARRYL and SHEILA are in each other's arms. DARRYL glances up at the wall clock and notices the time: 11:48 PM.) (There's a golden glow of light and PIPER appears in the prison cell.) DARRYL: Piper. What are you doing here? How'd you do that? PIPER: That's why they call it magic school. Come on. I'm gonna get you out of here. DARRYL: What? PIPER: Right now. Let's go. SHEILA: You mean, just leave? PIPER: That's the idea. DARRYL: No. PIPER: What do you mean, no? We'll figure it out. We'll fix it later. (DARRYL gets to his feet.) DARRYL: Uh, no, Piper. I can't. What if you can't fix this? What am I supposed to do then? Run? Hide? That's not right. I'm no fugitive. I'm a cop! (PIPER looks away and vanishes.) [EXT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE - NIGHT] (PIPER appears in the Tribunal Hall standing behind PAIGE and PHOEBE'S table.) PIPER: How did I get here? (PHOEBE, PAIGE and GIDEON start at the sound of her voice. GIDEON gets to his feet.) PHOEBE: Piper! What are you doing here? PIPER: I don't know. PAIGE: Why don't you go back? Go. THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): She can't. We have brought her to hear the judgment ... ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Since it impacts all of you. PHOEBE: This doesn't look good. PAIGE: Where the hell is Leo? (BARBAS gets to his feet as Judgment is rendered.) ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): As to whether or not The Charmed Ones shall be allowed to continue to practice magic, the judgment is ... in favor of the sisters. CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): But against the Lieutenant. The trail of exposure must end with him. [INT. DEATH ROW -- PRISON CELL - NIGHT] (DARRYL is kneeling in front of SHEILA. He looks up as the prison cell door opens and PUBLIC DEFENDER stands in the doorway.) PUBLIC DEFENDER (LAWYER): I'm afraid it's time. (DARRYL gets to his feet as SHEILA starts to loose it. She also rises not wanting to let him go.) SHEILA: No, no, no. Please don't take him. DARRYL: Please, baby. Please ... SHEILA: Please don't. No, no, no. (Fade to: DARRYL and SHEILA kiss. DARRYL heads for the cell door.) (DARRYL steps out of the cell accompanied by a PRISON GUARD.) PRISON GUARD: Let's go. (They lead DARRYL out of the cell and through the hallway. As she cries, SHEILA stays behind, watching him walk away from her.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE -- NIGHT] (PHOEBE gets to her feet.) PHOEBE: You have got to be kidding me, right? I mean, you can't really be doing this. GIDEON: Phoebe, they have already. (PHOEBE steps away from GIDEON and walks around the table. She motions to BARBAS at the other table.) PHOEBE: Look, he doesn't care about protecting magic. All he cares about is himself and getting out of purgatory. Not only did he set us up, but he set you up, too. BARBAS: Always trying to blame somebody else, aren't you? PHOEBE: You Son of a - (PHOEBE takes a step forward; GIDEON pulls her back and turns her to face him.) GIDEON: Listen to me. You have to stop this. Do you understand? They haven't taken away your powers yet, but they still can. (PAIGE steps out from around the table.) PAIGE: (interrupts) Then let them. If this is the thanks that we get for all of our good work, if this is the way the system works, then you can keep our stupid powers. GIDEON: Paige! (PIPER steps up to join them in full support of PAIGE'S idea.) PIPER: No, she's right. If Darryl dies, that's it. We're done. We quit. BARBAS: (gloating) You know, that would solve any of our future exposure issues, now, wouldn't it? ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): You'd have us erase your memories? Change all that you know? ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): All that you are? PHOEBE: If necessary. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Very well. [INT. EXECUTION ROOM - NIGHT - 11:58 PM] (It's two minutes to midnight. DARRYL is being strapped into the chair - his wrists buckled securely. The PRISON GUARD opens the cabinet with the lethal syringes set up.) (Another PRISON GUARD turns the machine on.) (Someone ties a hose around DARRYL'S arm to find a vein.) (The alcohol swab is applied to the injection spot on DARRYL'S arm.) (Close up of the wall clock: 11:58 PM.) [INT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE -- NIGHT] (PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE wait.) (LEO and CHRIS orb in with INSPECTOR SHERIDAN struggling between them.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: Get off of me! (She frees herself from their grip.) INSPECTOR SHERIDAN: What is this? Wh-where am I? CHRIS: That's a nice act. It's very convincing. BARBAS: Objection! He cannot bring a mortal down here. It is outrageous. LEO: Sit down and shut up. (BARBAS automatically starts to sit down, then pauses as he realizes that was LEO who gave that order. He stands up and puts his hands behind his back.) CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): What is the meaning of this? CHRIS: Watch. (CHRIS pushes INSPECTOR SHERIDAN down toward the Circle of Truth. She falls forward close enough to activate the hologram.) [INT. (HOLOGRAM) POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN -- NIGHT] (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN sits at her desk working. The bullpen is empty except for her. Suddenly, she hears the wail of the phantasm as it rises out from the floor behind her.) (She puts her pen down on her desk and turns around. The Phantasm possesses the INSPECTOR.) (The TRIBUNAL continues to watch the hologram.) (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN sighs, gets up and walks over to the filing cabinet. She opens the drawer and takes out a thick file labeled: DARRYL MORRIS.) (End of Hologram. Resume to Tribunal Hall.) (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN turns to glare at BARBAS.) PHANTASM (IN INSPECTOR SHERIDAN): (hisses) What now? BARBAS: Oh, surrounded by idiots. (BARBAS sits down.) (LEO throws the potion and hits INSPECTOR SHERIDAN. The PHANTASM inside her rises up and leaves her body. It rises up to the black void where the TRIBUNAL MEMBERS watch.) (CHRIS takes out the crystal tipped wand and holds it up pointed at the Phantasm. It wails and screams as it's sucked into the wand's crystal tip.) (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN faints.) PIPER: Huh. Guess there's some cleanin' up to do there. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): What do you have to say for yourself, Barbas? BARBAS: (shrugs) I'm a demon. What do you expect? GIDEON: Based on the evidence, I beg you to reverse the decision before it's too late. [INT. EXECUTION ROOM - NIGHT] (It's a minute to midnight with only a few seconds left. The needle hooked up to the lethal machine is inserted into DARRYL'S arm.) (DARRYL swallows and looks at the clock. There's only two more seconds till midnight.) (The lethal injection machine beeps and flicks on. The poison starts its way down the tubes toward DARRYL.) (His arms tighten, fists firm anticipating the poison.) (Close up on DARRYL'S eyes shut tight.) SHEILA: (o.s.) Darryl. (DARRYL opens his eyes.) [INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN - NIGHT] (He looks up and sees SHEILA standing in front of him. She's dressed, made-up and looks ready to go out.) (DARRYL'S sitting in his chair behind his desk. She smiles at him.) SHEILA: Did you forget we were gonna go out tonight? (DARRYL stands up and rushes forward eagerly toward SHEILA. He puts his arms around her and holds her in a secure embrace.) (INSPECTOR SHERIDAN walks into bullpen carrying a file folder. She sees DARRYL with SHEILA and doesn't give them a second thought as she heads for her desk.) (On the side, CLEANER 1 walks into the bullpen and looks around making sure everything's to his satisfaction.) (DARRYL looks at the CLEANER and their eyes meet. The CLEANER smiles at DARRYL, then with a wave of his hand, he vanishes from the bullpen.) [INT. TRIBUNAL HALL - NOWHERE - NIGHT] ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): It is done. ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): And as for you, Barbas -- BARBAS: Oh, no. (He gets to his feet.) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Just because I'm the one that set this whole thing up does not necessarily mean that I am not right. The Charmed Ones are reckless with magic. PAIGE: (rolls her eyes) Oh, please. BARBAS: You've seen, I've seen, we've all seen it time after time, and it doesn't even include what got them into this whole mess in the first place. PHOEBE: Uh ... I think that would be you. BARBAS: Ah, Phoebe, that would be you, with your ongoing zeal to force your premonitions, to short-circuit the process, take the easy way, and for what? Each and every time, it was for personal gain. I don't know, but it just seems to me like selfish behavior like that, there's got to be some consequences, or, well ... what's the point? (The TRIBUNAL members look at each other.) CRILL (TRIBUNAL DEMON): Phoebe will be stripped of her powers. PHOEBE: What?! ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): Just your active powers. Empathy, premonitions. THRASK (TRIBUNAL DEMON): Levitation. ADAIR (TRIBUNAL ELDER): You can earn them back, but only if you're more careful with your powers. ARAMIS (TRIBUNAL ELDER): If you're all more careful. (And with that the TRIBUNAL members vanish from the black void.) PAIGE: You can't just say that and leave. PIPER: Gideon, get them back here now. PHOEBE: No. It's ok. I mean, it might be kind of refreshing to not rely on my powers so much anymore, you know? Besides, they're not the only ones that think I've been misusing them. (PAIGE turns away at the mention of their earlier conversation.) PIPER: Are you sure? PHOEBE: (nods) Yeah. Let's get out of here. (With a final look at BARBAS, PAIGE orbs them out of the Tribunal Hall.) (BARBAS remains. He stretches his arms wide, gleeful at being forgotten, smugly satisfied at being left out of Hell.) BARBAS: (sighs) Ah, looks like I did just enough to win the case. You know what that means? (He looks at GIDEON.) That means ... I'm baaaack! (He whirls around with glee.) (GIDEON doesn't react to him. BARBAS, on the other hand, can't let it go. He walks over to GIDEON.) BARBAS: Ohhh ... I know, counselor. I know. You're afraid ... (BARBAS holds out his hand and reads GIDEON.) BARBAS: That your greatest fear is that somehow they're going to find out that you're the one that's after Piper's son. But don't be worried. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Nary a soul. (And with that, BARBAS leaves in a wall of flames.) (GIDEON stands rooted to the spot.) FADE TO BLACK ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 6X19: CRIMES AND WITCH DEMEANORS ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 04/25/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry DORIAN GREGORY as Darryl Morris Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring BILLY DRAGO as Barbas KIRK B.R. WOLLER as Cleaner One SANDRA PROSPER as Sheila Morris IAN ABERCROMBIE as Aramis (Tribunal Elder) KEN PAGE as Adair (Tribunal Elder) CHRISTOPHER CAZENOVE as Thrask (Tribunal Demon) JAMES HORAN as Crill (Tribunal Demon) JENYA LANO as Inspector Sheridan KEITH MacKECHNIE as Public Defender (Darryl's Lawyer) ESTEBAN POWELL as Phinks and GILDART JACKSON as Gideon Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Directed by: JOHN KRETCHMER ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS Also Starring DARIN COOPER as Cleaner #2 DENNIS KEIFFER as Killer in Alley (Burglar) Appearing in Footage: JULIAN McMAHON as Cole Turner BRUCE CAMPBELL as Agent Jackman TED KING (T.W. KING) as Andy Trudeau DAVID PRESSMAN as Ed Miller NICHOLAS CASCONE as Inspector Miles KEITH DIAMOND as Inspector Reece Davison TRACEY COSTELLO as Marie (Wedding Planner) D.C.DOUGLAS as Craig (Wedding Planner) CHRISTOPHER SHEA as Seeker #1 WADE ANDREW WILLIAMSas Seeker #2 BRUCE COMTOIS as Thug Music By: J. PETER ROBINSON Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: DON KELLEY Unit Production Manager: JOHN PARE First Assistant Director: RICHLEIGH HEAGH Second Assistant Director: ERIC OLIVER Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: MICHAEL STKRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-up artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: DAVE BASSETT Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: CHRISSY CORNWALL First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Special Effects Shop Coordinator: VINNIE BORGESE Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: MEGAN ENTRIKEN Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: JULIE SWARTSLEY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editor: EUGENE WOOD Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2004 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:04/27/2004~lky