CHARMED 6X18: SPIN CITY ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 04/18/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by: DOUG E. JONES & ANDY REASER Directed by: MEL DAMSKI Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-LV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: Piper is singled out by the Spider Demon as her next victim. During the attack, Chris is infected by the Spider Demon's venom and slowly transforms into the Spider Demon himself. Meanwhile, Leo learns that Chris is his son and has to deal with Chris' issues of him. ========================== CHARMED 6X18: SPIN CITY ========================== FADE IN: [INT. P-3 - BAR -- DAY] (CHRIS sits alone at the bar. The lights are turned on low. He spreads the stack of tarot cards down on the counter and picks a single card out from it. He flips it over: JUDGMENT.) (He looks at the card and sighs heavily.) (Someone turns the club lights on. CHRIS turns and sees DENNIS walk into the club.) CHRIS: Dennis. What are you doing here? DENNIS: I, uh, work here, remember? (DENNIS reaches for a bar stool and removes it from the table.) CHRIS: No, I know. I mean, what are you doing here so early? (He moves over to the bar and takes that stool down off the table. He flips it upright and sets it down on the ground.) DENNIS: Piper called. Wanted me to set up for the band. CHRIS: Piper called? From where, the doctor's? DENNIS: I don't know. Maybe. (CHRIS doesn't say anything, but sighs. DENNIS stops and looks at CHRIS.) DENNIS: Is something wrong? Is she okay? CHRIS: Yeah, it's just a regular checkup for the baby. I'm sure everything's fine. (DENNIS pauses, obviously something is on his mind.) DENNIS: Mind if I ask you a question? CHRIS: Sure. DENNIS: You know Piper pretty well, don't you? I mean, you guys seem close. CHRIS: Yeah, real close. DENNIS: What's the deal with the Ex of hers -- Leo? I mean, the dude gets her pregnant, right? Then, what, just skips town on her? I mean, what's up with that? CHRIS: It's a long story. DENNIS: Hmm. As far as I'm concerned, she deserves a hell of a lot better. CHRIS: (quietly) I couldn't agree with you more. (DENNIS turns and leaves. CHRIS looks back at the tarot card in his hand: JUDGMENT. He throws it back down on the counter.) CUT TO: [INT. MEDICAL BUILDING - HALLWAY -- DAY] (PAIGE hits the down button to call for the elevator. She takes a breath and turns to PIPER.) PAIGE: Are you hormonal or just plain crazy? PIPER: One woman can only take so much. (PIPER turns around to look at the frozen WOMAN standing behind her whose hands are out in front of her as if to grab something. In fact, the entire hallway is frozen - doctors, patients, everyone.) (PIPER looks back at PAIGE, not sorry in the least for freezing them.) PAIGE: Okay, if these people walk out of their offices, what do you think they're gonna see? PIPER: Well, I think they won't be touching my stomach anymore, that's what I think. PAIGE: Piper, that is not a good enough reason to freeze people. (The elevator bell dings and the doors open.) PIPER: I think it is. (PIPER steps into the elevator, waving her hand behind her to un-freeze everyone.) WOMAN: Oh -- (The WOMAN un-freezes and moves forward as if to grab something that's no longer there. PAIGE steps forward to help her get her balance.) PAIGE: It's okay. It's okay. We all just get a little vertigo sometimes. (PAIGE turns and walks into the elevator. She takes her place behind PIPER who casually leans against the elevator wall looking at the paper in her hand.) PAIGE: (mumbles) No wonder Chris grows up to be such a neurotic little freak. (The elevator doors close on PIPER smiling -- unphazed in the least.) [INT. MEDICAL BUILDING - ELEVATOR - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (PAIGE looks at the paper in PIPER'S hands over her shoulder and smiles.) PAIGE: So, you excited? PIPER: About what? PAIGE: About what the doctor said, that it was gonna be a healthy baby. PIPER: Well, I know he's healthy. I've seen him, 22, and walking around. PAIGE: Well, you never know. Something could happen. PIPER: Oh, don't be such a worrywart. Now you're starting to sound like ... (CHRIS orbs into the elevator.) CHRIS: Hey. PIPER: Chris. PAIGE: Okay, if this is about demons, I don't want to hear it 'cause I am on my lunch break. CHRIS: No, no, no. I was just wondering how it went with the doctor. PIPER: Well, you'll be happy to know that you're a boy. (She turns over the ultrasound photo that she's been looking at to show him the picture. He scoffs at PIPER'S humour.) CHRIS: That's not what I meant. (PAIGE looks at the photo, scrunching her eyes to see the baby part.) PAIGE: I don't see it. (PIPER points.) PIPER: Oh, it's this little thing -- (CHRIS snatches the ultrasound picture out of her hands.) CHRIS: (embarrassed) Whoa! Excuse me! Do you mind? (PAIGE sighs. PIPER shakes her head. CHRIS tilts his head as he looks at the ultrasound.) [INT. PARKING GARAGE - FLOOR P4 -- DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The elevator bell dings and the doors open. The three of them walk out into the garage.) PIPER: Why are you so edgy anyway? Relax. CHRIS: Well, it's not me in there I was thinking about, it's you. I was just making sure you're okay. PAIGE: See, this is where he asks for money to go to the movies. CHRIS: Very funny. Actually, in the future, you're the one I go to for money. [TOP VIEW DOWN] (From above them, someone is watching the three of them walking below. The view is hazy and appears to be through a webbed veil. ) PAIGE: Ooh, why? Am I rich? CHRIS: I can't tell you that. PIPER: What about me? I'm your mother. Why don't you come to me for money? CHRIS: 'Cause I don't want to bother you. You'll have too much to deal with. [RESUME VIEW] PAIGE: What about your dad? CHRIS: Uh ... Leo's not much of a factor. PAIGE: What does that mean? CHRIS: I'd rather not talk about it. PIPER: Future consequences? CHRIS: More like future issues. PAIGE: Ooh, father/son problems. CHRIS: I have an idea. Let's change the subject. PAIGE: To what? (CHRIS turns and sees a SPIDER DEMON jump down from the ceiling. She lands near PIPER.) CHRIS: Demons! (CHRIS pushes PIPER out of the way. She falls to the ground. The SPIDER DEMON swings and swipes CHRIS in the neck with her long-black claw-like fingernails.) CHRIS: Aah! (PAIGE holds out her hand and calls for the fire extinguisher hanging on the nearby wall.) PAIGE: Extinguisher! (The SPIDER DEMON turns and sees PAIGE orb the fire extinguisher. PAIGE throws the orbs at the DEMON. The SPIDER DEMON flips over backward, the fire extinguisher orbs fly past her missing her. She lands back on her feet.) (PIPER turns and sees her. The SPIDER DEMON turns and looks directly at PIPER. PIPER waves her hands to blast the DEMON. The SPIDER DEMON shrinks, morphing into a black widow spider and rapidly climbs up the wall to safety.) (They watch as the spider slips easily into the vents.) (PAIGE walks over to check on CHRIS, but CHRIS is more concerned for PIPER. He turns and helps her up.) PAIGE: You guys okay? (CHRIS puts a hand to his neck injury and grimaces.) CHRIS: I don't know. Am I? (He shows them the injury on his neck, three deep and distinctive claw marks. He turns and looks pointedly at PIPER'S tummy.) CHRIS: Uhh. Am I? (PIPER pauses as she takes stock of herself.) PIPER: (unsure) I don't know. (Camera lowers to focus on PIPER'S tummy.) FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- DAY] (PAIGE sits at on the chair looking through the Book of Shadows. PIPER and CHRIS sit at the table as PIPER cleans CHRIS' wound. She holds a towel in her hand and there's a bowl with reddish-colored liquid in front of them on the table.) CHRIS: So, I'm okay, right? I mean, mini-me in there? PIPER: Well, if he wasn't, I think you'd be the first to know. Now sit still. (PIPER holds the towel to CHRIS' neck.) CHRIS: Well, then why were you so worried back there? PIPER: I wasn't worried. (CHRIS looks at her doubtfully.) All right, I was a little worried about the force field. CHRIS: What force field? PAIGE: (answers) The one she had when she was pregnant with Wyatt. CHRIS: Wait. You had a force field with Wyatt, but not with me? PIPER: Well, I didn't have one. He had one. It was all his doing. CHRIS: (can't believe it) From the womb? He had powers from the womb?! That's unbelievable. It's not like I don't have an inferiority complex with him already. Thank you. PIPER: (to PAIGE) Did you find that demon yet? (PAIGE picks up the Book of Shadows and walks over to PIPER, the Book open to the page.) PAIGE: Yes, actually, I did. It's the spider demon, an evil creature that emerges from its hidden lair every 100 years to capture and feed off the most powerful magical being it can detect. In this case, that would be you. CHRIS: (automatically) And me. (PAIGE and PIPER look at CHRIS.) CHRIS: (shrugs) Sort of. PIPER: You must be so proud. PAIGE: It's kind of creepy how she knew to lay a trap for you. Obviously, she didn't count on us being there. PIPER: Well, at least there's a vanquishing potion here. Okay, what do you say we make this eight-legged freak wish she'd never been hatched? CHRIS: Whoa! Hold it! You are not going anywhere, mom. This is way too risky. PAIGE: He's actually right. Without the Wyatt force field thing ... CHRIS: Ok. Do you have to keep rubbing that in? PAIGE: Aren't there any therapists in the future? CHRIS: We need Phoebe. PIPER: No. I don't want to interrupt her date with Mark. PAIGE: Actually, it's Mike this week. CHRIS: No, it's Mitch, but who cares? We need her. PAIGE: Ever since she had that vision thing in magic school, you know, the one about a demon-free life, then her being with child. She's kind been on that whole future thing. PIPER: And she wishes to accomplish that by speed dating? (CHRIS grimaces and rubs his wound.) PAIGE: I don't know. CHRIS: So ... does the book say anything about that spider being poisonous? (PIPER and PAIGE look at each other, surprised by the possibility.) CUT TO: [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE] (The camera moves around the SPIDER DEMON'S cave. There are skeletons in old cocoons hanging on the walls and webbing everywhere. The SPIDER DEMON walks into the cave and heads for the body on the slab in the center of the room.) (As she gets closer, we see that the WIZARD RATHMERE is still alive and encased in a webbed cocoon.) SPIDER DEMON: Miss me? RATHMERE: I was hoping that you would let me die in peace. SPIDER DEMON: Oh, I'm sorry. I was raised to never leave any food on my plate. RATHMERE: Please, have mercy. SPIDER DEMON: Oh, don't worry. There's not much of you left to dine on anyway. RATHMERE: My misery will soon be over, but I suspect yours is just beginning. SPIDER DEMON: Oh? How so? RATHMERE: You've come back empty-handed. You will starve. SPIDER DEMON: Hardly. I've already found my next meal -- a powerful witch, a Charmed One. RATHMERE: A Charmed One? I have heard of their coming. SPIDER DEMON: Really? Must be more powerful than I thought. Hope my eyes aren't too big for my stomach. RATHMERE: You'll never trap one. SPIDER DEMON: But I already have. I've infected her Whitelighter. Soon he'll be my ally. As for you, my little wizard, it's been a pleasure. (She places the palms of her hands on the sides of the cocoon and digs her long, black spider nails into his side. Her hands glow as she magically sucks the power out of the WIZARD and into herself. He cries out in pain.) (When she is done, he's nothing left but a skeletal corpse in a cocoon.) (She releases him and sighs with satisfaction.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN -- DAY] (PIPER uses a small suction to remove the poison out of CHRIS' wound. PAIGE sits at the table and watches.) CHRIS: Gentle, please. PIPER: Oh, quit your complaining. I'm almost done. Paige, could you call the club for me and tell them I'm gonna be a little bit late? CHRIS: Whoa! I thought we already discussed this. You're not going anywhere without a force field. PIPER: Why? Because it's so much safer here? I have to go to work. I booked a band tonight. CHRIS: Let Paige cover for you. PAIGE: No. I can't. I have to get back to my temp job. I'm already late. CHRIS: Blow it off. This is more important. PAIGE: My temp jobs are important. That's how people who need help find me. CHRIS: Okay, I get that, I do, but right now your sister needs your help, okay? PAIGE: Why don't we just call Leo? CHRIS: No. No. PAIGE: Why not? He can help us. (CHRIS grimaces in pain.) Besides, Piper's in danger, which means the baby's in danger, which means you are in danger. CHRIS: 'Cause we don't need him. PIPER: (agrees) Yeah, he's right. I don't want to open up that can of worms. PAIGE: He doesn't even know you're pregnant. PIPER: This is my point exactly. PAIGE: Look, I'm not suggesting some sort of reunion - CHRIS: He has been gone for six months! If he's not there for us in the future, why is he there for us now? (PIPER suddenly turns around and heads for the table to sit down. PAIGE sees her and gets off her chair to check on her.) PAIGE: (concerned) Hey, are you okay? PIPER: Yeah. I just need to sit down for a minute. PAIGE: Okay. Well, I'll go deal with the club. You work on the vanquishing potion and call Phoebe and I when it's done. (PAIGE turns and leaves.) CHRIS: I'll clean up. (CHRIS closes the kit and is perplexed to find it sticking to his hand. He uses his other hand to pull it loose, but find that its sticking to that hand, too.) CUT TO: [EXT. CAFÉ LE BLUE (RESTAURANT) -- DAY] (MITCH sits at the table and waits. He checks his watch.) (PHOEBE walks up to the host.) PHOEBE: Hi. I'm supposed to be meeting someone. HOST: Yes, yes. (He points to the table.) PHOEBE: (smiles) Oh, thanks. (PHOEBE rushes over to the table passing another table with a couple of young men who turn and notice her.) PHOEBE: I'm so sorry. Sorry. Sorry! (MITCH closes the menu and puts it down on the table. He gets to his feet.) MITCH: It's okay. (PHOEBE sits down.) PHOEBE: Thanks. Last time I ride BART for a while. The train, not the guy. MITCH: Right, right. Well, you look -- you look amazing, Phoebe. PHOEBE: That's really sweet, Mike. Thanks. MITCH: Mitch. PHOEBE: (embarrassed) Mitch. Mitch. Right, of course. I'm--I'm sorry. I knew that, you know. It's just I--I--I think I'm a little nervous. MITCH: You nervous? That's -- that's hard to believe. PHOEBE: Yeah, but we both have a lot at stake here, don't you think? MITCH: (confused) Yeah, yeah. I guess we do. PHOEBE: You know, we don't want to waste any time. I think we're both over the serial dating thing, the loveless sex thing. MITCH: We are? PHOEBE: Don't you just want a family? Kids. MITCH: I -- I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest. (Taking her chances, PHOEBE places her hand over MITCH'S hands. She closes her eyes a wills herself to receive any kind of premonition.) (MITCH looks at her wondering what she's doing.) (PHOEBE opens her eyes and looks at MITCH. She pulls her hand back.) PHOEBE: Yeah, nothing. (She gets to her feet.) All right, so it was great seeing you. You take care. (MITCH gets to his feet to stop her.) MITCH: But, Phoebe, I-- (PHOEBE turns to leave and bumps into CHRIS who isn't looking too good. His arms are wrapped around his middle, his body shivering.) PHOEBE: Chris. Hey. Oh, my god. You're sweating. What happened to your neck? CHRIS: Piper was attacked by a demon. She's okay, but we need you back at the house to help with a vanquishing potion. PHOEBE: Okay. Take care, Mark. (PHOEBE turns and rushes out of the café.) MITCH: (corrects) Mitch. (CHRIS looks around and notices the flies buzzing around the area. He reaches out and, with a speed he's never had before, grabs the fly right out of the air. He opens his fist and the fly on his palm flies away.) PHOEBE: (calls back to him) Chris, are you coming or what? CHRIS: Yeah. (They leave the restaurant.) CUT TO: [EXT. P-3 - DAY] (Establish.) [INT. P-3 -- DAY] (PAIGE sits at the counter writing on a clipboard. Her cell phone rings.) PAIGE: (to phone) Hello? JERRY: (from phone) This is Jerry. You didn't show up today. PAIGE: (to phone) Hi. Yeah. I meant to call. I really did. I just got a little hung up at, um -- at work. JERRY: (from phone) What do you mean you're at work? Don't you care about these temp jobs? PAIGE: (to phone) No. Yes, of course. The temp jobs are important to me ... (Someone walks up to PAIGE.) RILEY: Excuse me. Miss Matthews? I hate to bother you, love, but -- (PAIGE looks up at RILEY standing behind her.) PAIGE: Now's not a good time, okay? (PAIGE turns her back to RILEY to finish her phone conversation.) RILEY: Ha. You're telling me. (whispers) I'm supposed to be a leprechaun. (PAIGE turns and looks at RILEY, tall and not leprechaun-looking.) PAIGE: Ok, pal, the bar's not open yet. Why don't you try down the street? (Again, PAIGE turns her back to finish her phone conversation.) RILEY: You don't understand. The wicked witch of the enchanted forest put a dastardly curse on me. (She turns back to RILEY and notices the Shillelagh in his left hand and green hat in his right.) RILEY: I know you helped Shamus. PAIGE: (to phone) Um, let me call you back. (She hangs up and looks at RILEY.) You knew Shamus? RILEY: He was my brother. Course, all leprechauns are, but the point is we were close. PAIGE: Give me a second. Uh, Jeremy, could you check on the beer in the back? JEREMY: No worries. You got it. (JEREMY leaves the bar.) PAIGE: Okay, uh ... how did you find me? RILEY: I didn't, for sure. I was told to find you at your temp jobs, but, uh, you don't seem to be there anymore. PAIGE: Tell me about it. RILEY: And I didn't want to bother you at home. PAIGE: Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, what did this wicked witch do to you? RILEY: Uh, isn't it obvious? She made me ... tall! PAIGE: Oh. That's a problem? (He rolls his eyes and sighs.) RILEY: It's just not who I am, love. And, more importantly, it's taken away my power to dole out luck, too. Is there any way you could turn me back, please? PAIGE Okay. Uh ... I'm sure I can improvise something. Uh ... PAIGE: (composing) You who found me in this bar, Turn back to who you really are. (RILEY glows gold and shrinks back to his normal self.) RILEY: (pleased) Oh! Ha ha ha ha! God bless ya, Paige! (He puts his hat proudly on his head.) The name is Riley, and I'm forever in your debt. PAIGE: Great! You're welcome, but if you don't mind, you probably should get out of here. RILEY: Ah, not before I leave you with a token of my appreciation. (He hands her his shillelagh.) PAIGE: Thank you. RILEY: I hope ya get that wicked witch. (He nods to her; she nods back.) PAIGE: I'll try. (RILEY speeds up the stairs and out the club.) (PAIGE turns back around and finds JEREMY returning to the bar. He looks at her holding the Shillelagh ... wondering. She has a smile plastered on her face and says nothing.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM -- DAY] (CHRIS leans over, both the palms of his hands flat on the dining room table. He's still not looking good. PHOEBE walks into the dining room.) PHOEBE: Okay, let's do this. I have a future to get back to. (In front of CHRIS, all the positions ingredients from the attic including the potions pot are on the table.) (PHOEBE picks up the completed potions vial and puts it back down on the table in front of CHRIS.) CHRIS: Who doesn't? (He picks up the vial.) Did you bless this? PHOEBE: Yes, I blessed it. I sang to it. (PHOEBE notices that CHRIS is still not all there.) What's the matter with you? You okay? (CHRIS eases himself down onto the foot of the stairs to sit down just as PIPER walks down the stairs. She looks at him.) CHRIS: Yeah. I think I'm just coming down with something. PIPER: What do you mean, from the attack? CHRIS: Now who's the worrywart? Look, we still need Paige to bless this. Did you call her? PIPER: Yeah, she's on her way. She was helping me out at the club. PHOEBE: Who's watching Wyatt? PIPER: Uh, Sheila. (In the sitting room, a spider eases down the web into the center of the room.) PIPER: (o.s.) He should be safe there till after this is over. (The spider crawls along the floor toward them.) PHOEBE: Okay, well, we got to get a move on here because I need to find my husband, like, yesterday. (nods) Seriously. What? I did the math. [SPIDER VIEW] (Through a hazy, cloudy view, the spider approaches the girls and CHRIS near the stairs.) PHOEBE: It's gonna take me like a year to fall in love, and then there's the whole engagement and the wedding, (CHRIS turns and looks directly at the spider.) PHOEBE: (rambling) ... and then the year of wedded bliss, and then I have to wait a year to find out if I really want to have his kid, you know, and then the pregnancy's, like, nine months. Well, ten months. They just tell you it's nine months. So, clearly, let's move on here. (PIPER shakes her head and smiles.) PHOEBE: I'm sorry. What's so funny? PIPER: This whole family needs a shrink. PHOEBE: What? (PAIGE orbs in behind PHOEBE. In her hand, she holds the shillelagh.) PAIGE: Hi. PHOEBE: Where'd you get that? PAIGE: (rolls her eyes) Don't ask. [SPIDER VIEW] (CHRIS hands the potion to PAIGE.) CHRIS: You need to bless this vanquishing potion. PAIGE: Well, hello to you, too. CHRIS: Hey, the book says for all three of you to bless it. Phoebe will help you. Piper, can I talk to you, please? (He holds out his hand to help her up.) PIPER: "Piper"? What happened to "mom"? PAIGE: How exactly do I bless this thing? PHOEBE: With your blood. Come on. (PHOEBE and PAIGE head back to the dining room while CHRIS leads PIPER into the sitting room.) PHOEBE: (laughs) This will just hurt a little. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS leads PIPER into the room.) PIPER: What is it? What's the matter? (PIPER gets a good look at CHRIS.) Chris, your eyes are dilated. CHRIS: Are they? (The SPIDER morphs into the SPIDER DEMON. PIPER senses something behind her and turns to find the DEMON there. Before she can scream for help, the SPIDER DEMON throws a stream of webbing at PIPER'S mouth stopping her from crying out.) PIPER: (gasps) Ohh! (PIPER tries to scream, but can't.) (The SPIDER DEMON uses both hands to encase PIPER in a cocoon while CHRIS watches. The cocoon starts to spin around allowing the webbing to wrap around evenly completely entombing PIPER inside.) (PIPER'S cocoon moves to the side and up on the nearby wall where it sticks there.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE walk into the sitting room and find CHRIS with the SPIDER DEMON.) PHOEBE: Okay, we got it. She didn't even ... faint. (PAIGE throws the vanquishing potion at the SPIDER DEMON. CHRIS catches it mid- air before it hits her.) PAIGE: What are you doing? (CHRIS leaps over the couch and attacks PAIGE, hitting her across the face knocking her down to the floor. He turns to hit PHOEBE who grabs him, and kicks him in the stomach. She drops her vial on the floor where it rolls near PAIGE.) (PHOEBE turns and kicks CHRIS across the face. He falls down to the floor.) (PAIGE picks up the vial and gets to her feet.) (She throws the vial just as the SPIDER DEMON morphs back into a spider. The potion misses her and breaks on the floor. The spider crawls across the room floor.) (PHOEBE gets to her feet and points to the spider.) PHOEBE: Get it! (The SPIDER crawls up the side table ... ) PHOEBE: Get it! Get it! (... and slips out the window. PAIGE stops and watches.) PHOEBE: What? (The spider's gone.) PHOEBE: (sighs) Piper. (They turn around and see PIPER'S pregnant form encased in a cocoon of web and hanging stuck to the side of the wall.) PAIGE: Oh, no. (Camera holds on the cocoon.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - NIGHT] [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM -- NIGHT] (PAIGE stares at PIPER'S cocoon stuck to the wall and hanging from the ceiling above. She walks forward and reaches out a hand to touch PIPER'S belly when a powerful electric shock blasts her backward to the ground.) PAIGE: Uhh! Well, there's a force field that works. (PHOEBE walks out of the kitchen and through the dining room. She sees PAIGE on the floor.) PHOEBE: All right, I locked Chris in the basement. What are you doing on the floor? (She helps PAIGE to her feet.) PAIGE: Uhh! Well, not having a lot of luck. That's why I'm on the floor. I've tried orbs, knives, spells, nada. PHOEBE: God, I hope Piper's okay in there. (She steps closer to the cocoon to check on PIPER, but PAIGE motions for her not to.) PAIGE: Don't. (PHOEBE backs away.) PHOEBE: So, do you think we should ask Chris for help? PAIGE: Yeah. Let's get the mutant who put her in there in the first place to help. PHOEBE: Missy, that is our nephew. He needs help, too. PAIGE: Okay, fine. How should we help? Uh, how about Leo? PHOEBE: Are you kidding? Piper would kill us. PAIGE: Well, then she can kill us after she's saved. PHOEBE: Paige, Piper doesn't want Leo to know that Chris is his son, okay? So I don't think I could keep that secret. PAIGE: Try. (calls out) Leo! (LEO orbs into the room. He's wearing the Elder's golden robes, his hands clasped demurely together in front of him.) LEO: (softly) Phoebe, Paige. How are you? PHOEBE: Well, not so good. We have a problem. LEO: (smiles) Perhaps we should meditate? PAIGE: No. I don't want to meditate. Uh, Piper. Right there. (PAIGE points. LEO turns around and assesses the problem.) LEO: Ah, the spider demon. She cocoons her victims before feeding on them. PAIGE: Great. Well, can you get her out of there? LEO: Ah, well, the only way to get her out of there is to vanquish the spider demon. But it's okay. That cocoon is meant for preservation, so she's safe for now. PHOEBE: Good. That means Chris is, too. LEO: Chris? He's -- he's in there, too? (LEO turns to look at the cocoon.) PAIGE: (covering) No, he's not in there, Leo. He's in the basement. PHOEBE: Yeah, he was acting a little crazy, so I locked him in the basement. PAIGE: Yeah, after the spider demon infected him, he kind of went a little crazy, went after her. LEO: (smiles) I'll talk to him. (Without waiting for a response, LEO turns and heads for the basement.) PAIGE: Oh, I - Be ... careful. PHOEBE: Good thinking. PAIGE: Yeah. (PHOEBE looks to see whether LEO'S gone.) PHOEBE: Look, I'm tellin' you, he has a right to know. PAIGE: No, he doesn't. CUT TO: [INT MANOR - BASEMENT - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (The basement door opens and LEO peers into the darkened room. He steps past the doorway and lingers at the top of the stairs.) LEO: Chris? (There's no answer. LEO looks into the room and all he can see down below are shadows and the concrete floor. LEO walks into the basement completely and slowly makes his way down the stairs.) LEO: Chris. (Still there's no answer. LEO continues to walk down the stairs.) LEO: Chris, I'd like to talk to you. It's Leo. (LEO stops and sees CHRIS' form step out from the darkness, his features cast in the shadows. CHRIS steps forward, his arms are wrapped around his partially hunched over body. CHRIS glares at LEO.) (LEO'S taken aback by the hatred he sees in CHRIS' eyes.) LEO: Chris. (CHRIS breathes heavily as he glares at LEO. He suddenly moves, flinging his hand forward, palm upward, a stream of webbing firing from the base of his palm near his wrist. He aims for LEO.) CHRIS: Bastard! (LEO orbs out, the webbing completely misses him.) (CHRIS withdraws his hand and it's at this time that we notice that his nails have grown long, black and pointed. He glares at the empty spot in front of him where LEO used to stand.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (LEO orbs into the kitchen. As soon as he can, he turns and shuts the door to the basement closed.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE come running into the kitchen.) PAIGE: What happened? (Forget being an Elder, LEO can't believe it.) LEO: He attacked me. (LEO walks back over to PHOEBE and PAIGE.) PAIGE: I tried to warn you. PHOEBE: He's got issues. (Talk about understatements.) LEO: "Issues". PAIGE: Yeah, from being infected. PHOEBE: No, I think his issues precede that, don't you, Paige? LEO: Something you're not telling me? PHOEBE: Oh, actually-- (PAIGE interrupts, glaring at PHOEBE.) PAIGE: No. PHOEBE: (to PAIGE) Look, he's gonna find out sooner or later, and I'm gonna bust. LEO: Find out what? PHOEBE: If he's gonna help us, we're gonna have to tell him. PAIGE: (insistent) It's Piper's business. LEO: Tell me what? (PHOEBE'S looks at LEO as if she's ready to burst. Finally, she does.) PHOEBE: Ohh, Chris is your son. (LEO is stunned. He's completely speechless by this piece of information.) PHOEBE: (relieved) Don't we all feel better? I know I feel so much better. (LEO is still stunned. He makes his way to the table where he sits down to let his mind wrap about this one. He looks at them.) LEO: How? I--I-- PHOEBE: Uh, spirit realm, six months ago, you and Piper. Leo, she's pregnant. LEO: Why didn't she tell me? PHOEBE: Well, honestly, I think she knows how hard it was for you to leave one son behind. She didn't wanna make it any harder. (PAIGE'S cell phone rings. She checks it.) PAIGE: Great. Excuse me. (PAIGE leaves to answer it.) LEO: Why is he so mad at me? PHOEBE: I don't know, sweetie. (PHOEBE sits down at the table.) He's real tight-lipped about the future. (She looks at LEO, feeling for him.) PHOEBE: It's a lot for you, huh? (He chuckles ironically at the understatement.) Well, uh, you gotta try to pull it together, 'cause we need you. Your family needs you. (And he does.) LEO: Right. (He takes a deep breath and looks at PHOEBE.) You're right. PHOEBE: That's the spirit. LEO: (clears his throat) Well, ah, if I remember correctly, the spider demon's last victim was a wizard, so maybe I should go to magic school and see if there's something there that I could use to scry for him. PHOEBE: Okay, and what about Chris? LEO: Check the Book of Shadows. I think there's an antidote. PHOEBE: Okay. (PHOEBE sighs. LEO nods. PHOEBE smiles at him warmly.) PHOEBE: Welcome home. (LEO orbs out. PAIGE walks into the kitchen.) PAIGE: Hey, will you watch Piper? I have to go back to the club. PHOEBE: Wait, now? PAIGE: Yeah. The wicked witch has struck again. (PAIGE orbs out leaving PHOEBE alone in the kitchen.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - BASEMENT - NIGHT --CONTINUOUS] (Down in the darkened basement, CHRIS sits huddled on the floor in a ball, his arms around his knees. He shivers as the Spider venom continues to work its way through his system and transform him.) SPIDER DEMON: (o.s.) Chris. (He moans in pain.) SPIDER DEMON: (o.s.) Chris. (He hears the voice.) SPIDER DEMON: (o.s.) Come to me, Chris. (He slowly gets to his feet.) SPIDER DEMON: (o.s.) That's right. Over here. (He turns to the brick archway.) SPIDER DEMON: (o.s.) Come closer. (As if by instinct, CHRIS throws a stream of webbing at the brick archway creating a spider's web. When done, the SPIDER DEMON'S image appears in the webbing.) SPIDER DEMON: (pleased) You are learning quickly. CHRIS: What did you do to me? SPIDER DEMON: I think you know. Now bring me the cocoon. (He shakes his head.) CHRIS: No. (She smirks at him and he grunts as pain wracks through his body. CHRIS falls to his knees and clutches his stomach.) SPIDER DEMON: You can't resist it, what's happening to you. Don't fight it. Embrace your new powers. Use them. CHRIS: I don't understand. SPIDER DEMON: You will, my sweet, all in good time. All in good time. (CHRIS surges to his feet and violently rips the webbing off the wall. He takes several deep breaths almost as if calming himself. We now notice that his eyes are blood red.) CUT TO: [INT. P-3 -- NIGHT] (JEREMY is lying on the floor; PAIGE is kneeling next to him.) PAIGE: Who did this? The wicked witch? (She turns to look at the large, partially balding man in the green wood nymph dress. Garlands adorn his wrist and the wood nymph necklace rests in the center of his hairy chest.) HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): Uh, no, actually, that was me. PAIGE: You? (She gets to her feet and approaches him.) Why? HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): Well, I couldn't let him open the club, let all those people in here, not until you turn me back into a wood nymph. PAIGE: Okay, well, who's to say that there's not more coming after you? I cannot keep the club closed all night. Piper will kill me. HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): Oh, cry me a river, sister. We have lives, too, you know. (He motions to the two other people standing on the entrance stairs. They walk closer to join the conversation.) HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): Without me, nature falls out of harmony. Flowers wilt, trees wither, streams dry up. It ain't pretty! And this guy ... (He motions to the short, geeky looking man in the fur shirt who raises his hand in greeting.) SHORT, GEEKY MAN (OGRE): Hi. (PAIGE smells him and discreetly fans the air in front of her nose.) HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): He's an ogre, a giant, terrifying ogre! Now, tell me, does he look imposing to you in the least? PAIGE: No, not--not so much. (The tall, older woman in pink pipes up.) FAIRY: And me, I'm supposed to be a fairy. SHORT, GEEKY MAN (OGRE): You see the problem. HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): The witch's curse is spreading like wildfire. Pretty soon there won't be any of us magic folk left. PAIGE: Okay, well, no offense, but you don't sound like any of the wood nymphs I've ever met. HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): (frustrated) Ohh, it's the curse, I'm tellin' ya! The curse! (He pulls up the dress as it slips off his shoulder.) PAIGE: All right, all right. (PAIGE walks over to the bar and picks up the pad and pen from the counter.) HAIRY MAN (WOOD NYMPH): (scoffs) Paper and pen? You gotta be kiddin'. What, are you gonna write the wicked witch a letter? PAIGE: Hey, I don't tell you how to save the forest. No, I don't. Okay, tell me everything you know about the wicked witch so we can get rid of her once and for all. CUT TO: [INT. WICKED WITCH'S GROTTO -- NIGHT] (The WICKED WITCH cackles in pleasure as she stirs the large, black cauldron in front of her. She's the stereo-typical wicked witch - black hat, black robes, long gnarly fingers and cackling laughter. Typical.) (She continues to stir the pot with pleasure, laughing all the way.) (Suddenly, she senses something and stops. She looks around.) WICKED WITCH: Uh-oh. (There's a golden explosion and the WICKED WITCH is dead, her empty hat and cauldron spoon fall to the ground. CUT TO: [INT. P-3 - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (The magical beings transform back into their normal selves. The HAIRY MAN turns back into the pretty WOOD NYMPH, the SHORT, GEEKY MAN turns back into the OGRE, and the OLDER WOMAN transforms back into the fairy.) PAIGE: Ding-dong. WOOD NYMPH: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. (PAIGE smiles.) OGRE: We owe you, Paige. (PAIGE fans the air in front of her nose.) PAIGE: Yeah. Great. Now, why don't you guys get out of here, because I know a witch who's gonna really put a curse on me unless ... (She motions to the club.) CUT TO: [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL] (SIGMUND stands in the center of the great hall reading through a large book.) SIGMUND: What about this one, sir? (SIGMUND walks over to the desk where LEO is standing over reading through a book.) SIGMUND: The Wizard Rathmere. He created over five hundred spells and potions before mysteriously disappearing in 1904. (He shows LEO the page in the book. Along with a drawing of RATHMERE and his WAND, it reads the following: RATHMERE "A wizard of unknown age and uncertain origins. Rathmere once possessed vast magical power. He is credited with more than 500 original spells and potions and would be a force to rival any other if not for his mysterious disappearance in 1904. All that remains as evidence of his existence are his wand and his legacy of magic." LEO: Sounds like the right year. Any chance you have this wand here? SIGMUND: It should be in the collection. (LEO turns around and finds a grim-looking GIDEON standing in his way, an open book in his hand.) GIDEON: Would you excuse us, please, Sigmund? SIGMUND: Of course. (SIGMUND leaves the Great Hall.) LEO: Not now. (LEO walks around GIDEON to get RATHMERE'S WAND. GIDEON closes the book.) GIDEON: Leo, this is a serious matter and one that we have been over countless times. You abandoned the other Elders without so much as a warning. LEO: Yeah. Well, something came up. GIDEON: You can't just pop on down whenever you feel the need arise. You're not just putting yourself at risk. You're putting all Elders at risk, too. LEO: I'm trying to save my son. GIDEON: Wyatt? Has something happened to him? LEO: No, not Wyatt. To Chris. (GIDEON is surprised by this bit of information.) I know. I just found out myself. I don't have time to explain. If I don't find the demon who hurt him, I may not be able to figure out why he hates me so much. (LEO opens the cabinet door and removes the wand.) GIDEON: Hates you? LEO: Got it. Listen, I dropped Wyatt off in the nursery just to be on the safe side. I hope that's all right. GIDEON: Of course. (LEO orbs out.) (As soon as he's gone, SIGMUND walks back into the room. It's obvious that he's been listening to the conversation.) SIGMUND: Chris is his son, too? (GIDEON takes a couple of steps toward SIGMUND, then changes his mind and heads back to the desk.) GIDEON: Apparently. Actually, come to think of it, that does explain why he came all the way from the future to save Wyatt. SIGMUND: Save him from us, you mean. GIDEON: If he knew, he wouldn't still be searching. (GIDEON turns around to look at SIGMUND.) GIDEON: When the time is right, Wyatt will be sacrificed and the greater good will be served. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM] (PIPER'S cocoon hangs on the wall. PHOEBE works on the antidote. PAIGE walks into the room carrying a jar.) PAIGE: Do you need anything else? (She brings the jar to PHOEBE who adds a dash of it into the potions pot.) PHOEBE: No, sweetie. I just hope we're not too late. (LEO orbs into the room carrying a map and the scrying crystal.) LEO: I stopped off in the attic on the way back. PHOEBE: I gotta tell you, Leo, whatever Chris has against you in the future, it can't be your lack of determination. (Camera angles down on the floor vent where we see a spider slip out from the grating.) [SPIDER'S POV] (The SPIDER travels along the dining room floor.) LEO: Still, you might not be in this mess if I hadn't been gone so long. PHOEBE: Well, you have to do what you have to do. [RESUME VIEW] (The Spider slips past PHOEBE.) [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPHATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE turns and looks up at LEO.) PHOEBE: (harshly) My god, Leo, can't you think of anything but yourself? PAIGE: Phoebe. [SPIDER'S POV] (The spider is on the floor just by PHOEBE'S feet.) [RESUME VIEW] (PHOEBE pauses and thinks about it.) PHOEBE: Yeah. That was kind of weird. PAIGE: Yeah. [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPHATH ABILITIES] PHOEBE: You totally bailed on us! (LEO stares at PHOEBE in surprise. PAIGE whirls around to stare at PHOEBE.) PAIGE: What the hell? PHOEBE: (pauses) Okay, I think maybe I'm channeling Chris' anger. LEO: But he's in the basement. Can you empathy from so far away? PHOEBE: I don't know. Maybe my powers are expanding. PAIGE: Or he's closer than we think. (PAIGE looks around the room.) (Then we hear it. The scattering sounds of a Spider running along the hallway floor. PHOEBE turns and sees it. The Spider slips past them into the sitting room.) [SITTING ROOM - CONTINUOUS] (The Spider stops and morphs into CHRIS.) PHOEBE: Ohh! (PHOEBE and PAIGE rush out to stop him. PAIGE grabs the potion's vial on her way.) (CHRIS reaches out a hand toward PIPER'S cocoon.) (PHOEBE reaches the room first. She sees CHRIS with PIPER'S cocoon.) PHOEBE: No! (CHRIS coldly turns and sprays a stream of webbing at PHOEBE. The webbing catches PHOEBE'S hands and flies her up against the wall where she sticks and stays, stuck on the wall.) (PAIGE reaches the sitting room and throws the potion vial at CHRIS. CHRIS shoots out a stream of webbing and intercepts the vial, tossing it harmlessly to the side. PAIGE watches the vial fall to the ground.) (CHRIS sprays a stream of webbing at PAIGE, catching her hands and throwing her up against the upper banister where she sticks and stays, stuck on the stairs.) (LEO walks out into the Sitting room.) LEO: Chris, stop. This isn't you. (CHRIS turns and walks toward LEO. He angrily grabs LEO around the neck and pins him up against the wall with one hand.) CHRIS: Wanna bet? (CHRIS' eyes are now completely blood-red, his teeth sharp and pointed like the spider's. LEO doesn't flinch.) PHOEBE: Chris, don't! PAIGE: He's your father! (LEO doesn't move. CHRIS hisses at LEO. Finally, he grabs LEO and tosses him forcefully up onto the stairs. LEO cries out in surprise. He lands hard on the stair landing. He gets to his feet and faces CHRIS.) (CHRIS sprays a stream of webbing unmercifully at LEO, pinning his hands up against the stair walls.) (Done, CHRIS turns back to PIPER. He puts his hand on PIPER'S cocoon and orbs out leaving the three of them hanging on the walls.) PAIGE: (mutters) Bug spray. We should've used bug spray. FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL / STAIRS] (We continue where we left off. PAIGE, PHOEBE and LEO are left hanging on the walls.) PHOEBE: Okay, I can't break free. Can you orb? PAIGE: No. I tried. LEO: Damn it. PAIGE: Are Elders even allowed to swear? LEO: No, but fathers are, especially ones whose kid tries to kill them. PHOEBE: Well, technically, you can't die. LEO: That's not the point. PAIGE: Well, it wasn't Chris, Leo. It was a demon. LEO: No, some of it was Chris. I saw it in his eyes. PHOEBE: I think he's right. I think that's why he can still orb. He can be saved. (LEO sighs.) PAIGE: Yeah, well, can we? (PHOEBE looks at the shillelagh on the hallway table.) PHOEBE: Maybe with a little luck. (PAIGE nods and concentrates.) PAIGE: Shillelagh. (The shillelagh orbs and zooms off the table onto the sitting room floor where it thumps on the floor three times before falling down. They wait.) (Suddenly the end of a rainbow appears in the sitting room. RILEY, the Leprechaun, zooms into the room off the rainbow. He solidifies and the rainbow disappears. His back is to the girls.) RILEY: Somebody called? PAIGE: Hey, over here. (RILEY turns around and sees PAIGE up on the stairs. He starts laughing at the sight.) RILEY: Now, there's something you don't see every day. PAIGE: Yeah, thanks a lot. Can you just get us down from here, please? (RILEY picks up the shillelagh and walks over to them.) RILEY: I can try, but, as you know, luck can go either way, good or bad. You take your chances. PHOEBE: Yeah, well, we'll take our chances. RILEY: Very well. (RILEY takes out his fist from his pocket and turns it over.) RILEY: Slainte is tainte! (He opens up his palm facing upward to show the gold nugget. A stream of gold rises out from the gold nugget and showers PAIGE with luck. The webbing holding PAIGE'S hands up slips off the wall sending PAIGE crashing into the hallway table below.) RILEY: (laughs) I tried to warn you, love. Ha ha. (PAIGE grimaces at him.) CUT TO: [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE] (Open on the skeletal remains of RATHMERE, the WIZARD, on the concrete slate. Chris places PIPER'S cocoon on the nearby wall. The SPIDER DEMON walks up to him.) SPIDER DEMON: I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. CHRIS: Thanks to you for showing me how. Now what? SPIDER DEMON: You've been ever so helpful, but if you don't mind, I prefer to dine alone. (She puts her hand flat on his chest and pushes him away. The SPIDER DEMON wraps her hands around the cocoon, one on each side of PIPER. She sinks her long, sharp nails into the cocoon through the webbing and starts to suck out the magical power from PIPER inside. The cocoon glows and eerie white, her hands glow yellow to show the power transferring from PIPER to the DEMON.) (Behind her, CHRIS clutches his stomach in pain.) CHRIS: Ohhh. (The SPIDER DEMON continues to feast completely oblivious to CHRIS as he falls to his knees in pain.) SPIDER DEMON: So divine. (CHRIS falls to his side on the ground. The drainage to the baby having its effects on him as well.) CHRIS: (groaning) Ohhh. What's happening? SPIDER DEMON: I gather you weren't counting on this. It's not just her magic I'm feeding on. (She stops feeding for the moment and looks down at CHRIS.) SPIDER DEMON: It's her baby's, too. Yours. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY] (LEO sits on the table holding RATHMERE'S WAND and the scrying crystal over the map.) LEO: I don't understand why this isn't working. Maybe I have the wrong wizard. Or maybe because there's nothing to find. (PHOEBE walks into the room.) PHOEBE: Leo, you gotta stop beating yourself up over this. Okay? It's not your fault. LEO: I just--I don't understand why he hates me so much. PHOEBE: Yeah, but, Leo, it's in the future. It hasn't happened yet, so you can change it. LEO: If Chris lives long enough to tell me what to change. (He thinks about something.) Wait, why am I scrying for the wizard? The demon has Piper. I should be scrying for her. (PHOEBE'S eyes widen.) PHOEBE: Here, use her keys. (She leaves to get the keys and returns handing them to LEO. Immediately, he finds her.) LEO: Got her. PHOEBE: Okay, I'll take the antidote. You take the vanquishing potion. (calls out) Paige! LEO: But Piper didn't bless it. PHOEBE: It's all we've got. LEO: But we need the Power of Three. How are we gonna make up for Piper? PAIGE: Well, how about with a little help from our friends? (PAIGE appears with the OGRE, FAIRY and WOOD NYMPH behind her.) CUT TO: [EXT. GROTTO OUTSIDE CAVE ENTRANCE -- NIGHT] (The OGRE throws the boulder at the webbing in front of the cave entrance. The webbing shocks the boulder and it bounces right off of the webbing and back into the OGRE'S waiting hands.) PAIGE: Huh. Nice catch. OGRE: Thank you. PHOEBE: So, wait, we can't get in? LEO: No. It's impenetrable. PHOEBE: Great plan. PAIGE: Well, maybe we can draw her out. LEO: How's that? OGRE: I could just knock. (They turn and look at him. The OGRE tosses the boulder aside, steps forward and heads for the cave entrance.) PAIGE: Good thinking. CUT TO: [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Inside the cave, the SPIDER DEMON continues to feed on PIPER'S magic as CHRIS writhes in pain on the floor. The entire cave shakes as the OGRE outside 'knocks' on the door.) SPIDER DEMON: Damn it! Can't a demon eat in peace? (The SPIDER DEMON stops feeding and heads for the cave entrance.) CUT TO: [EXT. GROTTO OUTSIDE CAVE ENTRANCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Outside, the OGRE knocks on the cave wall just outside the door. He continues to pound on the cave rocks, shaking the entire cave and grotto. He continues to pound.) (The SPIDER DEMON walks out of the cave through the webbing. The OGRE stops knocking. She stops in front of the OGRE.) SPIDER DEMON: You're pissing me off, you know? PAIGE: Yeah, that's the idea. (The SPIDER DEMON takes a step toward PAIGE.) SPIDER DEMON: You think you can take me? Without your sister? (PAIGE takes a step toward the SPIDER DEMON.) PAIGE: We're just gonna have to see. Now! (Out from nowhere, the fairy appears and flutters around the SPIDER DEMON'S head. Surprised by the sudden attack, the SPIDER DEMON bats her hands at the fairy trying to get her away. She reaches out and hits PAIGE across the face. PAIGE falls to the ground.) (PHOEBE steps forward and kicks the SPIDER DEMON in the gut. The SPIDER DEMON falls backward to the ground.) (Off to the side in the bushes, the WOOD NYMPH materializes. She throws the vanquishing potion at the SPIDER DEMON who sees her and morphs into a spider.) (PHOEBE points. PAIGE sees their chance!) PAIGE: Step on her! (The OGRE, the closest to her, lifts his foot and brings it crashing down on the small spider, squishing her.) (The WOOD NYMPH turns her head at the sight. The OGRE twists his foot on the spider for good measure, just to be sure.) PHOEBE: Ooh, that's gross! OGRE: Sorry. (The magical webbing blocking the cave entrance disappears. PAIGE gets to her feet. She looks at LEO.) PAIGE: Give me the antidote. LEO: No. This is my responsibility. (LEO turns and heads into the cave.) [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Inside the cave, LEO helps PIPER to her feet.) LEO: Piper, are you okay? (She pulls the remaining webbing off of her shoulders.) PIPER: Unh. Mmm. I think so. (She realizes that LEO'S there.) What--what are you doing here? LEO: Uh, it's a long story. (They hear a low, evil-sounding hiss that stops them in their tracks.) PIPER: What's that? (CHRIS walks out from the between the hanging skeleton cocoons. He continues to hiss at them.) LEO: Our little boy. (CHRIS raises his chin at LEO. LEO turns and looks at PIPER.) LEO: You gotta get out of here. (Concerned for her safety, he waves his hand and orbs PIPER out of the cave. Now its only LEO and CHRIS.) [EXT. GROTTO OUTSIDE CAVE ENTRANCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (PIPER orbs just outside the cave entrance next to PAIGE and PHOEBE.) PAIGE: Oh. Hey. Welcome back. PHOEBE: Where's Leo? (They all turn to look at the cave only to see the webbing reform over the cave entrance sealing LEO inside.) (This is not good.) [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS advances on LEO.) LEO: All right, Chris, come on. Can we just talk about this a minute? (CHRIS wraps his hand around LEO'S neck pushing him back against RATHMERE'S remains on the concrete slab.) CHRIS: (grounds out) A minute? We have the next hundred years. (He grabs LEO and pulls him off the concrete slab and out of camera frame. We hear someone grunt. The camera holds on RATHMERE'S skeletal remains.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. GROTTO OUTSIDE CAVE ENTRANCE] (PIPER waves her hands again and again trying to blast open the webbed seal on the cave entrance. Nothing happens.) PIPER: I can't get through that thing. OGRE: You want me to try knocking again? PHOEBE: Uh, I don't think that's gonna work this time. PAIGE: That's okay. We'll take it from here. WOOD NYMPH: Are you sure? PAIGE: Yeah, we're positive, but thanks for everything. (The OGRE disappears. The WOOD NYMPH returns to the bushes and the FAIRY flies off.) PIPER: I told you guys not to bring Leo here. PHOEBE: I think he just saved your life. PIPER: Yeah, at his expense and maybe Chris', too. [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Inside the cave, LEO is hanging stuck to a large spider's web on the wall.) CHRIS: Well, at least we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other ... dad. LEO: See, that's what I'm talking about. That's not the demon talking. That's you talking, Chris. It's not too late. You just have to fight it. CHRIS: Why fight when I've already won? (Just to prove his point, CHRIS shoots a stream of web at LEO securing his left hand to the webbing.) LEO: Tell me why you hate me so much, Chris. Huh? What did I do to become such a bad dad? CHRIS: It doesn't matter anymore. LEO: No? The hell it doesn't. Deep down, you hate my guts. (CHRIS steps forward and stops in front of LEO.) LEO: Huh? Admit it. Come on. Admit it. What? Are you afraid? CHRIS: I'm not afraid of you. LEO: (mocks) No? Then why don't you tell me what I did to you, huh? What, did I, uh, miss a school play? Did I take away your favorite toy? (CHRIS hisses at him.) Huh? Did I play favorites with Wyatt? (With a roar, CHRIS grabs LEO off the webbing and throws him across the cave with a force that propels LEO in the far roof of the cave. LEO falls to the ground hard.) (CHRIS runs over to LEO and grabs him, pulling him up.) LEO: Chris, don't-- (CHRIS slams LEO'S back up against the cave wall.) CHRIS: You don't know me! (CHRIS punches LEO in the stomach.) LEO: Ohh! (He continues to punch LEO in the stomach over and over again. He throws LEO back into the center of the cave where LEO falls on his back on the ground. CHRIS throws himself on LEO.) [EXT. GROTTO OUTSIDE CAVE ENTRANCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (PAIGE rubs her cheek where the SPIDER DEMON hit her.) PHOEBE: Paige, you should take the antidote. PAIGE: No, no, I'm fine. It didn't even break my skin. It just hurts. PHOEBE: Yeah, but still-- PAIGE: No. We need to save it for Chris. PHOEBE: (insistent) Paige - PIPER: Ow. (PIPER puts a hand on her belly.) PHOEBE: What's the matter? PIPER: Kidney shot. PHOEBE: Maybe he's trying to tell you something. (PIPER gets an idea.) PIPER: Maybe he is. (re: The antidote) Give me that. PHOEBE: What? Why? PIPER: So I can take it. PAIGE: What? PIPER: You've been saying whatever happens to little Chris happens to big Chris, and that's what you've been so worried about. PAIGE: So? PIPER: So if I take this, then the baby's inoculated and Chris is just fine, right? PAIGE: Do you follow that? PHOEBE: Not a word. PIPER: Just give it to me. (PIPER grabs the vial from PHOEBE, rips the cap off and throws her head back as she drinks the antidote.) [INT. SPIDER DEMON'S CAVE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Inside the cave, CHRIS is sitting on LEO and punching him in the face over and over again. CHRIS: (angry) You don't know me. You don't know me. (screams) You don't know me! (LEO doesn't fight back. CHRIS continues to punch LEO in the face.) (Suddenly, the antidote takes affect and CHRIS transforms back to his normal self. The webbing over the cave door disappears.) (Outside, PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE head for the cave.) (Inside, the antidote does nothing to ease the rage burning inside CHRIS. He looks back at LEO and continues to hit him over and over again.) (PIPER walks into the cave.) PIPER: Chris! (She sees CHRIS hitting LEO.) PIPER: No! (PIPER rushes over to them and grabs CHRIS' arm.) PIPER: Chris! Chris, look at me! (She pulls him off of LEO.) PIPER: It's okay. It's over. (CHRIS breathes heavily as he looks at PIPER. He turns and looks down at LEO who is still on the ground. He pulls away from PIPER'S hold and heads out of the cave.) (PIPER and LEO look at each other, both concerned for CHRIS who walks past PHOEBE and PAIGE and out of the cave.) (LEO'S head falls back to the ground as he sighs heavily.) [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. MAGIC SCHOOL - GREAT HALL -- NIGHT] LEO: (to WYATT) You gotta eat all your vegetables, and brush your teeth every day, and don't forget to play a lot. (LEO kneels down next to WYATT who is dressed ready to go out. They're in the center of the Great Hall with PIPER. On the side of the room is a packed bag.) (PIPER listens to LEO and chuckles.) (SIGMUND walks into the room.) SIGMUND: Are these the last of them? PIPER: Yeah. Thank you. (SIGMUND takes the last bag and heads out the great hall. PIPER turns to LEO who has WYATT in a hug.) PIPER: You're suffocating the boy. (He let's WYATT go.) LEO: It's just, you know ... PIPER: ... Overcompensating? LEO: No, I just ... miss him a lot. PIPER: I know. LEO: So, uh, you think you're gonna be all right here? I mean, uh, at least until after the baby's born? PIPER: Yeah. I think so, and Gideon's right. This is the safest place for me, and that's the most important thing, right? LEO: I think so. PIPER: Besides, I'm only an orb away if the girls need me. LEO: No, I ... told them to call me first. PIPER: You? You're not going back up there? LEO: No. (He puts a hand on WYATT'S head.) My family needs me here right now. PIPER: Yes, we do. You know, Leo, you can get through to him. You just can't give up. He's just as stubborn as you are. (LEO looks away and laughs at that remark.) PIPER: (to WYATT) Okay, can you wave good-bye? (LEO kneels down and kisses WYATT on the cheek.) PIPER: Okay, let's go. (LEO picks up WYATT'S toys and hands them to PIPER.) LEO: Here. PIPER: Thank you. (to WYATT) Okay. Come on. Let's go. (PIPER and WYATT walk out of the Great Hall. GIDEON walks past them into the room. As they pass each other, WYATT looks over his shoulder at GIDEON. The two look at each other.) (GIDEON pauses in the doorway.) LEO: Take good care of them, Gideon, will you? (GIDEON turns and looks at LEO.) GIDEON: (reassuring) Absolutely. (LEO orbs out. GIDEON'S smile falls as he turns to look back at the hallway where PIPER and WYATT were.) [EXT. P-3 - NIGHT] [INT. P-3 - NIGHT] (The place is rockin'.) LYRICS: ...With your song / go now, go now, go now / help us delay / angels come down and we're desperate / to hear the one whose words will reign / please let him sing / let him be heard / this is the time / this is the day that we've been waiting for (PHOEBE is with another hot guy sitting at a side table. She leaves the table and heads over to PAIGE behind the bar.) PHOEBE: Hi. Place is hoppin', huh? PAIGE: Yeah. Not a bad guy over there. Is that Nick? PHOEBE: Uh, no, actually, that's Ron PAIGE: What, you skip some letters in the alphabet? PHOEBE: Qs are hard to find. PAIGE: I hear ya. Well, at least he's handsome. PHOEBE: He's cute, right? PAIGE: Ok. Have fun. Bye. (PHOEBE takes her bottled water and leaves PAIGE, rushing back to her date.) LYRICS: ...And look / just how beautiful this world has become (PAIGE carries a tray of drinks over to the side of the bar where the OGRE, WOOD NYMPH and RILEY sit easily blending in with the regular customers.) PAIGE: Okay. Drinks on the house. RILEY: Oh. God bless ya, love. (They each take a drink.) RILEY: Cheers. WOOD NYMPH: Cheers. OGRE: Cheers. (PAIGE leaves them.) LYRICS: This is the time / this is the day that we've been waiting for / all the world will stop to watch you shine / this is the time / this is the... FADE TO: [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] Camera pulls back across the Golden Gate Bridge. Fade to several views of the bridge. [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - TALLEST TOWER - NIGHT] (CHRIS sits on top of the tallest tower of the bridge looking down at the car lights below. LEO orbs in next to him.) LEO: Can we talk? CHRIS: There is nothing to talk about. LEO: I think there is. Quite a bit, actually. CHRIS: It doesn't matter. LEO: It does to me, Chris. You're my son. I think I deserve to know what I did that's so bad. (CHRIS looks down for a moment deciding whether to tell him or not. Finally, he does.) CHRIS: You were never there for me. You were there for everybody else -- mom, Wyatt, half the world -- but you were never there for me. (LEO has a hard time listening to this and looks away for a moment.) You didn't have the time. LEO: So ... maybe you came back from the future not just to save Wyatt. Maybe you came back to save us, too. (CHRIS looks at LEO, decades of hurt in his eyes.) CHRIS: I doubt it. (CHRIS orbs out leaving LEO standing on the bridge alone.) FADE TO BLACK ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 6X18: SPIN CITY ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 04/18/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring JODI LYN O'KEEFE as Spider Demon CHRISTOPHER NEIMAN as Sigmund HAMILTON VON WATTS as Dennis KIEREN HUTCHISON as Mitch SCOTT ADSIT as Hairy Man (Wood Nymph) And GILDART JACKSON as Gideon Special Musical Guest ANDY STOCHANSKY Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by: DOUG E. JONES & ANDY REASER Directed by: MEL DAMSKI ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Music in this episode by: * Butterfly Boucher, "Life is Short", Flutterby, promotional consideration furnished by A&M Records * Andy Stochansky, "Shine", 100, promotional consideration furnished by Private Music Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS MATTHEW MCGRORY as Ogre BILLY BECK as Rathmere DAVID JOSPH STEINBERG as Riley (Leprechaun) NATHANIEL LAMAR as Jeremy JEFF ASCH as Short Geeky Guy (Ogre) KATE EVERARD as Wood Nymph DANIELLE AUBRY as Elderly Woman (Fairy) SCOUT TAYLOR-COMPTON as Fairy (Thistle) SONJA FORTAG as Ugly Witch Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2004 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:04/21/2004~lky