CHARMED 6X15: I DREAM OF PHOEBE ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 02/15/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by: CURTIS KHEEL Directed by: JOHN KRETCHMER Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-DLV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: An evil Genie uses Phoebe and tricks her into freeing her by exchanging places with her thus freeing her to persue hr goal to resurrect a magical lost city. Phoebe is forced to grant Chris three wishes - one of which is to have Piper and Leo sleep together to ensure his own existence. Meanwhile, Paige has difficulty convincing Richard that he needs to bind his powers. ========================== CHARMED 6X15: I DREAM OF PHOEBE ========================== FADE IN: [INT. BAY MIRROR - BULLPEN -- MORNING] (PHOEBE walks into the bullpen, bright-eyed and cheery. She heads for her Assistant's desk.) PHOEBE: Good morning. Any phone calls? SOPHIE: Take your pick. (SOPHIE stands up with a stack of phone messages in her hand as she reads off of them.) SOPHIE: You've got adulterers, cross-dressers, 34-year old virgins, and - oh, your nephew. (PHOEBE grabs the stack of messages from her.) PHOEBE: Oh, Chris called? SOPHIE: No, Wyatt. Um, actually, I think Piper did the dialing. But, you have another nephew? PHOEBE: Um ... no. (PHOEBE turns and heads toward her office backing away from her assistant trying to avoid any other question.) PHOEBE: Uh, but-but, you know, maybe someday I will, you know, what I mean? Okay. (PHOEBE turns and heads into her office.) [INT. BAY MIRROR - PHOEBE'S OFFICE - MORNING - CONTINUOUS] (She gasps as she sees CHRIS standing just inside the doorway. She sighs and closes the door behind her.) CHRIS: Phoebe, I need your help. PHOEBE: I have been calling for you all week. Didn't you hear me? (She drops her bag on the couch.) CHRIS: For the first couple of days, yeah. Then I put you on mute. PHOEBE: You could put me on mute? CHRIS: I had to. I was busy. Now, I need your help. (She stands behind her desk and takes off her jacket.) PHOEBE: Oh, yeah, and I need yours, too. Because you come here, you drop this bombshell on me, and you expect me to keep this secret and I don't even know why I'm keeping the secret. CHRIS: Nobody can find out Piper and Leo are my parents. I can mess with the whole future. PHOEBE: Yeah, well, if you didn't want anyone to know, I don't know why you told me. CHRIS: I told you because you busted me, and I'm glad you did. (PHOEBE turns and flips through her messages.) I have been so focused on protecting Wyatt, I have completely forgotten about me. This month is my conception date. PHOEBE: Your conception date? CHRIS: That's where I've been. Oracles, fortune tellers, soothsayers - they all say the same thing. If mom and dad don't screw this month, I'm screwed. (PHOEBE scrunches her face with distaste.) PHOEBE: Okay, I'm just trying to get used to you being my nephew. Uh - (A new thought occurs to her.) I never hit on you, did I? CHRIS: What? No. PHOEBE: Oh, thank god. CHRIS: Can we focus here, please? Mom and dad need to have sex. Now who's gonna tell 'em, you or me? PHOEBE: No, nobody's gonna tell them because we're not gonna reopen those wounds. (CHRIS becomes quiet and turns around. He walks back to the couch and sits on the arm rest. He looks at PHOEBE.) CHRIS: Okay. So how do we get them back together? (PHOEBE waves her arms around between them.) PHOEBE: No, "we" - "we"? There is no "we" here. "We" don't. You're the one that split them up. (She stares at him.) And why did you split them up? CHRIS: Leo had to become an Elder to make room for me as your Whitelighter. It was the only way I could protect Wyatt from turning evil. PHOEBE: You're unbelievable. I mean, most kids who are the cause of their parents' divorce actually feel guilty, and yet you're sitting here like it's part of your master plan. CHRIS: I'm sensing some real issues here. PHOEBE: Oh, you're damn right there are issues. You can't just pop in from the future and play with people's lives because your big brother picked on you. (CHRIS surges to his feet.) CHRIS: He picked on the world, Phoebe! PHOEBE: I'm not finished. Your parents were happy until you split them up. And now you want my help because you didn't think this all the way through? CHRIS: Feel better? PHOEBE: Yes. CHRIS: Will you help me? PHOEBE: No. (beat) (sighs) Oh, I don't know. (She covers her eyes with her hands.) CHRIS: If I'm not conceived in the next couple of weeks, I'll disappear forever. (She looks at him. He sighs and looks down at a letter in her in tray.) You're willing to help complete strangers. How about family? (He picks it up and holds it out to her. She grabs the letter from him and gets a premonition.) (Quick flash to: [PHOEBE'S PREMONITION] JINNY screams.) JINNY: (begging) No, no, no, no, no, no! Please! (The demon stands in front of her, laughing.) He fires off a green bullet of light at her. She falls to her knees. BOSK laughs maniacally.) (End of premonition. Resume to present.) CHRIS: What is it? What'd you see? PHOEBE: A woman being attacked. CHRIS: Where? (PHOEBE glances at the letter.) CUT TO: [EXT. ARABIAN ANCIENT-LOOKING CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. CAVE -- DAY] (PHOEBE and CHRIS walk into the cave. PHOEBE: Looks like a dig site. CHRIS: In a desert in the middle east. You sure your scrying wasn't off? PHOEBE: Maybe Jinny is an archaeologist. CHRIS: Yeah. Why would an archaeologist in the middle east send a letter to an advice columnist in San Francisco? PHOEBE: She said she was with a controlling man. CHRIS: Ok, you're missing my point. What happens if this is a trap? (They look around. CHRIS sees a small roped off area around a set of bones being excavated.) CHRIS: Hey, what's that? (He bends over to look at them. Behind them they hear shouting and the sound of a sword unsheathing.) WARRIOR THIEF: Ouzgal! Mordeh shooret! (PHOEBE turns around and throws the potion at them. It hits them and they explode in a burst of fire and smoke.) (PHOEBE turns back to CHRIS.) CHRIS: Do you think anyone heard them? (From the doorway, a green blast shoots out and hits CHRIS in the left shoulder.) (PHOEBE turns around and sees BOSK on a magic carpet flying into the cave straight toward them. He enters the cave. CHRIS motions and brings the scaffolding on the side of the cave wall tumbling down in front of BOSK.) (The magic carpet stops. Startled, BOST drops the genie's bottle on the ground. He sees it fall and yells.) BOSK: No! (PHOEBE throws the potion on the ground just under the magic carpet. It sends a white cloud of smoke rising up to the air. The magic carpet rears around and turns. BOSK growls at PHOEBE as he rides out of the cave.) (PHOEBE rushes over to check on CHRIS and to help him to his feet.) PHOEBE: You ok? CHRIS: I'll be fine. Is that a flying carpet? (Rather than answer him, PHOEBE sees something else.) PHOEBE: What is that? (She walks over to the genie's bottle and picks it up. She brushes aside the dirt from the bottle, rubbing it clean.) (A stream of pinkish-red smoke shoots out from the bottle appearing in a whirlwind in front of them manifesting into JINNY.) JINNY: Thank you for responding to my letter. PHOEBE: Wait. Are you Jinny? JINNY: (smiling) At your service, Master. (PHOEBE grimaces and looks at CHRIS.) FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- DAY] (CHRIS sits impatiently on the wicker seat while LEO heals his shoulder.) JINNY: I could heal him, master. Your warrior needs his strength. My last master will be coming back for me. PHOEBE: I think he's got it under control. JINNY: Good idea. Save your wishes. LEO: (to PHOEBE) Did you get a good look at the demon? PHOEBE: I did, and when we're done here I'll go up to the Book of Shadows to check it out. I also called Paige, and see if she'd keep an eye on Jinny for me. CHRIS: (to LEO) Thanks. JINNY: There is no need to guard me. Even if I was not bound to serve you, I would do it anyway for sparing me from Bosk. PHOEBE: Bosk? JINNY: My last master. He was cruel, even for a demon. And I would know. My bottle has been passed around from demon to demon for centuries. LEO: That's terrible. JINNY: You cannot begin to know. That is why I got the message to Phoebe. I knew if she had my bottle, she would wish me free. PHOEBE: No wishes. I know all about genies. You're tricksters. (LEO gets to his feet.) LEO: Listen, I gotta get back up there. You think you can handle this without Piper? CHRIS: Where is Piper? LEO: On a date. CHRIS: On a date in the middle of the day? PHOEBE: Yeah. Greg works nights. (CHRIS falls quiet as he tries to remember who "Greg" is.) CHRIS: (thinking, muttering) Greg, Greg ... (His eyes widen when he does.) Greg the fireman? (PHOEBE nods.) You mean the one she's insanely sexually attracted to? (to LEO) Doesn't that bother you? LEO: No. If it makes her happy, that's all that matters. CHRIS: Oh, come on! (He stands up.) What about all this "forbidden lovers, you and me against the world" stuff? That just doesn't go away. LEO: You know, Chris, it's a little late for male bonding, especially since I'm petitioning the other Elders to send you back to your time. CHRIS: What? PHOEBE: Wait, are you serious? JINNY: You look tense, master. Neck rub? (PHOEBE brushes JINNY'S hands away.) LEO: Even though Chris's intentions are good, his methods have put us all at risk. So, he's going back. CHRIS: (mutters softly) You mean "abandoning" me again. LEO: Look, you did your job. You warned us about an evil that was after Wyatt. I think we can handle it from here. (LEO orbs out.) CHRIS: I gotta stop him. PHOEBE: Don't worry. I'll talk to Leo. CHRIS: No, no, not Leo. Greg, the fireman. He's about to sleep with my mom. (CHRIS starts to orb out.) PHOEBE: I really wish you wouldn't do that. (JINNY puts her hands together, nods her head and blinks her eyes. CHRIS orbs back into the conservatory. Stunned.) CHRIS: What just happened? JINNY: Your wish is my command, Master. PHOEBE: Hmm. (In the background, we hear the front door open and close.) PAIGE: (o.s.) All right, so where's the genie? [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (PHOEBE heads into the living room to meet PAIGE. PAIGE turns the corner from the foyer into the living room.) PAIGE: Oh, my god, you landed one! PHOEBE: She's a genie, not a trout. JINNY: You still have two wishes, master. I suggest you save one for Bosk. PHOEBE: I told you, no wishes. We're gonna do this our way. JINNY: But you cannot handle him. Nobody can. He has a flying carpet and an army of forty thieves. PHOEBE: Thirty-eight. I vanquished two. PAIGE: Let me guess. He wanted a crew and a nice ride. Original for a demon's wish, eh? JINNY: Yes, and if Bosk gets me back, he will force me to grant his third wish. PAIGE: What's his third wish? [CUE SOUND: CONJURING MAGIC] (Huge diamond earrings appear on hanging PAIGE'S ear lobes. PAIGE reaches up and feels them. PHOEBE turns to JINNY.) PHOEBE: Did you do that? JINNY: No, but they are lovely. Who conjured them for you? PAIGE: My boyfriend Richard. He's been showering me with gifts all week. PHOEBE: I thought you were gonna talk to him about binding his powers. PAIGE: I have, but every time I bring it up, I just get another present. Luxury problem, I know, but still ... PHOEBE: Yeah, not back to the demon. Uh, what was his third wish? JINNY: (whispers ominously) Zanbar. (PHOEBE echoes.) PHOEBE: (mouths) Zanbar ... ? (She looks at PAIGE.) PAIGE: What's Zanbar? JINNY: The Lost City. Before being swallowed up by the desert, it was the seat of power for an evil empire. CHRIS: (o.s.) Phoebe! Will you do something, please? I can't orb. (CHRIS walks into the living room.) [CUE SOUND: CONJURING MAGIC] (A matching diamond bracelet appears on PAIGE'S left wrist. She looks at it, upset. PHOEBE turns around surprised.) PAIGE: Damn him. PHOEBE: You know, Paige, if he won't listen to you, maybe he'll listen to his family. PAIGE: Most of them are dead. Remember the feud? JINNY: Please, we do not have time for this! If Bosk captures me, Zanbar will rise again from the dust. PAIGE: It's just a city. JINNY: A city of magic. Bosk has been using his thieves to search for its former site. If he finds it and wishes it back, there will be no stopping him. That is why you must wish me free, master. If I am not a genie, it will solve your problems and mine. I beg you. CHRIS: Hey ... a little help here? Please? [CUE SOUND: CONJURING MAGIC] (PAIGE transforms from her regular clothes to elegant night wear, her hair made up and looking ready to go out. She stares at herself, shocked at this latest change.) PAIGE: Aah! PHOEBE: Ok, I'm losing my mind. Uh, Paige, go to Richard. Deal with it, so you can help us. PAIGE: Ok. (PAIGE turns around and leaves the room. PHOEBE turns to CHRIS.) PHOEBE: You. I will help you get your parents back together, but it has to be on my terms, agreed? CHRIS: Agreed. PHOEBE: Go get Piper. We could use her help. Uh ... (She turns to JINNY.) PHOEBE: -I wish that he could orb. (JINNY puts her hands together, nods and blinks. And CHRIS orbs out of the room. Once he's gone, PHOEBE heads for JINNY.) PHOEBE: And we need to find a vanquishing potion for that demon. (She turns and heads out of the room, JINNY in tow.) JINNY: Oh, yes, master. PHOEBE: (corrects her) Phoebe! JINNY: Yes, Master ... Phoebe. CUT TO: [INT. GREG'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (PIPER and GREG are sitting on his couch, kissing. Behind them, under the front door, we hear and see the orb lights under the door of CHRIS orbing just outside the front door.) (He knocks insistently on the door.) CHRIS: (through door) Piper! Piper! (PIPER and GREG stop kissing as she listens.) PIPER: Forget it. (She goes back to kissing him. The knocking continues.) CHRIS: (through door) I know you're in there! Please open the door, now? PIPER: (to GREG) Just a sec. (PIPER gets up and heads for the door. CHRIS continues to annoyingly knocks on the door and calls out to her.) CHRIS: (through door) Piper? Open this door. Piper! [INT. HALLWAY IN FRONT OF GREG'S APARTMENT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (The door opens. PIPER glares at CHRIS.) PIPER: Go away! CHRIS: We have an emergency. (GREG steps up behind PIPER.) GREG (THE FIREMAN): Is there a problem here? CHRIS: Yeah, many problems, many levels. Piper has to come home now. GREG (THE FIREMAN): Excuse me. Who are you again? CHRIS: I'm a friend of her husband's. PIPER: (chuckles) Ex-husband. And he's not really a great friend. Um, it's ok. I got it. GREG (THE FIREMAN): Well, I'm here if you need me. (They kiss.) (CHRIS scoffs.) (GREG steps away as PIPER steps out into the hallway closing the door behind her.) PIPER: What is this big emergency? Can't it wait an hour? Or two? CHRIS: No, it can't. There's a demon on the loose, a genie running amuck, and it took me two wishes to get here. PIPER: You can't make wishes with genies. CHRIS: See? We need you. Come on. Let's orb. (He reaches for her arm and PIPER swats his hand away.) PIPER: No, no, no! Listen, I'm not gonna leave him high and dry again without an explanation. So your demon can wait five minutes. (PIPER opens the door and walks back into the apartment as CHRIS glares at her back) CUT TO: [EXT. THE DESERT SANDS - DAY] [INT. CAVE OF THE FORTY THIEVES -- DAY] (BOSK walks up to the cave wall and takes off his jacket.) BOSK: Open sesame! (The cave wall disappears revealing a hidden cavern behind it. Inside the cavern, the other thieves are busy. BOSK walks in.) [INT. HIDDEN CAVERN - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (BOSK walks angrily into the cavern. The HEAD THIEF meets up with him.) HEAD THIEF: What happened? BOSK: The genie was stolen, thanks to your warriors. (He tosses his jacket at the HEAD THIEF.) HEAD THIEF: They were my two best swordsmen. BOSK: Yeah, well, swords don't work real well against potions. What in the hell are witches doing way out here? HEAD THIEF: We have defenses against their type. (The HEAD THIEF walks over to the side table and picks up a box with an amulet on a chain inside. He carries it to BOSK to show him.) HEAD THIEF: The Eye of Aghbar. It protects against witches' magic. (BOSK picks up the amulet and smiles.) BOSK: I need that genie. All this work-(He rips off the tarp covering the cavern wall in frustration.) Uhh! It's for nothing if we don't get her back! HEAD THIEF: I'll gather my warriors, all my warriors. BOSK: No. No, you and your men, you keep digging. I've got to find out where Zanbar's buried before I wish for its return. I can't risk another demon beating me to the throne. HEAD THIEF: As you wish. (BOSK takes the amulet and walks away.) CUT TO: [EXT. MONTANA'S RESIDENCE - DAY] PIPER: (v.o.) Richard? [INT. RICHARD MONTANA'S RESIDENCE - VAULT -- DAY] (PAIGE walks into RICHARD'S potions vault from the main hall.) PAIGE: (sing-song) Ri-i-ichard ... (PAIGE steps into the vault and absently picks up an item from the table. RICHARD blurs into the room behind PAIGE, startling her.) RICHARD: You like your earrings? (She takes a step away from him and puts a hand to her chest.) PAIGE: Ohh. You're materializing now. RICHARD: Yeah. Pretty handy, huh? So, uh, you like your earrings? PAIGE: Yeah. There's a bit of a problem. RICHARD: They're too small. No, they're -- They're too big. (RICHARD steps toward the counter.) RICHARD: I--I can shrink them. Let's see. Um ... (He turns around.) PAIGE: No, that's not the problem. Look, I just-- you've given me enough. RICHARD: I'm just trying to make you happy. I want you to know that I care. PAIGE: What would make me really happy is if you just stopped with all the potions and all the magic, just for a while. RICHARD: Didn't we have this conversation? PAIGE: Yeah, but apparently only one of us was listening. RICHARD: No, I was listening. I mean, that's why I'm doing this, to prove that I can handle it. Look, I'm not turning into a dark beast, right? PAIGE: But that's not the point. RICHARD: Most women would thank a guy for that, but ... you're treating me like a common criminal. PAIGE: Well, I guess I'm not most women. (He nods and pushes past her on his way out the door.) RICHARD: I gotta go. Hope you liked the earrings. (PAIGE stands there staring off to the side worried and wondering how she's going to get through to him.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (JINNY flips through the Book of Shadows. She looks at the page of demons and points.) JINNY: Oh, he was my master once... and him, too ... (She flips the page over and points.) ... and her. (PHOEBE'S at the potions table making the potion.) PHOEBE: Boy, you sure got around. How did so many demons get a hold of you anyway? JINNY: Some bought, some stole. I changed hands so many times I lost track. (PHOEBE sighs and turns to look at JINNY.) PHOEBE: I'm sorry I can't set you free, but wishing is just too risky right now. (CHRIS and PIPER orb into the attic.) PIPER: (rushing) Ok, let's go. Greg's not gonna wait forever. CHRIS: Well, then you should dump him. PIPER: What is that supposed to mean? PHOEBE: He's just being overprotective. PIPER: I take it you're the ... Genie. JINNY: Jinny. PHOEBE: Jinny the genie. PIPER: Of course. Who's the demon? (CHRIS walks over to the Book of Shadows and looks at the demon JINNY points to.) CHRIS: Uh ... he's a low-level demon with minimal powers. There's a vanquishing potion. PHOEBE: Yeah. That's what I'm working on. PIPER: Good. Then you're almost done with me, too. Ok, so what's your plan? Are you gonna summon him to us? PHOEBE: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. CHRIS: What's the rush? PIPER: Well, not that it's any of your business, but Greg's shift starts in a few hours, and I won't see him for three days. So, I'm gonna go call him. And, um ... I'd put the genie back in the bottle just to be safe. No offense, but we've been burned before. (PIPER walks out of the attic. PHOEBE picks up the bottle and holds it out to JINNY.) PHOEBE: Do you mind? JINNY: Yes, master. (JINNY crosses her arms, turns into a pink stream of smoke and funnels back into the bottle.) PHOEBE: I feel so bad! (PHOEBE puts the bottle back on the potions table.) CHRIS: As well you should. If we don't do something soon, I could end up half- fireman instead of half-Whitelighter. PHOEBE: Oh, for goodness sakes. CHRIS: Look, I'm running out of time here. So what do you say we get to use that genie to make mom and dad, you know ... PHOEBE: That's vile ... and against the rules. I would think that you wouldn't wanna be conceived that way. CHRIS: Well, it beats not being conceived at all. PHOEBE: Look, I told you I would help you on my terms. Ok? So back off. CHRIS: Fine. What are your terms? PHOEBE: Hmm. Not really sure yet, but I am done with this potion. (PHOEBE puts the potion in the vial.) PHOEBE: So as soon as Piper gets back, we are ready to go. (BOSK on his flying carpet crashes through the attic window knocking CHRIS on his way to the center of the room. The flying carpet stops mid-air and BOSK jump off.) (PHOEBE throws the potion at BOSK only to have it explode harmlessly in front of him as the Eye of Aghbar glows red, protecting him from the vanquishing properties of the potion.) BOSK: (smiles smugly) Not this time, witch. (He throws a green dart at PHOEBE. She ducks, dives and shouts for PIPER.) PHOEBE: Uhh! Piper! (Once behind the table, PHOEBE makes her third and final wish.) PHOEBE: Jinny, I wish you free! (Pink smoke funnels out of the bottle and onto the attic floor. CHRIS raises his head as he sees JINNY, dressed in demonic black, walk out of the pink smoke.) JINNY: Well, it's about time. (BOSK takes a terrified step backward.) JINNY: Who's the master now? (She powers up a fireball and hurls it at BOSK, vanquishing him in a wall of fire and smoke where he stands.) (PIPER walks into the attic. JINNY steps toward the potions table, her eyes on the genie's bottle.) PIPER: Chris! (CHRIS holds out his hand, the genie's bottle flies off the table straight for his palm.) (JINNY turns around. PIPER waves her hand and sends a powerful blast at JINNY. She ducks, the blast misses her and crashes into the far wall.) (She runs and dives onto the flying carpet that flies out through the broken attic window.) (Once she's gone, PIPER looks around. CHRIS slowly gets to his feet, the genie's bottle in his grip.) CHRIS: Where's Phoebe? GENIE PHOEBE: (muffled, tiny person voice) Here! (PIPER and CHRIS look around for PHOEBE.) GENIE PHOEBE: (muffled, tiny person voice) In here! (CHRIS tilts the bottle opening and peers into the genie's bottle.) [THROUGH THE LIP OF THE BOTTLE OPENING] (Tiny Genie-Dressed PHOEBE stands at the bottom of the bottle waving up at CHRIS. CHRIS pulls the bottle closer to his eye for a better look inside.) [INT. GENIE'S BOTTLE - CONTINUOUS] (GENIE PHOEBE looks up, waves and grins sheepishly at CHRIS.) GENIE PHOEBE: Hello ... Master. FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. GENIE'S BOTTLE -- DAY] (GENIE PHOEBE stands in the center of the bottle looking up at the bottle opening.) PIPER: (o.s.) Will you come out of there, please? GENIE PHOEBE: I can't! I don't know how. [TOP VIEW INTO BOTTLE] GENIE PHOEBE: (muffled, tiny person voice) Try commanding me. [BOTTLE VIEW OF TOP] (PIPER'S left eye looks into the bottle.) PIPER: Uh, ok. Get the hell out of there! (GENIE PHOEBE waves PIPER aside.) GENIE PHOEBE: No, not you! My ... master. (PIPER looks around and walks away from the bottle.) [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (PIPER and CHRIS walk around the table, changing places. CHRIS makes his way to the bottle. He looks inside.) [BOTTLE VIEW OF TOP] (CHRIS' eye appears in the opening.) CHRIS: You mean me? GENIE PHOEBE: Well, yeah, you did pick up the bottle, didn't you? CHRIS: All right. Get out of the bottle. I command you. (GENIE PHOEBE crosses her arms and immediately turns into a force of blue smoke and zooms out of the bottle.) [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (The blue smoke funnels out of the bottle into the attic where it materializes into Genie PHOEBE. PIPER looks at her and starts smiling. She can't help herself and starts to giggle.) PIPER: (laughing) You look ridiculous! GENIE PHOEBE: I feel ridiculous. PIPER: Well, how am I supposed to get back to Greg now with this? GENIE PHOEBE: Is that all you care about? Would you look at me? I am trapped in pantaloons right now. Where is the mirr - Look. (GENIE PHOEBE turns around to look for the mirror. She stands in front of it, looking at her own reflection.) GENIE PHOEBE: And why do I always get stuck with the wig? PIPER: Trust me, you don't. Leo! CHRIS: Have you ever noticed that Leo is the first person you call in your time of need? (LEO orbs into the attic. He looks at GENIE PHOEBE and groans.) LEO: Uh-oh. GENIE PHOEBE: Yeah, right? "Uh-oh". PIPER: I still can't believe you made a wish with a genie. You know better than that. GENIE PHOEBE: I thought she was an innocent. How was I to know that I was gonna unleash a demon? (LEO picks up the bottle and looks at the Arabic warning on the side.) LEO: It says so right here. GENIE PHOEBE: Oh, right. Right there, in Arabic. PIPER: There's a warning label on the genie bottle? LEO: Yeah. An ancient sorcerer condemned a demon into the bottle for not marrying him. It says whoever tried to free her, they'd have to switch places with her. (LEO looks at CHRIS and hands him the bottle.) Missed a big one here, bud. CHRIS: (scoffs) You wanna pin this on me? (CHRIS takes the bottle and puts it on the table.) GENIE PHOEBE: Leo. It's not his fault. It's my fault. PIPER: How come your empathy thing didn't give her away? GENIE PHOEBE: (sighs heavily) She tricked me and obviously the Book, too. CHRIS: Let's just figure out a way to fix this, ok? LEO: Well, the only way to fix it is to get the demon reverse the magic. GENIE PHOEBE: That's what we need to do then. PIPER: I'll call Paige. (PIPER gets to her feet and heads out the attic.) GENIE PHOEBE: Yes! I do believe the element of surprise is very important here. (CHRIS watches PIPER leave and turns to look at GENIE PHOEBE.) CHRIS: Are you sure? Because we could always take our time with this plan, you know, keep Piper around just a little bit longer? GENIE PHOEBE: Yes, master. CHRIS: Good. I'm glad you agree. GENIE PHOEBE: A-actually, I don't agree, but I can't--I can't - (She turns to look at Leo, frustrated and exasperated.) How am I supposed to take charge and take commands all at the same time? LEO: Well, you won't have to. Chris is coming back up there with me. The Elders have agreed to send him back to his time. CHRIS: What?! GENIE PHOEBE: (warning) You don't know what you're doing here, Leo. LEO: You don't belong here, and as your whitelighter, he's doing more harm than good. CHRIS: (angry) You are so full of it! This isn't about me being a bad whitelighter. It's about you feeling like I've let you down somehow! So whatever issues you might have with me, I wish you would just get over it already! (GENIE PHOEBE puts her hands together, nods her head and blinks. His wish is her command.) (A wave of magic passes through LEO. GENIE PHOEBE looks down at her sudden pose, puzzled by what just happened.) (The wave of magic passes and LEO turns to look at CHRIS.) CHRIS: (warily) Leo? (LEO looks at CHRIS and laughs.) LEO: Of course, I forgive you, man. You don't have to yell! All you had to do was ask. CHRIS: I did? LEO: Yeah. And listen, with that whole going back to the future thing, you know, don't even worry about it, because I'll talk to the other Elders, and we're gonna work it all out, ok? It's no big deal. Ok? (LEO laughs and opens his arms to CHRIS.) LEO: Come on, give me a hug! (He hugs CHRIS warmly. PHOEBE stares at them.) CUT TO: [INT. RICHARD'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY] (PAIGE is on her cell phone with PIPER.) PAIGE: What do you mean, she didn't read the warning label? PIPER: (from phone) I'll explain later. The bottom line is we need you home now. PAIGE: Well, I can't. I'm kind of in the middle of saving Richard right now. (PAIGE turns and looks at the group of MONTANAS, both living and dead, sitting on the couch waiting for PAIGE to get off the phone.) PAIGE: (whispers to the group) I'll be right with you. (to the phone) I took Phoebe's advice. I got his family here. INTERCUT WITH: [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN - DAY] PIPER: I thought most of his relatives are dead. PAIGE: (nods) Uh-huh. They are. PIPER: You're holding a magical intervention with ghosts? PAIGE: Well, I thought about it, and I realized that one of Richard's problems is that he's got no family here. He's got no support system. So the burden of helping him has kind of fallen on me. PIPER: Ok, fine. Hey, maybe since you have all those ghosts there, you could get one to help us out when you're done. PAIGE: Help us do what? (The front door opens and RICHARD walks into the house. The door closes. STEVE MONTANA and the others get to their feet to face RICHARD.) PAIGE: Oh, no. (RICHARD sees everyone.) RICHARD: What's going on here? PAIGE: (to phone) Uh, I'll call you back. (PAIGE hangs up and walks over to RICHARD.) RICHARD: What are they doing here? PAIGE: Your family is here because they care about you. They've seen what happens to you when you use magic, and they don't want it to happen again. RICHARD: You summoned them? STEVE MONTANA: We are here because we want to be here. We need you to listen to us. RICHARD: This is crazy. This is an intervention, right? Look, I'm out of here. (RICHARD turns and heads for the door.) PAIGE: Richard, wait! RICHARD: After everything I've done, this is how you thank me, by embarrassing me in front of my family? PAIGE: Look, if you keep doing this, something bad is gonna happen, something terrible. I can feel it. (The ghosts disappear. STEVE steps forward to talk with RICHARD.) STEVE MONTANA: She's right, Richard. Our family, they died because of the magic. You can't let yourself end up like that. PAIGE: I can make you a power-stripping potion. It'll turn you back into yourself. Just let me help you. (Without a word, RICHARD blurs out of the house. That didn't go well at all. STEVE turns to PAIGE.) STEVE: What do we do now? CUT TO: [INT. CAVERN OF THE FORTY THIEVES -- NIGHT] (A huge fireball engulfs the thief and vanquishes him. JINNY stands in front of the other thieves and puts her hands on her hips.) JINNY: Anyone else have a problem taking orders from an ex-genie? (The HEAD THIEF steps forward.) HEAD THIEF: We are at your service ... my queen. JINNY: Mmm, "Queen". I like the sound of that. Every Queen deserves an Empire. Have you found the location of the lost city yet? HEAD THIEF: We believe we've discovered the site. JINNY: Very good. Now all I need is that bottle. Gather your best fighters. We're going on a witch hunt. (The HEAD THIEF smiles.) CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- NIGHT] (LEO sits at the table in the attic. He has a pen in his hand and a yellow legal table in front of him. He rips off the page of the yellow legal tablet, crumples it into a ball and tosses it aside on the table. Staring with a clean sheet of paper, he starts writing again.) (CHRIS enters the attic.) CHRIS: Hey, Piper says to hurry up with those crystals. Genie Phoebe's getting on our last nerves down there. What are you doing? LEO: I'm writing you an apology. I just--I can't seem to get it right. CHRIS: (laughs) Leo, come on, man. You don't need to do that. LEO: Oh, I know that I don't need to, but I want to. It feels good to forgive. CHRIS: Yeah, why don't you just hold on to that feeling, ok? We gotta go help the sisters. LEO: All well, in a minute. This is just as important. "Dear Chris ..." (LEO turns back to his legal pad and jots down the words. CHRIS chuckles.) CHRIS: All right. All right, enough already. (CHRIS takes the pad away from LEO.) CHRIS: You said you were sorry. Let's just not go overboard. LEO: Ok, but after everything I've put you through, I feel like I owe it to you. CHRIS: Honestly, a letter's not gonna mean a hell of a lot to me. I got plenty of them growing up. LEO: (puzzled) Sorry? CHRIS: Uh ... from my father. He wasn't around much. LEO: That's awful. You wanna talk about it? (LEO pulls out a chair.) CHRIS: No! What I want from you is to grab the crystals and go downstairs to where Piper is. Do you remember her? LEO: Sure. But right now I'm a little more concerned about you. You seem a little stressed. CHRIS: Yeah, you're damn right I'm stressed. I'm concerned about you two. You two need to get back together already. Any chance that's gonna happen? LEO: I don't think so, but thanks for caring, man. It means a lot. (LEO gets up.) CHRIS: Wait ... (CHRIS walks up to LEO.) CHRIS: (insistent) You still love her. I know you do. How could you just throw that away? LEO: That's a little personal, don't you think? CHRIS: Yeah, more than you know. Look, are you telling me that there is no chance that you and Piper are gonna hook up in, let's say--I don't know, the next couple of weeks? LEO: Actually, yeah. That's what I'm saying. We've both moved on, and nothing short of a miracle could make that happen. (LEO turns and walks away to get the crystals. CHRIS sighs heavily. He gazes thoughtfully at the genie's bottle in his hand.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY-- NIGHT] (PIPER sits at the table trying to write out the spell. PHOEBE looks over her shoulder at what she's writing.) GENIE PHOEBE: Ah, ah, ah. The wording's not quite right there. Jinny is an upper-level demon. PIPER: Hey, I don't need a bossy genie on my back. I'm giving up a lot to be here. I'll write the vanquishing spell the way I want. GENIE PHOEBE: You should invoke the name of-- PIPER: Do I need to call Chris to shut you up? PHOEBE: You wouldn't! PIPER: Keep pushin' me. (PAIGE orbs into the room, her face sad and worried. PIPER looks up.) PIPER: Back so soon? PAIGE: Yeah, the intervention was a complete train wreck. Richard wouldn't listen to anyone. (PHOEBE steps out to offer her apologies.) GENIE PHOEBE: Oh, Paige, I'm so sorry. (This is PAIGE'S first look at GENIE PHOEBE. No matter how low she felt when she first orbed in, she takes one look at PHOEBE and starts to laugh.) PHOEBE: You're laughing at me? I'm trying to be sympathetic, and you're laughing at me? PAIGE: I'm sorry. Maybe I needed a laugh after what I just went through. PHOEBE: Yeah. It's ok. Is there anything I can do? PAIGE: Yeah ... but don't you, um, need to go help ... Major Nelson? (She and PIPER both burst out laughing.) PIPER: What? It's funny. This is kind of funny. GENIE PHOEBE: Let's just finish the spell, ok? PIPER: All right. Hey, I want this done just as badly as you do. Did you find us a ghost? PAIGE: Yeah, I got us Richard's dad. He's hanging out in limbo waiting for my call. Why do we need a ghost? PIPER: Well, once we capture Jinny, he can possess her and force her to wish Phoebe free. (Off screen, everyone hears Leo and Chris laughing as they enter the room.) LEO: Here's the crystals you wanted. (LEO puts the box on the table in front of PIPER. He opens the box to show her.) PAIGE: Well, you guys sure are chummy. LEO: Yeah, I had a change of heart, decided to let bygones be bygones. PIPER: Really? (PHOEBE sees their puzzlement and is about to explain everything.) PHOEBE: Guys, there's something I have to tell you. CHRIS: (interrupts) Uh, after we talk in the kitchen. PHOEBE: But - (CHRIS holds up the bottle.) CHRIS: Phoebe? (PHOEBE crosses her arms and changes into a funnel of smoke. She zooms into the bottle and disappears.) CHRIS: Now, that was cool. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have a little one- on-one with the help. (CHRIS walks out of the room and heads into the kitchen.) PIPER: What's he hiding now? (The doorbell rings.) PAIGE: I'll get it. (PAIGE walks out of the room. LEO smiles at PIPER.) LEO: You know, Chris is a hell of a guy. You two should really give him a chance once in a while. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER / FRONT DOOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (PAIGE opens the door and finds RICHARD on the front porch.) RICHARD: Hey. PAIGE: Richard. What are you doing here? RICHARD: I, uh, came to apologize. (He holds out his hands and a bouquet of roses magically appears in his arms. PAIGE stares at it.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN -- NIGHT] (PHOEBE is in the kitchen simply astounded by what CHRIS just said.) PHOEBE: You wanna make them do what?! (CHRIS picks up the bottle.) CHRIS: We finally got dad in a good mood, and mom, she's all sexed up for the fireman. This is the perfect time to hit 'em with the whammy. PHOEBE: No, we are not gonna make Piper and Leo sleep together. Ok? We're gonna do this my way, mister! CHRIS: "Master". PHOEBE: Oh, you know what, listen to me-- CHRIS: I'm sorry, Phoebe, but I'm running out of time here. A guy's gotta survive. I wish for Piper and Leo to sleep together tonight. PHOEBE: I'm not-- (Completely unwilling, PHOEBE puts her hands together, nods her head and blinks.) (There's a loud thud in the next room.) (Two thuds.) (CHRIS looks at PHOEBE.) CHRIS: What was that? (CHRIS rushes out of the kitchen. PHOEBE whacks him on the arm as he passes by her.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM - DAY -CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS walks out into the conservatory only to find both PIPER and LEO fast asleep on the floor. CHRIS kneels down next to them.) CHRIS: They're sleeping. (He looks up at PHOEBE.) You tricked me. (He stands up.) PHOEBE: No, you made me wish for them to sleep together, (she motions with her hands) ... and they're sleeping together. CHRIS: This is a mess! I've only got one more wish to sort this thing out, so if you don't mind ... (He holds up the bottle.) PHOEBE: Oh, no, actually, I do mind, because Jinny could be here at any moment. CHRIS: You know what? I'll summon you when she does. I command you back into the bottle. PHOEBE: (warning) When I get out of this - (PHOEBE'S arms cross and she turns into a funnel of blue smoke that rises and zooms into the bottle.) (CHRIS closes his eyes and sighs. He turns around and looks back at his two sleeping parents.) (RICHARD'S voice rises angrily from the front door.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER -NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] RICHARD: You're gonna break up with me over some flowers? PAIGE: Look, I'm sorry. It's me or magic. You just have to choose one. RICHARD: You can't give me that kind of choice! PAIGE: I just did. RICHARD: You wanna talk about dependencies? Why are you always running off to be with your sisters? (They're interrupted by a loud crash and a painful shout coming from the next room. PAIGE looks at RICHARD and sighs.) PAIGE: Wait here. (She turns and heads back into the house.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (A thief tosses CHRIS into the wall. CHRIS hits the cabinet and falls to the floor; the genie bottle slips from his hands.) CHRIS: (painfully) Aah! (The bottle rolls under the side table. A thief pulls out his sword. PAIGE runs in through the doorway. CHRIS groggily gets to his feet and sees PAIGE.) CHRIS: Find the bottle. Phoebe's inside. (The thief wielding the sword rushes toward CHRIS. CHRIS grabs the lamp post and raises it to block the attack.) (As they fight, PAIGE looks around for the bottle. She spots it under the table. She rushes forward to get it.) (CHRIS continues to engage with the thief.) (PAIGE heads for the bottle, but the second thief steps forward and swings his sword at her. She orbs out as he swings, then quickly orbs back into the room behind the second thief. As the second thief has his back to her, PAIGE holds out her hand and orbs for the ... PAIGE: Sword! (The sword orbs out of the second thief's hand and into PAIGE'S grip. She steps forward and stabs the second thief. He explodes in a wall of fire and smoke.) (She pulls the sword out and steps back. CHRIS continues to fight with the first thief.) (In the back of the room, JINNY shimmers in. She looks around for the bottle and sees it under the table.) (As she steps for the bottle, RICHARD walks through the doorway.) (JINNY takes a couple of steps forward when RICHARD leisurely waves his hand and sends her flying backward toward the far wall. She falls to the floor.) (PAIGE stabs the first thief with the sword, vanquishing him in a wall of fire. She pulls the sword out and he disappears in an explosion.) (JINNY slowly gets to her feet.) (Intending to stop her, PAIGE looks around and sees the open box of crystals on the table. She orbs for them.) PAIGE: Crystals! (The crystals orb off of the table and move toward her. She waves her arm toward JINNY and re-orbs them in a circle at JINNY's feet ... PAIGE: Circle! ... where they materialize around her, trapping her inside. JINNY takes a step out, but the crystals resonate and she's caught, trapped within.) PAIGE: (watching) Got her. (JINNY tries again. She steps confidently forward only to find the magical crystal bars appearing as a cage around her.) (CHRIS gets to his feet.) CHRIS: Where's the bottle? (PAIGE turns around and sees RICHARD holding the pink genie's bottle in his hand. Thinking.) PAIGE: (warning) Richard? (RICHARD looks up at PAIGE, then wordlessly shimmers out of the Conservatory with the bottle.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- NIGHT] (PAIGE checks the crystals at JINNY'S feet.) JINNY: You think these crystals can hold me? (JINNY gingerly stretches out a hand to test the crystal bars. They zap her, the crystal bars appearing for a moment.) PAIGE: Nope, not for long. That's why we're putting you back in your bottle. JINNY: When I form my empire, the first thing I'm gonna do is rid the world of witches. PAIGE: Oh, yeah? Well, when you're back in your bottle, the first thing I'm gonna do is put you in the microwave. Ha ha! How do you like that? (PAIGE turns around and walks away from JINNY. JINNY eyes PAIGE, then closes her eyes and raises her hands palms upward, concentrating as if to summon someone. Or something.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS gently puts a blanket over PIPER and LEO who are now lying fast asleep side-by-side on the couch. He steps back and watches over them. PAIGE enters the room and sighs heavily.) PAIGE: Thinks she can scare me. (PAIGE sees them) They're still asleep? Have you tried smelling salts? CHRIS: (nods) It won't work. Trust me. (CHRIS kneels down dejectedly on the sofa near their feet staring at them.) PAIGE: What's wrong with them? CHRIS: It's a long story. PAIGE: I don't know, why don't you give me the cliff notes version? (He sighs.) Come on, Chris. You and Leo and Phoebe have all been acting weird since before the demon attacked. What's going on? CHRIS: All right. (He stands up.) I made a little wish. PAIGE: You did what? CHRIS: Two little wishes. PAIGE: Oh, great, it's not bad enough I have to worry about Richard. Now I have to worry about you, too. What did you wish for? CHRIS: For Leo to forgive me, which, by the way, was an accident. PAIGE: And? CHRIS: For Piper and Leo to sleep together. (PAIGE'S jaw drops.) PAIGE: You ... oh, my god, you are sick! What is wrong with you? (CHRIS shakes his head. No.) You're disgusting! You are some creepy registered sex offender from the future, just -- CHRIS: No, no, no! PAIGE: Oh, my god! You're so gross! CHRIS: (blurts out) I'm Piper and Leo's son. (PAIGE stops.) PAIGE: What? CHRIS: They're my parents. (quietly) I came back to save my family. PAIGE: You're serious. CHRIS: Yeah. Only now I gotta save myself, because if my mom doesn't get pregnant in the next month, there is no me. PAIGE: (groans) This is all so wrong ... and this ... (PAIGE sits down on the chair.) PAIGE: (sighs) ... has been such a long day. (CHRIS kneels down in front of PAIGE.) CHRIS: Look ... I'm gonna orb over to Richard's, ok? And grab the bottle. PAIGE: No, you can't. He's, uh -- he's crazy right now. He might hurt you, ok? I need to strip him of his powers. It's a whole thing. CHRIS: Well, how's that gonna help? PAIGE: Well, he's been corrupted by magic and if I don't strip him of his powers, I might not be able to save him. Who else knows about this? CHRIS: About me? (PAIGE nods.) Just Phoebe. (PAIGE takes a breath.) PAIGE: All right, you watch Jinny. I'm gonna go make this potion, okay? CHRIS: Okay. (PAIGE gets up from the chair and heads out of the room. CHRIS stands up and gazes down at his parents fast asleep on the couch.) (As she leaves the room, PAIGE turns back and looks at CHRIS, a small, pleased look on her face. She turns and heads out of the room.) CUT TO: [EXT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT] [INT. BOTTLE] (PHOEBE pushes the side of the bottle.) GENIE PHOEBE: Come on! (She quickly runs over to the other side of the bottle, pushing that side of the bottle making it rock a little bit more.) GENIE PHOEBE: Come on! [INT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - VAULT - NIGHT] (The genie's bottle rests on the counter. It slowly rocks from side to side as PHOEBE tries to tip it over.) (Inside the bottle, PHOEBE continues to run from side to side, grunting as she exerts herself.) (Outside, the bottle tips over just a little bit more rocking on the counter.) (RICHARD searches the shelves for something. Preoccupied, he walks across the room, past the rocking genie's bottle.) (Inside the bottle, PHOEBE continues to run from side to side. Finally, with one last push, she successfully tips the bottle over.) (Outside a plume of blue-ish smoke shoots out of the bottle. PHOEBE materializes inside the potions' vault. She looks around and sees RICHARD.) PHOEBE: Oh, thank god! I thought a demon got me! Why didn't you let me out? (RICHARD searches the shelves.) RICHARD: I'm not ready for you yet. (PHOEBE realizes where they are.) PHOEBE: Hey, we're in the black magic vault. Um, is there a phone around? 'Cause I'd really love to call Paige and just check in. RICHARD: No, you're not. I know I've got a book of wishes around here somewhere. PHOEBE: Wishes? (RICHARD searches the drawers.) RICHARD: Yep. Gotta get the wording right. PHOEBE: Yeah, maybe you should just wish for sleep, because I'm really good at that wish! RICHARD: I just want Paige to accept me the way I am, with magic. It's the only way we'll work. PHOEBE: I don't think magic is the answer to your problems. I think it's the cause of your problems. RICHARD: Oh! They got you brainwashed, too, right? I'm gonna have to cast a spell on the entire family. (He looks on the shelf and finds the book.) RICHARD: Aha! Here it is. (He grabs it and pulls it out. PAIGE orbs into the vault and sees PHOEBE standing behind RICHARD.) RICHARD: Paige, I told you, don't orb in and surprise me. PHOEBE: (warning to PAIGE) He's not himself right now. PAIGE: (to PHOEBE) How come you didn't tell me Chris was my nephew? PHOEBE: Yeah, maybe we could talk about that later, because your boyfriend's about to woo-woo! RICHARD: (to PHOEBE) Look, I'm fine, all right? I just need to do some reading. I'll call you when I'm ready. (PAIGE shakes her head.) PAIGE: This is for your own good. (She throws the potion at RICHARD. With a wave of his hand, RICHARD deflects the potion back at PAIGE and the force of the deflection sends PAIGE and the vial slamming back into the next room. PAIGE crashes to the floor, slides a distance and hits her head against the pillar.) (She doesn't move.) PHOEBE: Paige! (PHOEBE rushes past RICHARD to check on PAIGE.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- NIGHT] (Meanwhile, back at the manor ... JINNY stands in the middle of the crystal cage, her hand held out in front of her, her eyes closed, concentrating.) (The doorbell rings.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS opens the front door and finds GREG standing on the porch.) CHRIS: Aren't you supposed to be at work or something? GREG (THE FIREMAN): I'm on a break. I came to surprise Piper. CHRIS: Oh. Little booty call, huh? GREG (THE FIREMAN): Is she here? CHRIS: No. Sorry. She's sleeping. (CHRIS steps back to close the door, but GREG puts a hand out and pushes the door open.) GREG (THE FIREMAN): Wait. I don't believe you. CHRIS: Ok. See for yourself. (CHRIS steps back and motions GREG inside. GREG walks in and turns the corner to find PIPER and LEO fast asleep on the couch.) GREG (THE FIREMAN): Oh ... (Standing behind GREG, CHRIS waves his hand and magically pushes LEO'S arm around PIPER, which pushes PIPER even closer to LEO, her cheek resting comfortably on his chest. A lovely picture for the boyfriend to witness.) (CHRIS puts his arm around GREG.) CHRIS: You want me to tell 'em you stopped by? (He pats GREG on the shoulder. GREG looks down and shakes his head as he turns back to the front door.) GREG (THE FIREMAN): Uh, no, that-that won't be necessary. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (Close up of the Conservatory doors. The flying carpet slips in under the crack in the door. It heads straight for JINNY. The carpet flies into the crystal cage, short-circuiting it completely. The carpet turns ashen and falls to the floor in a puff of black smoke and soot.) (Having successfully summoned the carpet to her, JINNY glances down at the burnt rug on the floor. She smiles smugly as she steps over the now defunct crystals.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER / LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS shuts the front door. He turns around and heads back into the sitting room.) CHRIS: (mutters to himself) Sorry, mom. It's for the best. (He turns the corner and finds JINNY standing over his sleeping parents, a fireball in her hand. CHRIS stares at her.) JINNY: Take me to the bottle. (CHRIS glances down at PIPER and LEO, then back at JINNY.) CUT TO: [INT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - FOYER -- NIGHT] (PAIGE slowly opens her eyes and looks around. Standing off to the side are RICHARD and GENIE PHOEBE. RICHARD steps forward and helps her up.) RICHARD: You ok? I'm sorry. I--I didn't mean to ... PAIGE: It's ok. It's fine. RICHARD: (to GENIE PHOEBE) I'll make it up to you. (She holds up a finger to stop him.) GENIE PHOEBE: No, no, no! Not that way. PAIGE: No more wishes. RICHARD: No, no, it's ok. It's not for me. Phoebe, I wish you free. (A whirlwind of blue smoke rises around PHOEBE, completely engulfing her. The blue whirlwind rises up from PHOEBE and over onto RICHARD engulfing him in a gray haze changing his clothing into a djin's outfit.) (RICHARD glances down at him.). GENIE RICHARD: Uh, what is this? (CHRIS and JINNY orb into the foyer, the fireball still in the palm of her hand.) PHOEBE: What are you doing here? (JINNY throws the fireball at them. Everyone ducks.) (CHRIS reaches out to hit JINNY, but she's quicker. She anticipates his attack, grabs his arm and tosses him over to the other side of the room. He crashes into the door, hitting it with a thud and falls down on the floor in pain.) (PAIGE and PHOEBE get to their feet. JINNY picks up the bottle. GENIE RICHARD gets to his feet. JINNY stares at the bottle and makes her first wish.) JINNY: Genie, I wish The Charmed Ones dead. (PAIGE and PHOEBE look at each other. GENIE RICHARD puts his hands together and nods.) (PAIGE and PHOEBE both collapse to the floor ... dead. CHRIS raises his head and sees them fall.) CHRIS: (anguished cry) NO!! (He scrambles to his feet and rushes over to them.) JINNY: (to RICHARD) Now, into the bottle. (RICHARD crosses his arms and disappears into a cloud of gray smoke that shoots back into the bottle. CHRIS looks up at her from his position near the sisters. JINNY smiles at him.) JINNY: (saucily) My condolences. (And with that, she shimmers out of the room with the bottle in her hand.) (CHRIS continues to stare at the spot, stunned.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - FOYER -- NIGHT] (CHRIS has one hand on each of the sisters, his voice pained and anguished, trying desperately to believe that they're not dead.) CHRIS: No. No, you can't be dead yet. It's not your time. I know it's not your time. (The sisters' spirits rise up and out from their bodies. CHRIS sees them rise in a hazy mist. He gets to his feet and steps away from the bodies. The hazy mist focuses into discernable spirits floating above their bodies. Chris' eyes fill with tears.) CHRIS: (voice breaking) I'm sorry. I'm sor--this-- I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. She was gonna kill mom and dad. (Speaking of which ... ) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT] (PIPER and LEO are fast asleep on the couch. PIPER dies and her spirit rises from her body in a hazy mist. It rises higher and focuses into a discernable spirit - PIPER'S spirit floating above her body. She looks down and sees her body still on the couch below.) PIPER: Oh, no! Leo! Wake up! (LEO shifts in his sleep, his hand unconsciously moves over PIPER'S heart ... glowing as he heals her. PIPER feels her spirit being pulled back into her body ... PIPER: But how ... ? (PIPER'S spirit changes back into the hazy mist and re-enters her sleeping form - completely healed.) CUT TO: [INT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - FOYER -- NIGHT] (PAIGE and PHOEBE'S spirits lower till they're finally standing on the floor just outside their bodies.) PHOEBE'S GHOST: Hey, Chris ... we're not moving on. PAIGE'S GHOST: Why aren't we moving on? CHRIS: Who cares? You're still here. (They look at each other trying to figure out what's happening.) PAIGE'S GHOST: Got any unfinished business? PHOEBE'S GHOST: No, you? PAIGE'S GHOST: Yeah, now that you mention it, it would've been nice to find out I had another nephew before I died. PHOEBE'S GHOST: I was gonna tell you, but I just didn't get a chance. (PAIGE'S GHOST sighs.) CHRIS: (interrupts eagerly) Guys, we can fix this. We can reverse the magic. All we need to do is get the bottle. PHOEBE'S GHOST: That's true. We're ghosts. We could possess Jinny. Where is Jinny? PAIGE'S GHOST: Well, she was planning to conjure the lost city. PHOEBE'S GHOST: Don't worry. We're gonna take care of this. Should we go check on Piper first? CHRIS: No, no, no. Piper's fine. I mean, she has to be, right? If she was dead, I would have vanished. PAIGE'S GHOST: How do we reach Jinny? CHRIS: You're ghosts. You can haunt anybody you want. You should just concentrate, and it should wisp you right to her. (PAIGE and PHOEBE look at each other. They close their eyes and concentrate. Their forms whisp away in a ghostly white blur.) CHRIS: Wait for me! (CHRIS orbs out to follow.) CUT TO: [EXT. CAVE -- NIGHT] (JINNY walks forward toward the discovery, the genie's bottle clutched in her hand.) JINNY: You sure this is the site? (The HEAD THIEF points to the ground in front of them where the skeletal remains of a two-headed animal has been discovered.) HEAD THIEF: One of the hounds of the Zanbar. They guarded the city for the sultan. JINNY: I could use a few of those myself. (She lifts up the bottle and talks to GENIE RICHARD inside.) You ready in there? (She turns and holds the bottle out in front of her toward the desert. JINNY makes her second wish.) JINNY: I wish to resurrect the lost city of Zanbar. (It takes but a moment. The ground immediately begins to rumble all around them. From within the desert sand, the buildings of Zanbar rise up magically from the depths shooting straight upward to the sky altering the terrain before them.) (JINNY watches with abject glee as the buildings, the walls, the palace continues to pull upward and out of the ground. When it's done, the magic city of Zanbar stands before them.) JINNY: Finder's keepers. (JINNY smiles.) GHOST PAIGE: (o.s.) I wouldn't unpack if I were you. (JINNY turns around and sees CHRIS and GHOST PAIGE with GHOST PHOEBE standing behind them. JINNY walks toward them.) JINNY: Why haven't you moved on? You're dead! GHOST PHOEBE: So are you. (PHOEBE jumps, turns into a ghostly mist and dives straight into JINNY. JINNY gasps at the impact and drops the bottle. The HEAD THIEF pulls out his sword and steps forward to attack. CHRIS motions and telekinetically throws the HEAD THIEF up against the far cave wall.) (The other two THIEVES standing behind JINNY draw their swords. They swing their weapons and head for CHRIS.) GHOST PAIGE: Uh, watch out! CHRIS: Phoebe, a little help here? (The two THIEVES push past JINNY. PHOEBE (inside JINNY) powers up two fireballs and throws it at their backs, vanquishing the two THIEVES in a large explosion of fire.) (PHOEBE feels JINNY'S body with her hands.) PHOEBE (IN JINNY): (PHOEBE'S voice) I think I've got control of her body. (CHRIS rushes forward, takes the sword and stabs it down into the last remaining HEAD THIEF who's flat on his back on the cave floor.) HEAD THIEF: Aah! (The HEAD THIEF is vanquished.) GHOST PAIGE: Ok, all clear. (PHOEBE controls JINNY and makes her pick up the genie's bottle. She holds it in her hand.) PHOEBE (IN JINNY): (PHOEBE'S VOICE) Richard, I wish you free. (The gray smoke shoots out of the bottle and surrounds JINNY as PHOEBE'S spirit leaves her.) (JINNY gasps.) (GHOST PHOEBE materializes next to GHOST PAIGE.) GHOST PHOEBE: Oh! (They watch as JINNY returns to becoming the genie of the bottle. Gray smoke whirls around her, consuming her. She screams in anger and frustration.) JINNY: No! (In a flash, the smoke turns pink and RICHARD is standing in the middle of the cave holding the bottle in his hand.) (GHOST PAIGE smiles at RICHARD.) GHOST PAIGE: Hi, honey. (RICHARD looks into the bottle and sees GENIE JINNY inside.) JINNY: Let me out of here! (RICHARD makes his first wish.) RICHARD: I wish The Charmed Ones alive again. (JINNY stands in the middle of the bottle and grounds out through gritted teeth.) JINNY: Yes, master. (She claps her hands together, blinks her eyes and nods her head.) (GHOST PHOEBE and GHOST PAIGE vaporize and disappear. RICHARD looks thoughtfully at the bottle as CHRIS gets to his feet in the back of the cave. He walks over to RICHARD.) CHRIS: You ok? (RICHARD holds out the bottle toward CHRIS.) RICHARD: Take this. Get it out of my sight. CHRIS: Sure. Could you get rid of that thing first? (CHRIS nods over RICHARD'S shoulder at the city of Zanbar behind him. RICHARD turns around to look at what CHRIS is talking about.) RICHARD: Yeah. (nods) No problem. CUT TO: [EXT. DESERT -- CITY OF ZANBAR - DAY] [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - EVENING] [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE -- NIGHT] (Establish.) [INT. RICHARD'S RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT] (RICHARD sits on the couch looking down at the vial in his hands. He hears the door open and looks up in time to see PAIGE slip inside the house. She closes the door behind her.) PAIGE: Hey. (She walks toward RICHARD.) PAIGE: What's going on? RICHARD: Just thinking. PAIGE: Oh, yeah? What about? (PAIGE sees that RICHARD has the power-stripping potion vial in his hands. He looks up at her.) RICHARD: Everything. I mean, sometimes it feels like my life's just one big disaster after the next, you know? Like right from the start, being born into that stupid feud, all that family hatred ... I mean, it's amazing that I've gone this far without ending up like one of them. PAIGE: Well ... Richard, you have. (She sits down.) And that's what's important, right? And you are here for a reason, for a purpose, you just ... have to figure out what it is. RICHARD: How can you have so much faith, Paige? I mean, with everything out there, all the evil. PAIGE: Well, it's because I don't just see all the evil. I see all the good, too. Especially in you. RICHARD: Sometimes I'm not sure. PAIGE: I am. RICHARD: Well, I hope you're right, because I'm giving up a lot ... to see it, too. Like - I-I -- my whole life I've had powers and magic, I mean, even if I didn't use it it was--it was just a part of me. Now, uh, it's kind of scary that I'm gonna be losing it. And losing you, too. PAIGE: Well, you have to take care of yourself first, right. And as long as I'm around, and I'm ... bringing magic into your life ... you won't be able to. RICHARD: I know. PAIGE: So have you taken the power-stripping potion yet? (He sighs heavily and tips the empty bottle over to show her. He had.) (PAIGE smiles sadly, tears welling up in her eyes and spilling down her cheeks.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT] (The clock chimes midnight. CHRIS paces the floor nervously as he motions at PIPER and LEO still fast asleep. PHOEBE sits on the armchair watching them.) CHRIS: They're not waking up. How come they're not waking up? PHOEBE: Would you relax? CHRIS: Relax? I'm sorry, did you say relax? Because I'm about to disappear, vanish forever, cease to exist-- PHOEBE: Oh, my god, you're so dramatic. LEO: Mmm. (LEO and PIPER stir. They wake up.) PHOEBE: Hey. You ok? (They finally realize that they've been sleeping together on the couch.) PIPER: I think so. (PIPER sits up and looks at LEO.) What-what -- what are you doing? LEO: Uh, I don't know, I swear. Um ... (LEO gets to his feet and stands away from the couch.) LEO: What's going on? (PIPER looks at PHOEBE.) PHOEBE: Arabic sleeping potion. Very strong. Not good. PIPER: You mean Jinny did this? PHOEBE: Who else? PIPER: Well, we gotta stop her - PHOEBE: We already did, while you were sleeping. She's back in the bottle. CHRIS: Which we were sort of hoping you could, uh, take care of for us. (CHRIS picks up the genie's bottle and hands it to LEO.) LEO: So that's it? It's all over? CHRIS: Pretty much. I mean, you still forgive me, right? LEO: Of course. CHRIS: Good. PHOEBE: I still want to know why we all didn't die. (CHRIS glares at PHOEBE; PHOEBE shrugs.) What? I'm curious. CHRIS: Oh, sure, you don't mind them knowing that they almost died but not that I - (PHOEBE glares at CHRIS.) CHRIS: ... never mind. PIPER: What are you talking about? PHOEBE: Jinny made a wish for The Charmed Ones to die and we almost did but then we turned into ghosts, and -- PIPER: (interrupts) Huh. So that wasn't a dream I had? I was floating over my body and then, uh ... (PIPER turns to look at LEO.) PIPER: You healed me. LEO: (clueless) I did? PIPER: Yeah. I called to you when you were sleeping and somehow you must've heard me and ... you wouldn't let me go. (LEO smiles a bit as they share a look.) CHRIS: Well, that must be the reason why Phoebe and Paige's spirits didn't move on. See, the wish was for all The Charmed Ones to die. So saving you must've saved them. PIPER: That was really sweet of you. LEO: Anytime. So, do you want to go with me to get Wyatt? PIPER: Sure. (LEO steps closer to PIPER as she stands up. He takes her hand and he orbs them out.) (CHRIS gets to his feet, trying to stop them.) CHRIS: Wait! What ab -- (They orb out completely. CHRIS sighs heavily.) CHRIS: What about me? PHOEBE: (thoughtfully) I wouldn't give up. There may be hope for you yet. FADE TO BLACK ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 6X15: I DREAM OF PHOEBE ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 02/15/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring BALTHAZAR GETTY as Richard Montana SABA HOMAYOON as "Jinny" MARK DEKLIN JOEY NABER Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by: CURTIS KHEEL Directed by: JOHN KRETCHMER ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS Co-Starring JASON SHAW as Greg AMANDA STICKLER as Sophie J. MICHAEL FLYNN as Benjamin Montana DAVID GREENE as Steve Montana MARCO KAHN as Thief #1 Music by: J. PETER ROBINSON Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: DEREK BERLATSKY Unit Production Manager: JOHN PARE First Assistant Director: RICHLEIGH HEAGH Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-up artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: DAVE BASSETT Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: CHRISSY CORNWALL First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Special Effects Shop Coordinator: VINNIE BORGESE Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: MEGAN ENTRIKEN Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: JULIE SWARTSLEY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editor: BRIAN JOHNSON Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2004 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:02/17/2004~lky