CHARMED 6X12: PRINCE CHARMED ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 01/18/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Directed by: DAVID JACKSON Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-DV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers in tact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: It's Piper's birthday and her sisters conjure up the Perfect Man for her. ========================== CHARMED 6X12: PRINCE CHARMED ========================== FADE IN: [EXT. SNOW-COVERED MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY - PIPER'S DREAM] (PIPER stands next to a snow-covered tree. Tall, dark and handsome, DREAM MAN walks by with a pair of skis over his shoulders.) DREAM MAN: (beckoning) Come on, let's go skiing. PIPER: Uh, I want to, but ... DREAM MAN: But what? What's holding you back? WYATT: (o.s.) Ma-ma ... (PIPER'S startled when she hears his voice.) PIPER: Wyatt? (She looks around, her thoughts completely on her son. DREAM MAN slowly steps back, his eyes still on PIPER.) DREAM MAN: He must be pretty special ... for you to give up everything. (DREAM MAN disappears leaving PIPER standing alone in the snow.) WYATT: (o.s.) Mama! (PIPER looks up and around when she hears his voice again.) FLASH TO: END OF PIPER'S DREAM [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM - DAY] (PIPER'S asleep in bed. Over the baby monitor, she hears WYATT squeal. PIPER'S eyes open.) (PIPER jumps out of bed to check on WYATT.) PIPER: Wyatt?! CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - WYATT'S ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (Standing over WYATT'S crib is a tall ACOLYTE in flowing black robes. In his hand he holds a scepter over WYATT'S head, a ray of pink-ish colored light streams from the scepter to WYATT'S force field. WYATT continues to gurgle safely protected in his bubble.) PIPER: (o.s.) Wyatt! (At the sound of PIPER'S voice, The ACOLYTE'S turns, the light from the scepter shuts off. The ACOLYTE raises his hands high above his head and drops the scepter. The scepter disappears.) (PIPER runs to the doorway, sees the ACOLYTE and blasts him, vanquishing him in an explosion of fire.) (The ACOLYTE gone, WYATT'S force field disappears. PIPER rushes to the crib to check on WYATT.) PIPER: It's ok. (She pushes the blanket aside and picks him up.) PIPER: It's ok. It's ok, it's ok, it's ok. CUT TO: [EXT. TEMPLE - NIGHT] (The scepter appears out of thin air and falls from the sky down to the gathering ACOLYTES below standing in a circle around an alter emitting a beam of light.) THE ORDER (OF ACOLYTES): (chanting) Sentio aliquos togatos Contra me conspirare. (The DARK PRIEST catches the scepter and deposits its recording into the light from the altar. A bubble of magic appears in the light beam; inside the bubble are images of WYATT.) DARK PRIEST: At last, we have found him. (They gaze upon the images of WYATT, pleased beyond measure.) FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] [INT. MANOR - WYATT'S ROOM - DAY] (PIPER sits in the overstuffed chair holding WYATT on her lap. She gazes at him and plays with his fingers, the two simply sharing a moment.) (She gently tucks him into the crib; she tickles his forehead then straightens and steps away. A framed family photo catches her eye and she walks over and stares at it - of her, LEO and WYATT during happier times.) (She realizes something important, turns around and looks at WYATT in his crib.) (Camera holds on PIPER.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - FOYER/MAIN HALL/DINING ROOM -- DAY (Her arms full of groceries, PHOEBE pushes the front door open and walks inside. PAIGE, also carrying a box of groceries, follows her inside the house.) PHOEBE: I think she's upstairs. PAIGE: Ow! I just got a neck spasm. PHOEBE: Don't drop the bag. She'll hear you. PAIGE: Thanks for your concern. SHEILA MORRIS: (o.s.) Are you ok? (SHEILA walks into the house behind them also carrying and arm load of groceries and party supplies DARRYL following close behind her.) PAIGE: Yeah. It just, sometimes it flares up under stress. DARRYL: Yeah, and you've got enough stress in your life, that's for damn sure. (They deposit the bags on the dining room table.) SHEILA MORRIS: With what you guys do, I'm surprised it doesn't flare up all the time. PAIGE: It's not the demons, it's this birthday stuff. Especially Piper's. I always screw up the surprise. DARRYL: I'll take these to the kitchen. (DARRYL heads for the kitchen.) PHOEBE: Oh, thanks. PAIGE: Plus, I have no idea what I'm gonna get her, and obviously time is running out. PHOEBE: Paige, I told you you could come in on the dinner with me. I don't mind. PAIGE: I appreciate that, to jump on your bandwagon. I'm gonna do my own thing. SHEILA MORRIS: Well, being a mom, I can tell you that a nice, normal dinner with friends and family is the perfect gift. Especially since you guys don't live here anymore. (Something triggers a memory for PHOEBE.) PHOEBE: No, the perfect gift actually doesn't exist anymore. PAIGE: Do tell? DARRYL: Hey, do these go? PAIGE: (pointing) Uh, no. Grab those 2. DARRYL: Ok. PHOEBE: It's a charm bracelet ... that mom gave Piper and Piper loved it, but then Prue lost it. PAIGE: Why don't we just cast a-- PHOEBE: A Lost-and-Found Spell? I tried. It didn't work. SHEILA MORRIS: Is Jason coming to the party? PHOEBE: No. He's in some faraway land, like Zimbabwe or something. SHEILA MORRIS: Must be fun. You guys travel all over the world together. PHOEBE: Yeah. It's--it's nice. I just -- I really miss home. I'm happy to be here right now. DARRYL: Is your beau coming? PAIGE: Richard? No. He's, uh, kind of got a bit of a problem with magic. Or it has a problem with him. DARRYL: He doesn't like it? PAIGE: No. Magic just doesn't like him. It's a long story. SHEILA MORRIS: So it's just us, then? DARRYL: Uh, what about Leo? PHOEBE: Yeah, we kind of thought that that was inappropriate. (A door closes upstairs and they hear footsteps above. PHOEBE turns and shoo's DARRYL and SHEILA out the door.) PHOEBE: That's her. Out! Out! Hurry! Hurry! DARRYL: We'll see you tomorrow. PHOEBE: (to the MORRIS') Go! (to PAIGE) Paige, the groceries. (PAIGE puts her arms around the remaining bags and orbs out.) (As PIPER comes down the stairs, PHOEBE leans casually against the banister.) PHOEBE: Hey. PIPER: Hey. (without missing a beat) How's that surprise party going? (PIPER walks past her and heads for the kitchen. PHOEBE'S smile freezes on her face.) PHOEBE: Ooh. (PHOEBE follows PIPER.) [KITCHEN] (PAIGE is hiding the bags under the counter as PIPER walks into the kitchen. PHOEBE runs in after her.) PHOEBE: What do you mean, 'surprise party'? There's no 'surprise party'. (Hearing PHOEBE'S voice, PAIGE quickly shuts the cabinet door and stands up.) PIPER: Just do me a favor and don't invite Greg or any other guys, for that matter, because I'm done with them. PAIGE: I'm sorry? PIPER: It's kind of an epiphany I had, um, right after I vanquished a demon in Wyatt's room. PHOEBE: Wait. Excuse me? PIPER: You know, an epiphany. A revelation. PHOEBE: I know about the epiphany. What do you mean, a demon? PAIGE: Ok, why didn't you call us? PIPER: Well, I didn't want to bother you. It's no big deal. I blew him up. He's gone. PAIGE: Ok, do you know that every time you say that they come back with a vengeance? PHOEBE: Kiss of death. PIPER: It doesn't matter, because I'm on it full-time now. I'm actually thinking of selling the club, 'cause I have a new mission in life, and it's all become very clear to me. PAIGE: (confused) Would you care to elaborate? PIPER: Do you guys know that Wyatt called me "Mama"? PHOEBE: He did? Oh, his first word. PIPER: Right after he was attacked. I don't think I'm gonna be putting THAT in his baby book. (PIPER walks out of the kitchen; the others follow.) [DINING ROOM / MAIN HALL / FOYER] (PAIGE and PHOEBE chase after PIPER as she heads through the dining room to the front door.) PAIGE: Ok, back to giving up guys ... PIPER: It's kind of freeing, actually, you know, not having to play the dating game. Was just a big waste of time for me anyway. I mean, I gave it my best shot, I did, but it just didn't work out for me. PAIGE: Ok, that is completely ridiculous. You've been single for six months. PIPER: No, that's fate. It's my fate, and I accept it. Apparently, you only get one soulmate in a lifetime, so I guess Leo was mine. And now I'm ready to devote my life to protecting and raising Wyatt. (PIPER opens the front door to check the mail box.) PHOEBE: Well, what about sex? PIPER: Well, you know, I'm the mother of one of the most magical creatures ever. Sex rather pales in comparison, don't you think? (PIPER closes the front door and walks away.) PAIGE: (muttering) She doesn't need a party, she needs an intervention. CUT TO: [EXT. TEMPLE -- NIGHT] (Thunder rumbles in the night. The DARK PRIEST stands over the altar with the light beaming out, the other members of the cult standing in a circle around the altar. Inside the light is a magic bubble with WYATT'S image inside.) DARK PRIEST: He led us long ago. And once he returns, he will lead us again your unwavering faith. ACOLYTES: (together) Denado y sentio. (An ACOLYTE steps forward and takes the scepter from the DARK PRIEST.) DARK PRIEST: Help us to cleanse him of the poison that has corrupted him. (The ACOLYTE holds the scepter pointed at the image of WYATT in the bubble. A red light beams out from the scepter at the image.) DARK PRIEST: Turn him that he might lower his guard, so that we may return him to the fold, to his destiny. (The bubble around the image of WYATT disappears. The ACOLYTE reaches out a hand to touch WYATT'S image only to have the force field reappear. The ACOLYTE catches on fire and burns till he explodes.) (The scepter falls to the ground, the jewel on its tip smoking.) (The DARK PRIEST picks up the scepter, looking at it, and thinking. He looks at WYAT'S image in the bubble CUT TO: [INT. MANOR -- ATTIC] (PHOEBE walks into the attic to join PAIGE who is adding ingredients to the potions pot.) PHOEBE: Ok, Piper couldn't find the demon in the book. Any luck up here? PAIGE: Uh, actually, I'm working on something else. PHOEBE: A vanquishing potion? PAIGE: (cheerfully) No. (She tosses some ingredients into the pot and the mixture flares.) PAIGE: (smugly) A birthday present. PHOEBE: A birthday present. Paige, you're not gonna be able to find the charm bracelet. PAIGE: Trust me. This will be even better. The perfect gift. PHOEBE: Ok, what are you talking about? PAIGE: I figure Piper has no love in her life right now, so I think she needs a little love back in her life. PHOEBE: Ok, so you're making a love potion? PAIGE: No. I'm making a love machine. I am making the perfect man. PHOEBE: Wait. Are you kidding me? Are you -- are you out of your mind? PAIGE: No. I don't think I am. Listen, we've conjured magical beings before, so, you know, hey, what's the big deal? PHOEBE: The big deal is they always come back to bite us in the ass. PAIGE: No, no, no, no. This one won't. He's just gonna be around for her birthday from midnight to midnight. PHOEBE: Paige, we can't just conjure up a sex toy. PAIGE: Listen. I figure magic owes Piper. It has taken away the love of her life, and now it's threatening to take away love from the rest of her life. Look, I get Wyatt is super important, all right? I do get that. But - heh -- I think this could be for the greater good. PHOEBE: Mm-hmm. PAIGE: Ok, let's write down some qualities. PHOEBE: Qualities? What do you mean, 'qualities'? PAIGE: You know, qualities for the perfect man. (PHOEBE reaches for the pad and pen off the table.) PHOEBE: Oh, ok. Well, I think she would want someone that, um, lives nearby, you know, and doesn't travel a lot. PAIGE: Yeah, well, I would write down something about somebody who I could do magic in front of, but these are qualities that you and I would want, not qualities that Piper would necessarily want. PHOEBE: Right. Ok, um ... I think she wants, you know, a strong man, but someone that's not afraid to show his sensitive side. PAIGE: Sensitive, but not a wuss bag. Yeah. (PAIGE writes it down on the paper and adds it to the pot. The potion poofs.) PHOEBE: (getting into it) And someone that is a good listener. (PHOEBE adds the piece of paper to the pot. PAIGE: Ok. Good cook. PHOEBE: Handy around the house. PAIGE: Good with kids. PHOEBE: Gets the whole "normal life" thing. PAIGE: Has a really big ... PHOEBE: Paige -- PAIGE: Uh! Is this the perfect guy or what? PHOEBE: All right. Throw it in. (The cauldron bubbles.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM] (PIPER leafs through the Book of Shadows. CHRIS stands in front of PIPER, angry at being left out of the loop.) CHRIS: How am I supposed to protect Wyatt if you don't tell me when a demon attacks him till hours later? PIPER: Because, Chris, I'm taking care of it. CHRIS: That's fine, but what happens if this demon was the one? The one who was after Wyatt? The reason why I came back? PIPER: Well, then you're in luck because I blew him up. Not to mention -- how many demons have you said that about so far? CHRIS: Piper, I've just got Wyatt's best interest in mind. PIPER: So do I. Demon's not in here. (She closes the book and stands up.) CHRIS: What's it look like? (PIPER stands in front of the bed and starts to fold the laundry.) PIPER: Tall, robed, with a metal rod thingy. CHRIS: Really? Well, that narrows it down. PIPER: If another one shows up, I'll be here. CHRIS: That's just my point, Piper. What if you're not here? What happens if you're on a date with the fireman or whoever else you're seeing this week? PIPER: Look, Chris, I don't want to go into it, but I'm not gonna be out on a date with the fireman or anybody else for that matter anytime soon so that I can focus more on Wyatt. (CHRIS is more alarmed by this piece of news.) CHRIS: W-what? PIPER: Did I stutter? CHRIS: (surprised) Piper, you can't give up on love ... ever. PIPER: Why not? CHRIS: Because you just can't, that's why. It's not natural. Look, all I'm saying is you don't have to make that type of sacrifice to protect Wyatt. That's why I'm here. (PIPER picks up the laundry basket and heads out the door.) PIPER: Well, you weren't here earlier, were you? [HALLWAY] PIPER: Look, the only thing that matters right now is what's best for Wyatt. (CHRIS follows her as she heads for the nursery.) CHRIS: This is not what's best for Wyatt, Piper. PIPER: How do you know? CHRIS: Because I've seen the future, and this isn't supposed to happen. PIPER: So, what is supposed to happen? CHRIS: Come on, you know I can't answer that. PIPER: Well, since you're sent from the future to change it, maybe this is one of the things that needs to be changed. (PIPER slips into the room; CHRIS follows her.) CHRIS: (shakes his head) No, it's not. Believe me, it's not. [WYATT'S ROOM/NURSERY] PIPER: Shh! (He sighs heavily.) (PIPER puts the laundry basket down and notices a brightly wrapped gift on the dresser.) PIPER: Who left this? CHRIS: Look, if you're so concerned about protecting Wyatt, there's other ways to go about doing it, you know? (PIPER slips the card out of the envelope and reads it.) PIPER: Like what? CHRIS: Like letting Leo take him up there for a while. Or ... (CHRIS steps close to the crib; WYATT'S force field goes up as he nears.) CHRIS: (thinking) You could always bind his powers. (PIPER'S thoughts are on the present.) PIPER: Leo left me a birthday present. How sweet. (CHRIS steps away from the crib; WYATT'S force shield goes down.) CHRIS: What do you think about what I said? PIPER: About what? CHRIS: About binding Wyatt's powers? PIPER: No way. CHRIS: Why not? Nobody would ever be after him, and you'd have your life back. PIPER: But that would be selfish of me, wouldn't it, to put my needs before his destiny? I'm not being a martyr, Chris. Really, I'm not. I just get it now. I'm the mother of a very special child that if I do my job right, he's gonna grow up to do very special things. What could possibly be more important than that? (As if the fight's gone out of him, CHRIS doesn't say anything.) (WYATT gurgles from his crib. PIPER checks up on him.) PIPER: (to WYATT) Sweetie, you go back to sleep ... and I will be right back. (PIPER turns the lamp off, then walks past CHRIS on her way out leaving him alone in the room looking at WYATT.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR -- ATTIC] (PHOEBE adds something to the potions pot, it reacts, a large cloud of smoke rising from it.) PHOEBE: Ok. I can't think of anything else. PAIGE: One more thing - (PAIGE picks up a clear glass bottle.) PAIGE: ... magical pheromones. PHOEBE: Magical pheromones? PAIGE: Yeah, see? It's just one thing to give him an extra shot, to help Piper be a little bit more receptive since he's only got a day. PHOEBE: I hope we're doing the right thing. I hope this doesn't backfire, you know? (PAIGE adds the final ingredient. The potion turns a bright hue.) PAIGE: I don't think it will. If this were a date, honey, this would be the martini. (The clock chimes midnight.) PHOEBE: Ok ... (They both read the spell.) PAIGE & PHOEBE: (reading) A perfect man we summon now, another way we don't know how, to make our sister see the light, somewhere out there is Mr. Right. (Swirling orb lights rise out from the potions pot and move above their heads. PAIGE and PHOEBE watch as the orb lights settle down and solidify into MR. RIGHT, crouching low, his back to them.) (He slowly stands up and looks around, naked as the day he was born -- is born.) (PAIGE and PHOEBE admire their work. MR. RIGHT: Hello. BOTH: (breathy) Perfect. (He smiles at them. They smile back at him.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. DINING ROOM/MAIN HALL -- DAY] (PAIGE and PHOEBE follow MR. RIGHT out of the kitchen giving him last minute instructions. He's carrying a breakfast tray.) PAIGE: Ok. So, remember, she's gonna freak. PHOEBE: Big time. PAIGE: So you just get as close as you can to her ... PHOEBE: Get really, really, really close. PAIGE: And you just let those pheromones do their magic. PHOEBE: So you can do your magic- (At the base of the stairs, he turns to reassure them.) MR. RIGHT: Ladies, ladies, please. You created me to know exactly what Piper wants. Don't worry. (nods) Mmm? PAIGE: Mmm ... (MR. RIGHT turns and walks up the stairs. PHOEBE steps forward to admire MR. RIGHT'S glutes.) PHOEBE: Mmm ... PAIGE: I have a question for you. PHOEBE: Huh? PAIGE: Since when is Piper into Hot Latin Types? PHOEBE: Since I put in the "Hot Latin Type" ingredient. PAIGE: Oh, Phoebe. PHOEBE: What, are you complaining? CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS] (PIPER is half-asleep in her bed, eyes fluttering and barely awake, when MR. RIGHT nudges the bedroom door open. He walks confidently into the room carrying the breakfast tray.) MR. RIGHT: (low, sultry) Happy birthday, Piper. (PIPER'S eyes shoot open and she sits up just as MR. RIGHT puts the breakfast tray on the bed next to her, settling himself on the bedcovers at the foot of the bed.) (PIPER grabs the sheet and clutches it to her chest as MR. RIGHT points out the various items on her breakfast tray.) MR. RIGHT: Eggs benedict, easy yoke, steamed asparagus, fresh fruit, orange juice, no pulp. How do I do? PIPER: (yells) Phoebe! Paige! (PHOEBE and PAIGE poke their heads in through the doorway, both looking guilty as heck. They walk into the bedroom.) PHOEBE: Yeah? PIPER: Wh-what's going on? Who is this? PAIGE: Well, uh, this is your birthday present ... heh-heh ... from me! Although, you know, Phoebe helped. PIPER: The breakfast? PAIGE: No, the muchacho. (PIPER gets out of bed and puts her robe on.) PIPER: (chuckles) Wait. You ... you ... you ... hired a guy for my birthday? PHOEBE: No, we would never 'hire' a guy for your birthday. PAIGE: We made him. Magically. (MR. RIGHT smiles at PIPER who has gone very quiet.) PHOEBE: (nervously) Uh, you know what? This is Paige's present for you. Mine's the surprise birthday party. MR. RIGHT: I know. You're pretty mad, aren't you? (PIPER glares at her sisters, then storms out of the bedroom.) PHOEBE: (to PIPER) You - PAIGE: (to PHOEBE) Traitor. PHOEBE: I know we should have used more pheromones! (PHOEBE runs out to catch up with PIPER.) PAIGE: (to MR. RIGHT) Hey. You. Vamonos. (She grabs his wrist and they head out of the bedroom.) MR. RIGHT: Ok. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - STAIRS/ MAIN HALL - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (PIPER storms down the stairs; PHOEBE fast on her heels. PAIGE pulls MR. RIGHT behind her as they follow.) PHOEBE: Piper, wait! PIPER: No! Not until you send him back to wherever the hell you conjured him from. PAIGE: We can't, not until your birthday's over. PHOEBE: Yeah, so why not take advantage of him while you can? (PIPER stops and glares angrily at PHOEBE.) PHOEBE: I mean, figuratively speaking. PAIGE: Ah, hell, literally. It is your birthday. PIPER: I can't believe you guys did this. Did you not hear me yesterday? PHOEBE: No, we did, loud and clear. PAIGE: Yeah, we just wanted you to change your mind. PIPER: So you whipped up a magical gigolo? PAIGE: Oh, criminy, just give him a chance. PHOEBE: How could you resist him? Did you look at him? PIPER: This is like something we would do years ago before we knew better. But now we do know better. At least we're supposed to. PAIGE: You know what? Desperate times call for desperate measures. (PAIGE pushes MR. RIGHT straight into PIPER. PIPER falls back upon impact forcing MR. RIGHT to wrap his arms around to prevent her from hurting herself.) PIPER: (gasps) Whoa! Whoa! MR. RIGHT: I'm sorry. Are you all right? PIPER: Yeah. No. I'm pissed, remember? (PIPER softens as she notices his smell.) Are you wearing cologne? MR. RIGHT: No. You don't like cologne. PIPER: No, I don't, do I? PHOEBE: (prompting) But what does she like? (PHOEBE and PAIGE watching knowingly.) MR. RIGHT: (looks at PIPER) Well, she likes ... long walks on the beach ... shopping at the embarcadero ... lunching at zuni ... deep tissue massages ... (PAIGE and PHOEBE giggle.) PIPER: Well ... that--that--yeah-- that sounds great, but-- MR. RIGHT: So, what are we waiting for? PIPER: No! I can't 'cause, uh, the demon. PHOEBE: We'll take care of the demon. It's done. PIPER: Well, what about Wyatt? I can't just leave him. MR. RIGHT: Can't we take him with us? You know, maybe go to the fair ... or, ... (He rubs his chin, thinking.) MR. RIGHT: ... perhaps, the zoo, hmm? (PIPER laughs. She gives in.) PIPER: I'll get dressed. (She turns and heads up the stairs.) MR. RIGHT: I'll get him ... unless you don't want me to. (She pauses and doesn't miss a beat.) PIPER: No, no. You can get him. MR. RIGHT: Ok. Excuse me, girls. (MR. RIGHT heads up the stairs in front of PIPER.) PHOEBE: (breathy) Yeah. Bye. PAIGE: Bye. PHOEBE: Oh ... PAIGE: Cool your jets, lady. It's for Piper. PHOEBE: Right. Stay on target. Yeah. CUT TO: [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE -- DAY] (CHRIS stands on top of the Golden Gate Bridge tower. LEO orbs in next to him.) CHRIS: Oh, finally. I've been calling you for hours, man. Where have you been? LEO: What's up? CHRIS: What's up? Your son was attacked yesterday. LEO: What? CHRIS: Don't worry. He's fine. Piper vanquished the demon. LEO: Who was he? CHRIS: That's the problem. He's not in the book. LEO: Well, we have to figure out who he is in case there's another attempt. CHRIS: On that point, I have a radical suggestion, a way of protecting Wyatt from any and all future attempts. LEO: I'm listening. CHRIS: We get the sisters to bind Wyatt's powers. LEO: Heh ... no way. CHRIS: C'mon, Leo. Binding Wyatt's powers solves both problems. Believe me. LEO: No. Wyatt wasn't brought into this world to be bound. I can't condone that ... unless there's something you're not telling me. (CHRIS stubbornly remains quiet.) LEO: All right, then we need to figure out who's after Wyatt. CHRIS: Ok. How? LEO: Right here ... above the din of the city. (LEO turns around and looks out at the city below. CHRIS turns around to face the same direction.) LEO: That's why I come up here. Just close your eyes, rely on your inner senses. (Doubtful, CHRIS sighs. He watches as LEO closes his eyes and concentrates.) LEO: Listen to the wind... (CHRIS tries it anyway. He closes his eyes and listens.) (He hears demonic whispering. As he concentrates, it gets louder.) CUT TO: [EXT. TEMPLE -- NIGHT] (The ACOLYTES stand around the altar as one ACOLYTE holds the scepter in his hand at the image of WYATT in the force field over the altar. Just as before, the ACOLYTE screams and explodes in a wall of fire; the scepter falls to the ground.) (The rest of the group continues to chant. The DARK PRIEST casually picks up the scepter. Without turning around, he whispers to the ACOLYTE standing behind him.) DARK PRIEST: We're running out of volunteers. ACOLYTE: If we can't turn the model, if we can't get it to lower its guard, we won't be able to turn the child, either. DARK PRIEST: I find your lack of faith disturbing. ACOLYTE: It is because of my faith that I raise the concern, your eminence. The acolytes grow restless, the search has been long. Without reassurance that he can be converted, their evil may splinter off, scatter. DARK PRIEST: What do you suggest? ACOLYTE: Another encounter with the child -- to read his mind again, to better see how his morals have been twisted. I offer myself to the cause. DARK PRIEST: Your sacrifice will be rewarded. (Deciding to accept the offer, the DARK PRIEST hands the scepter to the ACOLYTE.) DARK PRIEST: But the witches will be prepared this time, which means you'll have to go in as someone they know ... trust. (The DARK PRIEST steps forward and the images in the light change from WYATT, to the MAILMAN, to various other people. It finally settles on ... DARRYL.) DARK PRIEST: Him. CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM / CONSERVATORY -- DAY] (PHOEBE is on the phone when PAIGE walks in from the kitchen carrying an open box full of crystals.) PHOEBE: (to phone) Fly to New York right now? Jason, oh, you're so cute. I would love to, but - PAIGE: (interrupts) But she's busy setting a demonic alarm system. (PAIGE leaves and starts putting crystals along the walls in the Conservatory.) PHOEBE: (to phone) Heh heh. No. She said we're busy watching a mechanic set up an alarm system. You know, us girls can never be too careful. Baby, can I call you back later? Ok, I love you, too. Bye. (She hangs up.) PHOEBE: Cute, very cute. PAIGE: Just trying to help out. PHOEBE: What, are you trying to blow my secret? PAIGE: Well, you said yourself you're gonna have to tell him sooner or later. PHOEBE: Yeah, but I want to be the one tell him, not AT & T. [SITTING ROOM] (PAIGE continues to walk through the house putting crystals along the walls.) PHOEBE: Hey, why are you in such a good mood? PAIGE: Well, it's nice to practice magic without feeling guilty. (She sighs.) PAIGE: Guess we all have guy problems, right? (LEO and CHRIS orb into the room.) LEO: Where's Piper? PHOEBE: (hedging) Uh, she's out. Why? CHRIS: Because we know who attacked Wyatt, and we think they're gonna attack again. PAIGE: Who? LEO: A demonic cult called The Order. They used to be the most powerful force until their leader was vanquished. CHRIS: And guess what? (CHRIS holds WYATT'S baby rattle.) CHRIS: They think he's been reincarnated. PAIGE: Wyatt? (CHRIS nods.) LEO: He's young enough to be turned evil, especially by them. Where is Wyatt? Is he with Piper? (They hear the front door open.) PIPER: (o.s.) Anybody home? (They all move to the hallway toward PIPER.) [FOYER/MAIN HALL] (PIPER closes the front door behind her. She's wearing a ridiculous balloon hat and carrying bags of items.) PIPER: A little help here, please? PAIGE: Where have you been? (PAIGE and PHOEBE take the bags from PIPER. They all move inside as PIPER regales her day.) PIPER: Well, everywhere. Actually, first we went shopping, And then we went for a boat ride, and then we had a picnic in the park, and then we stopped at the fair. CHRIS: Piper? PIPER: Huh? CHRIS: Where's Wyatt? PIPER: Oh, he's coming. (Right on cue, LEO and CHRIS hear MR. RIGHT singing and turn to face the door. The front door opens and they see MR. RIGHT pushing WYATT and his stroller through the door, a balloon tied to the stroller, WYATT'S face painted with whiskers.) MR. RIGHT: (singing) If you're happy and you know it / clap your hands / if you're happy and you know it / clap your hands ... (He looks up and sees everyone staring at him.) MR. RIGHT: Hello. LEO: Who are you? PHOEBE: Uh, he's--he's, you know, just a date. PAIGE: A guy. (PIPER walks out from behind them to stand by MR. RIGHT.) PIPER: You know, you don't have a name yet, do you? CHRIS: What does that mean, he doesn't have a name? DAVID (MR. RIGHT): Why not call me David? You've always liked that name, no? PIPER: No -- I mean, yes. (gushes) Isn't he perfect? (PAIGE and PHOEBE sigh.) LEO: What the hell's going on here? DAVID: You don't have to feel threatened by me, Leo. No one would ever replace you in Wyatt's eyes, and Piper wouldn't want anyone to. (LEO absorbs this, then turns to look at ... ) LEO: Phoebe ... PHOEBE: (busted) Yeah. Ok. Why don't you guys put Wyatt down for a nap? I'm sure he's really tired from all this excitement. Come on. (She motions them forward.) DAVID: Ok. (DAVID pushes the stroller into the house. PIPER shuts the door behind him.) DAVID: (singing) If you're happy and you know it / clap your hands / da da da da da da da da da da PAIGE: (calls out) And don't forget to turn off the demonic alarm system. You know, in case the baby mistakes him for a ... (PIPER and DAVID leave the room. PHOEBE and PAIGE turn to look at LEO and CHRIS.) PAIGE: ... Demon. (Feeling the weight of their unvoiced accusations, she bursts out.) All right, fine! So I made him out of my own little brew. CHRIS: You what?! PHOEBE: Piper was gonna give up on love, on her birthday, nonetheless. CHRIS: So you conjured a man? PAIGE: No! Not just a man. The perfect man. See, he's somebody who knows exactly what she wants, and he's just gonna be here long enough to straighten her out. PHOEBE: Twenty-four hours. That's it. It's great, right? PAIGE: Yeah, not even twenty-four. More like eight, and then, sadly, he goes poof. PHOEBE: Yeah. You don't want her to live life without love, do you, Leo? LEO: We'll talk about this later after we deal with The Order. PHOEBE: Okay. (THE ACOLYTE, disguised as "DARRYL", walks in through the open door.) ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Is this a bad time? I just wanted to drop this off. (He holds up a small present.) PAIGE: Darryl, why didn't you just wait till dinner? ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): (lost) Dinner? (covers) Actually, this is for Wyatt, so he has a little something to open up, too. PHOEBE: Oh, that's so sweet. (PHOEBE steps forward and takes the present from him.) ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Sheila's idea, actually. ("DARRYL" takes the present back.) ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Mind if I give it to him? PHOEBE: Oh, sure. Yeah. They're upstairs. ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Thanks. ("DARRYL" walks past everyone and heads for the stairs.) CHRIS: Don't you think maybe we should cancel the dinner party? PAIGE: No. CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - HALLWAY /WYATT'S ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] ("DARRYL" walks through the hallway taking special notice of the crystal in the doorways. He heads straight for WYATT'S ROOM and walks into the room where he again notes the crystals in the windows.) DAVID: Shhh! (DAVID hears the noise and steps out. He sees DARRYL, THE ACOLYTE.) DAVID: Darryl, right? ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Right. How's it goin'? (PIPER steps out from the other room and sees "DARRYL".) PIPER: Hi. What are you doing here? ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): Oh, I just brought the little guy a present. PIPER: Oh, that's really sweet, but we just put him down for a nap. ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): I'll sneak it in, so he can see it when he wakes up. He'll never know I was here. PIPER: Ok. Shh! (PIPER and DAVID leave "DARRYL", the ACOLYTE, in the room with WYATT.) ACOLYTE (AS DARRYL): No problem. ("DARRYL" approaches the crib where WYATT throws up his force shield. "DARRYL" turns to check the doorway, then seeing that it's clear, morphs into THE ACOLYTE.) (He opens the "present" and takes out the scepter. He then reaches for the baby monitor and turns it off.) [STAIRS / MAIN HALL] (PIPER and DAVID walk down the stairs. Everyone is standing at the base of the stairs waiting for them. This looks very serious.) PIPER: What's up? PHOEBE: We need to talk. Wyatt may be in danger. (PIPER slows as she notices the static coming through the baby monitor in her hand.) CHRIS: Why is it doing that? (PIPER looks down at the monitor, then glances up at LEO. Without another word, PIPER turns around and rushes back upstairs to check on WYATT. Reaching the same conclusion, LEO bounds up the stairs just behind PIPER.) LEO: (to DAVID) You stay here. [WYATT'S ROOM] (The ACOLYTE waves the scepter above WYATT's head, a red beam hitting the force shield.) (PIPER runs to the room and sees the ACOLYTE. The ACOLYTE hears PIPER and quickly sends the scepter down to The Order. PIPER waves her hands and the ACOLYTE explodes.) (PIPER checks on WYATT as the others enter the room behind her.) LEO: Is he ok? PIPER: You're ok. PAIGE: Did he hurt him? (PIPER picks WYATT up.) PIPER: Oh. No, I think he's ok. CUT TO: [EXT. TEMPLE - NIGHT] (Lightning flashes across the darkened sky. The scepter appears in the DARK PRIEST'S hand.) ACOLYTE: Success? DARK PRIEST: We shall see. (The DARK PRIEST points the scepter at the image of WYATT in his force shield. A red beam comes out of the scepter onto the image; the force shield goes down.) (The DARK PRIEST reaches out his hand toward the image. The force shield remains down.) DARK PRIEST: (pleased) He's ready to come home. FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM -- DAY] (LEO orbs into the room.) PHOEBE: Darryl? LEO: He's ok. He said they didn't get anywhere near him. PHOEBE: Oh, thank god. PAIGE: My question is, how'd they even know to impersonate him? LEO: They must have been watching you to see who you trusted and let near him. PHOEBE: That's really creepy. CHRIS: Well, it's gonna get a lot creepier if we don't stop them from getting to Wyatt. (PIPER, WYATT and DAVID come down the stairs to join the group.) PIPER: We might have a thought about that. LEO: We? PIPER: Yeah. Well, we've been talking, and I think we need to give Chris' idea another chance. PHOEBE: What idea? PIPER: About binding Wyatt's powers. PHOEBE & PAIGE (BOTH): What?! PIPER: Well, I'm just saying we should consider it. I mean, if you think about it, it makes sense. LEO: You can't be serious. DAVID: Actually, she's never been more serious. LEO: (irritated) Excuse me, I was talking to her. PAIGE: This doesn't sound like you, Piper. DAVID: Doesn't it? Piper wants to protect her son. She wants a normal life. This way, she can have both. CHRIS: Hey, that was my argument. DAVID: Well, that's a good one. PHOEBE: No, it's not "a good one." That's a bad one -- a very, very bad one -- one that's been discussed and discarded already. PIPER: Yeah, but that was before a demonic cult started targeting him. CHRIS: I mean, this could be-- PAIGE: Oh, what, just another big, bad, evil thing that's coming after him? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got it. LEO: It still isn't a good enough reason. DAVID: Piper thinks it is. PHOEBE: Hey, buddy, don't forget who made you. (DAVID clears his throat.) (Something about what PHOEBE just said gets CHRIS thinking.) CHRIS: That's right. You did make him, didn't you? PHOEBE: Piper, I don't understand. Yesterday, you were willing to give up everything for Wyatt's future. Why this now? PIPER: Well, you should know. You're the one that, um, showed me what I really wanted and really need. PAIGE: She's got us there. PHOEBE: Yeah, well, it doesn't matter, 'cause it's gonna take The Power of Three to bind someone as powerful as Wyatt, and I'm not gonna support it. PAIGE: Neither am I. PIPER: Well, then, we have a problem, because I am. (CHRIS gets to his feet and takes charge.) CHRIS: All right. Why don't we all just take a deep breath, ok? Leo, why don't you orb Wyatt up there until we can figure this thing out? LEO: Gladly. Do you mind? DAVID: No. Please. (LEO takes WYATT from PIPER.) LEO: Come on. (He orbs them out of the room. CHRIS walks over to DAVID.) CHRIS: All right. And why don't we -- David, right? DAVID: David. CHRIS: Why don't you come with me and let the girls talk alone for a minute? (CHRIS leads DAVID out of the room.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS and DAVID walk into the attic.) CHRIS: So, you've got quite an influence on Piper, don't you? DAVID: Well, I just reflect what she wants. (CHRIS stops in front of the potions table with DAVID'S potion still in the pot.) CHRIS: Interesting. So they what? Just wrote down what she wanted, and that was that? (DAVID crosses his arms.) DAVID: I don't know. I guess. CHRIS: Huh. Let's see. (CHRIS turns around, writes something on the slip of paper on the table and throws it into the potions pot. The potion reacts.) (The change is immediate in DAVID. A bright light shines as DAVID changes to accommodate the addition to his composition.) DAVID: Uhh! (He looks at CHRIS, confused.) What were we just talking about? CHRIS: Uh ... Paige and what she looks for in a man. DAVID: Paige. She wants a man who she can openly practice magic around ... one she won't feel suppressed by. CHRIS: Good. Very good. And ... (CHRIS turns around and jots something else on the slip of paper.) CHRIS: What about Phoebe? (He throws the paper in the pot. The pot gives off a large explosion and DAVID changes again with another addition.) DAVID: Phoebe. She wants the same thing ... plus she wants him to be available to live near her home. That's what she wants. CHRIS: This potion packs a hell of a punch, doesn't it? Of course, in order for them to be with the perfect man (CHRIS writes something else down on the pad.) CHRIS: ... is that they're happy with each other first, and the only way they can be happy with each other first is by ... agreeing to bind Wyatt's powers. (He throws another slip of paper into the pot. The potion explodes and DAVID changes again.) DAVID: (hums) Mmm ... (CHRIS turns back to the table and notices something else.) CHRIS: Huh. Pheromones. (He opens the bottle and empties the whole thing into the pot.) CHRIS: Eh, what the hell. (The potion explodes again.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (The girls sit at the dining room table having a discussion.) PIPER: This is my son we're talking about. PHOEBE: Piper, you're not listening to reason. PIPER: Phoebe, his life is in jeopardy, and binding his powers may be the only way to save him. PHOEBE: That's all that's saved him. Paige, please help me. (PAIGE rubs her stressed shoulders.) PAIGE: Well, I think that -- ow! (DAVID walks down the stairs and enter the room. DAVID sees PAIGE'S pain.) DAVID: Oh, here. Allow me. (He starts massaging her shoulders.) PAIGE: Mmm ... DAVID: Just relax, ok? (Standing so close to her, PAIGE starts to react to the added pheromones.) (She sighs.) (PHOEBE watches while PIPER starts to get a bit jealous at all the attention PAIGE is getting.) DAVID: You keep all the tension in your shoulders. PAIGE: You're right. I love your cologne. DAVID: Mm-hmm. (PHOEBE gives PIPER a look.) PIPER: Hey, that's my birthday present. DAVID: (to PIPER) All day and all night. (CHRIS walks down the stairs. PHOEBE sees him.) PHOEBE: (to CHRIS) Hey, what's going on? I thought you were gonna keep him occupied. CHRIS: I was, but then I figured out how to break the impasse between you three, so ... PHOEBE: Really? How? CHRIS: Uh ... (CHRIS pulls DAVID away from PAIGE.) PAIGE: (protesting) Hey! (DAVID starts massaging PHOEBE'S shoulders. He leans down close to PHOEBE and the pheromones immediate begin to work on her.) PHOEBE: (moaning) Oh. Ohh ... DAVID: (whispers) Don't worry. I'm here for you, Phoebe ... (PAIGE watches and starts getting jealous of the attention DAVID'S showering on PHOEBE.) DAVID: ... not off taking care of business in some faraway land. PHOEBE: Yeah. I like the sound of that. CHRIS: So, what do we think about binding Wyatt's powers? (The front door opens. DARRYL and SHEILA walk into the house effectively interrupting CHRIS.) DARRYL: Knock, knock! SHEILA MORRIS: Surprise! (Everyone turns to look at them. DARRYL walks in nearly tripping over the crystal in the middle of the doorway. He stoops to pick it up.) DARRYL: Oh, hey, you guys need this? Found this by the door. (PHOEBE gets to her feet and takes the crystal from DARRYL to put it back.) PHOEBE: Yes, we need it by the door. Don't touch our crystals. PAIGE: At least we know its really Darryl. (DAVID moves to massage PIPER'S shoulders.) DARRYL: Hey. SHEILA MORRIS: (re: DAVID) Oh, and who's he? (PIPER gets to her feet.) PIPER: Oh! This is David. DAVID: (waves) Hi. (SHEILA waves back to him.) CHRIS: Actually, guys, the dinner's been canceled. Sorry. DAVID: Why? The girls still want to party. Don't you? EVERYONE: Yeah! PHOEBE: Whoo hoo! CHRIS: But the dinner hasn't even been made. PAIGE: Oh, I can fix that. (PAIGE turns to look at the table.) PAIGE: (reciting) On Piper's day, set this table With all the favors you are able. (The table magically is prepared, set, dinner and all. A large birthday cake appears near the head of the table. Party favors and decorations appear around the room.) PAIGE: (proudly) Ah! Not bad, huh? CHRIS: No! No! This isn't right! This isn't what they want! (PAIGE steps forward to lead DARRYL and SHEILA to the newly decorated table.) DAVID: Hey, if it makes them happy, it's all I want. Come on, have a seat. CHRIS: But what about Wyatt? (No one responds to him.) CHRIS: Anyone? (Apparently not.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - WYATT'S ROOM -- DAY] (The DARK PRIEST and two ACOLYTES appear in WYATT'S ROOM in front of his crib.) ACOLYTE 2: The child ... he's gone. ACOLYTE 3: (to the DARK PRIEST) Can you sense him? DARK PRIEST: No, but they won't keep him away for long. We'll wait. (The three of them turn around and vanish.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM -- DAY] (The dinner goes on. DAVID sits at the head of the table while CHRIS paces the doorway behind them.) SHEILA MORRIS: (to DAVID) So, how long have you known the girls? DAVID: Fourteen-fifteen hours, I guess. DARRYL: Did you say "hours"? (DAVID reaches for his glass.) DAVID: Mm-hmm. PAIGE: (sighs) Oh, yeah. I made him ... magically. PHOEBE: (dreamily) Actually, WE both made him. PIPER: For MY birthday. DARRYL: (nods) Hmm. Hell of a gift. PHOEBE: Yeah. We just wanted to remind Piper of the importance of love. SHEILA MORRIS: Love? (CHRIS paces the floor impatiently.) DAVID: A spiritual, emotional, deep-in-your-heart love -- the kind you should never, ever stop searching for, Piper. PIPER: I know. You're right. I know. DAVID: You're going to have it, too. I promise ... (CHRIS closes his eyes and leans his head against the door frame.) DAVID: ... your normal life. PHOEBE: Psst! (DAVID turns to look at PHOEBE. In her eyes, he's wearing a black suit.) DAVID: Hmm? PHOEBE: What about me? DAVID: You shouldn't have to hide your secret anymore. I understand you. PHOEBE: I know you do. PAIGE: What about my dinner? (DAVID turns to look at PAIGE. In her eyes, he's wearing a leather jacket.) DAVID: Magical, Paige. Just the way I like it. (He takes a bite out of dinner and humms with pleasure.) DAVID: Mmm! PAIGE: They're really good peas. DAVID: Mmm! (This is really weirding DARRYL out. He looks over at SHEILA, the two sharing a look.) CHRIS: (clears his throat) Ahem! Excuse me. Wyatt, anyone? DAVID: (whispers) Later. (CHRIS steps away.) (PAIGE looks at DAVID with intent. She gets out of her chair and sits on his lap.) (DARRYL looks at CHRIS.) DARRYL: (regarding the sisters' behavior) Is this some kind of demonic thing? CHRIS: No. It's some sort of messed-up thing. SHEILA MORRIS: Maybe we should go. CHRIS: Good idea. (DARRYL gets up.) PIPER: (to her sisters) Hey, y'all need to make your own present. (PIPER reaches over and pulls PAIGE off of DAVID'S lap.) PIPER: (shouts) Hey, off of the lap! (PAIGE grabs a hand full of food and throws it in PIPER'S face. PIPER gasps.) (PAIGE picks up the birthday cake and throws it at PIPER. PIPER freezes the cake mid-air.) PIPER: Oh, I see! You're gonna play with cake now! (PIPER picks the cake out from the air and throws it at PAIGE.) PAIGE: Cake! (PAIGE deflects the cake and it hits PHOEBE square on the face. DARRYL and SHEILA can't believe what they're seeing.) PHOEBE: Aah! (PIPER laughs.) DAVID: Hey, girls, girls. Come on! There's plenty of me to go around. (The girls start throwing food at each other. Before they get mixed up in it, DARRYL and SHEILA hastily make their way to the door.) DARRYL: Well, uh ... thanks for dinner. (CHRIS carelessly waves them bye over his shoulder.) SHEILA MORRIS: Happy birthday! (The food fight continues.) (CHRIS grabs DAVID and pulls him aside.) CHRIS: How the hell are you making them happy if they're fighting? Get them to bind Wyatt's powers now! CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (DAVID leads the girls into the attic.) PHOEBE: Are you sure about this? DAVID: What you want more than anything is to get along, and this will help you do that. PAIGE: I'm pretty sure what we want more than anything is a good dry cleaner. CHRIS: Leo. (LEO orbs into the attic with WYATT. He puts WYATT into the crib.) LEO: Yeah. (He turns and sees the girls.) LEO: What happened? CHRIS: You don't want to know. PIPER: We're binding Wyatt's powers. LEO: What? (Unbeknownst to them, The DARK PRIEST and the two ACOLYTES appear in a dark section of the attic.) PIPER: We already decided. LEO: You can't be serious. (While everyone's attention is off WYATT, the DARK PRIEST raises the scepter and shoots a pinkish-colored beam into WYATT'S eyes. WYATT'S eyes flash gold, then his protective force shield rises up against LEO, pushing him out of the way toward the sisters.) (LEO crashes into the sisters and CHRIS.) (The DARK PRIEST and the two ACOLYTES walk into the force shield.) DARK PRIEST: He's one of us now. (The DARK PRIEST leans down and touches WYATT. They all disappear from the attic.) (Everyone sits up and stares at the empty crib.) FADE OUT (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY] (The three sisters close in on CHRIS as LEO stands to the side watching.) CHRIS: Listen to me. What are you doing? PHOEBE: The pheromones wore off ... PIPER: Right after they took my son! CHRIS: You don't seriously believe this is my fault, do you? PAIGE: Oh, right. So it's just a big coincidence we all fell under Mr. Right's spell? PHOEBE: And then suddenly we all want to bind Wyatt's powers? DAVID: You see, Chris, what they really want is -- (PAIGE turns around and completes the sentence.) DAVID: For you ... PAIGE: For you to leave. DAVID: (startled) I knew that. CHRIS: This is crazy. Leo, tell them. LEO: Tell them what? I'm wondering the same thing myself. CHRIS: Ok. So what if I did? I was only trying to protect Wyatt. PIPER: By tricking us? CHRIS: I had to. PHOEBE: Why? CHRIS: Because the only reason I came here is to keep Wyatt from turning evil. LEO: Turning evil? PAIGE: Don't you mean stopping evil from hurting him? CHRIS: (sighs) I didn't think you'd help me if you knew the truth. I knew you wouldn't. The evil from the future I came back to stop isn't a demon. It's Wyatt. PIPER: You're lying. CHRIS: No, I'm not. He's gonna grow up and terrorize people with his powers, take over ... kill, even. (PIPER looks away.) LEO: Why should we believe you after all the lies? CHRIS: Because you have to. PIPER: No, Chris. We don't, actually. CHRIS: Fine. Then, don't. Either way, we need to save Wyatt now, and I'm the one who knows how to do it. PHOEBE: Oh, really? How? CHRIS: The Order. They used their powers to turn him, to reverse his morality. See, he thinks bad is good now and good is bad. That's why his shield repelled you. LEO: So? CHRIS: So Wyatt brings his shield up around me. He thinks I'm a threat. PIPER: Yeah, so do I. CHRIS: Listen to me. They reversed his sense of morality. That means his shield will protect him from you but not from me. Please, I'm the only one who can save him. Let me help. PIPER: Chris, we don't need your help. I will get my son back and when I do, I don't want to see you anymore. (CHRIS looks at everyone.) CHRIS: I'm sorry. (He orbs out.) CUT TO: [EXT. TEMPLE -- NIGHT] (Thunder rumbles; lightning flashes. The DARK PRIEST holds WYATT high above his head.) DARK PRIEST: (chanting) Nihil curo ... de ista tua stulta. ACOLYTES: Radix lecti ... radix lecti ... DARK PRIEST: Behold, he has returned to us, (The girls orb in behind the DARK PRIEST.) DARK PRIEST: ... to his rightful place, to one day lead us back to-- (PHOEBE steps forward and starts attacking The Order. PAIGE throws a potion on several members of The Order who burst into flame upon contact. PIPER steps forward and blasts the Order members who get in her way.) (The DARK PRIEST carries WYATT away from the fighting. PIPER pursues him.) (The DARK PRIEST puts WYATT down on the altar. WYATT immediately puts up his protective force shield around him and the DARK PRIEST.) (PIPER steps forward but is repelled by the shield.) DARK PRIEST: He protects me now ... not you! (The DARK PRIEST holds up the scepter. Behind him, CHRIS orbs in and jumps through the force shield. He knocks the DARK PRIEST to the ground, killing him. The other members of the Order vanish.) (Inside the force shield, CHRIS gets to his feet. The sisters are stuck outside the shield. CHRIS looks at WYATT, vulnerable and trusting. Without looking at them, he instructs them.) CHRIS: Pick up the scepter and point it at Wyatt. (PIPER steps forward and picks up the scepter.) CHRIS: Trust me. (Without a word, PIPER does as CHRIS tells her. The pinkish-colored beam shoots out from the scepter into WYATT'S eyes.) (WYATT'S eyes glow, then turn normal. He removes the force shield.) (Safe, PIPER steps forward and picks WYATT up. CHRIS steps aside for her. She slowly backs away from CHRIS.) PAIGE: How come he didn't raise his shield back up for you? CHRIS: I don't know. Looks like he trusts me now, at least. CUT TO: [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - TOWER -- NIGHT] (CHRIS sits alone on top of the Golden Gate Bridge Tower. LEO orbs in nearby.) LEO: Good place to think, isn't it? CHRIS: What do you want? LEO: Just to talk. You know, Chris, trust is a precious commodity. Once you lose it, it's pretty hard to get it back. CHRIS: Where'd you read that out of, a fortune cookie? LEO: Don't be a smart ass. It doesn't help your cause. CHRIS: My cause? Pretty much screwed that up, don't you think? LEO: I don't know. CHRIS: Are you saying you still trust me? LEO: It's not my trust that matters. It's the sisters. (He sighs.) CHRIS: I know. So what do I do? LEO: Just be straight with them, that's all. Don't manipulate them ... even if it is for the right reason. And for what it's worth, yes, I do trust you. After all, you did saved my son from turning evil, didn't you? (CHRIS nods slightly.) CHRIS: (quiet) For now. CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - NIGHT] [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM -- NIGHT] (The grandfather clock shows a minute to midnight. PIPER walks up to DAVID as he sits on the stairs.) PIPER: Hi. I was just coming up to find you. DAVID: I know. PIPER: Yeah. See, that's still kind of weird to me. DAVID: I know that, too. (She laughs.) PIPER: Listen, thanks for cleaning up the mess. You really are a perfect guy. DAVID: My pleasure. (He sighs.) Well... (He gets to his feet and walks down the stairs stopping in front of PIPER.) DAVID: I already said good-bye to your sisters. Now it's your turn. PIPER: I feel like I should apologize or something. DAVID: Why? I'm ok with what's about to happen. PIPER: Really. DAVID: I was made that way. PIPER: (nods) Weird. DAVID: Did you at least have a good birthday? PIPER: Um ... It was interesting to say the least. DAVID: Hmm ... You can't live without love, Piper. We both know that. That's all your sisters were trying to tell you. (The clock strikes midnight. He sighs.) DAVID: Don't ever stop dreaming about me. And never stop looking for love. (He steps forward and they kiss.) DAVID: (whispers) Happy birthday, Piper. (And with the last chime, he disappears.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - WYATT'S ROOM -- NIGHT] (PIPER tucks WYATT into his crib.) PIPER: (whispers) You go to sleep. (PIPER turns to leave. On her way out, she sees the brightly wrapped birthday present from LEO still there on the dresser. She opens the box and takes out a long jewelry box.) (Opening the box, PIPER finds her missing charm bracelet. Touched beyond belief, she smiles tearfully at the present.) The open card reads: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIPER ALWAYS, LEO FADE TO BLACK ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by spelling entertainment, inc. Captioned by the national captioning institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS - CHECKED ========================== CHARMED 6X12: PRINCE CHARMED ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 01/18/2004 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry DORIAN GREGORY as Darryl Morris Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring: EDUARDO VERASTEGUI SANDRA PROSPER and BRUCE PAYNE Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Directed by: DAVID JACKSON ========================== END CREDITS - NOT CHECKED ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Featured Music: * Vanessa Carlton, "Be Not Nobody", Promotional Consideration Furnished by A&M Records Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS Co-Starring Music by: JAY GRUSKA Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: DON KELLY Unit Production Manager: JON PARE First Assistant Director: DEREK JOHANSEN Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-up artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: DAVE BASSETT Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: CHRISSY CORNWALL First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: MEGAN ENTRIKEN Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: JULIE SWARTSLEY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editors: EUGENE WOOD Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2004 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:01/25/2004~lky