CHARMED 6X04: POWER OF THREE BLONDES ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 10/12/2003 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by DANIEL CERONE Directed by JOHN BEHRING Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-D ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: The Stillman Sisters, three blonde-haired con witches, take identity theft to a new low when they steal the Charmed Ones' looks, powers and lives. ========================== CHARMED 6X04: POWER OF THREE BLONDES ========================== FADE IN: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - DAY] (PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE rest their backs against the closed attic door, they're out of breath and appear frightened.) PIPER: It's okay, you're gonna be okay. PHOEBE: Okay? That demon wiped out a whole family of innocents. How will I ever be okay? PIPER: You learn. (PAIGE starts moving toward the couch. PIPER and PHOEBE follow.) PAIGE: If that demon is anywhere in the Book, I'm going to nail his sorry ass. (PAIGE and PHOEBE sit on the couch. PIPER sits on the arm rest.) PHOEBE: Oh, those poor children ... they were so scared. I could feel their pain. PIPER: Okay, maybe you could feel their pain a little less, Phoebe. PAIGE: Remember, she's an empath now? PIPER: I know what her powers are. Look, I think a little sister bonding might help us all here. I'll get the tea. (PIPER stand up to leave, PAIGE stops her.) PAIGE: No. Did you see that demon? Did you see those teeth ... (she motions with her hand) ... flying out like razor blades? PHOEBE: (dramatically) We need to kill that demon ... for the children ... all six of those children. PIPER: (interrupting) Fine, we'll hit the Book now, tea later. (PIPER heads for the Book of Shadows. She stops in front of the open book on the book stand. She raises her hands to touch it, when the book glows red and closes.) (PIPER gasps.) (She raises her hands to grab the book, then it flies off of the pedestal in front of her and lands on the attic floor.) (PIPER casually walks back toward the others, her back toward the book. She glances down at the book, then suddenly dives for it.) (The Book slides out beyond her reach as PIPER falls to the floor.) PIPER: Oh! (Frustrated, she gets up.) PIPER: Told you it wouldn't work. PHOEBE: Well, it's her fault. Who's ever heard of a demon with razor flying teeth? PAIGE: My fault? You're the one who made the innocents into the Von Trapp family. PHOEBE: Did not. PAIGE: Did too. PIPER: Knock it off. ("PIPER" morphs into MABEL STILLMAN.) MABEL STILLMAN: It's my fault for going along with you two. We can look like The Charmed Ones, but let's face it, our acting sucks. If we want the Book of Shadows, we need to become them. It's time to try my identity theft spell. ("PAIGE" and "PHOEBE" morph into MARGO and MITZY STILLMAN.) MITZY STILLMAN: No way. They'll come after us. It's a suicide mission. MARGO STILLMAN: And it's dangerous, too. MABEL STILLMAN: So what? You want to be chiselers your whole life? It's time to think big and thinking big means making the whole world believe that we are them. (MITZY scoffs and gets to her feet; MARGO stands up also.) MITZY STILLMAN: I don't want to be them. I want to be bad. MARGO STILLMAN: Me, too. Bad's better. MABEL STILLMAN: Then stick with me, 'cause once we get the book, we'll steal their powers and then form our own Power of Three, and you know what that means? MARGO STILLMAN: No. MITZY STILLMAN: We'll be the untouchable sisters. (They start to snicker when they hear PIPER calling.) PIPER: (o.s.) Phoebe! Paige! Are you up there? (MITZY holds up her atomizer.) MITZY STILLMAN: Perfume, girls. (Each sister holds up their own perfume atomizer, spritzes themselves and immediately vanishes from the attic.) (The attic door opens and PIPER walks in. She looks around and notices that no one's there. She looks down in the center of the room and finds the Book of Shadows on the floor.) (She picks it up and carries it back to the pedestal. She puts it down on the stand, curious as to how it got to be on the floor.) FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. P-3 - DAY] (Establish.) [INT. P3 - DAY] (PIPER is in the club and talking on the phone.) PIPER: (to phone) What time did he go to sleep? (pause) Ok, can you call me as soon as he starts to stir? (pause) Ok, thanks. (PIPER hangs up the phone. She looks up and calls out to the bartender standing on the side.) PIPER: Uh, Jack, the band is coming in in an hour to set up and do a sound check. Can you take care of them for me? I want to be home when my baby wakes up. JACK: I'm on it. (The door closes and PHOEBE walks up to the counter.) PHOEBE: Hey, you ready for lunch? (PIPER turns around and smiles at PHOEBE.) PIPER: I was thinking I could make you something fabulous at home instead. PHOEBE: Piper, every new mommy needs a little grown-up time. That's why we got the nanny, right? PIPER: (quietly) Yeah. (JACK makes his way back behind the bar to wipe some glasses.) PHOEBE: So let's go ... [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] PHOEBE: (moans) ... ohh... oh...ohh...ohh... (PHOEBE looks up and sees JACK watching them. Or rather, watching PIPER. PIPER stares at PHOEBE.) PIPER: Was that a moan? (PHOEBE hits PIPER, then grabs a purple cocktail napkin. She opens it up and uses it to cover her mouth as she whispers loudly to PIPER.) PHOEBE: Pi-per! PIPER: What? (PHOEBE glances back at JACK again.) PHOEBE: That new bartender guy is checking you out. (PIPER glances back at JACK who, at the same time, turns to look at her. He smiles. PIPER smiles unenthusiastically back at him.) (PIPER turns back to PHOEBE and takes a deep breath. She also picks up a purple cocktail napkin to cover her mouth as she whispers back loudly to PHOEBE.) PIPER: Are you telling me that you're feeling what he's feeling for me? PHOEBE: Yes, I still can't control my new po-ahh-ahh-ahh-... ow ... er ... (PHOEBE ends on another moan. PIPER starts hitting PHOEBE'S arm with the purple cocktail napkin to make her stop.) PHOEBE: (to JACK) All right. Take your shoes for a walk, buddy. (She waves for him to go. JACK puts the glass that he's wiping down and leaves the bar area.) PIPER: That's creepy. PHOEBE: I know, it's horrible. You should have seen it the last time Jason was in town. I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I don't know what I'm gonna do this weekend. PIPER: Jason is flying in from Hong Kong again? (PHOEBE nods.) PIPER: Wow. I'd say that guy is falling for you. PHOEBE: (smiles shyly) You think so? I think so. I hope so, but all I can feel is this strong sexual desire for me. PIPER: And that's a bad thing. PHOEBE: Well, yeah, that's a bad thing if that's all he's feeling and if it is all he's feeling, I want to know now, you know, so I don't get hurt. PIPER: Well, why don't you take him to a restaurant where you can't get buck wild and ask Jason how he feels? PHOEBE: Hmm. The direct approach. Very sneaky of you. (PHOEBE links her arm through PIPER'S and walks them both toward the front door.) PIPER: Mm-hmm, and if that doesn't work, ask him about the weather in Hong Kong. (Just as they reach the stairs, CHRIS orbs in directly in front of them.) PHOEBE/PIPER (BOTH): No! PHOEBE We're not demon hunting. We're going to lunch. CHRIS PERRY: Hey, I am not unreasonable. We can hunt demons after lunch. (PIPER gives him a look.) CHRIS PERRY: By the way, anyone seen Leo? PIPER: No, I have not. PHOEBE: I haven't seen him either. CHRIS PERRY: Well, if you do, let me know. There's a rumor floating around up there that he has a lead on whoever sent him to Valhalla. PIPER: Well, I'm sure that's very important stuff, but I have another question. Did either one of you leave the Book on the floor last night? CHRIS PERRY: On the floor? PHOEBE: No, I didn't. (CHRIS has suddenly gone silent. Thinking. Trying to remember something.) PIPER: (prompting) Chris ... ? CHRIS PERRY: I vaguely remember a story that started like that in the future. Someone was after the Book. PIPER: Demons are always after the Book. What's new? CHRIS PERRY: No, I think this time they get it. You should take this threat seriously, and tell Paige. (pauses) Where is Paige? PHOEBE: She's at her new temp job. (PHOEBE and PIPER walk past CHRIS and up the front stairs.) CHRIS PERRY: She's still on that kick? (He turns and follows them up the stairs.) PIPER: It's not a "kick," Chris. It's her quest for happiness outside of magic. CHRIS PERRY: Yeah, but it's a temp job. Who finds happiness in a temp job? CUT TO: [INT. NORTH SHORE CITRUS (FRUIT PACKING PLANT) - DAY] (At the fruit packing plant, dozens of workers stand at the conveyer belt sorting and packing the oranges as they pass the line. Among them is PAIGE who works diligently at her new temp job.) LUPITA: Straighten your back. You want to get out of the bed in the morning? (PAIGE glances up at LUPITA standing on the other side of the conveyor belt.) PAIGE: Back straight, check. (PAIGE reaches out to continue to work. LUPITA corrects her again.) LUPITA: No, no, Mira. Don't reach. Let them come to you. PAIGE: Ok. (While sorting, PAIGE drops an orange on the ground and bends down to pick it up. LUPITA stops her again.) LUPITA: Ay, forget it. Keep the line moving. PAIGE: Ok. How long have you been working here, anyway? LUPITA: Eight years and two herniated discs. Didn't know what you were getting into on this one, did you? PAIGE: No, I can't say as I did, but it's fun, you know? I get to work with my hands and it's kind of like nature and best of all, there's no magic. (LUPITA looks strangely at PAIGE.) PAIGE: Markers--magic markers. I'm crazy--crazy allergic. (PAIGE glances up behind LUPITA and she sees two small blue gremlins jump up onto the tall stack of orange boxes. The two gremlins push the boxes away from the wall with all their might and laugh as the boxes teeter and tip over.) PAIGE: Oh, no. (The boxes start to fall forward right behind LUPITA. PAIGE sees the boxes and jumps over the conveyor belt.) PAIGE: Watch out! (She pushes LUPITA out of the way as the stack of boxes crash to the ground. The two blue gremlins watch on the side and laugh with glee.) (The FOREMAN rushes out into the warehouse.) FOREMAN: Everybody okay over here?! (PAIGE and LUPITA help each other up to their feet.) LUPITA: Ohh, she saved my life. PAIGE: It was nothing. BOSS: All right, everybody, take twenty till we can perform a safety check here. LUPITA: That is the third accident this month. I think this place is maldito. (beat) Cursed. PAIGE: (grumbles) I think I'm maldito. (PAIGE glances sideways at the two blue gremlins as they suddenly take off laughing.) SIDEWAYS CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] (Establish.) [INT. HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (MABEL STILLMAN, the oldest of the Stillman sisters, pushes the curtain aside and glances across the street at the HALLIWELL MANOR. She squints her eyes as she tries to see whether there's anyone inside the house.) MABEL STILLMAN: I can't tell if anyone's home from here. MARGO STILLMAN: (o.s.) If I get Piper's powers ... (MABEL turns around to see her youngest sister, MARGO staring at her face in the mirror.) MARGO STILLMAN: ... first thing I'm gonna do is freeze these unwanted facial lines. MABEL STILLMAN: I get Piper's powers. You'll get Paige's. MARGO STILLMAN: Well, in that case, maybe I'll orb away this blemish. (The middle sister, MITZY STILLMAN, walks into the dining room carrying an armload of snacks. She puts them down on the dining room table.) MITZY STILLMAN: Stakeout/take-out, anyone? (MABEL and MARGO join her. MARGO seems happy to see the snacks.) MABEL STILLMAN: All I asked for was a scrying bowl. MARGO STILLMAN: Just because we killed the owners here doesn't mean we should let their food go to waste. (MITZY hands MARGO a snack. She happily takes it.) (MABEL uncaps the bottle of black liquid and pours it into the glass bowl.) MABEL STILLMAN: (chants) Give me sight through the blackest bile, Show me the faces I revile. (As she stares at the liquid in the bowl, the image of PIPER feeding WYATT appears.) MABEL STILLMAN: Piper's the only one home right now. We need all three sisters together for my spell to work. MITZY STILLMAN: Eww, she's with the baby. I can't wait to orb that thing into a volcano. MARGO STILLMAN: Um, as the baby in the family, I'm afraid I'll be doing the orbing. We get our powers by sorority. MITZY STILLMAN: That's 'seniority', Margo. (MARGO waves her licorice stick around like she really doesn't care. MITZY turns to look at MABEL.) MITZY STILLMAN: (whines) And that's not fair. I wanted Paige's powers. MARGO STILLMAN: Don't talk to me about fair. I always got less growing up, and usually two years out of style. MABEL STILLMAN: There's nothing wrong with Phoebe's powers, Mitzy. You'll be able to levitate. MITZY STILLMAN: Yeah, six feet in the air. Margo will be orbing around the world. MARGO STILLMAN: I'll send postcards. MABEL STILLMAN: Don't forget, you'll also have the power of premonition and empathy. MITZY STILLMAN: Like I care what happens to people or how they feel? MARGO STILLMAN: Well, maybe you should care, Mitzy, instead of this me, me, me, attitude all the time. MITZY STILLMAN: You know what? You're about to get your teeth knocked in if you don't back off. MABEL STILLMAN: Enough! What is wrong with you two? We have worked way too hard to let it all fall apart now. (The doorbell rings. MABEL goes to answer it. She opens the door and finds a vacuum cleaner salesman standing on the front porch.) SALESMAN: Hello, are you the lady of the house? MABEL STILLMAN: Go away. (MABEL shuts the door in his face. She turns around and heads back to the others.) MABEL STILLMAN: This is the biggest con of our lives. If we don't get this right, we're gonna be two-bit magic hustlers forever. Is that what you want? (The doorbell rings again.) (MABEL turns around and heads back to the front door. She opens it to find the SALESMAN there.) SALESMAN: But you haven't seen the amazing new Kelby 3000. (MABEL glances across the street behind the SALESMAN. She waves him inside.) MABEL STILLMAN: Just get inside. (The SALESMAN picks up his things and eagerly walks into the foyer. MABEL shuts the door and rejoins the sisters. She continues their conversation as the SALESMAN sets up for his demonstration.) MABEL STILLMAN: The secret of The Charmed Ones lies in their sisterhood. The Power of Three. Well, guess what? We've got our own sisterhood, our own power of three right here. If we can just stick together, we can have it all. SALESMAN: (interrupts) You'll never have it all until you own the Kelby 3000. (Disgruntled and angry at being interrupted by him yet again, MABEL holds out her hand and an athame materializes.) SALESMAN: I'm telling you, this baby is gonna change your life-- (She turns around and stabs the SALESMAN in the stomach. He falls to the ground mid-sentence. Dead.) (MABEL turns back to look at her sisters.) MABEL STILLMAN: So who's with me? (MARGO and MITZY turn toward one another and look apologetically at each other.) MITZY STILLMAN: I'm sorry, sweetie. MARGO SITLLMAN: Ohh, me, too. (They hug each other.) MARGO STILLMAN: I'll orb you anywhere you want to go. (MITZY nods.) MABEL STILLMAN: (approving) That's more like it. (MABEL turns and heads back to the dining room table where she looks at the scrying bowl. MARGO and MITZY join her.) MABEL STILLMAN: Now, let's sit back, relax until the other two get home. (Together, they look into the scrying bowl where PIPER is feeding WYATT his lunch.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM - DAY] (PIPER tries to feed WYATT his baby food. He doesn't seem the least bit interested in it.) PIPER: Oh, come on. Hello. PIPER: Hello, hello, hello. PIPER: All right, look. Mommy try it. Mmm... (PIPER tastes the baby food on the tip of the spoon and tries to pretend that it's really the best tasting food in the world, but she can't do it.) PIPER: mmm ... (she makes a face) ... it's so horrible. Wow, is that horrible. Ugh. (LEO orbs into the room.) PIPER: (surprised) Leo, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here. (PIPER puts WYATT'S plate aside. LEO looks at WYATT. He kneels down in front of WYATT'S high chair and starts playing with his son while talking with PIPER.) LEO: I was looking for Chris. I heard he was asking about me. (LEO reaches out and starts tickling WYATT. WYATT giggles.) PIPER: He was. He thinks you found the person that sent you to Valhalla. (LEO finally turns to look at PIPER.) LEO: (mildly surprised) He does? PIPER: Mm-hmm, but he's not here, ... (LEO turns and looks back at WYATT who is just thrilled to see LEO. They play with each other.) PIPER: ... but even if he was, I mean, why can't you use your Elder powers to sense ... (PIPER notices that LEO is making faces at WYATT to make him laugh.) PIPER: ... like you sensed me here with ... (LEO reaches out and tickles WYATT, making him laugh even more. LEO finally turns to look up at PIPER.) LEO: Sorry. PIPER: (understands) For missing your son? That's ok. LEO: As an Elder, I watch over him every minute, but it's not the same, you know? When he's sleeping, sometimes I orb into the nursery just to hold him. (PIPER turns and looks at WYATT who smiles and laughs at LEO.) (The front door closes.) PAIGE: (o.s.) Piper, you home?! (LEO stands up.) LEO: (quietly) I shouldn't have come. (PIPER doesn't say anything as LEO orbs out of the room. WYATT immediately starts to cry.) (PAIGE walks into the dining room.) PAIGE: Dude, there are gremlins at the fruit packing plant, and I am the only one who can prevent serious workplace injury. This is not what I planned. PIPER: You lost me at fruit packing plant. PAIGE: It's my new temp job. I keep trying to find a life away from magic, and all I get is magic, magic, magic, everywhere. (WYATT screams.) PAIGE: Oh, don't worry, little dude. I'm not gonna let the gremlins get you. (PIPER takes him out of his high chair and carries him.) PIPER: It's okay. I think he just misses his dad. PAIGE: Ohh ... I'm gonna go upstairs and check on the Book of Shadows and see what it says about the capture and control of gremlins. (PAIGE turns to head toward the stairs. PIPER stops her.) PIPER: Did you, uh, leave the Book on the floor last night? PAIGE: No. Why? PIPER: Uh, I don't know. It's probably nothing. Uh, just be on the lookout. Chris said somebody may be after it. PAIGE: Duh. People are after it every week. (PAIGE heads up the stairs. PIPER tries to calm WYATT down. The ELF NANNY rushes out of the kitchen pushing the empty stroller in front of her.) PIPER: (croons to WYATT) You're ok, you're ok. ELF NANNY: Fussy babies need fresh air. PIPER: That's a good idea. I'll get my sweater. ELF NANNY: (shakes her head and motions for PIPER to stay where she is) Nonsense. Let me take the boy for a walk. PIPER: All right. (PIPER puts WYATT in the stroller.) PIPER: Just don't forget a hat for those ears. ELF NANNY: I always keep the baby warm. PIPER: I meant yours. (The ELF NANNY looks pointedly at PIPER and discretely pulls her hair over her pointed ears to cover them.) CUT TO: [INT. THE BAY MIRROR - HALLWAY/ BULLPEN - DAY] (Open on the ASK PHOEBE / THE BAY MIRROR poster hanging on the hallway wall. ELISE and PHOEBE walk through the hallway toward the bullpen.) ELISE ROTHMAN: You are one a real hot streak, kiddo. Your advice column has never been more revealing. (PHOEBE pushes the door open and they walk into the bullpen.) [BULLPEN - CONTINUOUS] PHOEBE: Yeah, well, I just think that I'm really in touch with what other people are feeling right now. ELISE ROTHMAN: Whatever it is, keep it up. (ELISE walks away. PHOEBE turns around and through her office window sees JASON inside buttoning his jacket. He holds out his arms wide as he sees her, a huge welcoming smile on his face.) (PHOEBE smiles back, thrilled to see him.) PHOEBE: Hi! (She heads for her office.) [INT. THE BAY MIRROR -- PHOEBE'S OFFICE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (PHOEBE walks into the office and stands in front of JASON.) PHOEBE: You're back. JASON DEAN: God, I missed you, Phoebe. (He takes ahold of her hand and kisses it.) [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE groans.) PHOEBE: Oh, no. (She takes a step backward toward the door and away from JASON.) PHOEBE: No, no, not again. JASON DEAN: What's wrong? PHOEBE: Nothing is wrong. H-h-how was the weather in Hong Kong? JASON DEAN: (confused) Weather? PHOEBE: Yeah. I hear it gets very balmy there ... balmy. JASON DEAN: I suppose. You really want to talk about the weather? PHOEBE: No, I don't actually. I just don't want to be alone with you. JASON DEAN: (even more confused) Huh? PHOEBE: (rushes to amend) I mean, I do want to be alone with you, just not alone with you here, you know, I just ... (she motions with her hands to her surroundings) ... I want to be alone with you in a public area. (He shakes a finger at PHOEBE as he realizes what it must be.) JASON DEAN: You, uh, you're still a little shaken up over my last visit. You know, your behavior wasn't all that- PHOEBE: (interrupting) Humiliating and embarrassing. It was. JASON DEAN: Yeah. PHOEBE: I just would appreciate if we could take things slower, you know? Maybe go out for dinner and talk. JASON DEAN: (doesn't hesitate) I'll pick you up at seven. (PHOEBE smiles.) PHOEBE: Yeah. Ok. (JASON smiles and heads out of the office door. PHOEBE'S just thrilled.) PHOEBE: Can't wait to talk. Talk ... CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR (STOCK) - DAY] (PHOEBE'S car pulls up along side the front of the house. She parks along the street curb.) [INT. HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (Through the window, we see the curtain pull aside and the STILLMAN SISTERS peering out through the window. They watch as PHOEBE gets out of her car.) MABEL SITLLMAN: You know what this means? MITZY STILLMAN: It's spell time. (MARGO laughs.) (The sisters turn around and head back to the living room.) MABEL STILLMAN: We got one shot, so pay attention. After we read this spell, the world will see us as the Halliwell sisters. MITZY STILLMAN: You mean I'm going brunette? MABEL STILLMAN: No, you'll look like you do now, but the world will know you as Phoebe. MARGO STILLMAN: Let's go, let's go! I'm dying to orb someplace far away and exotic, like Fort Lauderdale. MABEL STILLMAN: Not so fast. The spell only gives us their identities. They keep their powers until we can get to the Book of Shadows, which we should be able to do once we lure them out of the house. Ok, everyone ready? BOTH: Mm-hmm. STILLMAN SISTERS: (reading together) "Blinking faces blank and ho-hum, We are they and they are no one. Grant to us the Power of Three, And turn them into no-bo-dy." (There's a sound of magic. Then silence.) MITZY SITLLMAN: Did it work? MABEL STILLMAN: One way to find out. Let's call our Whitelighter. Chris? (CHRIS orbs into the living room. He looks at MABEL and sees PIPER instead.) CHRIS PERRY: Why did you change clothes, Piper? You can't hunt demons in heels. Go switch your shoes and we'll get started. (MARGO takes a big step forward and starts flirting with CHRIS. She puts her arm around CHRIS' shoulders.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Hey, slow down there, angel. It's all good in the charmed universe. What's your hurry? CHRIS PERRY: Paige, did you just call me angel? (Not to be left out, MITZY steps forward and stands close to CHRIS' other side.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): She did, and I can clearly see why. CHRIS PERRY: Ok ... what are you doing over here? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oh, well, we were just ... um ... (MITZY glances over at MABEL. MABEL glances down at the dead SALESMAN on the floor.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Solving a murder. Evil has been here, probably spying on us. (MABEL kneels down and removes her athame from the SALESMAN'S chest. She looks at the bloodied edge, then hands the athame to CHRIS.) CHRIS PERRY: This could be connected to whoever's after the Book of Shadows. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Could be. See that symbol carved into the handle? We think that that represents the astral plane. CHRIS PERRY: I don't know. The astral plane's a realm of spirit and energy. It's not like they manufacture athames there. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): All the more reason you should orb over and investigate. CHRIS PERRY: You want me to orb to the astral plane? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Immediately, and don't come back until you find out where that knife came from. (With her arm still around CHRIS' shoulders, MARGO turns him to look at her.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Can I have a kiss good-bye? CHRIS PERRY: No. (CHRIS orbs out of the house. As soon as he leaves, MARGO'S arm falls back to her side.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Oh, well, a girl's gotta try. MABELSTILLMAN (AS PIPER): You know what this means? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): You are Charmed and Dangerous. (The sisters bump hips in celebration of their success.) MARGO SITLLMAN (AS PAIGE): Oh, yeah. (MITZY turns to MARGO and they high five each other.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Mm-hmm. (The girls celebrate the first step of their success in their plan to become the Charmed Ones.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. BAY MIRROR - BULLPEN - DAY] (ELISE sits at the desk looking over the copy. MITZY "PHOEBE" STILLMAN walks into the bullpen. She sees ELISE and heads toward her.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Ahem. Excuse me. Elise? ELISE ROTHMAN: Phoebe. I thought you left. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): I did. Now I'm back. That's not against the rules, is it? (ELISE glances down at the folded sheet of paper in MITZY'S hands.) ELISE ROTHMAN: What you got there? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oh, it's a new article for tomorrow's paper. I didn't like what I wrote before. (She opens the sheet of paper up and shows it to ELISE. ELISE takes it and looks at it.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Is this crayon? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Eyeliner, actually. I didn't have a pen. (ELISE glances down at her watch.) ELISE ROTHMAN: Well, it's a little late for new copy, but I'll see what I can do. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Awesome. (At ELISE'S look, MITZY corrects herself.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): I mean, thank you. (JASON walks into the bullpen just as MITZY turns to leave the office. He sees her.) JASON DEAN: Phoebe. I thought you were getting ready for dinner. (MITZY looks JASON over, her eyes sweeping over him from head to foot.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Wow. You are hot. JASON DEAN: Are you ok? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Never better. Did you say we were hooking up tonight? JASON DEAN: I'll swing by at seven. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Great. I'll be ready for you, sugar. (JASON steps forward and plants a discrete kiss on MITZY'S cheek as he heads past her toward his office.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Ooh ... (MITZY grabs JASON and swings him around back to her. She grabs his head with both hands and plants a kiss square on his mouth. JASON is caught off guard.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Ooh ... (Slowly, the office notices the kiss. ELISE looks up from her copy and sees the two kissing in the middle of the bullpen.) (And still she kisses him as JASON'S arms flail around him.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Mmmm ... (More office workers walk out into the bullpen to see her kissing him.) (Finally, JASON turns around and breaks the kiss. He doesn't look all that happy. Without further word, he heads back to his office.) (MITZY wipes the side of her mouth with her fingertip, smiles to herself and heads out of the office.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM - DAY] (PIPER is on the phone.) PIPER: (to phone) I did not fire your band. I need them to play tonight. Today at rehearsal? No, that's impossible. I have been home all afternoon. (She glances over at the table in the conservatory where PAIGE and PHOEBE are working on a Gremlin-Be-Gone potion. As she spoons some of the green goo in the bowl, PAIGE looks up at PIPER.) PIPER: (to phone) Ok, listen, I'll be right there. (PIPER hangs up the phone.) PIPER: Uh, I gotta go to P-3, so tell the nanny to give Wyatt dinner if I'm not back in time. PAIGE: Ok. Bye. (PAIGE waves. PIPER turns around to grab her things and head out the door. As she grabs her keys off of the hallway table, she passes by her wedding photo. Only instead of PIPER in the picture, it's blonde-haired MABEL STILLMAN standing next to LEO.) [CONSERVATORY - CONTINUOUS] (PAIGE spoons some of the green goo in the mixing bowl. It clumps and falls in globs back into the bowl.) PAIGE: Ok, this vanquishing potion is more like vanquishing goo. Can you check the last ingredient in the book for me? PHOEBE: Sure. (PHOEBE turns and reaches for the Book of Shadows. The Book flares gold in protest of the unfamiliar, unauthorized touch. PHOEBE pulls back as the Book closes its pages shut.) PHOEBE: Whoa. (Staring at the Book.) That was different. PAIGE: Try it again. (PHOEBE stands up and reaches for the Book. The Book sparks and falls to the floor. PHOEBE backs away.) PHOEBE: It's like it's not recognizing us. PAIGE: Okay. That's weird. I was just holding it in my hands ten minutes ago. PHOEBE: Wait, Chris said something might happen to the Book, remember, and we just kind of blew him off? (She starts calling for CHRIS.) PHOEBE: Chris?! Hello, are you there?! (They wait for a response from CHRIS. Instead, their cell phones ring.) PHOEBE: Is that you? Who is th-- PAIGE: Both of us. (PAIGE picks up her phone, looks at the caller ID and answers it. PHOEBE picks up her phone and answers it. They both respond to their own conversation.) PAIGE: (to phone) Hello? PHOEBE: (to phone) Hey, Elise. PAIGE: (to phone) There's a union rally at the fruit packing plant? PHOEBE: (to phone) No, I did not advocate multiple sex partners. PAIGE: (to phone) No, I'm not leading the rally. I'm at home. PHOEBE: (to phone) I didn't say that alcohol cures depression. PAIGE: (to phone) Of course I believe in equal pay for workers. PHOEBE: (to phone) This is Phoebe. PAIGE: (to phone) Hello? PHOEBE: (to phone) Hello? (They both hang up.) PHOEBE: Emergency at work? PAIGE: Yeah. PHOEBE: Unfortunate coincidence? PAIGE: Not likely. PHOEBE: Well, I don't know about you, but I want to keep my job. PAIGE: Yeah, me, too. I'll leave a note for the nanny. She's out walking Wyatt, and I'll try to put the Book away. PHOEBE: Ok, um, I'm gonna change in case I don't make it back in time for my date with Jason. All right, meet back here as soon as possible. (PHOEBE leaves the room. PAIGE cautiously approaches the Book of Shadows on the floor. She reaches down to pick it up knowing that it's going to flare. The Book flares and moves away to land under the couch.) (Satisfied that it's out of sight, PAIGE turns and leaves the room.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. P3 - DAY] (PIPER walks into the club. She calls out to the security guard sitting down facing toward the stage.) PIPER: Hey, Ray, did the band leave yet? (RAY stands up and turns around. Though he's standing in front of PIPER, he sees MABEL STILLMAN.) RAY: I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not open yet. PIPER: Ha ha ha, very funny. RAY: You'll have to come back tonight. PIPER: Ray, I'm missing dinner time with my kid because the band canceled, ok? I'm not in the mood for jokes. RAY: They didn't cancel, the owner fired them. Too bad, too. They were good. You one of their groupies? PIPER: Well--no. I-I'm your boss and I'm gonna fire you if you don't move it. RAY: Look, lady, there's a bar open up the road if you really need another drink, ok? (From the office, MABEL "PIPER" STILLMAN and JACK exit the backroom. MABEL is tugging her short skirt down over her thighs. JACK is buttoning his shirt and panting from exertion.) (Through it all, we can still hear PIPER arguing with RAY.) JACK: I have to admit, Piper, when you said that there would be fringe benefits ... you weren't kidding. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Well, I'm all about job satisfaction. JACK: Yeah? What about after hours? (He leans in slowly toward MABEL who also leans forward toward JACK.) (In the background, PIPER'S voice rises angrily.) PIPER: Yeah, so do I, and you're gonna be one sorry dude if you don't move. (MABEL glances over at the commotion near the door and sees PIPER standing in front of the SECURITY GUARD. She gasps and runs to hide behind JACK.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Oh, uh, you know what? There's some work I have to deal with. I'll try to wrap it up early. Why don't you come by the house after your shift? PIPER: (retorts) Like you could. (PIPER waves her arms and RAY freezes.) PIPER: (perturbed) Ah-yah-ah. (PIPER walks past RAY.) (MABEL slips out the back. JACK turns and watches her leave.) (Once past him, she waves him to unfreeze.) (PIPER walks up to JACK.) PIPER: Why is Ray acting like he doesn't know me? Would you please tell him who I am? JACK: (looking at her) Sure. Who are you? CUT TO: [INT. NORTH SHORE CITRUS (FRUIT PACKING PLANT) - DAY] (PAIGE orbs into the plant behind a stack of orange packing boxes.) (She peers around the boxes into the main work area and sees a blonde-haired woman standing high in front of the crowd carrying a large sign: "UNION". Other workers hold up cards that read messages such as: "JUSTICE FOR ALL OF US!!", "EQUAL PAY SHORTER DAYS!", and "SUPPORT EQUALITY, SUPPORT THIS STRIKE!") WORKERS: (chanting) Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! (PAIGE looks around and sees the two blue gremlins sitting on top of the stack of orange boxes cheering along with the group.) PAIGE: (mutters to herself) What a circus. WORKERS: (chanting) Equal pay, shorter days! (The FOREMAN comes out and addresses the group of workers.) FOREMAN: Quiet down, quiet down! Everybody quiet down! I talked with my supervisor and he's replacing all of you if you don't get your asses back on that line! MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (counters) Oh, you mean a line with unsafe working conditions? CROWD: Yeah! MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): No medical benefits? CROWD: Yeah! MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): And third-world wages? CROWD: (louder) Yeah! MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): I don't think so. (MARGO holds up her sign and starts chanting. Soon the entire crowd is chanting with her.) WORKERS: (chanting) Equal pay, shorter days! Equal pay, shorter days! (The SECURITY GUARD steps in front of PAIGE.) SECURITY GUARD: May I help you, miss? PAIGE: Oh, it's ok. I work here. Who's that girl on the conveyor belt? SECURITY GUARD: I'd like to see some I.D., please. PAIGE: Oh, all right. (PAIGE reaches into her pocket and pulls out her work ID. She shows it to the SECURITY GUARD. He looks at it and sees a blonde-haired picture of MARGO STILLMAN with the following information: NAME: PAIGE MATTHEWS EMP#: 6544FA4 LEVEL: E DEPT: 326A SECURITY GUARD: Who you steal this from? PAIGE: (confused) What are you talking about? SECURITY GUARD: Come on. Let's go. (He reaches out and grabs PAIGE'S wrist.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - CORRIDOR / MAIN HALL-DAY] (The front door opens and the three STILLMAN sisters walk into the foyer.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Split up, fan out, find the book. We don't have much-- CHRIS PERRY: (o.s.) I'm onto you three. (The sisters whirl around at the sound of CHRIS' voice to find CHRIS sitting in the chair in the corner waiting for them.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (whispers to MABEL) What do we do? (Behind her back, an athame materializes in the palm of MABEL'S hand.) (CHRIS slowly gets up from his seat and walks over to them.) CHRIS PERRY: You thought you could fool me, but you can't. This athame isn't from the astral plane. You sent me on a wild goose chase so you wouldn't have to hunt demons, didn't you, Piper? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Busted. MARGO SITLLMAN (AS PAIGE): Guilty. MABEL SITLLMAN (AS PIPER): You figured us out, Chris. (Behind her back, the athame disappears from MABEL'S hand. MITZY walks over to CHRIS.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): We are so sorry. CHRIS PERRY: Yeah, you should be. Look, there's an evil out there after Wyatt, and we need to find it before he -- (MITZY puts her head on CHRIS' shoulder as he speaks and rubs herself up close to him.) CHRIS PERRY: -- Phoebe, what are you doing? (CHRIS grabs her shoulders and pushes her away from him.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Finding comfort in my Whitelighter. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (complains) You're all over him. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): You're just jealous 'cause I got to him first. CHRIS: Look, Phoebe, I know Piper hooked up with her last Whitelighter, but I'm really, really not interested, ok? MITZY: (pouts and walks away) ooh ... CHRIS PERRY: Can we get back to hunting demons, please? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Actually, Chris, we can't. We didn't ditch you to play hookey. We needed time to investigate the death across the street. (MITZY nods her head in agreement.) CHRIS PERRY: Why didn't you say so in the first place? I would have given you time off for legitimate Charm duties. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Well, we're asking now. We believe that athame belongs to witches. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Really smart, pretty witches. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): We just don't know who they are. CHRIS PERRY: So why don't I check around this realm for them? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): It's like you read my mind. CHRIS PERRY: See? I can be reasonable and helpful. All you gotta do is be honest with me. (CHRIS orbs out of the room.) SISTERS: Whew. (MABEL turns to look at the other two sisters.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Ok, and now we really are running out of time. We need that book. You two search down here. I'm gonna take upstairs. (to MITZY) Oh, and from now on, keep your hands off the Whitelighter. That's an order. (MITZY scoffs and walks away toward the living room to look for the Book. MARGO also heads toward the living room to search for the Book. With a final glance at her sisters, MABEL heads upstairs.) CUT TO: [EXT. P-3 - FRONT DOOR - DAY] (The front door opens and SECURITY GUARD RAY tosses PIPER out onto the sidewalk. With a loud 'oof', she lands flat on her back on the cold concrete ground.) (The door closes shut.) CUT TO: [EXT. NORTH SHORE CITRUS (FRUIT PACKING PLANT) - EMPLOYE ENTRACE - DAY] (The SECURITY GUARD tosses PAIGE out of the front gate. With a loud 'oof', she lands flat on her back on the cold concrete ground.) (The SECURITY GUARD closes the gate behind him.) CUT TO: [EXT. THE BAY MIRROR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE BULLPEN - DAY] (The doors open and the SECURITY GUARD tosses PHOEBE out of the bullpen. With a loud 'oof', she lands flat on her back on the corridor floor. Stunned.) (She looks up at the ASK PHOEBE poster hanging on the hallway wall and notices that there's a large picture of MITZY STILLMAN where "PHOEBE" used to be.) (PHOEBE looks affronted at the sight.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - SITTING ROOM -- DAY] (MARGO sits on the couch next to MITZY who has the open Book of Shadows in her lap. They frantically flip through the pages looking for the spell.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Hurry, hurry, before they get home. (MABEL sits down next to MITZY. They find the spell. MABEL points to the page with the spell on it.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): This is it. This is what we want. (In the main hall behind the couch, PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE orb into the room.) PIPER: All right, who do you think you are? (Holding the book among them, the STILLMAN SISTERS stand up and turn around to face them.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oh, you haven't heard? We're The Charmed Ones. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Nice dress. PHOEBE: Thanks. PAIGE: Nice book. (The STILLMAN SISTERS glance at each other. They immediately start reading.) STILLMAN SISTERS: (chanting) Powers of the witches rise ... Course unseen across the skies ... (PIPER, PAIGE and PHOEBE start to back up away from the STILLMAN SISTERS. Gold orbs of light rise up from them. PIPER raises her hands and gestures. Nothing happens.) PIPER: Hey, hey. I can't freeze them. STILLMAN SISTERS: (continues chanting) "Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here." (The golden orb lights transfer out of The Charmed Ones and into the STILLMAN SISTERS.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Let's see, what was that freaky little hand thing you did? Like this? (MABEL waves her hands and the hallway table blows up. The force of the blast pushes PIPER back against the fall wall. She looks at her right leg and sees that it's bloody.) PIPER: Ohh, I'm down! (PHOEBE swings into action. She jumps over the couch and kicks MABEL STILLMAN in the stomach. MABEL falls back against the far wall. She falls to the floor.) (PHOEBE turns around and sees that MITZY is levitating above the ground. MITZY swings her leg and kicks PHOEBE in the face. PHOEBE falls back over the couch. She rolls out into the main hall just as MARGO grabs a lamp and heads toward them.) (PAIGE is kneeling down next to PIPER.) PIPER: Paige! (PAIGE stands up and rushes to meet up with MARGO to stop her. MARGO swings the lamp just as PAIGE orbs. The lamp passes right through her.) PAIGE: I can still orb! MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (whines) Hey, that was supposed to be my power! (PHOEBE heads back toward PAIGE and PIPER. Realizing that they have an out, they gather close for PAIGE to orb them out of the manor.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Freeze them! (MABEL waves her hand and nothing happens.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): I don't know how! (PAIGE orbs them out.) (Frustrated, the STILLMAN SISTERS sigh.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - NIGHT] (MARGO paces the attic floor as MITZY scrys for The Charmed Ones. MABEL browses through the Book of Shadows.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): You guys gotta see this. There's spells, potions, charms for everything. Once we get rid of the Halliwells, this book is gonna change our lives. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): You guys, my arm's getting sore here. How about a little relief? It never takes this long to scry for a witch. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): That's because they're not witches anymore. We got their powers. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Uh, excuse me, you got their powers. I got a big, fat nothing, as usual. [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITIES] MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Margo, please. Ease off the resentment pedal there. You're dragging me down. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Oh, this is great. Vanquishing tips on all of our competition. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Paige orbed. How could she still do that? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): We cast a spell to call a witch's power. Paige's orbing must come from her whitelighter side. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Well, then. Let's call for a Whitelighter's power because I want to orb! [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITIES] (MITZY drops the crystal onto the table.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Yo! Margo! Get over it, already. Your negativity's giving me a migraine. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): You think it's bad now? Just keep flaunting that empath power at me. I'll start hating on you for real. (MITZY glares at MARGO. MABEL turns the page and sees something that catches her eye.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Hey, we're in here! MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (looking up, distracted) We made the Book of Shadows? (MITZY stands up and heads for MABEL as does MARGO. The three of them look at their entry.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (disappointed) What, no picture? MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Just a paragraph. A really, really tiny paragraph. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): (reading) "The Stillman Sisters, Mabel, Mitzy, and Margo, common witches known for their small-time hustles and cons. Not worth vanquishing. If they become a nuisance, try a simple spell to bind their magic." MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Oh. Well, at least we got an entry. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Yeah, but look at what they think of us. "Common witches, not worth vanquishing"? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Is that right? Well, check what these common witches just did. We're standing in the home of The Charmed Ones, we got their powers, we got their book, and we got blonde, multi-tonal hair. Who's the nuisance now? MARGO: We are! MITZY: Oh, yeah. MABEL: Oh, yeah. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): So let's use all these powers to find the Halliwells. We cannot rest until they're dead. (The doorbell rings.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Phoebe's boyfriend. She made dinner plans with him tonight. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Go. Margo and I will work on spells. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Wait, what? Why does she get to go on a date? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): We have to keep up pretenses. If Leo or Chris find that we're impostors, they're going to send the entire magical community after those girls, and then we'll never find them. (to MITZY) Go. (MITZY turns to leave, then looks back at MARGO who glares at her.) [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITY] MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): I felt that, Miss Black Heart. (MITZY leaves the attic.) (MABEL picks up the Book of Shadows and heads for the table with the map on it.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Let's get to work. (MARGO joins her.) CUT TO: [INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] (The motel room door opens. PHOEBE flips on the light switch as she walks into the room carrying a sack of supplies. PAIGE helps PIPER into the room.) PHOEBE: Ok. Ok. (PHOEBE puts the package down on the dresser and closes the door. PAIGE helps PIPER onto the bed. PHOEBE takes a look at PIPER'S injured leg.) PHOEBE: Let's see what we got here. You all right? (She peels back PIPER'S pants away from the wound.) PIPER: Yeah. PHOEBE: You sure? PIPER: Yeah. (PHOEBE gets a really good look at the injury.) PHOEBE: Ohh, it's really bad! It's really, really bad. PIPER: Ok, just do what you can. We have to get back to the manor fast for Wyatt. (PHOEBE stands up and heads for the package of supplies where she takes out a box of bandages.) PHOEBE: They're not gonna hurt Wyatt. They won't risk exposure, not while we're still alive. PAIGE: How are we gonna stay alive? How are we gonna fight without our powers? PHOEBE: At least you could still orb. PIPER: I wish you could orb to Leo. I'd give anything for one of his unwanted visits right--ow! (PHOEBE tries to wipe off the blood from PIPER'S leg.) PHOEBE: Piper, we really should get you to the doctor. PIPER: No. PHOEBE: Why? PIPER: The same reason we paid cash for this room, because without picture I.D.s, we've got no credit cards, we got nothing. It's like we don't exist. PAIGE: Everyone in the world thinks we're these trashy blondes. I do have to hand it to them, though. They've taken identity theft to a whole new level. PIPER: What about Chris? What if we get him in the same room with the blonde ones, then we can prove to him that they're fakes. PAIGE: How? He can't hear our call? Going in the manor right now would be suicide. PHOEBE: Wait a minute. I have an idea. (PHOEBE stands up and walks around the small motel room as she thinks aloud.) PHOEBE: Maybe we can find some magical creatures to help us, like fairies or muses, what do you think? PIPER: We won't be able to see them. We're not witches anymore. (PAIGE thinks about it for a moment, then realizes something. She slowly gets to her feet as she shares her idea.) PAIGE: You're not. You can't see them, but I'm still half Whitelighter, and I actually happen to know where a couple of handy-dandy gremlins like to hang out. PIPER: You mean the fruit packer killing variety? PAIGE: mm-hmm PHOEBE: No, no, no, no, no. This could actually work. Gremlins are fast, right? They can move between realms. They could actually help us find Chris. PIPER: What if they say no? PAIGE: Well, if they say no, then I'll just have to threaten their little butts with my vanquishing gel. (PAIGE holds up the bag of green goo.) PHOEBE: Ok, Paige, you orb to the plant and find those gremlins. Chris has got to be back at the manor by midnight. Piper, you stay here where you're safe. (PHOEBE heads for the door.) PIPER: Where are you going? PHOEBE: I'm gonna go hand out a personal invitation. (PHOEBE opens the door and leaves the room. The door closes behind her.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT] (PHOEBE walks slowly and cautiously into the restaurant. She quickly hides behind one of the large plants as she sees JASON with MITZY "PHOEBE" STILLMAN.) (MITZY gasps as she takes out a diamond necklace from the gift box.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Hey now. Who'd you knock off for this? JASON DEAN: It's nothing. There's, uh, there's so much that I want for us, Phoebe. So much ... MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (interrupts) How many carats are these? (From her position behind the plant, PHOEBE watches the exchange. Suddenly, from the side, she's interrupted. The restaurant patron sitting at the table directly in front of PHOEBE mistakes her as a waitress.) HUSBAND: Miss--Miss? Could we have a wine menu, please? (PHOEBE glances around then realizes that the man is talking to her. PHOEBE: Sure. (PHOEBE steps out from behind the plant, walks over to another table, and takes the wine list from the customer's hand. She walks back over to the HUSBAND and gives the wine list to him.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Wow, you just earned yourself a big, fat thank you. (PHOEBE picks up a menu and opens it, hiding her face as she watches JASON with MITZY. She sees MITZY drop a napkin onto the floor.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oops, better get that. (MITZY gets off of her seat and climbs under the table. PHOEBE'S eyes widen with horror. She gasps.) JASON DEAN: Uh, Phoebe, what are you doing under the--whoa. (PHOEBE watches and grows angry at the scene. Meanwhile, the HUSBAND, under the impression that PHOEBE works for the restaurant, reviews the wine list.) HUSBAND: My wife was wondering if you have any champagne. PHOEBE: (under her breath and glaring at MITZY) How dare she. WIFE: I only drink it on special occasions. (proudly) This is our forty- second wedding anniversary. (Barely paying the couple in front of her any attention, PHOEBE'S eyes are on JASON and MITZY. She angrily slams the menu closed and puts it down on the table behind her.) PHOEBE: Ooh! You slut! (PHOEBE rushes over toward JASON and MITZY.) JASON DEAN: Uh, can I - Can I talk to you, Phoebe, up here, where I can see your face? (From the front of the restaurant, PHOEBE makes her way across the room toward JASON'S table. MITZY pops up from under the table.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Huh? (PHOEBE edges her way toward the table. As she gets closer, she holds up something to cover her face. Finally, she takes the seat at the table next to JASON'S her back to them, listening in on their conversation.) JASON DEAN: Today you said you wanted to talk, and now you're groping me under the table. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (hair mussed, lipstick unsmudged) Well, if you didn't interrupt me, you would have figured it out. JASON DEAN: Look, Phoebe, maybe you got the wrong guy here ... because, uh, this isn't what I'm about. (Touched by his words, PHOEBE puts down the napkin she was using to cover her face and completely forgets that he won't recognize her at all. She stands up, her eyes on JASON.) PHOEBE: Really? Do you really mean that? JASON DEAN: Who are you? MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (scoffs) She's nobody, Baby. Let me take care of this. (MITZY stands up. PHOEBE, completely prepared for her, turns to face her.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Listen, sweetie, I -- (PHOEBE pulls back her fist and hits MITZY square in the face.) (Instantly, MITZY gets a premonition.) (Quick premonition flash of: The grandfather clock face at midnight. White flash to: The Charmed Ones orbing into the conservatory. White flash to: Piper, Paige and Phoebe. End of premonition flash. Resume to present.) (MITZY falls down to the floor.) JASON DEAN: (outraged) Lady, what the hell's goin' on here?! PHOEBE: (to JASON) I'm so sorry. I thought she was someone else. (PHOEBE immediately starts to back up out of the restaurant. She turns to MITZY.) PHOEBE: I'm sorry. Sorry. (PHOEBE turns and heads out of the restaurant.) CUT TO: [INT. NORTH SHORE CITRUS (FRUIT PACKING PLANT) -- NIGHT (PAIGE walks through the silent warehouse searching for the blue gremlins.) PAIGE: Hey, little blue fellows, come on out. I won't hurt you. (She makes her way through the stacks of crates and boxes, the bag of green goo in her hand.) (She walks into the main sorting area and finds the conveyor belt on. In the center of the belt is one of the gremlins walking backward. PAIGE walks toward him.) PAIGE: Hey, will you slow down for a second? I have an offer I'd like to discuss with you. (The blue gremlin turns around and walks in the other direction. He turns to look at PAIGE. He glances just beyond PAIGE. PAIGE notices the look and turns to see the other blue gremlin swinging on a hook toward her and giving out a Tarzan yell.) (PAIGE orbs out of his line of fire.) (The blue gremlin on the hook hits the blue gremlin on the conveyor belt.) (PAIGE re-orbs back into position.) (She hears their grunts and groans and looks under the conveyor belt. She holds out the bag of green vanquishing goo and waves it enticingly at them.) PAIGE: What's it gonna be? (The two blue gremlins look at PAIGE. Camera holds on PAIGE.) CUT TO: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM/NURSERY - NIGHT] (The bedroom door opens. PIPER and JACK are kissing passionately and backing up toward the darkened room toward the bed, their intent clear.) (They grunt, groan and moan on their way toward the bed, finally twisting them around, MABEL falls backward on the bed, JACK in her arms. They continue to kiss.) (MABEL rolls them over leaning on JACK. They continue kissing unaware of LEO sitting in the dark room holding WYATT.) LEO: Piper. (MABEL looks up, pushes her hair aside and sees LEO sitting in the chair with WYATT in his arms. ) LEO: What are you doing? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Isn't it obvious? LEO: Yeah. But in front of our son? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Well, the lights are off. JACK: I think I'd better go, Pipe. I'll see you tomorrow at work. (JACK gets up and off of the bed. MABEL tries to stop him.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): What? No. J--wait. Oh, man. (JACK leaves the room. MABEL turns her frustration onto LEO.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Look what you did. Aren't we, like, divorced or something? What are you doing here? LEO: I told you. Sometimes I visit Wyatt in the nursery to hold him. It's the only chance I get to spend any time with him. MABEL SITLLMAN (AS PIPER): You know what? You're right. I'm a terrible mother. I don't deserve a son. You should take him. LEO: Careful. I just might. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Great. It's settled. He's yours. LEO: Piper, what's the matter with you? You're not acting like yourself. (MABEL pauses and reconsiders her attitude as "PIPER".) MABEL SITLLMAN (AS PIPER): I'm sorry, Leo. I think I'm just - (She sits down on the bed and sighs.) -- I'm just post-partum. I've just been so tired and overworked. It would really help out if you could take Wyatt off my hands for a while. Please? (LEO orbs out of the bedroom with WYATT.) (MABEL smiles at successfully getting rid of both LEO and the baby. MITZY walks up to the bedroom doorway.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Don't worry about the Bartender. We've got bigger fish to fry. CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - MIDNIGHT] CUE SOUND: (PRELAP) CLOCK STRIKING MIDNIGHT [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - MIDNIGHT] (Close up of the Grandfather clock in the Manor as it strikes midnight.) (Cut to: The clock on the mantle on midnight. Also on the mantle is a small framed photograph of the STILLMAN sisters sitting on the couch in the familiar position of The Charmed Ones.) (PAIGE orbs PHOEBE and PIPER into the Conservatory.) PAIGE: Ok, if the gremlins found Chris, he should be here by now. PIPER: Well, he better hurry. (PIPER and PHOEBE head for the door. The doors slide closed in front of them blocking their entrance to the rest of the house. They take a step back in alarm.) PIPER: Ok! PHOEBE: Oh, this is not good. (PAIGE and PHOEBE turn to the other doorway which closes shut in front of them.) PHOEBE: Ok! (They all turn around to the other doorways into the rest of the house. The sliding doors close as the STILLMAN SISTERS walk into the Conservatory to face them.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): You Charmed Ones think you're so clever. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (smugly) Surprised to see us? I got my first premonition tonight. PHOEBE: I know you did, you genius. I planted it to lead you here. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oh. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Well, from where I'm standing, that seemed like a stupid thing to do, and I know a lot about stupid things. PIPER: Yeah, see, she's got us there. (CHRIS orbs into the room and looks at the STILLMAN sisters.) CHRIS PERRY: You wouldn't happen to know any gremlins would you? PAIGE: Oh, it's about time. PHOEBE: Chris, thank god. Look at them. Look at them. They're impostors. They stole our- CHRIS PERRY: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Slow down. Who are you? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): They're witches. They're the ones that killed that guy across the street. PIPER: (calmly, rationally) No, Chris, she's lying. Remember this morning when you said something was gonna happen to the Book? Well, this is it. It's happening now. MITZY STILLMAN ( AS PHOEBE): Enough of this. Piper, blast them. CHRIS PERRY: How do you know what I said to Piper? PAIGE: Because she is Piper, and I'm Paige, and this is Phoebe. And they cast an identity spell to make the entire world think they're us. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): That's ridiculous. Everyone knows The Charmed Ones are blonde. (PAIGE gasps in outrage.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): If you're Piper, then show me your powers. Blast me. PIPER: I can't. You stole them. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Ok, so we stole your identities and your powers. Wow. We must be good. (mumbles to MITZY) Definitely worth more than a paragraph. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Oh, yeah. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): It's time to take care of you witches and your delusions. PAIGE: Wait! Wait. I can prove that we're telling the truth. I can still orb. I'm half whitelighter. CHRIS PERRY: Ok. Go for it. (CHRIS takes a step back to give her some room. PAIGE tightly shuts her eyes and tries to orb.) (Nothing happens.) PAIGE: Ok. (PAIGE takes a deep breath to try again.) (MARGO smirks and turns to whisper confidentially to her sisters.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): What do you think of my anti-orb spell? (PAIGE opens her eyes. Nothing happens. CHRIS shakes his head and looks at PIPER.) CHRIS PERRY: Go ahead, Piper. Blast away. (MABEL holds out her hand and tries to blast PIPER.) (PIPER ducks.) PIPER: Ooh! Aah! (MABEL misses PIPER and hits the planter instead. Seeing her opportunity, PHOEBE tries to convince CHRIS that they're fakes.) PHOEBE: She missed, Chris! When have you ever known Piper to miss? (CHRIS turns and looks at MABEL.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): (shrugs) Even I'm entitled to a bad day. (MITZY looks at CHRIS and nods her head in agreement.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (urgently) Go on. Try again. (MABEL tries and misses PHOEBE.) PAIGE: Uh, Chris a little help here! (MABEL glares at PAIGE.) PIPER: (taunting) Oh, you know what? She's getting angry. (CHRIS whirls around to look at the STILLMAN SISTERS. The uncertainty is written all over his face.) PIPER: And our powers don't work so good when we're angry. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): We got 'em now. PIPER: (mocking) Yeah, you got us now, so why don't you blow us up? PHOEBE: Piper, death bad. Life good. PAIGE: Don't worry. This bimbo couldn't hit the broad side of a beauty parlor. Check out that dye job. (MITZY gasps loudly. MARGO puts a faint hand to her chest to steady her heart. MABEL glares angrily at them.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): How dare you?! (Again, she tries to blast them, but misses them completely and hits the door instead.) (PHOEBE and PIPER both see the open door at the same time. CHRIS turns his head, glancing back and forth between the two sets of sisters. Even he's not believing what he's seeing.) PIPER: Run! (PHOEBE, PAIGE and PIPER run out of the Conservatory.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [INT. MANOR - ATTIC - NIGHT] (The attic door opens. PHOEBE, PAIGE and PIPER frantically run into the attic.) PHOEBE: Oh, my god! Oh, my god, we need weapons. (PAIGE runs past PHOEBE and heads toward the chest.) PAIGE: Uh, demon leftovers! (PAIGE opens the chest and starts taking out weapons. She hands PHOEBE a cross bow. PHOEBE hands the cross bow to PIPER.) PHOEBE: Oh, Piper. Piper, for you. PIPER: I got it. (PIPER heads into position behind a couch in front of the door. PAIGE hands PHOEBE a long-handled battle axe.) PHOEBE: Ok. (PAIGE takes out a spiked ball.) PHOEBE: Ready? PAIGE: Yes. (They move into position on either side of the attic door to catch the sisters as they come in.) (Once in position, they wait.) (The door opens. MABEL, MITZY and MARGO walk into the attic.) PIPER: Now! (PIPER fires the crossbow directly at MABEL. She puts her hands up in a reflect to protect herself.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Aah! (She promptly freezes the room. PHOEBE and PAIGE are frozen as they raise their weapons to get MITZY and MARGO.) (MABEL reaches out and plucks the arrow out from the air.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): Oh. So that's how it works. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Uh, could we, like, not stand here right now? (MARGO and MITZY move out from under PHOEBE and PAIGE'S weapons. MABEL smiles at the frozen sisters.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Now what? MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): (smugly) Now we kill them. (CHRIS orbs into the attic behind them.) CHRIS PERRY: You did it. Nice work, babe. (CHRIS walks up to MITZY. MITZY laughs and they kiss.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): This is not fair! (ranting) First, I get ripped off in the power department. (to MABEL) Then you bag the bartender, and the boyfriend lays diamonds on you. (to MITZY) [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITIES] (As MARGO rants, MITZY rubs her temples from the anger and frustration she's picking up from MARGO.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE) That Whitelighter belongs to me! MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Oh, my head! You know, you really need to learn how to control your emotions. I can't help it that Chris chose me. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Did you sleep with him? (CHRIS and MITZY answer at the same time.) CHRIS PERRY: Yes. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): No. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): You did what?! (MABEL steps forward toward MITZY. She raises a finger and points angrily at MITZY. CHRIS slowly and quietly backs away from the arguing sisters and positions himself so that he can glance over at the Book of Shadows.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): I gave you a direct order. That Whitelighter was off-limits. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): You know what? I am sick and tired of your orders! (beat) We both are. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Stay out of my feelings. MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): (to MARGO) Oh, are those your feelings? MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Hell, yes, those are my feelings. You boss us around like we're idiots. Hmm. [CUE SOUND: EMPATH ABILITIES] MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): (gasps) What?! (to MARGO) She thinks we are idiots! MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): I didn't say that. (CHRIS interjects.) CHRIS PERRY: Yeah, but I bet she felt it. My little empath feels everything. (CHRIS steps back again.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): He's right. You despise us. (CHRIS glances at the Book of Shadows and sees that the triquetra symbol on the cover starts to glow.) MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): In fact, until I became an Empath, I never realized how much you truly hate us! (CHRIS reaches out and grabs ahold of MITZY'S wrist.) CHRIS PERRY: You know what, c'mon baby? Let's go. Who needs 'em? (MITZY smiles in triumph at MABEL as CHRIS tugs her away. MABEL grabs MITZY'S arm and pulls her back.). MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): You're not going anywhere. We gotta stick together, or our plan falls apart. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): See? There you go. Bossing again. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Mm-hmm. MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): (shrugs at MITZY) Just let the little chippy run off, if that's what she wants. MITZY STILLMAN (AS PHOEBE): Don't call me a chippy! (MITZY pushes MARGO. The triquetra symbol on the cover of the Book of Shadows starts to glow brighter and quivers.) MARGO STILLMAN (AS PAIGE): Don't push me! (MARGO gasps, turns and pushes MITZY back into MABEL.) (The symbol quivers more.) MABEL STILLMAN (AS PIPER): (shouts) Just shut up! (MABEL pushes MITZY off of her.) (Finally, there's an explosion. The triquetra symbol continues to quiver on the cover of the Book of Shadows. The chandelier hanging from the attic ceiling explodes and falls crashing to the carpet below.) (The STILLMAN SISTERS fall to the floor.) (The Symbol on the Book of Shadows breaks apart.) (Their power is gone. Time resumes.) (PHOEBE and PAIGE bring down their battle axes. PIPER blinks.) CHRIS PERRY: (to the Charmed Ones) You should be able to handle these women now. (PIPER stands up and walks over to MABEL. Without a word, she hits MABEL in the face and knocks her out.) (PAIGE pulls back a fist and hits MARGO in the face, also knocking her out.) (PHOEBE walks up to MITZY who turns around.) MITZY STILLMAN: Not the nose, please! PHOEBE: I think you have something that's mine? (MITZY gasps and touches the diamond necklace around her neck. She removes the necklace and gives it to PHOEBE.) MITZY STILLMAN: Sure. It's yours. Anything you want. PHOEBE: Thank you. (PHOEBE swings and hits MITZY in the face.) MITZY STILLMAN: Ooh! (MITZY falls to the floor.) PAIGE: I take it this was all your doing. CHRIS PERRY: Hey, you're the one who got me here. PIPER: How did you know they weren't us? CHRIS PERRY: Well, in all my life, I have never seen you take the bait the way that witch took it from you. (CHRIS turns around and picks up the Book of Shadows from the book stand.) PHOEBE: In all your life? You've only been our Whitelighter for two months. (Avoiding the question, he turns the book around so they can read the spell.) CHRIS PERRY: Let's just reverse the magic. (He holds the book out to them. They take it and read the spell out loud.) READING: Powers of the witches rise. Course unseen across the skies Come to us who call you near. Come to us and settle here. (As they read, gold orbs of magic rise from the STILLMAN SISTERS and return to the CHARMED ONES.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. BRIDGE (STOCK) - SUN RISES TO MORNING] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] (Establish.) [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (WYATT raises his head and smiles. We hear LEO making noises and know that LEO'S playing with WYATT.) (Leaning in the doorway behind them, watching them, is PIPER.) PIPER: So we binded their powers and handed them over to Morris. (WYATT gives out peals of laughter. LEO smiles at his son as he listens to PIPER.) PIPER: There was enough evidence across the street to book 'em for murder, and if that doesn't stick, they're wanted in eight other states. (LEO continues to play with WYATT.) PIPER: Looks like you two had a good time. LEO: Yeah, he loved all the clouds up there. PIPER: I bet. (LEO reaches out and presses the toy seat to make squeaking noises for WYATT.) LEO: Well, he just, uh, finished a bottle. (Thinking that he's stayed longer than welcome, LEO gets to his feet, turns and looks at PIPER.) LEO: He's probably ready for a nap. (he sighs) I should be going. PIPER: Leo, wait. Um ... don't go too far away from Wyatt, ok? I mean, feel free to sneak in and hold him anytime I'm not around. LEO: (smiles, grateful) Thanks. (CHRIS appears in the doorway and clears his throat.) CHRIS PERRY: Leo, can I talk to you for a second? (LEO glances down at WYATT and smiles at his son.) LEO: (quietly) Bye, buddy. (LEO looks up at PIPER, the smile still on his face quietly dies as he walks past her toward CHRIS.) [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (LEO walks out into the main hall. CHRIS follows him.) CHRIS PERRY: So there's a rumor floating around up there that you got a lead on whoever scattered your orbs. (LEO stops walking and turns around to face CHRIS.) LEO: Yeah. I know. I floated it. CHRIS PERRY: You did? Why? LEO: To draw out the guilty party. CHRIS PERRY: Did it work? LEO: You tell me. So far you're the only one to come forward with any questions. CHRIS PERRY: (nods) It's an interesting experiment. When you find out who did it, let me know. (CHRIS turns to leave. LEO stops him.) LEO: Oh, I, uh, already know who did it, Chris. And when I get enough proof to expose him ... you'll be the first one to know. (LEO turns and walks away. Camera holds on CHRIS.) CUT TO: [EXT. JUNKYARD -- DAY] (PAIGE looks down at the two blue gremlins from the fruit packing plant.) PAIGE: Hey. I keep running into magic, but thanks to you two I have my identity back, and the fruit packers are unionized. So for now, I'm just gonna go with it. However, you two can't hurt people anymore, and that's why I brought you here, so you can tinker away to your heart's content. (The two gremlins look at PAIGE, eager to get to their tinkering.) PAIGE: Well, have at it, little blue dudes. (Immediately, the two gremlins jump and crash into the pile of junk in the back. PAIGE watches them for a moment, then turns to leave as we see junk flying and crashing as the two gremlins have a ball in their new home.) CUT TO: [INT. BAY MIRROR - JASON'S OFFICE -- DAY] (JASON'S sitting at his desk going over the paperwork. There's a knock at his door.) (He looks up in time to see PHOEBE open the door a bit and peer inside.) PHOEBE: Hi. JASON DEAN: Hi. (JASON doesn't appear all that thrilled to see PHOEBE. She closes the door behind her.) PHOEBE: Can we talk? JASON DEAN: (sighs) About? PHOEBE: Us. JASON DEAN: Thought we tried that earlier. PHOEBE: (mumbles) I was kind of hoping we could forget about that. JASON DEAN: Ok. (JASON puts his pencil down, sighs and stands up.) PHOEBE: You're still mad. JASON DEAN: No, no. Actually, I'm -- I'm confused. I swear, every time I see you, I never know which Phoebe I'm gonna get. You either want to talk, or you want -- PHOEBE: (interrupts) Yeah ... I know, but I don't know how to act around you either. You know, you fly in for a few days, and we're supposed to squeeze everything that we're feeling for each other in those few days, and it's just ... it's just really hard. JASON DEAN: I know. PHOEBE: (confesses) And that's why I wanted to go to dinner, you know? Just so we could talk. Figure out how we feel about each other. JASON DEAN: How's your nose? PHOEBE: (confused) My nose? (realizes) Oh, yeah. My nose. (she touches the tip of her nose with her fingers) It's pretty good. (she shrugs) I'm a fast healer. (JASON watches her, amused. He doesn't say anything.) PHOEBE: Well, I should probably let you get back to work, huh? (PHOEBE turns to leave the office. JASON stops her.) JASON DEAN: What are you doing right now? (PHOEBE responds over her shoulder, her back to JASON.) PHOEBE: Trying to make a classy exit. JASON DEAN: Want to go to a classy lunch? (PHOEBE whirls around hopefully to look at JASON.) JASON DEAN: We'll just ... we'll talk. PHOEBE: I'd love to. (She smiles at him. JASON turns, grabs his jacket and heads for the door. PHOEBE opens the door for them.) (JASON holds out his arm for PHOEBE. She grabs ahold of it and they both slowly, leisurely, walk out of the office.) PHOEBE: Jason? JASON DEAN: Yeah? PHOEBE: Thanks for my diamonds. FADE TO BLACK. ========================== THE END ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 6X04: POWER OF THREE BLONDES ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 10/12/2003 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring JENNY McCARTHY as Mitzy Stillman JENNIFER SKY MELODY PERKINS REBECCA BALDING as Elise Rothman and ERIC DANE as Jason Dean Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by DANIEL CERONE Directed by JOHN BEHRING ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS Co-Starring NIKI BOTELHO as Elf Nanny KIP MARTIN as Jack (bartender) JOANNA SANCHEZ as GLENN TARANTO as ROBERT ALAN BEUTH as Salesman JERNARD BURKS as Security Guard MICHAEL PATRICK McGILL as Ray BILL SMILLIE as Husband GWEN VAN DAM as Wife TODD TUCKER as Gremlin Music by: JAY GRUSKA Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Production Designer: PAUL STAHELL Editor: DON KELLY Unit Production Manager: JON PARE First Assistant Director: DEREK JOHANSSEN Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-Up Artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: DAVE BASSETT Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: CHRISSY CORNWALL First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: MEGAN ENTRIKEN Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: JULIE SWARTSLEY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editors: GENE WOOD Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2003 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:10/26/2003~lky