CHARMED 6X01: VALHALLEY OF THE DOLLS (1) ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 09/28/2003 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Written by BRAD KERN Directed by JAMES L. CONWAY Transcript by Intrepid Courtesy of Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. RATING: TV-PG-DV ========================== DISCLAIMER: ========================== "CHARMED", "The Charmed Ones" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by CONSTANCE M. BURGE, AARON SPELLING Television Inc (A Paramount / Viacom Co.) and WB (AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for Entertainment and for Educational Purposes Only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. CONDITIONS OF USE: (1) Do not alter the content of this file. (2) Leave the headers/disclaimers intact because it lists all those who have made this transcript possible for your enjoyment. (3) Provide a link back to the site where this file originated: Contact the Transcriptionist at ( ========================== SUMMARY: Phoebe and Paige must find Leo and rescue him from the Valkyries in order to help cure Piper of her incessant chipperness. Paige decides that she wants to have a life apart from magic; and Phoebe gains a new power. ========================== CHARMED 6X01: VALHALLEY OF THE DOLLS (PART 1) ========================== FADE IN. SCENE #01: [EXT. BEACH - DAY] (It's the KQSF BEACH BASH !! and Smash Mouth is performing on stage.) [Smash Mouth] when I'm finally gone / I'm gonna be gone without a trace / there's a lot of good times ahead / before we're done / and then on top of this list of things / before I leave this place / you are my number one / you are my number one / trying to make it clear / trying to let you know / when you're afraid, I'm gonna be there / when I'm finally gone / I'm gonna be gone without a trace / you are my number one / I said, you are my number one / yeah / you are my number one. (The performance ends and the radio DJ takes over.) HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: All right! Give it up for Smash Mouth! Let's hear it! Come on! (The audience cheers.) HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: Hangin' Chad coming back live at the KQSF Annual Beach Bash. Winding it up with our special guest, the stunningly beautiful Phoebe Halliwell of "Ask Phoebe" fame. Ok. So what's your deal? Are you psychic? Is that it? PHOEBE: I'm sorry? HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: I mean, you got to be, don't you? Your column has skyrocketed. All the critics rave about how amazingly insightful your advice is. How else do you explain it? PHOEBE: I just think I read people really well. HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: Oh, you do, do you? Can you read me? (The audience laughs at the dare.) PHOEBE: I don't know. Write a letter, and we'll see. HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: Come on. Give it a shot. You guys want to see her do it, don't you, huh? (The audience cheers.) PHOEBE: Oh, uh, all right. All right. Uh, what do you want advice on? HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: Ok. Let's see. There's this woman that I like, and I'd like to ask her out, but I'm afraid she'll say no. What should I do? (PHOEBE looks at CHAD and something happens. There's a soft musical sound as if some kind of magic is happening. Then: PHOEBE: Well, why don't you just ask me and find out? AUDIENCE: Ooh! (The audience loves her response. PHOEBE laughs a bit while HANGIN' CHAD appears to be a bit uncomfortable with the response.) (PHOEBE smiles.) CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] (Establish.) SCENE #02: [INT. HALLIWELL MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Open on the BOOK OF SHADOWS to the page of the first spell: "Now hear the words of the witches". The page flips over to the page on the TRACER DEMON.) (CHRIS PERRY stands a distance away from the BOOK OF SHADOWS and waves his hand to flip the page over.) (The next page is of a TROK DEMON. Liking what he's reading, CHRIS writes down notes from the page.) (In front of CHRIS, a vortex opens. He looks up and sees the Valkyrie MIST walk through the opening. When she reaches the attic, she touches the amulet around her necklace and the vortex disappears.) CHRIS PERRY: Ok. Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here? MIST: Freyja sent me. She wants to know what's taking so long. CHRIS PERRY: Freyja? You know, for a mythical character, she sure does worry a lot. MIST: She's not the only one who's worried. He's an Elder, Chris. How much longer do you really expect us to keep him? CHRIS PERRY: Don't tell me he's complaining. MIST: Yes. A lot, actually. CHRIS PERRY: I don't believe it. Banish the guy to an island filled with beautiful women, and he still complains. I can't win. MIST: How much longer? CHRIS PERRY: Until I'm ready. Look. I'm sorry, but I haven't finished what I came here to do yet, and I need Leo out of the way until I can. More importantly, the sisters can't find him before I'm ready, or else - MIST: I know. We all understand the risks. CHRIS PERRY: I'd never hurt you, Mist. You know that. MIST: You would if you had to. I know that, too. PIPER: (o.s.) Chris, are you up there? CHRIS PERRY: You better go. (CHRIS steps forward and they kiss.) MIST: Please ... hurry. (The vortex reappears and MIST leaves the attic. The vortex disappears.) (PIPER walks into the attic carrying a laundry basket.) PIPER: Hey. Do you have any laundry? CHRIS PERRY: Uh ... no. No. I'm good. Thanks. I'm gonna get your sisters, though. We have another demon to vanquish. PIPER: (smiling) Okey-dokey. (PIPER turns and leaves.) (CHRIS goes back to the Book of Shadows and picks up his pen. He sighs.) CUT TO: SCENE #03: [EXT. BEACH - DAY] (PHOEBE walks across the beach toward HANGIN' CHAD.) PHOEBE: Hi. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back there. HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: Hey. I'm just glad it was only on the radio. PHOEBE: I don't know why I answered like that. It was ... HANGIN' CHAD CARSON: It was -- it was dead on. That's what it was. It's exactly what I was feeling, nervous about asking you out. PHOEBE: Really? You were? (shrugs) Well, then, maybe I should ask you out and just take the pressure off. Whoo! Ha! I just don't know what's the matter with me. Ha ha! It's got to be the heat or something. (CHRIS orbs onto the beach next to the KQSR van and out of view. He walks over toward PHOEBE.) CHAD CARSON: Bayview Cafe, say, 1:00? PHOEBE: I'll be there. CHRIS PERRY: Phoebe. PHOEBE: Chris? What are you doing here? CHAD CARSON: Um, listen. I got to get back. Don't be late PHOEBE: I won't be. (CHAD turns and leaves.) CHRIS PERRY: Trok Demon, remember? PHOEBE: Oh! Chris, get a life. CHRIS PERRY: C'mon. CUT TO: SCENE #04: [EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY] PAIGE: Stop! Stop! (PAIGE is being pulled along by a group of dogs on leashes. Although it looks as if PAIGE intended to walk the dogs, it appears that the dogs are walking PAIGE.) PAIGE: Please! Aah! (The dogs run and PAIGE lets go of their leashes. They run down the sidewalk.) PAIGE: (yells after them) Sit! Heal! (PAIGE watches them for a moment, then looks around to see if anyone's watching. She orbs in front of the dogs, puts her arms out wide in front of her and yells out.) PAIGE: Stop! (The dogs stop. PAIGE puts her arms down and sighs.) PAIGE: I got to get a real job. (PAIGE bends over to pick up the ends of the leashes. CHRIS orbs in behind her. She straightens up.) PAIGE: Oy. (CHRIS steps forward and around PAIGE to look at her.) CHRIS PERRY: Trok demon? PAIGE: What, now? Can't you see I'm working? (An over-eager pit bull starts humping PAIGE'S leg. There's no delicate way of putting it. PAIGE is startled and looks down at the dog. CHRIS also looks down at the dog. They both look up.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO (STOCK) - DAY] SCENE #05: [INT. HALLIWELL MANOR - MAIN HALL -- DAY] (PAIGE, CHRIS and all the dogs orb into the room. PHOEBE walks by and glances at them.) PHOEBE: All right. Can we get this started? Because I have to go - (finally sees the dogs) -- where did they come from? PAIGE: He wouldn't let me take them back first. PHOEBE: Back? PAIGE: Yeah. I'm a ... dog walker. The temp agency messed up. Uh! CHRIS PERRY: Ok. Do you guys mind? We have to summon the Trok Demon while he's still on our plane. Piper! PHOEBE: Oh, Chris, lighten up. Sending us after all these demons is getting to be a real drag. PAIGE: Yeah. You're working us like dogs. CHRIS PERRY: I don't see Piper complaining. PHOEBE: No. Because Piper doesn't complain about anything anymore. Ever since Leo left to become an Elder, all she does is walk around the house all ... chipper. CHRIS PERRY: So? PAIGE: So. It's unusual. What's worse, it's not Piper. (PIPER walks down the stairs carrying WYATT on one arm and talking on the phone on the other.) PIPER: (to phone) I'd love to have a play date. Maybe we can call Jenny, and she can bring baby Josie, and then I'll bring the juice and maybe bake some muffins, and -- aw! (PIPER reaches the bottom of the stairs and sees the dogs.) How cute. (to phone) Ok? PHOEBE: She's getting worse. PAIGE: Definitely. PHOEBE: Do you have a spell? CHRIS PERRY: Right out of the book. After you summon him, make sure Piper freezes him. Otherwise, you'll never get the spell off. PAIGE: Here. Take these guys up to the attic. They'll be fine there. (PAIGE hands the dog leashes to CHRIS.) CHRIS PERRY: Wait. Me? PAIGE: Yeah, you. Go! (The dogs start leading CHRIS up the stairs.) (PIPER finishes up her telephone conversation and walks back into the room to joint the others.) PIPER: All rightee. Are we ready? PAIGE: All rightee. (PIPER looks at PHOEBE'S hair.) PIPER: Phoebe, have I told you how much I love your new do? It's fabulous! (She gives PHOEBE'S hair and big, ole' petting.) PHOEBE: 'Very' chipper. Ok. Let's do this. (PHOEBE leads PIPER into position and hands the spell to PAIGE.) PHOEBE: You take this. (PIPER looks at PAIGE and smiles chipper-ishly. PHOEBE closes her eyes to summon the Trok Demon.) PHOEBE: Ommmm. (It doesn't take long before the two-headed Trok Demon materializes in their sitting room. They're a little disoriented.) PHOEBE: Piper, freeze him! (PIPER motions with her hands and a burst of fire whizzes by the Trok Demon burning off one of its two heads.) DEMON: (painfully) Aah! (The Trok Demon's remaining head looks at the stump where his other head used to be. PIPER puts her hands up to cover her mouth as she starts to giggle.) PIPER: Ohh! Ha ha ha! PHOEBE: What did you do that for? PIPER: (giggles) I don't know. I didn't mean to. (The remaining Trok Demon head growls sending a powerful wave of sound at the sisters. It hits them, sending them back up against the wall.) (They fall to the floor. PHOEBE opens the slip of paper with the spell on it and starts to read.) PHOEBE: "From other worlds far and near, Let's get him the Trok out of here." (The demon cries out in pain as a wall of flame engulfs him. The ground trembles and the Demon explodes.) (PIPER stares at the vanquished demon, her eyes alight with mirth and excitement.) PHOEBE: Everybody ok? PIPER: Yeah. That was awesome. (PHOEBE rolls her eyes.) FADE TO. END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. [EXT. VARIOUS SAN FRANCISCO CITY SCENES (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - DAY] SCENE #06: [INT. MANOR - LIVING ROOM -- DAY] (PAIGE walks into the room holding on to her wounded shoulder. CHRIS follows her into the room.) PAIGE: What kind of Whitelighter can't heal? CHRIS PERRY: For the record, you can't heal either. PAIGE: I'm half Whitelighter. How come you didn't tell us about this before we hired you? CHRIS PERRY: Because you didn't hire me. I was assigned by the Elders. (PHOEBE enters the room carrying first-aid materials for PAIGE'S shoulder. She sits on the couch next to PAIGE.) PHOEBE: Any other little surprises you'd like to share with us? CHRIS PERRY: No. Look, I haven't been a Whitelighter very long, ok, and healing -- it's big, and it takes a while to learn how to do. (CHRIS sits down.) PHOEBE: Great. Student-lighter. PAIGE: Ok. You could have told us about this, like, I don't know, maybe a month ago. PHOEBE: Well, I know one thing for sure. We're gonna stop all this demon fighting for a while. CHRIS PERRY: (alarmed) Wait. Why? PIPER: (o.s.) Can somebody please fold the towels in the dryer when its done? PHOEBE: That's why. (PIPER walks out into the hallway, her baby bag slung over her shoulder and she's carrying WYATT in her arms. She's on her way out the door.) PIPER: I put a casserole in the oven. You can check it in about an hour or so. I will be at the club if you need me. Have fun. (PIPER turns and leaves.) PHOEBE: Oh, my god. She is so sad. PAIGE: Sad? Where are you getting 'sad' from? CHRIS PERRY: How about this? Three more demons, then we can talk about taking a little break. PAIGE: What? Do you have a quota or something? CHRIS PERRY: Look. I've already told you this before. I know from future knowledge that a demon is gonna come after Wyatt. These are all just preemptive strikes. PHOEBE: Ok. Look, Chris. We like you a lot, but we've been doing this a lot longer than you have. Trust me. You have to pace yourself, and you got to let us have a life. (PHOEBE glances down at her wristwatch and realizes what time it is.) PHOEBE: Ooh. Speaking of which, I have to go get ready for my lunch date. (She stands up and heads toward the doorway.) PAIGE: Oh. I didn't know your boss was back in town. (PHOEBE turns around and leans against the doorframe.) PHOEBE: No. It's not with Jason. It's with Chad, the D.J., who I'm not really interested in. CHRIS PERRY: Two demons. How about that? Two. PHOEBE: No, Chris, and especially not until we figure out what's wrong with Piper and, more importantly, Piper's powers. PAIGE: I swear, I think Leo did something to her before he left. PHOEBE: Well, you know what? I think it's about time we orb him down here and ask him. CHRIS PERRY: (shrugs and brushes it off) I don't think that's possible. PHOEBE: (insistent) Well, then make it possible. Look. Even if he doesn't care about Piper as his wife, as an Elder he, at the very least, should care about what happened to her powers. CHRIS PERRY: I can't. PAIGE: Yeah. You can. You just go up there and tell him to get his butt back down here. CHRIS PERRY: That's not why I can't. Look. I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to worry you two, but ... Leo's missing. PHOEBE: (surprised) What? PAIGE: (just as shocked) Missing? How long? CHRIS PERRY: Since the last time we saw him. Anyways, the Elders think he's been kidnapped. PHOEBE: By whom? CUT TO: SCENE #07: [EXT. JUNGLE/WAR ZONE -- DAY] (A helicopter flies past the opening in the trees. On the road, the various vehicles are on fire. Soldiers put their wounded on the back of the jeep.) SOLDIER: We got more wounded! (A soldier heads back toward the burning vehicle as the jeep drives away.) SOLDIER: Go! Go! (He gets shot in the back and falls to the ground.) SOLDIER: Aah! (While on his back, a vortex appears out from nowhere in front of him.) SOLDIER: Ohh. (From the middle of the vortex, MIST walks out and stands in front of the dying SOLDIER.) SOLDIER: Who? What in the-- MIST: Shh. It's all right. You don't have to be afraid. You're one of the chosen few. (And with that, the SOLDIER dies. His spirit leaves his body and stands up in the middle of the road.) MIST: Don't worry. I promise you'll understand soon enough. (MIST uncaps the vial hanging around her neck. The SOLDIER turns into a haze of smoke and enters the bottle. MIST caps the container. Finished, with a backward glance at the SOLDIER'S dead body on the roadway, she turns and re- enters the vortex.) (The vortex closes behind her.) CUT TO: SCENE #08: [INT. P3 -- DAY] (A portion of the P3 center stage has been converted into a large play area for a lot of little children.) PIPER: Excuse me. (PIPER leads SHEILA and MORRIS down the stairs into the play area.) SHEILA: You're amazing, Piper. PIPER: Sorry? SHEILA: I mean, seriously. I don't know how you do it. I mean, I could barely take care of myself when little Darryl was a baby, let alone run a daycare. PIPER: Well, you know, nobody was using the club during the day anyway, and I was running out of room at home with all of Wyatt's play dates. SHEILA: Well, I think it's great, really, I mean, especially with everything you're going through. (DARRYL stops. SHEILA glances warily at DARRYL. PIPER sees the exchange and smiles, puzzled.) PIPER: What? DARRYL: Sheila's just been a little concerned about you lately, you know, with Leo and all. SHEILA: I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you. Do you ever even talk to him? PIPER: Oh. No. It's probably against the rules, but, you know, no use crying over spilt milk, and besides, you know, I just got to push ahead for Wyatt. (There's an uncomfortable silence between them that PIPER seems oblivious to. She picks up the tray of treats.) PIPER: Well, better get these treats to the little ones. Um, is Darryl Jr. staying late? DARRYL: Yeah. SHEILA: Uh, yeah. Yeah. PIPER: (smiles) Super. (PIPER takes the tray of treats and heads for the play area.) BOY: Come play in my fort. (DARRYL turns to SHEILA.) DARRYL: I got to get back to the station. (They both turn and head for the door.) PIPER: (to WYATT) That's right. (PAIGE and PHOEBE walk down the stairs as DARRYL and SHEILA head for the door.) PAIGE: Hi, guys. SHEILA: Hey. DARRYL: Hi. PHOEBE: (sensing something's wrong) Whoa. What's the matter? SHEILA: (startled) Uh ... sorry? PHOEBE: Something's bothering you. I can tell. (DARRYL and SHEILA remain silent. PAIGE turns to look at PHOEBE.) PAIGE: (warningly) Phoebe. PHOEBE: What? Oh. Sorry. DARRYL: So, you know, Piper's doing fine, huh? PHOEBE: Yeah, but you don't think she is. (DARRYL and SHEILA remain silent. PAIGE again turns to PHOEBE.) PAIGE: Don't mind her. She's just being a little annoying. Um, would you excuse us for a second? SHEILA: Yeah. Sure. PHOEBE: We'll see you later. DARRYL: Bye. (DARRYL and SHEILA head for the door. PAIGE and PHOEBE move aside.) PAIGE: What is going on with you? PHOEBE: I don't know. It's weird. Lately, I've just been feeling a lot of weird vibes. I don't know what it is. PAIGE: "Vibes". (PHOEBE nods.) PAIGE: Hmm. Check it out. I can really, really only deal with one whacked-out sister at a time. PHOEBE: (chuckles) Got it. (They both turn and head for PIPER in the play area.) PAIGE: Piper? PHOEBE: Piper, you got a minute? PIPER: Uh, can it wait? PHOEBE: No. Actually, it can't. It's about Leo. PIPER: Oh. Did he call? PAIGE: Not exactly. PHOEBE: There's no easy way to break this to you, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. Leo's missing. We just found out that the Elders haven't heard from him since he left us to join them. (There's no reaction from PIPER.) PIPER: Wow. PHOEBE: So did he happen to say anything to you the last time you saw him that could potentially help? PIPER: No. All I remember him saying is that he was leaving to become an Elder, and I wished him good luck. PHOEBE: That's it? That was your big good-bye? PIPER: Yeah. As far as I can remember, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. He'll turn up sooner or later. (smiles) Excuse me. (PIPER turns and heads back to WYATT and the play area.) PAIGE: So much for that shocking her back into reality, huh? PHOEBE: Unfortunately, I think only Leo can do that. CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY SKYLINE (STOCK) - DAY] (Camera pulls away from the city.) [FAST MOTION CAMERA] (Camera pulls back through the clouds at a fast speed, then dives down through the clouds toward the ocean waters below.) (The camera zooms low along the water.) DISSOLVE TO: [EXT. ISLAND IN THE INDIAN OCEAN - DAY] (Several dissolves of the VALHALLA ISLAND. Then a top view of the waterfall, pond and grotto below.) DISSOLVE TO: SCENE #09: [EXT. VALHALLA - JUNGLE -- DAY] (MIST walks through the path and out past the waterfalls. She's headed somewhere specific. As she walks by, we can hear sounds of men grunting and practicing fighting with each other.) (She walks through the trees and walks into the practice area where the MEN are fighting and training. There are various kinds of warriors, from Saracens to Chinese warriors, to Indian warriors. Warriors and soldiers from all different periods and times train and fight against each other. Lined up along the side are other men watching the practice.) (Cut to: A WARRIOR sharpens his weapon.) (MIST walks through the area and walks past A VALKYRIE who is watching two warriors fight.) VALKYRIE: Greetings, Mist. (The SWORDSMAN jumps up to avoid his opponent's knives. He flips in the air and doesn't have enough space to finish the flips. He falls to the ground on his back.) (VALKYRIE steps forward, grabs him by his shirt lapels and pulls him to his feet.) VALKYRIE: You under-rotated. Now, watch. (VALKYRIE concentrates, then easily does the flip. She lands on her feet facing her imaginary opponent in her fighting stance.) CUT TO: [MIST] (MIST continues walking down the path. She meets up with two other valkyries, FREYJA and KARA. She opens her hands, palms up to FREYJA in greeting. They kiss each other on the cheek.) FREYJA: You were gone a while, Mist. I was beginning to worry. MIST: I wanted you to be pleased. (MIST takes the small vial from her pouch and opens it. The spiritual essence of the soldier materializes out on the walkway. KARA looks him over with a critical eye.) KARA: Cute ... but can he fight? MIST: Like no other. FREYJA: We'll see. (FREYJA steps up to him.) SOLDIER: Am I in heaven? FREYJA: Warrior heaven. Until I see how well you do against our champion anyway. (FREYJA blows lightly on him and the SOLDIER becomes corporeal.) SOLDIER: Unh! (He looks down at his self.) CUT TO: SCENE #10: [INT. CAVE - THE CAGE -- DAY] (The SOLDIER falls flat on his face on the sand-covered ground of the cage. Right in front of the camera is a skull.) (Someone tosses a shield into the center of the cage next to the SOLDIER. The SOLDIER gets to his feet and heads for the cage door just as the VALKYRIE shuts the door and seals it with a wave of her hand.) (She withdraws and takes her place with the other VALKYRIES, sitting on the sidelines waiting for the fight to begin.) (The SOLDIER walks along the edge of the cage.) SOLDIER: What do you want from me? FREYJA: We want you to fight. (They look just beyond him. The SOLDIER turns around to see the back door of the cave open. A tall, helmet-covered Roman Gladiator steps out from the cave and into the cage to meet his next opponent.) (FREYJA sits back and sips from her cup to wait for the fight.) (The GLADIATOR swings his sword in a few practice rotations. He steps out into the cage. He kicks the shield on the ground up toward the SOLDIER who catches it.) (The fight has begun.) (They circle each other along the cage. FREYJA smiles with anticipation.) (The GLADIATOR swings and hits the SOLDIER'S shield square in the middle. The SOLDIER ducks on the ground and rolls past the GLADIATOR. He stands up on the other side. A move that impresses KARA.) (The GLADIATOR continues to strike at the SOLDIER'S shield. Blow after blow. The SOLDIER swings his sword. The loud clangs of swords meeting ring out in the small cave. The SOLDIER holds his own.) (The GLADIATOR gets behind the SOLDIER and pushes him into the cage bars.) (The SOLDIER turns and rushes the GLADIATOR. The GLADIATOR flips over and avoids the hit. The SOLDIER raises his sword to attack, but the GLADIATOR swings low and cuts the SOLDIER in the abdomen.) (The SOLDIER falls to his knees.) (The fight is over.) FREYJA: He fought well enough. Heal him. Get him into training. (The VALKYRIES stand to comply.) (The VALKYRIE opens up the cage door, steps in and pulls the SOLDIER to his feet. The GLADIATOR paces the floor, angry and impatient.) (He tosses his shield to the ground and looks at the VALKYRIES.) LEO: What about me? (LEO takes off his helmet and yells to the VALYRIES.) LEO: I don't belong here, and you know it! FREYJA: No? You're an Elder, aren't you? You have much to teach my warriors. (FREYJA turns and leaves the cave leaving LEO standing alone in the cage.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. SCENE #11: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY -- DAY] (From the outside looking into the house, camera pushes in slowly on CHRIS as he stands near the window looking outside. Behind CHRIS, PAIGE is scrying for LEO. Out on the table in front of her she has three large maps including a map of the SOLAR SYSTEM. She steadily moves the crystal from one map to the other to the other.) (PHOEBE walks into the room and looks at PAIGE with the three maps.) PHOEBE: Where exactly are you trying to find Leo ... Jupiter? PAIGE: Well, when an Elder gets kidnapped, they're probably not just gonna take him to china town, right? I think everything is game, even the cosmos. PHOEBE: Still. I don't see how the crystal's gonna find him, especially not without something of his to focus it better. (PAIGE grabs the shirt and shows it to PHOEBE.) PAIGE: I've got one of his plaid shirts. PHOEBE: I was thinking something a little more special than that. PAIGE: Leo loved those shirts. His entire closet's full of them. [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE stops and senses something. She turns around, looking, then sees CHRIS standing quietly at the far end of the room looking out the window.) PHOEBE: What's your problem? CHRIS PERRY: (turns around) Huh? PHOEBE: You're nervous. I can feel it. PAIGE: Ooh. Watch your vibes. CHRIS PERRY: I just think you guys should be focusing on helping Piper, not Leo. PHOEBE: Ha! I was right. PAIGE: Hey. Finding Leo could help us with Piper. CHRIS PERRY: Well, then you better find another way because you are not gonna find him. (Everyone becomes still. PAIGE scrunches her eyes at CHRIS. PHOEBE stares at CHRIS. CHRIS tries to cover his slip up.) CHRIS PERRY: (steps toward PAIGE) I mean, you haven't found him yet, have you? I'm telling you, you just got to leave it up to the Elders, all right, just let it go. PAIGE: Let it go? He's Wyatt's father. PHOEBE: And our brother-in-law. CHRIS PERRY: Ex-brother-in-law. Look. I'm just trying to get you two to focus on your sister here. That's all. Because with her powers messed up, you guys are all at risk. (PAIGE sits down.) PAIGE: He's right. PHOEBE: I know, but if Leo did do something to block Piper's pain, how do we unblock it without him? PAIGE: (realizes) Magical laxative. PHOEBE: Ok, eww. PAIGE: But think about it. If we can write a spell to help her remember her pain, I don't know, it could even help us find Leo. (PHOEBE walks over toward the phone and picks it up. She starts dialing.) PAIGE: Who are you calling, spells "r" us? PHOEBE: No. I'm calling the Bayview Cafe. I'm gonna cancel my lunch date with Chad, which I'm already late for. WOMAN: (from phone) Bayview Café. PHOEBE: (to phone) Hi. Can I speak to Chad Carson, please? I was supposed to meet him for -- WOMAN: (from phone) Yes, he couldn't make it. PHOEBE: (to phone) What? WOMAN: (from phone) He called and he ... PHOEBE: (to phone) He canceled? WOMAN: (from phone) Yes. PHOEBE: (to phone) Wait. Are you sure? Because he didn't even call-- WOMAN: (from phone) He told us to let you know that he's very sorry. (Indignant, PHOEBE hangs up.) PHOEBE: Ha! (She turns around.) He stood me up. CHRIS PERRY: Wait. Weren't you just calling to cancel on him? PHOEBE: Yeah, but I called him. That's canceling. He called the restaurant. That's standing up. PAIGE: (nods at CHRIS) Mmm. CHRIS: Oh. PHOEBE: This doesn't make any sense. I don't understand. He liked me. He really liked me. I felt it. PAIGE: Well, um, excuse me, but it didn't even seem like your heart was in it anyway. (PHOEBE turns around, puts the phone back on the shelf and grabs her bag.) PAIGE: Where are you going? We have a spell to write. PHOEBE: (over her shoulder) And I have a DJ to grill. (She heads out the door.) CUT TO: SCENE#12: [INT. BEACH -- DAY] (Camera close up of a large hot dog being picked up off the grill and put into an open hot dog bun. CHAD smiles.) BILLY (VENDOR): Here you go, Chad. CHAD CARSON: Thanks, Billy. (CHAD turns around and finds PHOEBE standing there.) PHOEBE: Hey. I hear they have hot dogs at the Bayview Cafe. CHAD CARSON: Phoebe, what are you doing here? PHOEBE: That's funny. I was about to ask you the same thing. CHAD CARSON: Listen. I can explain. PHOEBE: That's good because that's why I'm here. I was just hoping you could help me understand something that's baffled women since the beginning of time. Why don't men call after they ask us out? And why do they cancel at the last minute and, even worse, stand us up? CHAD CARSON: Look. I'm sorry, but I had something really important come up. [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE stares at CHAD.) PHOEBE: Are you intimidated by me? CHAD CARSON: What? PHOEBE: Because you weren't intimidated by me when you asked me out. CHAD CARSON: Hold on. You asked me out, remember? PHOEBE: Oh, wait. Are you saying that you didn't want me, though? Because I know you did. I felt it. CHAD CARSON: Whoa. Wait a minute. [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE takes a step forward.) PHOEBE: You don't like successful women. CHAD CARSON: (hedges) I got to go. (CHAD takes a step to leave. PHOEBEN moves in front of him to stop him.) PHOEBE: Wait. Are you telling me that everything that I've worked so hard for in my life, everything I've fought to achieve, makes me less attractive to men? Because if that's what you're saying, I just-I -- (At that precise moment, just off the sidewalk, a little girl cries loudly after just falling off her bike. Her mother tends to her.) GIRL: (cries) Ow! [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] PHOEBE: (cries) It just hurts. GIRL: Mama! PHOEBE: It hurts so much. GIRL: It hurts so much, mommy! CHAD CARSON: Don't you think you're overreacting just a little? PHOEBE: No, I don't! (PHOEBE stops crying) Actually ... yeah, I do. GIRL: It hurts so much, mommy! (PHOEBE turns and notices the little girl on the sidewalk holding her knee and crying. PHOEBE'S jaw drops as she realizes what's been happening to her.) CUT TO: SCENE #13: [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (An enthusiastic OSCAR the dog jumps on PAIGE'S leg and starts humping it. PAIGE shakes her leg trying to get OSCAR off of it as she looks through the Book of Shadows and talks on the cell phone.) PAIGE: (to phone) Sir, what does it matter when I bring the dogs home? Their owners aren't there. That's why I got the job in the first place. PAIGE: (to OSCAR) Why don't you go hump a dog? Did you ever think of that? PAIGE: (to phone) No. Heh. Not you, sir. (The camera pans around the room to show the dogs all over the attic.) PAIGE: (to phone) Look. You know, when I came to the agency, I really went with the idea that I would be, you know, helping people, not animals. (A dog barks.) PAIGE: (to phone) What I really mean to say is that it's ... Sir, it is time for me to strike out on my own. (Another dog barks.) PAIGE: (to phone) Yeah, I'll have the dogs back in an hour. (PAIGE hangs up.) CHRIS PERRY: (o.s.) Piper's home! PAIGE: Coming! CUT TO: SCENE #14: [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL/ SITTING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (CHRIS walks into the sitting room carrying a baby bassinet with a baby inside. PAIGE walks down the stairs.) PIPER: Hey, who's that? CHRIS PERRY: Ask her. (PIPER enters the room, passes CHRIS and heads toward PAIGE.) PIPER: Hi. How's it going? PAIGE: How's it going? (PIPER walks past PAIGE and heads into the main hall to pick up another baby- occupied car-seat carrier.) PAIGE: Uh ... what are you doing? Whose babies are these? PIPER: (smiles) Hi. Well, their mommies couldn't pick them up in time, so I offered to bring them home for a while. PAIGE: Oh. You did? Um, what about, you know, Leo? PIPER: I don't know. What about him? (PIPER heads into the CONSERVATORY where she puts the car-seat down next to WYATT'S playpen.) PIPER: Look what we've got here, Wyatt, another friend for you to play with. (CHRIS moves to stand next to PAIGE. They both watch PIPER.) CHRIS: Is that the memory spell? PAIGE: Yeah. PIPER: Don't you just love these play dates? Aren't they fun? And you can stay as long as you'd like. The longer, the better. CHRIS: Cast it. (PAIGE opens the paper with the spell on it and reads it.) PAIGE: (reading) Powers and emotions tied, a witch's heart is where it hides, help her through her agony, bless her with her memory." [CUE SOUND: SPELL CAST] (PIPER straightens up and looks around.) PAIGE: Piper ... you ok? (PIPER turns around to look at PAIGE and CHRIS.) PIPER: I'm sorry. Do I know you? PAIGE: (chuckles humourlessly) Ha ha ha! Very funny. (PIPER turns around to look down at WYATT.) PIPER: Oh, cute. (PIPER whips around and looks at PAIGE.) PIPER: Yours? PAIGE: No. Yours. PIPER: (scoffs) Mine? What do you mean? Wait. Who am I? What am I ... doing here? (PIPER starts looking around the place.) CHRIS PERRY: Great, Paige. You didn't restore her memory. You erased it. PAIGE: That's impossible. It's a good spell. I know it. Unless ... it interacted badly with Leo's magic. (A fly buzzes in front of PIPER. She waves her hand to swoosh it away and winds up blowing up the hanging plant pot to the right of her.) (It startles PAIGE and CHRIS. WYATT starts crying.) PIPER: (gasps) What happened? How did that happen? PAIGE: Uh, it's ok. You're gonna be ok. CHRIS PERRY: Just ... don't point at anything, ok? Just keep your hands down, like this, ok? (CHRIS grabs PIPER'S hands and pulls them down straight against her body.) PIPER: Can somebody please tell me what's going on? PAIGE: We're gonna tell you that ... just as soon as we know ourselves. (PAIGE pulls PIPER into the sitting room.) PAIGE: Ok. You come in here, and you have a seat, and, uh, take a load off. Yeah. And, uh, keep those arms down. Oh, my goodness. (PAIGE walks back toward CHRIS.) PAIGE: Ok. Don't freak out, because magic got us into this, and magic will get us out. (WYATT starts crying loudly.) (The little girl in the playpen with him is quietly sucking on her pacifier. WYATT orbs the pacifier from her mouth into his mouth.) PAIGE: Did you see that? CHRIS PERRY: See what? PAIGE: Wyatt -- he orbed his pacifier. CHRIS PERRY: What? PAIGE: (thinking) I think I know how to find Leo. (PAIGE steps forward to pick up WYATT.) CHRIS PERRY: Leo? Will you please forget about Leo? (The front door opens and closes.) CUT TO: SCENE #15: [INT. MANOR - MAIN HALL / LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (PHOEBE walks into the room, turns and sees PIPER. She gets excited and rushes over toward PIPER.) PHOEBE: Ooh! Piper! (PIPER stands up.) PHOEBE: Hi! (rambles) You're never gonna believe this. I think I have a new power. It would certainly explain a lot of my weird behavior lately, like why I wanted to date Chad and why my advice has been so amazingly accurate. (PIPER stares strangely at PHOEBE, her eyes wide at PHOEBE'S odd behavior.) PHOEBE: I know. This is huge, right? Huge. (still rambling) So what's my new power, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you. Um, do you remember that Empath we helped a couple of years ago? That guy that could feel what other people were feeling? (PIPER doesn't say anything, but looks off to the side as if trying to find a way out. CHRIS sees PHOEBE and walks over toward her.) CHRIS PERRY: Uh, Phoebe? (PHOEBE waves him quiet. She wants to finish telling PIPER about her new power.) PHOEBE: Just a sec. I think that's what I am now. (beat) An empath. (proudly) I am an empath. That's my new power ... or at least, an advancement of my premonition power. I don't know. CHRIS PERRY: (interrupting) Neither does she, I'm afraid -- know, that is -- anything. Paige erased her memory. (PIPER leans forward toward PHOEBE and smiles smugly at her.) PIPER: Can you blow things up, too? (PHOEBE smiles.) PHOEBE: Oh, boy. (firmly) Paige! (PHOEBE turns to find PAIGE. She and CHRIS leave the room.) CUT TO: SCENE #16: [INT. MANOR - CONSERVATORY - DAY - CONTINUOUS] PHOEBE: What did you do to our sister? (PHOEBE walks into the Conservatory. CHRIS is close behind her. PAIGE is sitting at the small table with WYATT on her lap. She's scrying for LEO. PHOEBE takes one look at PAIGE and can feel her emotions.) PHOEBE: Oh, you poor dear. You feel awful about it, don't you? PHOEBE: I'm so sorry. PAIGE: Thanks ... I think. (CHRIS watches, disappointed that PHOEBE isn't angrier at PAIGE than that.) CHRIS: That's it? That's all the ass kicking you're gonna dole out? You're supposed to be sisters. PHOEBE: She's clearly devastated about this. CHRIS: But you can't let her off the hook. You need enough guilt to get her to fix it. (The crystal hits the map.) PAIGE: I think I just fixed it. I think we just found Leo. (CHRIS quietly turns away.) PHOEBE: We? (PAIGE stands up and carries WYATT back to the playpen.) PAIGE: Yep. Wyatt and me. I mean, nothing's more important to Leo than him, right? Oh, there you go, big boy. (PAIGE puts WYATT down in his playpen. She stands up and exhales.) PAIGE: (to PHOEBE) Let's go. CHRIS PERRY: Go? Go where? It's pointing to the middle of the Indian Ocean. PAIGE: There must be something there. I trust Wyatt. CHRIS PERRY: No. This is crazy. PHOEBE: (interrupts) Chris. She's feeling really strongly about this. (PHOEBE walks over to PAIGE.) PAIGE: Ok. (PAIGE puts her arm around PHOEBE.) PHOEBE: (still giddy) I have a new power. I'll explain on the way. PAIGE: (to CHRIS) Oh, hey, can you take the dogs back for me? The addresses are in the book. CHRIS PERRY: No. There's no way -- (PAIGE and PHOEBE orb out of the room.) (Frustrated, CHRIS kicks a stuffed toy at the play pen.) (WYATT'S protective shield automatically comes up, a blue bubble around him. CHRIS sees the shield.) CHRIS PERRY: If anyone should be protecting themselves, it's me from you. (Camera holds for a moment on WYATT looking up through his force shield at CHRIS.) (Behind him, CHRIS hears footsteps. He turns and sees PIPER walking up toward the curio cabinet looking at a wedding photo of her and LEO.) WHITE FLASH TO: [EXT. VALHALLA ISLAND IN THE INDIAN OCEAN - DAY] SCENE #17: [EXT. VALHALLA - JUNGLE PATH -- DAY] (PAIGE and PHOEBE walk along the dirt road in VALHALLA.) PAIGE: It is so beautiful here. It's like paradise, but why isn't it on the map? PHOEBE: They obviously don't want anyone to know it exists. It's like the island has some sort of magical camouflage or something. PAIGE: Well, that's a hell of a lot of magic. WARRIOR: (o.s.) Over there! (PAIGE and PHOEBE glance behind him at the sound of voices. They immediately head off the path to hide in the bushes.) (Three WARRIORS rush by.) (When they're gone, PAIGE and PHOEBE walk out of the bush.) PAIGE: That was close. I hope they're not looking for us. (PAIGE looks around the area.) [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE rushes forward, grabs PAIGE and pushes her to the ground. She rolls them over till she's above PAIGE. She pushes her elbow into PAIGE'S throat.) PAIGE: Are you out of your mind? (PAIGE pushes PHOEBE'S arm off of her.) [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE stops and looks at PAIGE. She pulls PAIGE up and they both get up to their feet. PAIGE starts to cough.) PAIGE: I know you're upset about the memory spell, but this is ridiculous. PHOEBE: I'm so sorry. I must have tapped into what they were feeling. PAIGE: Ok. Well, let them kill me, not you. Let's go look for Leo. (Together, they head back into the jungle to search for LEO.) CUT TO: SCENE #18: [INT. VALHALLA - CAVE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (Close up of the SKULL in the CAGE.) [TOP ANGLE OF DOOR] (PAIGE and PHOEBE walk into a cave and see the cage in the center of the room. PHOEBE walks around the room trying to get a reading on LEO.) PAIGE: Anything? (LEO turns the corner and sees them. He runs out from the back to the front of the cage.) LEO: Phoebe. Paige. PHOEBE: Leo! Oh, my god. PAIGE: I can't believe it. LEO: I can't tell you how good it is to see you guys. (to PHOEBE) Hey, you cut your hair. PHOEBE: Yeah. Yeah, you like it? PAIGE: Hello, people. What are you doing in here, anyway? LEO: Somebody put me here, that's what. Watch out! (Behind them, two VALKYRIES walk into the cave. PAIGE and PHOEBE turn around, but they're too late. With a wave of their hand, they send PHOEBE and PAIGE flying away from the cage.) (The two VALKYRIES split up. PHOEBE gets to her feet and fights. The other VALKYRIE grabs PAIGE, lifts her to her feet and starts choking her. Both VALKYRIES are proving to be very strong.) (Unable to stand aside and do nothing, LEO looks around, sees the two swords on the ground, picks them up and tosses them at the two VALKYRIES. Each sword hits the WARRIORS in their backs.) (They fall to the ground, dead.) PHOEBE: Oh, thank you. (PHOEBE and PAGE step forward to the cage.) PAIGE: Ohh. Wow. Leo, I didn't know you had it in you. LEO: I've changed. You need to get out of here before the other Valkyries find you. If you orbed in here, they've already been alerted, believe me. PHOEBE: Valkyries? Who are they, and what do they want with you? LEO: You can't orb out from here. It's protected. KARA: (b.g.) Hurry, in the cave! LEO: You need to get out of here now. Go! Run! (PHOEBE and PAIGE head for the cave entrance. PHOEBE turns around back to LEO.) PHOEBE: We'll be back. (PHOEBE runs out of the cave.) [EXT. VALHALLA - OUTSIDE CAVE - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (As soon as they step out of the cave, PAIGE orbs them both off the island.) CUT TO: [INT. CAVE - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (FREYJA, KARA and MIST rush into the cave where FREYJA sees her two WARRIORS dead on the ground. She looks at LEO.) LEO: I told you ... I don't belong here. FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. SCENE #19: [INT. MANOR - DINING ROOM -- NIGHT] (PAIGE sits at the dining room table leafing through the Book of Shadows while PHOEBE paces around the table. CHRIS is at the other end of the table fretting) CHRIS PERRY: You could have been killed, you know that? Huh? What were you thinking? PAIGE: We were thinking of finding Leo, which we actually did, if that matters to you. PHOEBE: What was up with that skirt he was wearing? PAIGE: At least the skirt wasn't plaid. (PHOEBE can't help but laugh.) CHRIS PERRY: I don't believe this. It's like neither of you guys are taking this very seriously. (OSCAR the bulldog barks.) CHRIS PERRY: (looks at OSCAR) Hey. Do you mind? PAIGE: Well, I can't help it if he doesn't like you. Hey, you were supposed to take him back home, anyway. CHRIS PERRY: I tried, but the owners weren't there. Besides, the dog -- he's not my job. He's yours. PAIGE: (mutters) I know. Don't remind me. Hey! Oscar, lay down. (OSCAR whimpers, finds a comfy spot on the carpet and lies down.) PHOEBE: Ohh. Look, Paige. I think he likes you. PAIGE: (rolls her eyes) Yeah, great. Don't tell me you can read his feelings now, too. PHOEBE: No, but if I start licking your toes, run. (to CHRIS) Where's Piper? CHRIS PERRY: I put her in her room, hoping that it might jog her memory, since nobody else seems to be trying to. (PAIGE flips the page.) PAIGE: Here it is. (reading) "Valkyries. A powerful race of demi-goddesses who scout the battlegrounds for dying warriors ..." (As PAIGE reads, PHOEBE settles next to her to read along.) PHOEBE: (continues) "... then take their souls to Valhalla, where they prepare them for the final world battle." PAIGE: Valkyries, huh? PHOEBE: Does that mean they're good? PAIGE: How can they be good if they've got Leo? PHOEBE: And how did they even get Leo? He's not a dying warrior. He's an Elder. CHRIS PERRY: Look. Why don't you guys concentrate on helping Piper, and I'm gonna go fill in the Elders and see what they want to do. PHOEBE: No, Chris, we don't have time for that. We have to go back for Leo now. CHRIS PERRY: Why? It doesn't sound like he's in any kind of trouble. PAIGE: He's only stuck in a cage. PHOEBE: They tried to kill us when we tried to save him. CHRIS PERRY: (shrugs it off) My point exactly. It's too dangerous. You're not going back. PHOEBE: Wait. Let me get this straight. Are you telling me that you'd rather just let Leo rot there? Is that what you're saying? CHRIS PERRY: No, but-- PAIGE: He needs our help. PHOEBE: Not to mention, he may be the only way we have to save Piper. (CHRIS sighs.) CHRIS PERRY: You can't orb into Valhalla undetected. The only way to get there safely is with a Valkyrie's pendant. (PHOEBE looks at PAIGE who eyes CHRIS warily.) CHRIS PERRY: But that still won't get you close enough to Leo. He's too well- guarded now. PAIGE: How do you know all this? CHRIS PERRY: I've crossed paths with Valkyries before ... in the future. Anyway, I can get you the pendants, but the only way to get close to Leo is by proving to the Valkyries you're one of them. PHOEBE: How are we supposed to do that? CHRIS PERRY: Easy. Just arrive with a warrior's soul. PAIGE: Oh! Easy. Where are we supposed to find a warrior's soul? CHRIS PERRY: (shrugs) Beats me. PHOEBE: Do -- (CHRIS orbs out.) CUT TO: SCENE #20: [EXT. EIGHTH AVENUE SEWER - NIGHT] (Camera close up of a POLICE OFFICER shot and down. The shooter runs off leaving the OFFICER on the ground.) OFFICER: Oof! (LEYSA walks out of the vortex which appears nearby.) LEYSA: (to the dying OFFICER) It's all right. You don't have to be afraid. You're a brave warrior. I'll take care of you. (CHRIS orbs in.) CHRIS PERRY: I don't think so, Leysa, not this time. LEYSA: What are you doing here? CHRIS PERRY: My plans have changed, unfortunately. The witches, they found Leo sooner than I would have liked. LEYSA: That's not my problem. We kept our end of the deal. CHRIS PERRY: I know ... and I'm forever grateful, but I can't risk them finding out what I'm up to. I'm truly sorry. (CHRIS holds out his hand and squeezes his fist as if squeezing the life out of LEYSA'S heart. LEYSA gasps and clutches her chest, her eyes widen as she stares at CHRIS.) (CHRIS doesn't let go. He continues to squeeze and soon, LEYSA falls to the ground, dead.) (The POLICE OFFICER watches.) (CHRIS kneels down next to LEYSA, picks up the pendant around her neck ... ) CHRIS PERRY: Forgive me. ( ... and rips if off. LEYSA vanishes.) (CHRIS glances back at the OFFICER. He kneels down next to him and raises his hand just as he did with LEYSA, but instead of killing the officer, he takes his radio and calls for help.) CHRIS PERRY: (to radio) Officer down. Eighth avenue sewer. We need an ambulance. DISPATCH: We have an officer down. I repeat: we have an officer down. (CHRIS drops the hand radio and moves away.) CUT TO: [EXT. SAN FRANCISCO CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] SCENE #21: [EXT. ALLEYWAY -- NIGHT] (DARRYL walks out of the building with the THUG apprehended.) THUG: You ain't got nothing on me. DARRYL: Ah, shut up. (DARRYL walks him over to the car, opens the car door and tosses him inside.) DARRYL: Get in. (PAIGE and PHOEBE orb into the back of the alley. PAIGE waves to DARRYL. He sees them.) DARRYL: Wait here. THUG: Yeah, like I'm going anywhere? (DARRYL slams the car door shut and heads toward the girls.) DARRYL: Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here? PHOEBE: Darryl, we need your help. DARRYL: Does this have anything to do with you asking Sheila to watch Wyatt? She just called. PHOEBE: Yes, actually, but we don't have a lot of time. It's about Leo. DARRYL: You found him? PAIGE: Actually, yeah, we did. PHOEBE: And we need your help to save him. DARRYL: Sure. You know that. Just ask. Anything. PHOEBE: Great! We just need to borrow your soul for a couple of hours. PAIGE: Yeah. We'll give it right back. PHOEBE: It's perfectly safe, really. Your body will just slip into a coma, and as long as we get your soul back in time ... PAIGE: ... which we will ... PHOEBE: ... you'll be fine. Just a little headache, that's all. What do you say? (DARRYL stares at them, processing what they're saying. His expression doesn't change.) DARRYL: You're serious, aren't you? PHOEBE: Please, Darryl. It's the only way we can save Leo. DARRYL: No. I--I ain't doing it. PHOEBE: Darryl, please. DARRYL: No. Absolutely not. Listen. I love Leo like a brother, ... (DARRYL turns around and heads back to the end of the alley, his back to the girls.) DARRYL: ... but, you know, there is a limit ... (PAIGE raises the vial and throws it at DARRYL, hitting him square in the back.) DARRYL: ... to what you can ask a man to do, ... (Immediately, DARRYL'S body falls to the ground, presumably in a coma, while his spirit continues to walk and rant in the alley.) DARRYL (AS A SPIRIT) : ... and this is definitely over the limit. PAIGE: Uh, Darryl? (DARRYL turns around.) DARRYL (AS A SPIRIT): What? (PAIGE points to his body. DARRYL looks at his body on the alley ground. He sighs.) DARRYL (AS A SPIRIT): Oh. That's just great. (PHOEBE uncaps the container. DARRYL'S spirit immediately vaporizes and goes into the container. PHOEBE caps it tight.) PHOEBE: I hope this works. CUT TO: [EXT. HALLIWELL MANOR - NIGHT] (Establish.) SCENE #22: [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT] (CHRIS puts the pendant around PIPER'S neck.) CHRIS PERRY: Just remember everything I told you, and you'll be fine. (The pendant glows and transforms PIPER into a Valkyrie.) (PAIGE and PHOEBE orb into the room.) PHOEBE: Ok. We got the-- (They see PIPER standing in the room with all her Valkyrie glory.) PHOEBE: Oh, my god. What did you do to Piper? CHRIS PERRY: I turned her into a Valkyrie and convinced her she's one, too. (PHOEBE doesn't say anything, although she does appear hesitant as she turns to look at PAIGE.) CHRIS PERRY: Actually, it wasn't that hard, really, considering the fact that her mind is basically a blank. PAIGE: But why? CHRIS PERRY: Because you might need the Power of Three to get Leo out of Valhalla, and this is the only way you're gonna get her into Valhalla. PHOEBE: Well, if Piper ever gets her memory back, she's gonna kill you. CHRIS PERRY: Why? PHOEBE: Because she hates wearing those costumes as much as we do. PAIGE: Mm-hmm. CHRIS PERRY: Yeah? Well, in that case, you're gonna kill me, too. (CHRIS opens his hands and holds out two more pendants, one for each of them. PAIGE'S eyes widen.) CUT TO: SCENE #23: [EXT. VALHALLA - ROAD -- DAY] (The vortex opens. PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE walk out of the vortex into the open road. The vortex closes behind them.) CUT TO: [INT. VALHALLA - CAVE - DAY] (Two VALKYRIE warriors carry out the Saracen from the cage. They shut the door behind them.) (PIPER, PHOEBE and PAIGE walk into the cave.) FREYJA: Can I help you? PHOEBE: We've brought you a warrior. (KARA stands up.) FREYJA: Warrior? PHOEBE: Is there a problem? (FREYJA stands and takes a step forward.) FREYJA: How come I don't recognize you? (PAIGE and PHOEBE both remain silent, unsure of whether their plan will work. PIPER surprises them both by calmly stepping forward. She holds out the Morris Vial.) PIPER: Perhaps you'll recognize this. (PIPER opens the vial and DARRYL mists out of the vial in front of the VALKYRIES. He looks around, confused by where he is.) PIPER: A warrior's spirit, worthy of Valhalla. (FREYJA looks at DARRYL. Pleased.) FREYJA: Well done. (Different camera holds on KARA, then MIST, and finally on PIPER.) (PIPER smiles.) FADE OUT. (COMMERCIAL SET) FADE IN. SCENE #24: [INT. VALHALLA - CAVE/CAGE -- DAY] (Camera opens on the Skull on the floor of the cage. Behind it, DARRYL falls to the ground, his body hitting the floor with a thud.) DARRYL: Oof! (KARA tosses in a sword and shield behind him. DARRYL scrambles to his feet and picks up the sword and the shield as KARA closes the cage door behind him. She moves to take her seat.) (On the side, PIPER sits high up in the seat. PHOEBE and PAIGE sit nearer to the ground. A servant serves food. PHOEBE shakes her head.) PAIGE: (mutters) Not a bad afterlife, if you ask me. (PHOEBE doesn't say anything. PIPER glances down unapprovingly at PAIGE.) (Inside the cage, DARRYL looks out at them. Both PHOEBE and PAIGE lift their hands in a double-thumbs up sign.) PHOEBE: (encouragingly) You're doing great, honey. (DARRYL turns around and sees the GLADIATOR steps out from the back of the cage. As the GLADIATOR gets closer, DARRYL takes a couple of steps back toward the edge of the bars.) DARRYL: What the ... (LEO looks at DARRYL, then looks outside the cage where he sees PHOEBE and PAIGE. PAIGE smiles and waves to LEO.) (He looks back from DARRYL to the sisters.) (They circle each other inside the cage.) PAIGE: Ok. I know how we're gonna save Leo, but how are we gonna save Morris? PHOEBE: I have no idea. That's why they call it "winging it." (PIPER hears them and leans forward.) PIPER: What are you two talking about? PHOEBE: Nothing. (Suspicious, PIPER eyes PHOEBE and PAIGE. KARA sits on the side watching them.) (Inside the cage, LEO and DARRYL continue to circle each other. FREYJA watches and grows impatient at the delay.) FREYJA: What are you waiting for? Attack! (LEO glances at PHOEBE and PAIGE.) (Seeing his opportunity, DARRYL raises his sword and charges LEO.) (DARRYL uses his shield and swipes at LEO'S helmet, sending LEO backward and knocking his helmet off his head.) (PIPER sees him.) PIPER: Leo? (KARA hears PIPER.) PAIGE: Ohh. What are we gonna do? (PHOEBE grimaces at the force of PIPER'S pain.) PHOEBE: (to PAIGE) It's Piper. Her pain is back. Do something. (PIPER stares at LEO.) PAIGE: Uh ... kill him! (DARRYL stares at PAIGE. What?) (LEO takes the opportunity. He jumps and kicks DARRYL square in the chest sending them both to the ground. LEO scrambles on top of DARRYL and the two wrestle.) (LEO gets over DARRYL and whispers.) LEO: (whispering) Take the fall. DARRYL: What fall? (LEO head butts DARRYL.) LEO: (to DARRYL) Stay down. (DARRYL stays down. LEO gets up, raises his arms high above his head and grunts.) LEO: Huggh! (An unimpressive fight. MIST rolls her eyes and looks at FREYJA who is processing what she just saw. KARA also looks suspiciously from the cage to FREYJA.) (LEO continues to walk around the cage, waiting for FREYJA to make her decision.) PIPER: (leans forward) What is he doing here? What are we doing here? PAIGE: Piper, shh! PHOEBE: (to PAIGE) Ow. Do something. (PAIGE stands up and looks over at FREYJA.) PAIGE: (hesitantly) We just wanted to apologize for sending you such a weak warrior. We can get rid of him for you. FREYJA: Get rid of him? PAIGE: Yeah. You know, like ... send his spirit on to, uh ... the hereafter ... or something. (LEO watches PAIGE. FREYJA accepts the offer.) FREYJA: Very well. (She stands up and leaves the cave. Her Valkyries follow her out of the room.) (As they leave, PIPER gets up from her seat and heads for LEO.) PIPER: You left me, didn't you? (LEO doesn't say anything.) PHOEBE: Potion, potion. (PAIGE takes out the vial and throws it at the cage door.) PAIGE: Unh! (It breaks the seal around the cage and the door opens.) PHOEBE: We got to get out of here. (LEO turns around to get DARRYL.) (PIPER watches him closely, still waiting for her answer.) CUT TO: [EXT. VALHALLA - OUTSIDE CAVE - DAY - CONTINUOUS] (LEO and DARRYL run out of the cave. They reach the clearing. LEO turns around and yells for the others to hurry up.) LEO: It's clear! (PAIGE helps PHOEBE out of the cave, PIPER follows a distance behind.) PAIGE: I'll open the portal. [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PHOEBE groans and doubles over in pain ... PIPER'S pain.) PAIGE: Phoebe ... (PHOEBE turns around and looks at PIPER.) PHOEBE: It's Piper. Her heart is breaking. (LEO steps forward.) LEO: Piper. (PIPER stops him.) PIPER: Don't. Stay away from me. (LEO continues toward PIPER.) LEO: I promise I will explain everything when we get home, but right now, we need to go. PIPER: Home? We don't have a home. You left us! (LEO glances back at PHOEBE.) PHOEBE: (gritting her teeth) Leo, talk to her! LEO: (to PIPER) I didn't have a choice. I became an Elder. It's not something that I wanted. It's something that just happened. PIPER: Yeah. See, I know all of this. Why didn't I remember it? LEO: Because ... I used my powers so you wouldn't have to. But your anger almost destroyed a city, and then your pain almost destroyed you. I wanted to help you so you wouldn't have to deal with it all at once. PIPER: So you took my feelings away? LEO: No. Never! I was gonna reverse the spell slowly so you could feel a little more every day, but then ... somebody did this to me. Somebody put me here so I couldn't. (PIPER looks down and shakes her head, unable to hear what he's saying to her.) LEO: I'm sorry. DARRYL: Look. I don't want to rush you two, but we have to go. PAIGE: I have to second that. (LEO waits for PIPER. Again, PIPER shakes her head. LEO turns and heads back toward the clearing. As he passes PHOEBE, she straightens and takes over PIPER'S emotions.) [CUE SOUND: PHOEBE'S EMPATH ABILITIES] (PIPER looks at PHOEBE. Their eyes meet. PHOEBE turns on LEO.) PHOEBE: You bastard. How dare you do this to me? To our son? PAIGE: Phoebe? (PAIGE takes a step back as PHOEBE continues to channel PIPER'S emotions directly toward LEO.) PHOEBE: We had a life together, a family, and you destroyed it. You destroyed me! (PIPER takes a step back. LEO watches PIPER as PHOEBE continues to rant at him.) PHOEBE: You left me alone to raise our son by myself. How could you do this? (Cut to: At the training area, the WARRIORS sharpen their weapons when they hear PHOEBE yell.) PHOEBE: (o.s.) How could you do this!! (The WARRIORS look up and start to stand up.) (Cut back to: PIPER shakes her head.) PHOEBE: How could you!! (PHOEBE swings and hits LEO on the face. LEO takes the punch. She hits him again.) (PIPER swallows her pain and doesn't move.) PHOEBE: (CC) You bastard! You son of a bitch, you hurt me. (PHOEBE raises her hand to hit LEO again. Suddenly, she stops.) (PHOEBE turns around to look at PIPER.) (PIPER stares back at PHOEBE and at PAIGE.) PHOEBE: I don't feel Piper anymore. (The MALE WARRIORS shout as they approach.) PAIGE: We have to go. (PHOEBE turns to look at PAIGE. PAIGE grabs ahold of the pendant and opens the vortex. PHOEBE: Come on, Piper, we got to go. PIPER: Go? Go where? PHOEBE: Home. Hurry. (PIPER doesn't move.) (At the far end of the path, the WARRIORS turn the corner and head toward them. PHOEBE glances back at PIPER then gathers everyone toward the vortex.) PHOEBE: We got to leave her. Come on! (They all jump into the vortex just as the WARRIORS reach the clearing.) (The vortex is still open when the WARRIOS jump in and follow them through.) (The vortex closes.) (The three VALKYRIES run up behind them, but pause when they see PIPER standing at the cave entrance. FREYJA stares at PIPER who stares back.) FADE TO BLACK. ========================== POSSIBLE END OF 6X01 CONTINUE TO PART 2 ========================== [Captioning made possible by Spelling Entertainment, Inc. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www.Ncicap.Org] Courtesy of Contact the Transcriptionist at ( Do not archive this transcript without permission from the Transcriptionist. ========================== TITLE/OPENING CREDITS ========================== CHARMED 6X01: VALHALLEY OF THE DOLLS (PART 1) ORIGINAL AIR DATE ON WB: 09/28/2003 TRANSCRIBED FROM WB Starring: ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell ROSE McGOWAN as Paige Matthews and HOLLY MARIE COMBS as Piper BRIAN KRAUSE as Leo Wyatt DREW FULLER as Chris Perry DORIAN GREGORY as Darryl Morris Created by CONSTANCE M. BURGE Guest Starring MELISSA GEORGE as Freyja IVANA MILICEVIC COLLEEN PORCH STEPHEN SNEDDEN as Hangin' Chad SANDRA PROSPER with EVAN MARRIOTT as Oscar (the dog) and ERIC DANE as Jason Dean Special Musical Guest SMASH MOUTH Music by: J. PETER ROBINSON Edited by: PAUL FONTAINE Production Designer: PAUL STAHELI Director of Photography: JONATHAN WEST, ASC Consulting Producer: JONATHAN LEVIN Consulting Producer: DAVID SIMKINS Co-Producer: PETER CHOMSKY Co-Producer: CURTIS KHEEL Producer: HOLLY MARIE COMBS Producer: ALYSSA MILANO Co-Executive Producer: DANIEL CERONE Co-Executive Producer: JAMES L. CONWAY Produced By: JON PARE Written by BRAD KERN Directed by JAMES L. CONWAY ========================== END CREDITS ========================== Executive Producer: BRAD KERN Executive Producer: AARON SPELLING Executive Producer: E. DUKE VINCENT Featured music by: * BALLIGOMINGO (feat. Lucy Woodward), "Charmed, the soundtrack", promotional consideration furnished by Private Music. * SMASH MOUTH, "You are my Number One", promotional Consideration furnished by Interscope Records. Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom Company Executive Story Editor: HENRY ALONSO MYERS Executive Story Editor: JEANNINE RENSHAW Story Editor: JULIE HESS Co-Starring TRACEY AILEEN LEIGH as Leysa DAN LEMIEUX as Soldier LEE COLEMAN as *** Warrior ARIA WALLACE as Crying Little Girl TEDDY CHEN CULIVER as Asian Perp ARNOLD CHAN as Samurai Warrior DAMION POITIER as Magi Warrior NICHOLE BASSANSA as Valkyrie Trainer Music by: JAY GRUSKA Casting by: LESLEE DENNIS, C.S.A. Original Casting by VICTORIA HUFF, C.S.A. Unit Production Manager: JON PARE First Assistant Director: DEREK JOHANSEN Second Assistant Director: VINCENT GONZALES Executive in Charge of Talent: PAMELA SHAE Costume Designer: EILISH Camera Operator: KRIS KROSSKOVE 1st Assistant Camera: RICHARD SOBIN Chief Lighting Technician: KURT JOHNSON Asst. Chief Lighting Technician: DON LEHMAN Set Designer: ROLAND HILL Set Decorator: ROBINSON ROYCE, S.D.S.A. Leadperson: MICHAEL ZUFELT Property Master: ROGER MONTESANO Assistant Property Master: SCOTT COCKEREIL Script Supervisor: NANCY SOLOMAN Costume Supervisor: DANIELA GSCHWENDTNER Dept. Head Key Make-Up Artist: NANETTE NEW Key Make-Up Artist: ANI MALONEY Key Make-Up Artist: BRET MARDOCK Dept. Head Key Hairstylist: AUDREY FUTTERMAN-STERN Key Hairstylist: LANA HEYING Sound Mixer: BRETT GRANT-GRIERSON Location Manager: BOB BOYLE Transportation Coordinator: DAVE BASSETT Production Coordinator: RICK NAPOLI Post-Production Coordinator: LARRY GOLDSTEIN Production Accountant: CHRISSY CORNWALL First Company Grip: STEVE GAUSCHE 2nd Company Grip: TOM HAM Construction Coordinator: STAR FIELDS Stunt Coordinator: NOON ORSATTI Special Effects Coordinator: RANDY CABRAL Visual Effects Supervisor: STEPHEN LEBED Executive Associate: RENATE KAMER Casting Associate: MEGAN ENTRIKEN Assistant to Brad Kern: DOUG E. JONES Assistant to Jon Pare: JULIE SWARTSLEY Assistant to the Writers: NATALIE ANTOCI Assistant Editors: ERIC LEA Music Editor: NINO CENTURION Supervising Sound Editor: JEFF CLARK Music Coordinator: CELEST RAY Re-Recording Mixers: JOSH SCHNEIDER / BRUCE MICHAELS / KEVIN VALENTINE Film and Electronic Laboratory (tm) by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Lenses and Panaflex(R) Camera by PANAVISION(R) Digital Sound Editing and Mixing by LASERPACIFIC MEDIA Digital Visual Effects by ENCORE VIDEO Animals Provided by: ALVIN'S ANIMAL RENTALS Executive in Charge of Production: GAIL M. PATTERSON Executive in Charge of Post-Production: KENNETH MILLER This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil liability and or criminal prosecution. The places and characters depicted herein are entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any real places or people is purely coincidental. (c) 2003 by Spelling Television Inc., A Paramount / Viacom company. All rights reserved. Country of First Publication: United States of America Spelling Television Inc., is the author of this film / motion picture for the purpose of Article 15(2) of the Berne Convention and all National Laws giving effect thereto. AOL Keyword: The WB Dated:12/27/2003,10/09/2003~lky